path: root/drawingframe.icl
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authorCamil Staps2015-08-24 09:51:41 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-08-24 09:52:04 +0200
commita8336fcff852757232e037ef08f387fb17538196 (patch)
tree02839eafbda655c7cab5f82c691524c1213d56c5 /drawingframe.icl
parentTut 6.8; Hello world using Notice (diff)
Bitmaps & clipping mode in drawingframe -- StdFile doesn't play nice with debugging symbols, so -tst removed from Makefile
Diffstat (limited to 'drawingframe.icl')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/drawingframe.icl b/drawingframe.icl
index 73164d7..09ff7e4 100644
--- a/drawingframe.icl
+++ b/drawingframe.icl
@@ -15,12 +15,15 @@ module drawingframe
import StdEnv, StdIO
Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = startIO SDI Void (snd o openWindow Void testwindow) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
+Start world
+# (bitmap, world) = openBitmap "bitmap.bmp" world
+= startIO SDI Void (snd o openWindow Void (testwindow bitmap)) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
-testwindow = Window "Test Drawing (chapter 5)" NilLS [
+testwindow bitmap = Window "Test Drawing (chapter 5)" NilLS [
WindowViewSize size,
WindowClose (noLS closeProcess),
WindowLook True (\_ _ . example o (setPenColour Red) o (setPenBack Green)),
+ //WindowLook True (\_ _ . example bitmap),
WindowViewDomain {corner1=origin,corner2=maxdomain}
@@ -29,15 +32,15 @@ where
maxdomain = {x=origin.x+size.w,y=origin.y+size.h}
// Rainbow
-example pict = foldr id pict [fill {corner1={x=x1 * w,y=0},corner2={x=x1 * w + w,y=h}} o (setPenColour (rainbow (toReal x1 / 5.0))) \\ x1 <- [0..160]]
- w = 5
- h = 100
- rainbow :: a -> Colour | toReal a
- rainbow i = let i` = toReal i
- f = 0.3 in RGB { r = toInt (sin (f * i` + 0.0) * 127.0) + 128, // http://krazydad.com/tutorials/makecolors.php
- g = toInt (sin (f * i` + PI / 1.5) * 127.0) + 128,
- b = toInt (sin (f * i` + PI / 0.75) * 127.0) + 128 }
+//example pict = foldr id pict [fill {corner1={x=x1 * w,y=0},corner2={x=x1 * w + w,y=h}} o (setPenColour (rainbow (toReal x1 / 5.0))) \\ x1 <- [0..160]]
+// w = 5
+// h = 100
+// rainbow :: a -> Colour | toReal a
+// rainbow i = let i` = toReal i
+// f = 0.3 in RGB { r = toInt (sin (f * i` + 0.0) * 127.0) + 128, // http://krazydad.com/tutorials/makecolors.php
+// g = toInt (sin (f * i` + PI / 1.5) * 127.0) + 128,
+// b = toInt (sin (f * i` + PI / 0.75) * 127.0) + 128 }
// Points
//example = drawPointAt zero o (setPenSize 1)
@@ -113,14 +116,16 @@ curve = { curve_oval = { oval_rx=5, oval_ry=3 },
//example = unfillAt zero {polygon_shape=[{vx=8,vy=0},{vx=(-8),vy=8},{vx=8,vy=0}]}
// Bitmaps
+//example (Just bitmap) = draw bitmap
+//example (Just bitmap) = draw (resizeBitmap {w=500,h=250} bitmap)
// XOR mode
+//example pict = appXorPicture (draw {zero & corner2={x=49,y=49}}) (drawAt {x=23,y=23} {oval_rx=24,oval_ry=24} (setPenSize 2 pict))
// Hilite mode
//example = hilite {corner1={x=0,y=2},corner2={x=24,y=(-10)}} o (drawAt zero "Pop")
// Clipping mode
+//f = seq [drawLine {x=0,y=y} {x=50,y=y} \\ y <- [0,10..40]] o (setPenSize 2)
+//example = appClipPicture (toRegion {polygon_pos=zero, polygon={polygon_shape=[{vx=50,vy=0},{vx=(-25),vy=50}]}}) f