path: root/iclean.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-11-01 22:35:12 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-11-01 22:35:12 +0100
commit5cb98e56427777858b429a551f2a2671d68a2c51 (patch)
treee83affc37f72eaeea44f90899a0d8b1c48c709db /iclean.icl
parentFix docker image (diff)
Resolve #2: enable/disable showing types
Diffstat (limited to 'iclean.icl')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/iclean.icl b/iclean.icl
index 7683619..e1eb385 100644
--- a/iclean.icl
+++ b/iclean.icl
@@ -39,48 +39,67 @@ template :== map ((+++) "import ") ["StdEnv", "StdDynamic", "genLibTest"]
template_file :== "/home/.iclean_template"
-temp_file :== temp_path +++ temp_module +++ ".icl"
+temp_file =: temp_path +++ temp_module +++ ".icl"
-help :==
+help =:
"\tInteractive Clean - known commands:\n\n" +++
"\t:quit\t\t\tExit iClean\n" +++
"\t:mem\t\t\tDisplay current memory\n" +++
"\t:help\t\t\tDisplay this message\n\n" +++
+ "\t:set K V\t\tSet iClean's setting K to value V\n\n" +++
"\t:import MODULE\t\tAdd an import to the memory\n" +++
- "\t:def F X1 .. X2 = RHS\tAdd a rewrite rule to the memory\n" +++
+ "\t:def F X1 .. Xn = RHS\tAdd a rewrite rule to the memory\n" +++
"\t:undef F\t\tRemove all rewrite rules starting with 'F ' from the memory\n"
+:: Status
+ = { memory :: [String]
+ , settings :: Settings
+ }
+instance zero Status where zero = { memory = [], settings = zero }
+:: Settings
+ = { show_type :: Bool
+ }
+instance zero Settings where zero = { show_type = False }
Start :: *World -> *World
Start w
# w = setReadLineName "iClean" w
# w = usingHistory w
# w = checkedWorldFunc readHistory "Couldn't read history" readline_history w
# (more_template,w) = readTemplate template_file w
-# w = loop (template ++ more_template) True w
+# w = loop {zero & memory = template ++ more_template} True w
# w = checkedWorldFunc writeHistory "Couldn't write history" readline_history w
= w
- loop :: ![String] Bool !*World -> *World
- loop mem success w
+ loop :: !Status Bool !*World -> *World
+ loop stat success w
# prompt = color (if success None Red) "λ. "
# (s,w) = readLine prompt False w
| isNothing s = print "\n" w
# s = fromJust s
- | s == "" = loop mem False (print "Use Ctrl-D to exit\n" w)
+ | s == "" = loop stat False (print "Use Ctrl-D to exit\n" w)
# w = addHistory s w
| s == ":quit" || s == ":q" = w
- | s == ":mem" = loop mem True (print (join "\n" mem) w)
- | matches ":import " s = loop (mem ++ [skip 1 s]) True w
- | matches ":def " s = loop (mem ++ [skip 5 s]) True w
- | matches ":undef " s = loop (filter (undef (skip 7 s)) mem) True w
- | s == ":help" = loop mem True (print help w)
- | matches ":" s = loop mem False (print ("Unknown command\n") w)
- # w = writemodule mem s w
+ | s == ":mem" = loop stat True (print (join "\n" stat.memory) w)
+ | matches ":import " s = loop {stat & memory = stat.memory ++ [skip 1 s]} True w
+ | matches ":def " s = loop {stat & memory = stat.memory ++ [skip 5 s]} True w
+ | matches ":undef " s = loop {stat & memory = filter (undef (skip 7 s)) stat.memory} True w
+ | matches ":set " s
+ # (setting, value) = span ((<>) ' ') (fromString (skip 5 s))
+ # (setting, value) = (toString setting, toString (drop 1 value))
+ # (ok, msg, stat) = set setting value stat
+ = loop stat ok (if (isNothing msg) id (print (fromJust msg +++ "\n")) w)
+ | s == ":help" = loop stat True (print help w)
+ | matches ":" s = loop stat False (print ("Unknown command\n") w)
+ # w = writemodule stat s w
# (r,w) = compile temp_path temp_module w
- | r <> 0 = loop mem False w
+ | r <> 0 = loop stat False w
# (r,w) = run (temp_path +++ temp_module) w
- | r <> 0 = loop mem False w
- = loop mem True w
+ | r <> 0 = loop stat False w
+ = loop stat True w
undef :: !String !String -> Bool
undef n h = not (matches (n +++ " ") h)
@@ -102,6 +121,26 @@ where
= ([line % (0,size line - 2):lines], f)
// iClean functions
+set :: !String !String !Status -> (Bool, Maybe String, Status)
+set k v stat = case lookup k settings of
+ Nothing = (False, Just "Unknown setting", stat)
+ (Just f) = f v stat
+ set_bool :: String String (Bool -> Status -> Status) String Status -> (Bool, Maybe String, Status)
+ set_bool iftrue iffalse f s stat
+ | isMember s ["True", "true", "1"] = (True, Just iftrue, f True stat)
+ | isMember s ["False", "false", "0"] = (False, Just iffalse, f False stat)
+ = (False, Just ("Couldn't parse '" +++ v +++ "' as boolean"), stat)
+ settings =
+ [ ("show_type", set_bool "Showing types" "Not showing types"
+ (\b s -> {s & settings.show_type = b}))
+ ]
+ lookup :: k [(k,v)] -> Maybe v | == k
+ lookup _ [] = Nothing
+ lookup k [(k`,v):vs] = if (k == k`) (Just v) (lookup k vs)
checkedWorldFunc :: (a *World -> (Bool, *World)) !String !a !*World -> *World
checkedWorldFunc f err s w
# (ok, w) = f s w
@@ -116,19 +155,25 @@ print s w
| not ok = abort "Couldn't close stdio\n"
| otherwise = w
-writemodule :: ![String] !String !*World -> *World
-writemodule mem s w
+writemodule :: !Status !String !*World -> *World
+writemodule stat s w
# (ok,f,w) = fopen temp_file FWriteText w
| not ok = abort ("Couldn't open " +++ temp_file +++ " for writing.\n")
# f = f <<< "module " <<< temp_module <<< "\n"
-# f = f <<< join "\n" mem
+# f = f <<< join "\n" stat.memory
# f = f <<< "start = " <<< s <<< "\n"
- <<< "rslt = genShow{|*|} \"\" True start []\n"
- <<< "Start = toString (typeCodeOfDynamic (dynamic start)) "
- <<< "+++ \" :: \" +++ foldl (+++) \"\" rslt +++ \"\\n\"\n"
+ <<< "rslt = genShow{|*|} \"\" True start []\n"
+ <<< "Start = " <<< start
# (ok,w) = fclose f w
| not ok = abort ("Couldn't close " +++ temp_file +++ "\n")
| otherwise = w
+ start
+ | stat.settings.show_type
+ = "toString (typeCodeOfDynamic (dynamic start)) " +++
+ "+++ \" :: \" +++ foldl (+++) \"\" rslt +++ \"\\n\"\n"
+ | otherwise
+ = "foldl (+++) \"\" rslt +++ \"\\n\"\n"
// C functions
compile :: !String !String !*World -> *(!Int,!*World)