path: root/Logic.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2015-07-03 10:59:14 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-07-03 10:59:14 +0200
commitddd2aa4e4ddef13e32b68d7f6adc1f8c7347731c (patch)
tree189840de400c0a66ccb85b1d0a22e3cb94133677 /Logic.icl
parentInitial commit (diff)
Types, toString
Diffstat (limited to 'Logic.icl')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Logic.icl b/Logic.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0276305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logic.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+implementation module Logic
+import StdEnv
+isBool :: Expr -> Bool
+isBool (B _) = True
+isBool _ = False
+isAtom :: Expr -> Bool
+isAtom (Atom _) = True
+isAtom _ = False
+isApp1 :: Expr -> Bool
+isApp1 (App1 _ _) = True
+isApp1 _ = False
+isApp2 :: Expr -> Bool
+isApp2 (App2 _ _ _) = True
+isApp2 _ = False
+isApp :: Expr -> Bool
+isApp e = isApp1 e || isApp2 e
+isNot :: Expr -> Bool
+isNot (App1 Not _) = True
+isNot _ = False
+isAnd :: Expr -> Bool
+isAnd (App2 _ And _) = True
+isAnd _ = False
+isOr :: Expr -> Bool
+isOr (App2 _ Or _) = True
+isOr _ = False
+isImpl :: Expr -> Bool
+isImpl (App2 _ Impl _) = True
+isImpl _ = False
+isEquiv :: Expr -> Bool
+isEquiv (App2 _ Equiv _) = True
+isEquiv _ = False
+instance toString Op1
+ toString Not = "~"
+instance toString Op2
+ toString And = "&"
+ toString Or = "|"
+ toString Impl = "->"
+ toString Equiv = "<->"
+instance toString Expr
+ toString (B True) = toString 1
+ toString (B False) = toString 0
+ toString (Atom a) = toString a
+ toString (App1 op e)
+ | needs_parentheses (App1 op e) = toString op +++ "(" +++ toString e +++ ")"
+ | otherwise = toString op +++ toString e
+ toString (App2 e1 op e2) = e1` +++ " " +++ toString op +++ " " +++ e2`
+ where
+ e1`
+ | needs_parentheses_left (App2 e1 op e2) = "(" +++ toString e1 +++ ")"
+ | otherwise = toString e1
+ e2`
+ | needs_parentheses_right (App2 e1 op e2) = "(" +++ toString e2 +++ ")"
+ | otherwise = toString e2
+needs_parentheses :: Expr -> Bool
+needs_parentheses (App1 Not (B _)) = False
+needs_parentheses (App1 Not (Atom _)) = False
+needs_parentheses (App1 Not (App1 Not _)) = False
+needs_parentheses _ = True
+needs_parentheses_left :: Expr -> Bool
+needs_parentheses_left (App2 (B _) _ _) = False
+needs_parentheses_left (App2 (Atom _) _ _) = False
+needs_parentheses_left (App2 (App1 Not _) _ _) = False
+needs_parentheses_left (App2 (App2 _ op1 _) op2 _) = binds_stronger op2 op1
+needs_parentheses_right :: Expr -> Bool
+needs_parentheses_right (App2 _ _ (B _)) = False
+needs_parentheses_right (App2 _ _ (Atom _)) = False
+needs_parentheses_right (App2 _ _ (App1 Not _)) = False
+needs_parentheses_right (App2 _ op1 (App2 _ op2 _)) = binds_stronger op1 op2
+// Associativity rules
+binds_stronger :: Op2 Op2 -> Bool
+binds_stronger And _ = True // And is left-associative
+binds_stronger _ And = False
+binds_stronger Or Or = False // All others are right-associative
+binds_stronger Or _ = True
+binds_stronger _ Or = False
+binds_stronger Impl Impl = False
+binds_stronger Impl _ = True
+binds_stronger _ Impl = False
+binds_stronger Equiv Equiv = False