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authorCamil Staps2020-01-06 16:27:27 +0100
committerCamil Staps2020-01-06 16:27:27 +0100
commitba1b279a40c6b491ccd352bf22b888ae7dfbad97 (patch)
parentCleanup example (diff)
Expose Inotify type itself in callbacks to allow adding/removing watches
3 files changed, 17 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Inotify.dcl b/Inotify.dcl
index e6893e2..611e616 100644
--- a/Inotify.dcl
+++ b/Inotify.dcl
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ from Data.Either import ::Either
from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
- * An inotify file descriptor
- *
- * @var A state that is used for callbacks
+ * An inotify file descriptor.
+ * @var A state that can be used for application-specific information.
-:: *Inotify st
+:: *Inotify st =
+ { fd :: !Int
+ , watches :: ![(INWatch, INCallback st)]
+ , state :: !st
+ }
//* An inotify watch descriptor
:: INWatch
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
* @var A state that is passed on.
-:: INCallback st :== INEvent (Maybe String) st *World -> *(st, *World)
+:: INCallback st :== INEvent (Maybe String) *(Inotify st) -> *(*World -> *(*Inotify st, *World))
//* Bitwise OR for event masks
(|-) infixl 6 :: (INMask INMask -> INMask)
diff --git a/Inotify.icl b/Inotify.icl
index acf56b9..fcd1d60 100644
--- a/Inotify.icl
+++ b/Inotify.icl
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ import System._Posix
import code from "inotify_c.o"
-:: *Inotify st =
- { fd :: !Int
- , watches :: ![(INWatch, INCallback st)]
- , state :: !st
- }
:: INWatch :== Int
(|-) infixl 6 :: (INMask INMask -> INMask)
@@ -87,21 +81,20 @@ where
inotify_check :: !*(Inotify st) !*World -> *(!*Inotify st, !*World)
inotify_check inot=:{fd,watches,state} w
# (ok, wds, masks, fnames, fd) = c_check fd
- inot = { inot & fd=fd }
+ inot & fd = fd
| not ok = (inot, w)
| (size wds) rem 4 <> 0 || (size masks) rem 4 <> 0 = (inot,w)
# (wds,masks,fnames) = (split 4 wds, split 4 masks, splitOn '\0' fnames)
| length wds <> length masks = (inot, w)
# infos = zip3 (map bytesToInt wds) (map bytesToInt masks) fnames
- # (fd,st,w`) = seq (map (check infos) watches) (inot.fd, state, w)
- = ({ inot & fd=fd, state=st }, w`)
+ = seq (map (check infos) watches) (inot, w)
- check :: [(Int,Int,String)] (INWatch, INCallback st) *(Int, st, *World)
- -> *(Int, st, *World)
- check infos (watch,f) (fd,st,w)
+ check :: [(Int,Int,String)] (INWatch, INCallback st) *(*Inotify st, *World)
+ -> *(*Inotify st, *World)
+ check infos (watch,f) (st,w)
# (st,w) = seq [\(st,w) -> f mask (toMaybe name) st w
\\ (wd,mask,name) <- infos | wd == watch] (st,w)
- = (fd,st,w)
+ = (st,w)
toMaybe :: String -> Maybe String
toMaybe s = if (s=="") Nothing (Just s)
diff --git a/test.icl b/test.icl
index 9136510..dedd251 100644
--- a/test.icl
+++ b/test.icl
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ Start w
# (inot, w) = inotify_loop_with_timeout (Just 10000) inot w
= inotify_close inot
- echo :: String INEvent (Maybe String) () *World -> *((), *World)
- echo fname ev f _ w
+ echo :: String INEvent (Maybe String) *(Inotify ()) *World -> *(*Inotify (), *World)
+ echo fname ev f st w
# (io,w) = stdio w
# io = io <<< "EVENT: ["<<< fname <<<"; "<<< ev <<<"; "<<< f <<<"]\n"
# (ok,w) = fclose io w
- = ((), w)
+ = (st, w)
instance <<< (Maybe a) | <<< a