path: root/tut11_3_2_stopwatch.icl
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authorCamil Staps2015-08-23 17:31:44 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-08-23 17:31:44 +0200
commitf64444fb2a67ee84e973d894fbad7e2222a7767a (patch)
treebba2f2994a61830747e9619453e2c33fbbebd559 /tut11_3_2_stopwatch.icl
parentTut 12.1 Simple clipboard editor (diff)
Tut 6.7 (mousespotting, keyspotting); tut 11.3.2 (stopwatch)
Diffstat (limited to 'tut11_3_2_stopwatch.icl')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tut11_3_2_stopwatch.icl b/tut11_3_2_stopwatch.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5a451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tut11_3_2_stopwatch.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+implementation module tut11_3_2_stopwatch
+// ********************************************************************************
+// Clean tutorial example program.
+// This program defines a stopwatch process component.
+// It uses three timers to track the seconds, minutes, and hours separately.
+// Message passing is used to reset, pause, and continue timing.
+// The current time is displayed using a dialogue.
+// ********************************************************************************
+import StdEnv,StdIO
+:: DialogIds = {secondsId :: Id, minutesId :: Id, hoursId :: Id}
+:: TimerInfo = {timerId :: Id, timerRId :: RId StopwatchCommands, timerInterval :: TimerInterval}
+:: StopwatchCommands = Reset | Pause | Continue | Close
+second :== ticksPerSecond
+minute :== 60 * second
+hour :== 60 * minute
+openDialogIds :: *env -> (DialogIds,*env) | Ids env
+openDialogIds env
+# ([secondsId, minutesId, hoursId:_],env) = openIds 3 env
+= ({secondsId=secondsId, minutesId=minutesId, hoursId=hoursId}, env)
+openTimerInfos :: *env -> ([TimerInfo], *env) | Ids env
+openTimerInfos env
+# (tids, env) = openIds 3 env
+# (rids, env) = openRIds 3 env
+# intervals = [second, minute, hour]
+= ([{timerId=tid, timerRId=rid, timerInterval=i} \\ tid <- tids & rid <- rids & i <- intervals], env)
+stopwatch :: (RId StopwatchCommands) -> Process
+stopwatch rid = Process NDI Void initialise` []
+ initialise` pst
+ # (dialogIds, pst) = accPIO openDialogIds pst
+ # (timerInfos, pst) = accPIO openTimerInfos pst
+ = initialise rid dialogIds timerInfos pst
+initialise :: (RId StopwatchCommands) DialogIds [TimerInfo] (PSt .l) -> PSt .l
+initialise rid {secondsId, minutesId, hoursId} timerInfos pst
+# (errors, pst) = seqList [openTimer 0 (tdef timerInfo) \\ timerInfo <- timerInfos] pst
+| any ((<>) NoError) errors = closeProcess pst
+# (error, pst) = openDialog Void ddef pst
+| error <> NoError = closeProcess pst
+# (error, pst) = openReceiver Void rdef pst
+| error <> NoError = closeProcess pst
+| otherwise = pst
+ tdef {timerId, timerRId, timerInterval} = Timer timerInterval (Receiver timerRId receive []) [TimerId timerId, TimerFunction tick]
+ where
+ tick nrElapsed (time, pst=:{io})
+ # time = (time + nrElapsed) rem maxunit
+ # io = setControlText textId (toString time) io
+ = (time, {pst & io = io})
+ receive Reset (time, pst=:{io})
+ # io = disableTimer timerId io
+ # io = enableTimer timerId io
+ # io = setControlText textId "00" io
+ = (0, {pst & io = io})
+ receive Pause (time, pst=:{io}) = (time, {pst & io = disableTimer timerId io})
+ receive Continue (time, pst=:{io}) = (time, {pst & io = enableTimer timerId io})
+ (textId, maxunit) = if (timerInterval == second) (secondsId, 60)
+ (if (timerInterval == minute) (minutesId, 60)
+ (hoursId, 24))
+ ddef = Dialog "Stopwatch" (LayoutControl (ListLS [TextControl text [ControlPos (Left, zero)] \\ text <- ["Hours:","Minutes:","Second:"]]) [] :+:
+ LayoutControl (ListLS [TextControl "0" [ControlPos (Left, zero), ControlId id, ControlWidth (ContentWidth "00")] \\ id <- [hoursId, minutesId, secondsId]]) []) [WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)]
+ rdef = Receiver rid (noLS1 receive) []
+ where
+ receive Close pst = closeProcess pst
+ receive msg pst = snd (seqList [syncSend timerRId msg \\ {timerRId} <- timerInfos] pst)