path: root/sucl
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Diffstat (limited to 'sucl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/extract.icl b/sucl/extract.icl
index 27ebc6e..e0c738e 100644
--- a/sucl/extract.icl
+++ b/sucl/extract.icl
@@ -95,32 +95,6 @@ actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea self foldcont hist rule
argnodes = varlist rgraph` rargs
foldednodes = map fst list3
-> findoccs
-> :: [(***,graph * ***)] ->
-> rule * ** ->
-> ** ->
-> [((***,graph * ***),[(***,**)])]
-> findoccs hist rule rnode
-> = [ ((hroot,hgraph),mapping)
-> | ((hroot,hgraph),(seen,mapping,[]))<-list1 || Find instantiable history rgraphs...
-> ; unshared rnode (hroot,hgraph) mapping || ...which don't have shared contents...
->|| ; ~self hroot rnode || ...and aren't the history graph itself
-> ]
-> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
-> list1
-> = [((hroot,hgraph),inst (hroot,hgraph))|(hroot,hgraph)<-hist]
-> where inst (hroot,hgraph)
-> = instantiate (hgraph,rgraph) (hroot,rnode) ([],[],[])
-> || list1: all instantiation attempts at rnode with the history rgraphs
-> unshared rnode (hroot,hgraph) mapping
-> = disjoint inner outer
-> where inner = map (lookup mapping) (fst (nodeset hgraph [hroot]))
-> outer = nodelist (prunegraph rnode rgraph) (rroot:rargs)--[rnode]
findoccs ::
[(pvar,Graph sym pvar)]
(Rule sym var)