path: root/sucl
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3 files changed, 57 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/basic.icl b/sucl/basic.icl
index 1322f04..aa78e19 100644
--- a/sucl/basic.icl
+++ b/sucl/basic.icl
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ adjust a r f x
// Claim a list of nodes from a heap
claim :: ![.param] u:[.cell] -> ([.cell],v:[.cell]), [u<=v]
-claim [] heap = ([],heap) <--- "basic.claim ends (with empty result)"
+claim [] heap = ([],heap)
claim [pnode:pnodes] [snode:heap]
-= ([snode:snodes],heap`) <--- "basic.claim ends (with nonempty result)"
- where (snodes,heap`) = (claim--->"basic.claim begins from basic.claim") pnodes heap
+= ([snode:snodes],heap`)
+ where (snodes,heap`) = claim pnodes heap
claim pnodes emptyheap = abort "claim: out of heap" // Just in case. Should be used with an infinite heap.
/* Depthfirst collects results of a function (called process), applied to a
diff --git a/sucl/newfold.icl b/sucl/newfold.icl
index ce3e653..28eb67b 100644
--- a/sucl/newfold.icl
+++ b/sucl/newfold.icl
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ fullfold ::
& <<< pvar
fullfold trc foldarea fnsymbol trace
-| recursive ---> "newfold.fullfold begins"
- = addlhs recurseresult <--- "newfold.fullfold ends (recursive=True)"
-= addlhs (newextract trc foldarea trace) <--- "newfold.fullfold ends (recursive=False)"
+| recursive
+ = addlhs recurseresult
+= addlhs (newextract trc foldarea trace)
where (recursive,recurseresult) = recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace
addlhs = mapsnd3 (pair (arguments rule))
(Trace _ rule _ _ _) = trace
@@ -149,31 +149,31 @@ recurse ::
& <<< pvar
recurse foldarea fnsymbol
-= ((f--->"newfold.recurse.f begins from newfold.recurse") ([],[]) <--- "newfold.recurse ends") ---> "newfold.recurse begins"
+= f ([],[])
where f newhisthist trace
| (trace--->trace) $ False
= error "shouldn't happen"
f newhisthist (Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace))
- | (isEmpty (pclosed--->"pclosed for isEmpty")--->"f: Reduce: isEmpty?") && (superset (popen--->"popen for superset") (ropen--->"ropen for superset")--->"f: Reduce: superset?")
- = ((f--->"newfold.recurse.f begins (from Reduce)") (newhist`,newhist`) trace <--- "newfold.recurse.f ends (valid Reduce)") ---> "f: Reduce"
+ | isEmpty pclosed && superset popen ropen
+ = f (newhist`,newhist`) trace
where rargs = arguments rule; rroot = ruleroot rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
- (pclosed,popen) = graphvars (rgraph--->"rgraph for (pclosed,popen)") (rargs--->"rargs for (pclosed,popen)") ---> "get (pclosed,popen)"
- (_,ropen) = graphvars (rgraph--->"rgraph for ropen") [rroot--->"rroot for ropen"] ---> "get ropen"
- newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist--->"newhist"]
- (newhist,hist) = newhisthist ---> "get (newhist,hist)"
+ (pclosed,popen) = graphvars rgraph rargs
+ (_,ropen) = graphvars rgraph [rroot]
+ newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist]
+ (newhist,hist) = newhisthist
f newhisthist (Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace))
| isEmpty pclosed && superset popen ropen
- = ((f--->"newfold.recurse.f begins (from Annotate)") (newhist`,hist) trace <--- "newfold.recurse.f ends (valid Annotate)") ---> "f: Annotate"
+ = f (newhist`,hist) trace
where rargs = arguments rule; rroot = ruleroot rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
- (pclosed,popen) = graphvars rgraph rargs ---> "get (pclosed,popen)"
- (_,ropen) = graphvars rgraph [rroot] ---> "get ropen"
+ (pclosed,popen) = graphvars rgraph rargs
+ (_,ropen) = graphvars rgraph [rroot]
newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist]
- (newhist,hist) = newhisthist ---> "get (newhist,hist)"
+ (newhist,hist) = newhisthist
f newhisthist (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
- = ((foldtips--->"newfold.foldtips begins from newfold.recurse") foldarea (fnsymbol,arguments rule) (removeDup newhist`,removeDup hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) <--- "newfold.recurse.f ends (other transformation)") ---> "f: default"
+ = foldtips foldarea (fnsymbol,arguments rule) (removeDup newhist`,removeDup hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
where rroot = ruleroot rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
newhist` = [(rroot,rgraph):newhist]
- (newhist,hist) = newhisthist ---> "get (newhist,hist)"
+ (newhist,hist) = newhisthist
@@ -195,26 +195,26 @@ foldtips ::
& == pvar
foldtips foldarea foldcont
-= (ft--->"newfold.foldtips.ft begins from foldtips")<---"newfold.foldtips ends"
+= ft
where ft hist trace
= case transf
of Stop
- -> (foldoptional exres (pair True o addstrict stricts o mapfst rule2body) (actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea (==) foldcont (snd hist) rule) <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Stop)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case = Stop"
+ -> foldoptional exres (pair True o addstrict stricts o mapfst rule2body) (actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea (==) foldcont (snd hist) rule)
where deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
rnfnodes = foldoptional [ruleroot rule] (const []) answer
Instantiate ipattern yestrace notrace
- -> ft` ((ft--->"newfold.foldtips.ft begins from newfold.foldtips.ft.Instantiate.match") hist yestrace) ((ft--->"newfold.foldtips.ft begins from newfold.foldtips.ft.Instantiate.fail") hist notrace)
- where ft` (False,yessra) (False,nosra) = (exres <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Instantiate/no)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case Instantiate/no"
+ -> ft` (ft hist yestrace) (ft hist notrace)
+ where ft` (False,yessra) (False,nosra) = exres
ft` (yesfound,(yesstricts,yesbody,yesareas)) (nofound,(nostricts,nobody,noareas))
- = ((True,(stricts,MatchPattern ipattern yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas)) <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Instantiate/yes)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case Instantiate/yes"
+ = (True,(stricts,MatchPattern ipattern yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas))
Reduce reductroot trace
- -> ft` ((ft--->"newfold.foldtips.ft begins from newfold.foldtips.ft.Reduce") (fst hist,fst hist) trace)
- where ft` (False,sra) = (exres <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Reduce/no)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case Reduce/no"
- ft` (found,sra) = ((True,sra) <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Reduce/yes)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case Reduce/no"
+ -> ft` (ft (fst hist,fst hist) trace)
+ where ft` (False,sra) = exres
+ ft` (found,sra) = (True,sra)
Annotate trace
- -> ft` ((ft--->"newfold.foldtips.ft begins from newfold.foldtips.ft.Annotate") hist trace)
- where ft` (False,sra) = (exres <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Annotate/no)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case Annotate/no"
- ft` (found,sra) = ((True,sra) <--- "newfold.foldtips.ft ends (Annotate/yes)") ---> "newfold.foldtips.ft case Annotate/no"
+ -> ft` (ft hist trace)
+ where ft` (False,sra) = exres
+ ft` (found,sra) = (True,sra)
where (Trace stricts rule answer _ transf) = trace
exres = (False,newextract noetrc foldarea trace)
@@ -262,19 +262,19 @@ newextract ::
& == pvar
newextract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
-| recursive ---> "newfold.newextract begins"
- = (stricts,rule2body recrule,recareas) <--- "newfold.newextract ends (recursive=True)"
+| recursive
+ = (stricts,rule2body recrule,recareas)
= case transf
of Reduce reductroot trace
- -> newextract trc newname trace <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Reduce transformation)"
+ -> newextract trc newname trace
Annotate trace
- -> newextract trc newname trace <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Annotate transformation)"
+ -> newextract trc newname trace
Instantiate ipattern yestrace notrace
- -> (stricts,MatchPattern ipattern yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas) <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Instantiate transformation)"
+ -> (stricts,MatchPattern ipattern yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas)
where (_,yesbody,yesareas) = newextract trc newname yestrace
(_,nobody,noareas) = newextract trc newname notrace
- -> (stricts,buildgraph rargs rroot stoprgraph,stopareas) <--- "newfold.newextract ends (at Stop transformation)"
+ -> (stricts,buildgraph rargs rroot stoprgraph,stopareas)
where (recursive,unsafearea)
= if (isreduce transf)
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ buildgraph ::
(Graph sym var)
-> FuncBody sym var | == var
buildgraph args root graph
-= (BuildGraph (mkrgraph root (compilegraph (map (pairwith (snd o varcontents graph)) newnodes))) <--- "newfold.buildgraph ends") ---> "newfold.buildgraph begins"
+= BuildGraph (mkrgraph root (compilegraph (map (pairwith (snd o varcontents graph)) newnodes)))
where newnodes = closedreplnodes--patnodes
closedreplnodes = fst (graphvars graph [root])
patnodes = varlist graph args
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot transf
findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Reduce reductroot trace)
= fp (redirect residuroot) trace
where fp residuroot (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
- | or [(isinstance--->"graph.isinstance begins from newfold.findpattern.fp") pattern (graph,node) \\ node<-varlist graph [residuroot]]
+ | or [isinstance pattern (graph,node) \\ node<-varlist graph [residuroot]]
= True
where graph = rulegraph rule
fp residuroot trace = findpattern` pattern residuroot trace
diff --git a/sucl/newtest.icl b/sucl/newtest.icl
index ebe0f47..dbb1028 100644
--- a/sucl/newtest.icl
+++ b/sucl/newtest.icl
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ where toString srr
instance <<< (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) | toString sym & <<<,==,toString var
where (<<<) file srr
= file <<< "==[BEGIN]==" <<< nl
- <<< "Task expression: " <<< ((srr.srr_task_expression <--- "newtest.<<<(Symredresult).srr_task_expression ends") ---> "newtest.<<<(Symredresult).srr_task_expression begins") <<< nl
+ <<< "Task expression: " <<< srr.srr_task_expression <<< nl
<<< "Assigned symbol: " <<< toString (srr.srr_assigned_symbol) <<< nl
<<< "Strictness: " <<< srr.srr_strictness <<< nl
//<<< "Type rule: ..." <<< nl
@@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ fullsymred ::
fullsymred freshsymbols cli
= results
- where results = (depthfirst generate process (initareas cli) <--- "newtest.fullsymred.results ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.results begins"
- generate result = (map canonise` (getareas result) <--- "newtest.fullsymred.generate begins") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.generate begins"
- process area = (symredarea foldarea` cli area <--- "newtest.fullsymred.process ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.process begins"
+ where results = depthfirst generate process (initareas cli)
+ generate result = map canonise` (getareas result)
+ process area = symredarea foldarea` cli area
- foldarea` = ((foldarea (labelarea` o canonise`)) <--- "newtest.fullsymred.foldarea` ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.foldarea` begins"
- labelarea` = (labelarea isSuclUserSym (map getinit results) freshsymbols <--- "newtest.fullsymred.labelarea` ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.labelarea` begins"
- canonise` = (canonise (arity cli) suclheap <--- "newtest.fullsymred.canonise` ends") ---> "newtest.fullsymred.canonise` begins"
+ foldarea` = foldarea (labelarea` o canonise`)
+ labelarea` = labelarea isSuclUserSym (map getinit results) freshsymbols
+ canonise` = canonise (arity cli) suclheap
isSuclUserSym (SuclUser _) = True
isSuclUserSym _ = False
@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ initareas cli
getinit :: (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) -> Rgraph sym var
getinit srr
-= (srr.srr_task_expression <--- "newtest.getinit ends") ---> "newtest.getinit begins"
+= srr.srr_task_expression
getareas :: (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) -> [Rgraph sym var]
getareas srr
-= (srr.srr_areas <--- "newtest.getareas ends") ---> "newtest.getareas begins"
+= srr.srr_areas
`Symredarea' is the function that does symbolic reduction of a single
@@ -387,21 +387,21 @@ symredarea ::
-> Symredresult SuclSymbol SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable
symredarea foldarea cli area
-= { srr_task_expression = (area <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_task_expression ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_task_expression begins"
- , srr_assigned_symbol = (symbol <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_assigned_symbol ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_assigned_symbol begins"
- , srr_strictness = (stricts <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_strictness ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_strictness begins"
+= { srr_task_expression = area
+ , srr_assigned_symbol = symbol
+ , srr_strictness = stricts
, srr_arity = length aargs
, srr_typerule = trule
- , srr_trace = (trace <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_trace ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_trace begins"
- , srr_function_def = (rules <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_function_def ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_function_def begins"
- , srr_areas = (areas <--- "newtest.symredarea.srr_areas ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.srr_areas begins"
+ , srr_trace = trace
+ , srr_function_def = rules
+ , srr_areas = areas
where agraph = rgraphgraph area; aroot = rgraphroot area
(symbol,aargs) = foldarea area
arule = mkrule aargs aroot agraph
- trule = (ruletype sucltypeheap (ctyperule SuclFN sucltypeheap (typerule cli)) arule <--- "newtest.symredarea.trule.ruletype ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.trule.ruletype begins"
- trace = (loop strategy` matchable` (suclheap--varlist agraph [aroot],arule) <--- "newtest.symredarea.trace.loop ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.trace.loop begins"
- (stricts,rules,areas) = (fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace <--- "newtest.symredarea.(,,).fullfold ends") ---> "newtest.symredarea.(,,).fullfold begins"
+ trule = ruletype sucltypeheap (ctyperule SuclFN sucltypeheap (typerule cli)) arule
+ trace = loop strategy` matchable` (suclheap--varlist agraph [aroot],arule)
+ (stricts,rules,areas) = fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace
matchable` = matchable (complete cli)
strategy` = clistrategy cli
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ ctyperule fn typeheap typerule (sym,args)
= mkrule targs` troot` tgraph`
where targs = arguments trule; troot = ruleroot trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
trule = typerule sym
- (targs`,targs``) = (claim--->"basic.claim begins from newtest.ctyperule") args targs
+ (targs`,targs``) = claim args targs
(troot`,tgraph`,_) = foldr build (troot,tgraph,typeheap--varlist tgraph [troot:targs]) targs``
build targ (troot,tgraph,[tnode:tnodes])
= (tnode,updategraph tnode (fn 1,[targ,troot]) tgraph,tnodes)