path: root/sucl/newtest.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/newtest.icl')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/newtest.icl b/sucl/newtest.icl
index 9b65610..7c9e4bb 100644
--- a/sucl/newtest.icl
+++ b/sucl/newtest.icl
@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ implementation module newtest
import cli
import coreclean
+import newfold
+import complete
+import trd
+import loop
+import trace
+import rule
+import graph
import canon
import basic
import StdEnv
@@ -138,7 +145,19 @@ these tuples.
> [rule * **], || Resulting rewrite rules
> [rgraph * **] || New areas for further symbolic reduction (not necessarily canonical)
> )
+:: Symredresult sym var tsym tvar
+ :== ( Rgraph sym var // The initial area in canonical form
+ , sym // The assigned symbol
+ , [Bool] // Strictness annotations
+ , Rule tsym tvar // Type rule
+ , Trace sym var var // Truncated and folded trace
+ , [Rule sym var] // Resulting rewrite rules
+ , [Rgraph sym var] // New areas for further symbolic reduction (not necessarily canonical)
+ )
> listopt :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
> listopt main = listnew main.loadclis
@@ -253,7 +272,7 @@ these tuples.
fullsymred ::
[SuclSymbol] // Fresh function symbols
Cli // Module to optimise
- -> [Symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode]
+ -> [Symredresult SuclSymbol SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable]
fullsymred freshsymbols cli
= results
@@ -265,11 +284,6 @@ fullsymred freshsymbols cli
labelarea` = labelarea (map getinit results) freshsymbols
canonise` = canonise (typerule cli) suclheap
-initareas = undef
-getareas = undef
-symredarea = undef
-getinit = undef
`Initareas cli' is the list of initial rooted graphs that must be
symbolically reduced. An initial rooted graph is formed by applying an
@@ -290,7 +304,23 @@ its type rule.
> getareas :: symredresult * ** **** ***** -> [rgraph * **]
> getareas (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = areas
+initareas :: Cli -> [Rgraph SuclSymbol SuclVariable]
+initareas cli
+= map (initialise suclheap) (exports cli)
+ where initialise [root:nodes] symbol
+ = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (symbol,args) emptygraph)
+ where args = map2 const nodes targs
+ targs = arguments (typerule cli symbol)
+getinit :: (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) -> Rgraph sym var
+getinit (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = area
+getareas :: (Symredresult sym var tsym tvar) -> [Rgraph sym var]
+getareas (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = areas
`Symredarea' is the function that does symbolic reduction of a single
@@ -311,13 +341,38 @@ area.
> complete' = (~).converse matchable' (mkrgraph () emptygraph)
> matchable' = matchable (complete cli)
> strategy' = clistrategy cli
+:: Unit = Unit
+symredarea ::
+ ((Rgraph SuclSymbol SuclVariable)->(SuclSymbol,[SuclVariable]))
+ Cli
+ (Rgraph SuclSymbol SuclVariable)
+ -> Symredresult SuclSymbol SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable
+symredarea foldarea cli area
+= (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas)
+ where agraph = rgraphgraph area; aroot = rgraphroot area
+ (symbol,aargs) = foldarea area
+ arule = mkrule aargs aroot agraph
+ trule = ruletype sucltypeheap (ctyperule SuclFN sucltypeheap (typerule cli)) arule
+ trace = loop strategy` matchable` (removeMembers suclheap (varlist agraph [aroot]),arule)
+ (stricts,rules,areas) = fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace
+ matchable` = matchable (complete cli)
+ strategy` = clistrategy cli
> trc :: symbol -> trace symbol node node -> rgraph symbol node -> bool -> bool
> trc symbol trace area recursive
> = error (lay ("Trace is recursive in area":printrgraph showsymbol shownode area:printtrace symbol showsymbol shownode shownode trace)), if esymbol symbol & recursive
> = recursive, otherwise
+trc symbol trace area recursive = recursive
> esymbol (User m "E") = True
> esymbol symbol = False
@@ -403,7 +458,20 @@ area.
> matchable complete patterns rgraph
> = ~coveredby complete (rgraphgraph rgraph) [(rgraphgraph pattern,[rgraphroot pattern])|pattern<-patterns] [rgraphroot rgraph]
+matchable ::
+ ([sym]->Bool)
+ [Rgraph sym pvar]
+ (Rgraph sym var)
+ -> Bool
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+matchable complete patterns rgraph
+= not (coveredby complete (rgraphgraph rgraph) [(rgraphgraph pattern,[rgraphroot pattern]) \\ pattern<-patterns] [rgraphroot rgraph])
`Ctyperule' cli (sym,args)' is the typerule of an occurrence of symbol
@@ -424,7 +492,25 @@ sym with the given arguments, curried if there are too few.
> (troot',tgraph',theap') = foldr build (troot,tgraph,typeheap--nodelist tgraph (troot:targs)) targs''
> build targ (troot,tgraph,tnode:tnodes)
> = (tnode,updategraph tnode (fn,[targ,troot]) tgraph,tnodes)
-> newsymbols main = map (User main.("New_"++)) identifiers
+ctyperule ::
+ (Int -> tsym) // The arrow type symbol for functions of given arity
+ [tvar] // Fresh type variables
+ (sym->Rule tsym tvar) // Type rule of a symbol
+ (sym,[var]) // Node to abstract
+ -> Rule tsym tvar
+ | == tvar
+ctyperule fn typeheap typerule (sym,args)
+= mkrule targs` troot` tgraph`
+ where targs = arguments trule; troot = ruleroot trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
+ trule = typerule sym
+ (targs`,targs``) = claim args targs
+ (troot`,tgraph`,_) = foldr build (troot,tgraph,removeMembers typeheap (varlist tgraph [troot:targs])) targs``
+ build targ (troot,tgraph,[tnode:tnodes])
+ = (tnode,updategraph tnode (fn 1,[targ,troot]) tgraph,tnodes)
+> newsymbols main = map (User main.("New_"++)) identifiers