path: root/sucl/history.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/history.icl')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/history.icl b/sucl/history.icl
index 42c8315..ab49965 100644
--- a/sucl/history.icl
+++ b/sucl/history.icl
@@ -31,27 +31,17 @@ import StdEnv
:: Link var
:== Optional (var,Int)
+* Extending the history according to a spine *
// A function that associates specific patterns with extensible nodes
// To be used for extending history patterns
:: LinkExtender sym var
:== (Link var) // The extensible link to look for
-> HistoryPattern sym var // The associated pattern
-> history * ** == [(**,[rgraph * **])]
-> showhistory :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> history * ** -> [char]
-> showhistory showa showb = showlist (showpair showb (showlist (showrgraph showa showb)))
-> printhistory :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> history * ** -> [[char]]
-> printhistory showa showb
-> = concat.map print
-> where print (node,rgraphs)
-> = showb node:map2 (++) ("<= ":repeat " ") (map (printrgraph showa showb) rgraphs)
:: (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
(Spine sym var pvar) // Spine leading to the reduction operation
@@ -159,14 +149,6 @@ extendopen _ _ link extender0
newpattern = (link,histpat)
extender1 = adjust link histpat extender0
-> extendpartial :: graph * ** -> rule * *** -> pfun *** ** -> (graph * **,history * **) -> (graph * **,history * **)
-> extendpartial sgraph rule matching (hgraph,history)
-> = (extgraph' sgraph rule matching hgraph,history)
:: (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
(Rule sym pvar) // Applied rewrite rule
@@ -322,6 +304,42 @@ extendnode sgraph rgraph matching issub extendsub (link,rnode) (newpattern0,rest
= (newpattern0,[Extensible link:rest],extender0)
(rdef,(rsym,rargs)) = varcontents rgraph rnode
+* Verifying a subject graph against the history *
+ :: (History sym var)
+ [Link var]
+ (Graph sym var)
+ var
+ -> [HistoryPattern sym var]
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+checkhistory hist spinelinks sgraph snode
+ = foldr (checkassoc spinelinks sgraph snode) [] hist
+checkassoc spinelinks sgraph snode (link,pat) rest
+ | isMember link spinelinks && checkpat sgraph pat snode
+ = [pat:rest]
+ = rest
+checkpat :: (Graph sym var) (HistoryPattern sym var) var -> Bool | == sym & == var
+checkpat sgraph (Closed psym pargs) snode
+ # (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents sgraph snode
+ = sdef && psym==ssym && eqlen pargs sargs && and [checkpat sgraph parg sarg \\ parg<-pargs & sarg<-sargs]
+checkpat sgraph OpenHist snode
+ = not (fst (varcontents sgraph snode))
+checkpat _ (Extensible _) _
+ = True
+* Miscellaneous *
instance == (Optional a) | == a
where (==) No No = True
(==) (Yes x1) (Yes x2) = x1==x2