diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-05-21 03:05:11 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-05-21 03:05:11 +0200
commit5d66275fc1b119f6abe0c6efb538d34a7f0c606e (patch)
Initial commit
8 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fc2545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Executables
+# Directory used to store object files, abc files and assembly files
+Clean System Files/
+# iTasks environment extra data
diff --git a/Clean.h b/Clean.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf22e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Clean.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#define Clean(a)
+typedef struct clean_string *CleanString;
+/* a string in Clean is:
+ struct clean_string {
+ size_t clean_string_length;
+ char clean_string_characters[clean_string_length];
+ };
+ The string does not end with a '\0' !
+#ifndef _WIN64
+/* CleanStringLength(clean_string) returns the length of the clean_string in characters */
+#define CleanStringLength(clean_string) (*(unsigned long *)(clean_string))
+/* CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) returns a pointer to the characters of the clean_string */
+#define CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) ((char*)(1+(unsigned long *)(clean_string)))
+/* CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) return size of *CleanString in integers */
+#define CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) (1+(((unsigned long)(string_length)+(sizeof(unsigned long)-1))>>(1+(sizeof(unsigned long)>>2))))
+/* CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) defines variable clean_string with length string_length,
+ before using the clean_string variable, cast to CleanString, except for the macros above */
+#define CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) unsigned long clean_string[CleanStringSizeInts(string_length)]
+/* CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) return size of *CleanString in bytes */
+#define CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) ((sizeof(unsigned long)<<1)+(((unsigned long)(string_length)+(sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) & -(sizeof(unsigned long))))
+typedef long *CleanIntArray;
+/* CleanIntArraySize(clean_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_int_array */
+#define CleanIntArraySize(clean_int_array) (((unsigned long *)(clean_int_array))[-2])
+/* CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_real_array */
+#define CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) (((unsigned long *)(clean_real_array))[-2])
+/* CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_char_array */
+#define CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) (((unsigned long *)(clean_char_array))[-1])
+/* CleanStringLength(clean_string) returns length of the clean_string in characters */
+#define CleanStringLength(clean_string) (*(unsigned __int64 *)(clean_string))
+/* CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) returns a pointer to the characters of the clean_string */
+#define CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) ((char*)(1+(unsigned __int64 *)(clean_string)))
+/* CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) return size of *CleanString in integers */
+#define CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) (1+(((unsigned __int64)(string_length)+7)>>3))
+/* CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) defines variable clean_string with length string_length,
+ before using the clean_string variable, cast to CleanString, except for the macros above */
+#define CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) unsigned __int64 clean_string[CleanStringSizeInts(string_length)]
+/* CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) return size of *CleanString in bytes */
+#define CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) (8+(((unsigned __int64)(string_length)+7) & -8))
+typedef __int64 *CleanIntArray;
+/* CleanIntArraySize(clean_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_int_array */
+#define CleanIntArraySize(clean_int_array) (((unsigned __int64 *)(clean_int_array))[-2])
+/* CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_real_array */
+#define CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) (((unsigned __int64 *)(clean_real_array))[-2])
+/* CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_char_array */
+#define CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) (((unsigned __int64 *)(clean_char_array))[-1])
+typedef double *CleanRealArray;
+typedef unsigned char *CleanCharArray;
diff --git a/Inotify.dcl b/Inotify.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f340df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Inotify.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+definition module Inotify
+from Data.Either import ::Either
+from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
+:: *Inotify st
+:: INWatch
+:: INMask :== Int
+:: INEvent :== Int
+:: INCallback st :== INEvent st *World -> *(st, *World)
+(|-) infixl 6 :: (INMask INMask -> INMask)
+inotify_init :: st -> Maybe *(Inotify st)
+inotify_close :: *(Inotify st) -> st
+inotify_add_watch :: (INCallback st) !Int !String !*(Inotify st) -> *(Either Int INWatch, *Inotify st)
+inotify_rm_watch :: !INWatch !*(Inotify st) -> *(Bool, *Inotify st)
+inotify_poll :: *(Inotify st) -> *Inotify st
+inotify_check :: *(Inotify st) *World -> *(*Inotify st, *World)
+IN_ACCESS :== 0x00000001 // File was accessed
+IN_MODIFY :== 0x00000002 // File was modified
+IN_ATTRIB :== 0x00000004 // Metadata changed
+IN_CLOSE_WRITE :== 0x00000008 // Writtable file was closed
+IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE :== 0x00000010 // Unwrittable file closed
+IN_OPEN :== 0x00000020 // File was opened
+IN_MOVED_FROM :== 0x00000040 // File was moved from X
+IN_MOVED_TO :== 0x00000080 // File was moved to Y
+IN_CREATE :== 0x00000100 // Subfile was created
+IN_DELETE :== 0x00000200 // Subfile was deleted
+IN_DELETE_SELF :== 0x00000400 // Self was deleted
+IN_MOVE_SELF :== 0x00000800 // Self was moved
+IN_UNMOUNT :== 0x00002000 // Backing fs was unmounted
+IN_Q_OVERFLOW :== 0x00004000 // Event queued overflowed
+IN_IGNORED :== 0x00008000 // File was ignored
+IN_MOVE :== (IN_MOVED_FROM |- IN_MOVED_TO) // moves
+IN_ONLYDIR :== 0x01000000 // only watch the path if it is a directory
+IN_DONT_FOLLOW :== 0x02000000 // don't follow a sym link
+IN_EXCL_UNLINK :== 0x04000000 // exclude events on unlinked objects
+IN_MASK_ADD :== 0x20000000 // add to the mask of an already existing watch
+IN_ISDIR :== 0x40000000 // event occurred against dir
+IN_ONESHOT :== 0x80000000 // only send event once
diff --git a/Inotify.icl b/Inotify.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ed691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Inotify.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+implementation module Inotify
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Maybe
+import StdArray
+import StdBool
+import StdFunc
+import StdInt
+import StdList
+import StdString
+from StdOverloaded import class zero(zero)
+import code from "inotify_c.o"
+:: *Inotify st = { fd :: *Int
+ , watches :: [(INWatch, INCallback st)]
+ , state :: st
+ }
+:: INWatch :== Int
+(|-) infixl 6 :: (INMask INMask -> INMask)
+(|-) = bitor
+inotify_init :: st -> Maybe *(Inotify st)
+inotify_init st
+ = let fd = c_init 0 in if (fd < 0) Nothing (Just {fd=fd, watches=[], state=st})
+ c_init :: !Int -> *Int
+ c_init i = code {
+ ccall clean_inotify_init "I:I"
+ }
+inotify_close :: *(Inotify st) -> st
+inotify_close {fd,state} = c_close fd state
+ c_close :: !*Int !st -> st
+ c_close fd st = code {
+ ccall close "I:V:A"
+ }
+inotify_add_watch :: (INCallback st) !Int !String !*(Inotify st) -> *(Either Int INWatch, *Inotify st)
+inotify_add_watch f mask fname inot=:{fd,watches}
+ = let (w, fd`) = c_add_watch fd fname mask in
+ ( if (w == -1) (Left errno) (Right w)
+ , {inot & fd=fd`, watches=[(w,f):watches]}
+ )
+ c_add_watch :: !*Int !String !Int -> *(!Int, !*Int)
+ c_add_watch inot fname mask = code {
+ ccall clean_inotify_add_watch "ISI:VII"
+ }
+inotify_rm_watch :: !INWatch !*(Inotify st) -> *(Bool, *Inotify st)
+inotify_rm_watch w inot=:{fd}
+ = case c_inotify_rm_watch fd w of (0, fd`) = (True, {inot & fd=fd`})
+ (_, fd`) = (False, {inot & fd=fd`})
+ c_inotify_rm_watch :: !*Int !Int -> *(!Int, !*Int)
+ c_inotify_rm_watch w i = code {
+ ccall clean_inotify_rm_watch "II:VII"
+ }
+inotify_poll :: *(Inotify st) -> *Inotify st
+inotify_poll inot=:{fd} = let (_,fd`) = c_poll fd in { inot & fd=fd` }
+ c_poll :: !*Int -> *(!Int, !*Int)
+ c_poll fd = code {
+ ccall clean_poll "I:VII"
+ }
+inotify_check :: *(Inotify st) *World -> *(*Inotify st, *World)
+inotify_check inot=:{fd,watches,state} w
+ # (ok, wds, masks, fd) = c_check fd
+ inot = { inot & fd=fd }
+ | not ok = (inot, w)
+ | (size wds) rem 4 <> 0 || (size masks) rem 4 <> 0 = (inot,w)
+ # (wds,masks) = (split 4 wds, split 4 masks)
+ | length wds <> length masks = (inot, w)
+ # wdsmasks = zip2 (map bytesToInt wds) (map bytesToInt masks)
+ # (fd,st,w`) = seq (map (check wdsmasks) watches) (inot.fd, state, w)
+ = ({ inot & fd=fd, state=st }, w`)
+ check :: [(Int,Int)] (INWatch, INCallback st) *(*Int, st, *World) -> *(*Int, st, *World)
+ check wdsmasks (watch,f) (fd,st,w)
+ # (st,w) = seq [\(st,w) -> f mask st w \\ (wd,mask) <- wdsmasks | wd == watch] (st,w)
+ //# (st,w) = f (length wds) st w
+ = (fd,st,w)
+ bytesToInt :: {#Char} -> Int
+ bytesToInt cs = sum [toInt c * (8 ^ p) \\ c <-: cs & p <- [0..]]
+ split :: Int String -> [String]
+ split n s
+ | size s > n = [s % (0,n-1) : split n (s % (n, size s - 1))]
+ | size s == n = [s]
+ | s == "" = []
+ c_check :: !*Int -> *(!Bool, !String, !String, !*Int)
+ c_check fd = code {
+ ccall clean_inotify_check "I:VISSI"
+ }
+errno :: Int
+errno = err 0
+ err :: !Int -> Int
+ err i = code {
+ ccall clean_errno "I:I"
+ }
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ff77c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+CCFLAGS=-Wall -l -linotify
+INO_OBJ=Clean\ System\ Files/inotify_c.o
+all: test
+$(INO_OBJ): inotify_c.c
+ mkdir -p Clean\ System\ Files
+ $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o Clean\ System\ Files/inotify_c.o
+test: test.icl $(wildcard *.*cl) $(INO_OBJ)
+ $(CPM) project $@.prj build
+run_test: test
+ ./test
+ rm -rfv Clean\ System\ Files
+.PHONY: all run_test clean
diff --git a/inotify_c.c b/inotify_c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5784285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inotify_c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/inotify.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "Clean.h"
+char* clstocs(CleanString* cs) {
+ char* s = calloc(CleanStringLength(cs) + 1, 1);
+ uint8_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < CleanStringLength(cs); i++)
+ s[i] = CleanStringCharacters(cs)[i];
+ s[i] = 0;
+ return s;
+static struct {int length; char chars[1]; } empty_string = {0,""};
+int clean_errno(int ignored) {
+ return errno;
+int clean_inotify_init(int ignored) {
+ int fd;
+ fd = inotify_init();
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return 0;
+ fcntl(fd, IN_NONBLOCK);
+ return fd;
+void clean_inotify_add_watch(int fd, CleanString* fname_, int mask, int *re_watch, int *re_fd) {
+ char* fname = clstocs(fname_);
+ *re_watch = inotify_add_watch(fd, fname, mask);
+ free(fname);
+ *re_fd = fd;
+void clean_inotify_rm_watch(int fd, int watch, int *re_code, int *re_fd) {
+ *re_fd = fd;
+ *re_code = inotify_rm_watch(fd, watch);
+void clean_poll(int fd, int *re_nrevents, int *re_fd) {
+ struct pollfd pfd = {fd, POLLIN, 0};
+ *re_nrevents = poll(&pfd, 1, -1);
+ *re_fd = fd;
+static CleanStringVariable(wds_string, 1024);
+static CleanStringVariable(masks_string, 1024);
+void clean_inotify_check(int fd,
+ int *re_ok, CleanString* re_wds, CleanString* re_masks, int *re_fd) {
+ char buf[4096] __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__(struct inotify_event))));
+ const struct inotify_event *ev;
+ ssize_t len;
+ char *ptr;
+ struct pollfd pfd = {fd, POLLIN, 0};
+ int poll_n;
+ char *wds_ptr = CleanStringCharacters(wds_string);
+ char *masks_ptr = CleanStringCharacters(masks_string);
+ CleanStringLength(wds_string) = 0;
+ CleanStringLength(masks_string) = 0;
+ *re_ok = 0;
+ *re_fd = fd;
+ *re_wds = (CleanString) &empty_string;
+ *re_masks = (CleanString) &empty_string;
+ for (;;) {
+ poll_n = poll(&pfd, 1, 50);
+ if (poll_n < 0) {
+ return;
+ } else if (poll_n == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ len = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
+ if (len == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ for (ptr = buf; ptr < buf + len;
+ ptr += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + ev->len) {
+ ev = (const struct inotify_event*) ptr;
+ memcpy(masks_ptr, &ev->mask, 4);
+ masks_ptr += 4;
+ CleanStringLength(masks_string) += 4;
+ memcpy(wds_ptr, &ev->wd, sizeof(int));
+ wds_ptr += sizeof(int);
+ CleanStringLength(wds_string) += sizeof(int);
+ }
+ }
+ *re_wds = (CleanString) wds_string;
+ *re_masks = (CleanString) masks_string;
+ *re_ok = 1;
diff --git a/test.icl b/test.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcb64a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module test
+import StdFile
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Maybe
+import Inotify
+Start w
+# (Just inot) = inotify_init 0
+# (Right watch, inot)
+ = inotify_add_watch (echo "file1") IN_ALL_EVENTS "file1" inot
+# (Right watch, inot)
+ = inotify_add_watch (echo "file2") IN_ALL_EVENTS "file2" inot
+# (io,w) = stdio w
+# io = io <<< "Do something with file1 or file2\n"
+# (ok,w) = fclose io w
+# (inot, w) = loop inot w
+= inotify_close inot
+ loop :: !*(Inotify st) !*World -> *(*Inotify st, *World)
+ loop inot w
+ # inot = inotify_poll inot
+ # (inot, w) = inotify_check inot w
+ = loop inot w
+ echo :: String INEvent Int *World -> *(Int, *World)
+ echo fname ev i w
+ # (io,w) = stdio w
+ # io = io <<< "EVENT: [" <<< fname <<< "; " <<< ev <<< "]\n"
+ # (ok,w) = fclose io w
+ = (i, w)
diff --git a/test.prj b/test.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f78dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Version: 1.4
+ ProjectRoot: .
+ Target: StdEnv
+ Exec: {Project}/test
+ CodeGen
+ CheckStacks: False
+ CheckIndexes: True
+ Application
+ HeapSize: 2097152
+ StackSize: 512000
+ ExtraMemory: 8192
+ IntialHeapSize: 204800
+ HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
+ ShowExecutionTime: False
+ ShowGC: False
+ ShowStackSize: False
+ MarkingCollector: False
+ DisableRTSFlags: False
+ StandardRuntimeEnv: True
+ Profile
+ Memory: False
+ MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
+ Time: False
+ Stack: False
+ Output
+ Output: ShowConstructors
+ Font: Monaco
+ FontSize: 9
+ WriteStdErr: False
+ Link
+ LinkMethod: Static
+ GenerateRelocations: False
+ GenerateSymbolTable: False
+ GenerateLinkMap: False
+ LinkResources: False
+ ResourceSource:
+ GenerateDLL: False
+ ExportedNames:
+ Paths
+ Path: {Project}
+ Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent
+ Path: {Application}/lib/Generics
+ Precompile:
+ Postlink:
+ Name: test
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: True
+ Fusion: False