diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-10-24 09:34:00 +0200
committerCamil Staps2018-10-24 09:34:00 +0200
commit7189a71bb92f8ac365f8b0da33570938ba78efcf (patch)
parentUpdate readme (diff)
Bring up to date, remove unnecessary C help functions
4 files changed, 67 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/Inotify.dcl b/Inotify.dcl
index 0fa983d..e6893e2 100644
--- a/Inotify.dcl
+++ b/Inotify.dcl
@@ -14,19 +14,13 @@ from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
:: *Inotify st
- * An inotify watch descriptor
- */
+//* An inotify watch descriptor
:: INWatch
- * An inotify event mask
- */
+//* An inotify event mask
:: INMask :== Int
- * An inotify event
- */
+//* An inotify event
:: INEvent :== Int
@@ -36,9 +30,7 @@ from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
:: INCallback st :== INEvent (Maybe String) st *World -> *(st, *World)
- * Bitwise OR for event masks
- */
+//* Bitwise OR for event masks
(|-) infixl 6 :: (INMask INMask -> INMask)
@@ -126,125 +118,67 @@ inotify_loop_forever :: !*(Inotify st) !*World -> *(!*Inotify st, !*World)
/*** Begin inotify.h ***/
- * Inotify event mask: file was accessed
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file was accessed
IN_ACCESS :== 0x00000001
- * Inotify event mask: file was modified
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file was modified
IN_MODIFY :== 0x00000002
- * Inotify event mask: metadata changed
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: metadata changed
IN_ATTRIB :== 0x00000004
- * Inotify event mask: file opened for writing was closed
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file opened for writing was closed
IN_CLOSE_WRITE :== 0x00000008
- * Inotify event mask: file not opened for writing was closed
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file not opened for writing was closed
IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE :== 0x00000010
- * Inotify event mask: file was opened
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file was opened
IN_OPEN :== 0x00000020
- * Inotify event mask: file was moved from watched directory
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file was moved from watched directory
IN_MOVED_FROM :== 0x00000040
- * Inotify event mask: file was moved to watched directory
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file was moved to watched directory
IN_MOVED_TO :== 0x00000080
- * Inotify event mask: file was created in watched directory
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file was created in watched directory
IN_CREATE :== 0x00000100
- * Inotify event mask: file in watched directory was deleted
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: file in watched directory was deleted
IN_DELETE :== 0x00000200
- * Inotify event mask: watched file was deleted
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: watched file was deleted
IN_DELETE_SELF :== 0x00000400
- * Inotify event mask: watched file was moved
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: watched file was moved
IN_MOVE_SELF :== 0x00000800
- * Inotify event mask: backing fs of watched file was unmounted
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: backing fs of watched file was unmounted
IN_UNMOUNT :== 0x00002000
- * Inotify event mask: the inotify event queue overflowed
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: the inotify event queue overflowed
IN_Q_OVERFLOW :== 0x00004000
* Inotify event mask: the watch has been removed, either through
* inotify_rm_watch or because it was deleted, the fs was unmounted, etc.
IN_IGNORED :== 0x00008000
* Inotify event mask: watched file was closed
+ * @type Int
* Inotify event mask: a file was moved from or to a watched directory
+ * @type Int
- * Inotify event mask: only watch the path if it is a directory
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: only watch the path if it is a directory
IN_ONLYDIR :== 0x01000000
- * Inotify event mask: don't follow symlinks
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: don't follow symlinks
IN_DONT_FOLLOW :== 0x02000000
- * Inotify event mask: stop watching files when they get unlinked
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: stop watching files when they get unlinked
IN_EXCL_UNLINK :== 0x04000000
* Inotify event mask: when adding a watch on a path for which a watch already
* exists, OR the new event mask with the old one instead of replacing it.
IN_MASK_ADD :== 0x20000000
- * Inotify event mask: the event occurred against a directory
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: the event occurred against a directory
IN_ISDIR :== 0x40000000
- * Inotify event mask: monitor a watch only for one event, then remove it
- */
+//* Inotify event mask: monitor a watch only for one event, then remove it
IN_ONESHOT :== 0x80000000
* Inotify event mask: OR of all events
+ * @type Int
diff --git a/Inotify.icl b/Inotify.icl
index d25a426..62d4bfd 100644
--- a/Inotify.icl
+++ b/Inotify.icl
@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
implementation module Inotify
-import Data.Either
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe
import StdArray
import StdBool
import StdFunc
import StdInt
import StdList
+from StdOverloaded import class zero(zero)
import StdString
-from StdOverloaded import class zero(zero)
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import System._Pointer
+import System._Posix
import code from "inotify_c.o"
-:: *Inotify st = { fd :: *Int
- , watches :: [(INWatch, INCallback st)]
- , state :: st
- }
+:: *Inotify st =
+ { fd :: !Int
+ , watches :: ![(INWatch, INCallback st)]
+ , state :: !st
+ }
:: INWatch :== Int
@@ -27,17 +29,21 @@ import code from "inotify_c.o"
inotify_init :: st -> Maybe *(Inotify st)
inotify_init st
- = let fd=c_init 0 in if (fd<0) Nothing (Just {fd=fd, watches=[], state=st})
+ # (fd,_) = c_init 0
+ | fd < 0 = Nothing
+ # (i,_) = fcntlArg fd 00004000 0 37 // IN_NONBLOCK
+ | i <> i = Nothing
+ = Just {fd=fd, watches=[], state=st}
- c_init :: !Int -> *Int
+ c_init :: !Int -> (!Int, !Int)
c_init i = code {
- ccall clean_inotify_init "I:I"
+ ccall inotify_init ":I:I"
inotify_close :: *(Inotify st) -> st
inotify_close {fd,state} = c_close fd state
- c_close :: !*Int !st -> st
+ c_close :: !Int !st -> st
c_close fd st = code {
ccall close "I:V:A"
@@ -45,24 +51,26 @@ where
inotify_add_watch :: (INCallback st) !INMask !String !*(Inotify st)
-> *(!Either Int INWatch, !*Inotify st)
inotify_add_watch f mask fname inot=:{fd,watches}
- = let (w, fd`) = c_add_watch fd fname mask in
- ( if (w == -1) (Left errno) (Right w)
- , {inot & fd=fd`, watches=[(w,f):watches]}
- )
+ # w = c_add_watch fd (packString fname) mask
+ | w == -1
+ # (err,inot) = errno inot
+ = (Left err,inot)
+ = (Right w, {inot & watches=[(w,f):watches]})
- c_add_watch :: !*Int !String !Int -> *(!Int, !*Int)
+ c_add_watch :: !Int !String !Int -> Int
c_add_watch inot fname mask = code {
- ccall clean_inotify_add_watch "ISI:VII"
+ ccall inotify_add_watch "IsI:I"
inotify_rm_watch :: !INWatch !*(Inotify st) -> *(!Bool, !*Inotify st)
inotify_rm_watch w inot=:{fd}
- = case c_inotify_rm_watch fd w of (0, fd`) = (True, {inot & fd=fd`})
- (_, fd`) = (False, {inot & fd=fd`})
+ = case c_inotify_rm_watch fd w of
+ 0 -> (True, inot)
+ _ -> (False, inot)
- c_inotify_rm_watch :: !*Int !Int -> *(!Int, !*Int)
+ c_inotify_rm_watch :: !Int !Int -> Int
c_inotify_rm_watch w i = code {
- ccall clean_inotify_rm_watch "II:VII"
+ ccall inotify_rm_watch "II:I"
inotify_poll :: !(Maybe Int) !*(Inotify st) -> *(!Int, !*Inotify st)
@@ -70,7 +78,7 @@ inotify_poll mbTo inot=:{fd} = let (n,fd`)=c_poll fd to in (n, {inot & fd=fd`})
to = if (isNothing mbTo) -1 (fromJust mbTo)
- c_poll :: !*Int !Int -> *(!Int, !*Int)
+ c_poll :: !Int !Int -> (!Int, !Int)
c_poll fd timeout = code {
ccall clean_poll "II:VII"
@@ -87,8 +95,8 @@ inotify_check inot=:{fd,watches,state} w
# (fd,st,w`) = seq (map (check infos) watches) (inot.fd, state, w)
= ({ inot & fd=fd, state=st }, w`)
- check :: [(Int,Int,String)] (INWatch, INCallback st) *(*Int, st, *World)
- -> *(*Int, st, *World)
+ check :: [(Int,Int,String)] (INWatch, INCallback st) *(Int, st, *World)
+ -> *(Int, st, *World)
check infos (watch,f) (fd,st,w)
# (st,w) = seq [\(st,w) -> f mask (toMaybe name) st w
\\ (wd,mask,name) <- infos | wd == watch] (st,w)
@@ -114,7 +122,7 @@ where
split` c cs=:[x:xs]
= let (l,r) = span ((<>)c) cs in [l:split` c (removeMember c r)]
- c_check :: !*Int -> *(!Bool, !String, !String, !String, !*Int)
+ c_check :: !Int -> (!Bool, !String, !String, !String, !Int)
c_check fd = code {
ccall clean_inotify_check "I:VISSSI"
@@ -132,11 +140,3 @@ inotify_loop_with_timeout to inot w
inotify_loop_forever :: !*(Inotify st) !*World -> *(!*Inotify st, !*World)
inotify_loop_forever inot w = inotify_loop_with_timeout Nothing inot w
-errno :: Int
-errno = err 0
- err :: !Int -> Int
- err i = code {
- ccall clean_errno "I:I"
- }
diff --git a/inotify_c.c b/inotify_c.c
index 0521b95..ab8f319 100644
--- a/inotify_c.c
+++ b/inotify_c.c
@@ -9,73 +9,10 @@
#include "Clean.h"
- * Cast a CleanString to a char*
- * The result should be freed.
- */
-char* clstocs(CleanString* cs) {
- char* s = calloc(CleanStringLength(cs) + 1, 1);
- uint8_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < CleanStringLength(cs); i++)
- s[i] = CleanStringCharacters(cs)[i];
- s[i] = 0;
- return s;
/** The empty string, as a CleanString */
static struct {int length; char chars[1]; } empty_string = {0,""};
- * Get the errno. The parameter is ignored, it is just there because ccalls
- * need to have an argument.
- */
-int clean_errno(int ignored) {
- return errno;
- * Initialise an inotify file descriptor and change to NONBLOCK mode.
- */
-int clean_inotify_init(int ignored) {
- int fd;
- fd = inotify_init();
- if (fd < 0)
- return 0;
- fcntl(fd, IN_NONBLOCK);
- return fd;
- * Add a watch on some file.
- *
- * fd The inotify file descriptor
- * fname The file to watch
- * mask A mask of events to watch on
- * re_watch Will be set to the resulting watch descriptor
- * re_fd Will be set to fd (needed for uniqueness)
- */
-void clean_inotify_add_watch(int fd, CleanString* fname_, int mask,
- int *re_watch, int *re_fd) {
- char* fname = clstocs(fname_);
- *re_watch = inotify_add_watch(fd, fname, mask);
- free(fname);
- *re_fd = fd;
- * Remove a watch descriptor.
- *
- * fd The inotify file descriptor
- * watch The watch descriptor to remove
- * re_code Will be set to the return code of inotify_rm_watch
- * re_fd Will be set to fd (needed for uniqueness)
- */
-void clean_inotify_rm_watch(int fd, int watch, int *re_code, int *re_fd) {
- *re_fd = fd;
- *re_code = inotify_rm_watch(fd, watch);
* Poll an inotify file descriptor
* fd The inotify file descriptor to poll
diff --git a/test.prj b/test.prj
index bb1bd54..52a8845 100644
--- a/test.prj
+++ b/test.prj
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ Global
MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
Time: False
Stack: False
+ Dynamics: False
+ GenericFusion: False
+ DescExL: False
Output: NoConsole
Font: Monaco
@@ -39,8 +42,9 @@ Global
Path: {Project}
- Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent
- Path: {Application}/lib/Generics
+ Path: {Application}*lib*Platform
+ OtherPaths
+ Path: {Application}*lib*StdEnv