path: root/sucl/pfun.icl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/pfun.icl b/sucl/pfun.icl
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index 0fabaff..0000000
--- a/sucl/pfun.icl
+++ /dev/null
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-implementation module pfun
-// $Id$
-import basic
-import StdEnv
-pfun.lit - Partial functions
-This script implements an abstract type for partial functions and useful
-operations on them.
-:: Pfun dom ran
- = EmptyPfun
- | Extend dom ran (Pfun dom ran)
- | Restrict dom (Pfun dom ran)
-emptypfun :: .Pfun .dom .ran
-emptypfun = EmptyPfun
-extend :: .dom .ran (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
-extend arg res pfun = Extend arg res pfun
-restrict :: .dom (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
-restrict arg pfun = Restrict arg pfun
-overwrite :: !(Pfun .dom .ran) (Pfun .dom .ran) -> (Pfun .dom .ran)
-overwrite EmptyPfun old = old
-overwrite (Extend org img new) old = Extend org img (overwrite new old)
-overwrite (Restrict org new) old = Restrict org (overwrite new old)
-postcomp :: (.ran1 -> .ran2) !(Pfun .dom .ran1) -> Pfun .dom .ran2
-postcomp f EmptyPfun = EmptyPfun
-postcomp f (Extend x y p) = Extend x (f y) (postcomp f p)
-postcomp f (Restrict x p) = Restrict x (postcomp f p)
-total :: .ran !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> .ran | == dom
-total def EmptyPfun arg = def
-total def (Extend x y p) arg
-| arg==x = y
- = total def p arg
-total def (Restrict x p) arg
-| arg==x = def
- = total def p arg
-// Apply partial function with a default value
-foldpfun :: (.ran1 -> .ran2) .ran2 !(Pfun dom .ran1) dom -> .ran2 | == dom
-foldpfun found notfound pfun arg
- = total notfound (postcomp found pfun) arg
-domres :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom ran) -> Pfun dom ran | == dom
-domres domain oldpfun
-= foldr adddom emptypfun domain
- where adddom org = total id (postcomp (extend org) oldpfun) org
-apply :: !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> (.Bool,.ran) | == dom
-apply pfun arg
-= total (False,baddomain) (postcomp s pfun) arg
- where s x = (True,x)
- baddomain = abort "apply: partial function applied outside domain"
-instance toString Pfun dom ran | toString dom & toString ran & == dom
-where toString pfun = showpfun toString toString pfun
-showpfun ::
- (dom->String)
- (ran->String)
- (Pfun dom ran)
- -> String
- | == dom
-showpfun showdom showran pfun
-= toString ['{':drop 1 (flatten (map ((cons ',') o printlink) (pfunlist pfun)))++['}']]
- where printlink (arg,res) = fromString (showdom arg)++['|->']++fromString (showran res)
-pfunlist :: (Pfun dom res) -> [(dom,res)] | == dom
-pfunlist EmptyPfun = []
-pfunlist (Extend x y pf) = [(x,y):pfunlist (Restrict x pf)]
-pfunlist (Restrict x pf) = [xxyy \\ xxyy=:(xx,yy) <- pfunlist pf | xx<>x]
-idpfun :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom dom) -> Bool | == dom
-idpfun domain pfun
-= all idelem domain
- where idelem x = total True (postcomp ((==) x) pfun) x
-instance == (Pfun dom ran) | == dom & == ran
-where (==) EmptyPfun EmptyPfun = True
- (==) (Extend x1 y1 pf1) (Extend x2 y2 pf2)
- = x1==x2 && y1==y2 && pf1==pf2
- (==) (Restrict x1 pf1) (Restrict x2 pf2)
- = x1==x2 && pf1==pf2
- (==) _ _ = False
-(writepfun) infixl :: *File .(Pfun dom ran) -> .File | ==,toString dom & toString ran
-(writepfun) file pfun = file <<< toString pfun