path: root/Logic.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Logic.icl')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/Logic.icl b/Logic.icl
index dabc71d..97d8df5 100644
--- a/Logic.icl
+++ b/Logic.icl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
implementation module Logic
-import StdEnv, StringUtils
+import StdEnv, StdMaybe, StringUtils
isBool :: Expr -> Bool
isBool (B _) = True
@@ -73,50 +73,51 @@ apply2 x Or y = x || y
apply2 x Impl y = y || not x
apply2 x Equiv y = x == y
-instance toString Op1
+instance == OutputOption
- toString Not = "~"
+ (==) Plain Plain = True
+ (==) Html Html = True
+ (==) LaTeX LaTeX = True
+ (==) _ _ = False
-instance toString Op2
+instance show Bool
- toString And = "&"
- toString Or = "|"
- toString Impl = "->"
- toString Equiv = "<->"
+ show LaTeX True = "\\top"
+ show LaTeX False = "\\bot"
+ show _ b = toString b
-instance toString Expr
+instance show Char
- toString (B b) = toString b
- toString (Atom a) = toString a
- toString (App1 op e)
- | needs_parentheses (App1 op e) = toString op +++ "(" +++ toString e +++ ")"
- | otherwise = toString op +++ toString e
- toString (App2 e1 op e2) = e1` +++ " " +++ toString op +++ " " +++ e2`
- where
- e1`
- | needs_parentheses_left (App2 e1 op e2) = "(" +++ toString e1 +++ ")"
- | otherwise = toString e1
- e2`
- | needs_parentheses_right (App2 e1 op e2) = "(" +++ toString e2 +++ ")"
- | otherwise = toString e2
-instance toString TruthTable
+ show LaTeX c = " " +++ toString c
+ show _ c = toString c
+instance show Op1
- toString t=:{exprs,options}
- = row_b +++ join row_s [pad_right ' ' head len \\ head <- map toString exprs & len <- padlens] +++ row_e +++
- line_b +++ join line_s [toString (repeatn len '-') \\ len <- padlens] +++ line_e +++
- foldr (+++) "" [row_b +++ join row_s [pad_right ' ' (toStringOrEmpty val) len \\ val <- map (eval o substitute_all options`) exprs & len <- padlens] +++ row_e \\ options` <- options]
- where
- row_b = " " // Row / Line begin, end, separator
- row_e = " \n"
- row_s = " | "
- line_b = "-"
- line_e = "-\n"
- line_s = "-+-"
- padlens = map ((max 5) o strlen o toString) exprs // 5 is the length of False
- toStringOrEmpty :: [Bool] -> String
- toStringOrEmpty [] = ""
- toStringOrEmpty [b:bs] = toString b
+ show Plain Not = "~"
+ show Html Not = "&not;"
+ show LaTeX Not = "\\neg"
+instance show Op2
+ show Plain And = "&"
+ show Plain Or = "|"
+ show Plain Impl = "->"
+ show Plain Equiv = "<->"
+ show Html And = "&and;"
+ show Html Or = "&or;"
+ show Html Impl = "&rarr;"
+ show Html Equiv = "&harr;"
+ show LaTeX And = "\\land"
+ show LaTeX Or = "\\lor"
+ show LaTeX Impl = "\\rightarrow"
+ show LaTeX Equiv = "\\leftrightarrow"
+instance show Expr
+ show opt (B b) = show opt b
+ show opt (Atom a) = show opt a
+ show opt (App1 op e) = show opt op +++ show opt e
+ show opt (App2 e1 op e2) = show opt e1 +++ " " +++ show opt op +++ " " +++ show opt e2
instance == Op1
@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ where
comp e1 e2
| isMember e1 (subexprs e2) = True
| isMember e2 (subexprs e1) = False
- | otherwise = strlen (toString e1) < strlen (toString e2)
+ | otherwise = strlen (show Plain e1) < strlen (show Plain e2)
// Does a the argument of a unary operator need parentheses?
needs_parentheses :: Expr -> Bool
@@ -256,6 +257,55 @@ simple_truthtable_n es = {exprs = removeDup ([Atom a \\ a <- flatten (map all_at
truthtable :: Expr -> TruthTable
truthtable e = {exprs = sorted_subexprs e ++ [e], options = all_atom_options e}
+truthtable_n :: [Expr] -> TruthTable
+truthtable_n es = {exprs = sort (removeDup (flatten ([[e:subexprs e] \\ e <- es]))), options = removeDup (flatten (map all_atom_options es))}
+compute :: TruthTable -> FilledTruthTable // Fill in a truthtable
+compute table=:{exprs,options} = {table=table, values=values}
+ values = [[toMaybeBool val \\ val <- map (eval o substitute_all options`) exprs] \\ options` <- options]
+ toMaybeBool [] = Nothing
+ toMaybeBool [b:bs] = Just b
+instance show FilledTruthTable
+ show :: OutputOption FilledTruthTable -> String
+ show opt t=:{table=table=:{exprs,options},values}
+ = begin +++
+ head_b +++
+ join head_s [pad_right (showOrNot head_i) header len \\ header <- map (show opt) exprs & len <- padlens] +++
+ head_e +++
+ line_b +++
+ join line_s [foldr (+++) "" (repeatn len (showOrNot line_i)) \\ len <- padlens] +++
+ line_e +++
+ foldr (+++) "" [row_b +++ join row_s [pad_right (showOrNot row_i) (showOrNot v) len \\ v <- r & len <- padlens] +++ row_e \\ r <- values] +++
+ end
+ where
+ padlens = map ((\l . maxList (map strlen [l,show opt True,show opt False])) o (show opt)) exprs
+ // Ideally, we would some kind of DOM writer for Html, but for this project this is sufficient (although not very readable)
+ (begin,end) = gen
+ gen
+ | opt == Plain = ("","")
+ | opt == Html = ("<table>", "</tbody></table>")
+ | opt == LaTeX = ("\\begin{tabular}{" +++ join "|" (repeatn (length exprs) "c") +++ "}", "\\end{tabular}")
+ (head_b,head_e,head_s,head_i) = head
+ head
+ | opt == Html = ("<thead><tr><th>", "</th></tr></thead><tbody>", "</th><th>", Nothing)
+ | otherwise = row
+ (row_b,row_e,row_s,row_i) = row
+ row
+ | opt == Plain = (" ", " \n", " | ", Just ' ')
+ | opt == Html = ("<tr><td>", "</td></tr>", "</td><td>", Nothing)
+ | opt == LaTeX = ("$", "$\\\\", "$&$", Nothing)
+ (line_b,line_e,line_s,line_i) = line
+ line
+ | opt == Plain = ("-", "-\n", "-+-", Just '-')
+ | opt == Html = ("", "", "", Nothing)
+ | opt == LaTeX = ("\\hline", "", "", Nothing)
+ showOrNot :: (Maybe a) -> String | show a
+ showOrNot Nothing = ""
+ showOrNot (Just a) = show opt a
NOT :== '~'
AND :== '&'
OR :== '|'
@@ -313,7 +363,7 @@ where
parse_stack` :: [Char] [Expr] -> Expr
parse_stack` [] [e] = e
parse_stack` [] [] = abort "Cannot parse: not enough expressoins on the stack"
- parse_stack` [] es = abort ("Cannot parse: too many expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "\n" (map toString es) +++ "\n")
+ parse_stack` [] es = abort ("Cannot parse: too many expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "\n" (map (show Plain) es) +++ "\n")
parse_stack` [AND:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 And e1:es]
parse_stack` [OR:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Or e1:es]
parse_stack` [IMPL:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Impl e1:es]
@@ -322,7 +372,7 @@ where
parse_stack` [c:st] es
| cIsAtom [c] = parse_stack` st [Atom (cToAtom [c]) : es]
| cIsBool [c] = parse_stack` st [B (cToBool [c]) : es]
- parse_stack` [c:st] es = abort ("Cannot parse: tried to perform an operation (" +++ toString c +++ ") with too few expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "," (map toString es) +++ "\n")
+ parse_stack` [c:st] es = abort ("Cannot parse: tried to perform an operation (" +++ show Plain c +++ ") with too few expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "," (map (show Plain) es) +++ "\n")
cIsOp :: [Char] -> Bool
cIsOp ['~'] = True