diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-10-18 23:40:21 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-10-18 23:40:21 +0200
commit7958bfe952186caa08f46c1ec99cc1ea40a8edb2 (patch)
parentAdd :undef (diff)
5 files changed, 87 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/ExtraString.dcl b/ExtraString.dcl
index 568bdb7..d3ccb28 100644
--- a/ExtraString.dcl
+++ b/ExtraString.dcl
@@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ matches :: !String !String -> Bool // b starts with a
skip :: !Int !String -> String // drop
join :: !String ![a] -> String | toString a // join with delimiter
color :: TextColor !String -> String // bash color
diff --git a/ExtraString.icl b/ExtraString.icl
index 740e8d2..d128326 100644
--- a/ExtraString.icl
+++ b/ExtraString.icl
@@ -18,4 +18,3 @@ color :: TextColor !String -> String
color Red s = "\x1B[31m" +++ s +++ "\x1B[0m"
color Green s = "\x1B[32m" +++ s +++ "\x1B[0m"
color None s = "\x1B[0m" +++ s +++ "\x1B[0m"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9fcde4c..3654c21 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,13 +10,15 @@ license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
## Example session
- $ ./iclean
- λ. [1,2,3,4]
- [1,2,3,4]
- λ. map toString [1..10]
- ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]
- λ. [Ctrl-D]
- $
+$ ./iclean
+λ. [1,2,3,4]
+λ. map toString [1..10]
+λ. [Ctrl-D]
## Usage
Use `docker pull camilstaps/iclean` to pull the latest iClean version.
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ Use either `./iclean` or `make run`. You can of course add the executable
## Todo
- * Implement memory (e.g. to first declare a function / constant and then use it)
- * Allow extra imports
+* Implement memory (e.g. to first declare a function / constant and then use it)
+* Allow extra imports
diff --git a/compile.c b/compile.c
index 03fe833..6366a3d 100644
--- a/compile.c
+++ b/compile.c
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include "Clean.h"
char* cleanstoc(CleanString s) {
- char* cs = calloc(sizeof(char), CleanStringLength(s) + 1);
- if (cs == NULL)
- return NULL;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < CleanStringLength(s); i++)
- cs[i] = CleanStringCharacters(s)[i];
- cs[i] = '\0';
- return cs;
+ char* cs = calloc(sizeof(char), CleanStringLength(s) + 1);
+ if (cs == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < CleanStringLength(s); i++)
+ cs[i] = CleanStringCharacters(s)[i];
+ cs[i] = '\0';
+ return cs;
@@ -56,29 +56,29 @@ char* cleanstoc(CleanString s) {
* @return int the result of clm
int64_t compile(CleanString path, CleanString module) {
- char* pathchars, * modulechars;
- pathchars = cleanstoc(path);
- modulechars = cleanstoc(module);
- if (modulechars == NULL || pathchars == NULL) {
- printf("Couldn't allocate memory\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- // Build command:
- // cd "<path>" && clm -ms -nw -b -nt <module> -o <module>
- char cmd[182];
- snprintf(cmd, 181, "cd \"%s\" && clm -ms -nw -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/StdLib -I "
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/Generics -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/Dynamics -dynamics "
- "-I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/Gast -b -nt %s -o %s",
- pathchars, modulechars, modulechars);
- free(pathchars);
- free(modulechars);
- // Call clm
- return system(cmd);
+ char* pathchars, * modulechars;
+ pathchars = cleanstoc(path);
+ modulechars = cleanstoc(module);
+ if (modulechars == NULL || pathchars == NULL) {
+ printf("Couldn't allocate memory\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ // Build command:
+ // cd "<path>" && clm -ms -nw -b -nt <module> -o <module>
+ char cmd[182];
+ snprintf(cmd, 181, "cd \"%s\" && clm -ms -nw -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/StdLib -I "
+ "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/Generics -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/Dynamics -dynamics "
+ "-I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/Gast -b -nt %s -o %s",
+ pathchars, modulechars, modulechars);
+ free(pathchars);
+ free(modulechars);
+ // Call clm
+ return system(cmd);
@@ -92,26 +92,26 @@ int64_t compile(CleanString path, CleanString module) {
* @return void
int64_t run(CleanString executable) {
- char* execchars;
- int execlength;
- // Copy CleanString to char[]
- execlength = CleanStringLength(executable);
- execchars = calloc(1, execlength + 1);
- if (execchars == NULL) {
- printf("Couldn't allocate memory\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<execlength;i++)
- execchars[i] = CleanStringCharacters(executable)[i];
- execchars[i] = 0x00;
- // Run command:
- int r;
- r = system(execchars);
- free(execchars);
- return r;
+ char* execchars;
+ int execlength;
+ // Copy CleanString to char[]
+ execlength = CleanStringLength(executable);
+ execchars = calloc(1, execlength + 1);
+ if (execchars == NULL) {
+ printf("Couldn't allocate memory\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<execlength;i++)
+ execchars[i] = CleanStringCharacters(executable)[i];
+ execchars[i] = 0x00;
+ // Run command:
+ int r;
+ r = system(execchars);
+ free(execchars);
+ return r;
diff --git a/iclean.icl b/iclean.icl
index dce11f3..6b64d98 100644
--- a/iclean.icl
+++ b/iclean.icl
@@ -58,27 +58,27 @@ Start w
# w = checkedWorldFunc writeHistory "Couldn't write history" readline_history w
= w
- loop :: ![String] Bool !*World -> *World
- loop mem success w
- # prompt = color (if success None Red) "λ. "
- # (s,w) = readLine prompt False w
- | isNothing s = print "\n" w
- # s = fromJust s
- | s == "" = loop mem False (print "Use Ctrl-D to exit\n" w)
- # w = addHistory s w
- | s == ":quit" || s == ":q" = w
- | s == ":mem" = loop mem True (print (join "\n" mem) w)
- | matches ":import " s = loop (mem ++ [skip 1 s]) True w
- | matches ":def " s = loop (mem ++ [skip 5 s]) True w
+ loop :: ![String] Bool !*World -> *World
+ loop mem success w
+ # prompt = color (if success None Red) "λ. "
+ # (s,w) = readLine prompt False w
+ | isNothing s = print "\n" w
+ # s = fromJust s
+ | s == "" = loop mem False (print "Use Ctrl-D to exit\n" w)
+ # w = addHistory s w
+ | s == ":quit" || s == ":q" = w
+ | s == ":mem" = loop mem True (print (join "\n" mem) w)
+ | matches ":import " s = loop (mem ++ [skip 1 s]) True w
+ | matches ":def " s = loop (mem ++ [skip 5 s]) True w
| matches ":undef " s = loop (filter (undef (skip 7 s)) mem) True w
| s == ":help" = loop mem True (print help w)
- | matches ":" s = loop mem False (print ("Unknown command\n") w)
- # w = writemodule mem s w
- # (r,w) = compile temp_path temp_module w
- | r <> 0 = loop mem False w
- # (r,w) = run (temp_path +++ temp_module) w
- | r <> 0 = loop mem False w
- = loop mem True w
+ | matches ":" s = loop mem False (print ("Unknown command\n") w)
+ # w = writemodule mem s w
+ # (r,w) = compile temp_path temp_module w
+ | r <> 0 = loop mem False w
+ # (r,w) = run (temp_path +++ temp_module) w
+ | r <> 0 = loop mem False w
+ = loop mem True w
undef :: !String !String -> Bool
undef n h = not (matches (n +++ " ") h)
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ writemodule mem s w
// C functions
compile :: !String !String !*World -> *(!Int,!*World)
compile _ _ _ = code {
- ccall compile "SS:p:A"
+ ccall compile "SS:p:A"
run :: !String !*World -> (!Int, !*World)
run _ _ = code {
- ccall run "S:I:A"
+ ccall run "S:I:A"