path: root/frontend
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1 files changed, 80 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 5a65277..1cd6c82 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -40,14 +40,19 @@ simplifyTypeApplication (CV tv :@: type_args1) type_args2
, cus_error :: !.ErrorAdmin
+:: CleanUpInput =
+ { cui_coercions :: !{! CoercionTree}
+ , cui_attr_part :: !AttributePartition
+ , cui_top_level :: !Bool
+ }
-class clean_up a :: !(!{! CoercionTree}, !AttributePartition) !a !*CleanUpState -> (!a, !*CleanUpState)
+class clean_up a :: !CleanUpInput !a !*CleanUpState -> (!a, !*CleanUpState)
instance clean_up AType
- clean_up coercions atype=:{at_attribute,at_type} cus
- # (at_attribute, cus) = clean_up coercions at_attribute cus
- (at_type, cus) = clean_up coercions at_type cus
+ clean_up cui atype=:{at_attribute,at_type} cus
+ # (at_attribute, cus) = clean_up cui at_attribute cus
+ (at_type, cus) = clean_up cui at_type cus
= ({atype & at_attribute = at_attribute, at_type = at_type}, cus)
attrIsUndefined TA_None = True
@@ -58,62 +63,68 @@ varIsDefined _ = True
instance clean_up TypeAttribute
- clean_up coercions TA_Unique cus
+ clean_up cui TA_Unique cus
= (TA_Unique, cus)
- clean_up coercions TA_Multi cus
+ clean_up cui TA_Multi cus
= (TA_Multi, cus)
- clean_up (coercions, attr_part) tv=:(TA_TempVar av_number) cus=:{cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_attr_store,cus_error}
- # av_group_nr = attr_part.[av_number]
- coercion_tree = coercions.[av_group_nr]
- | isNonUnique coercion_tree
+ clean_up cui tv=:(TA_TempVar av_number) cus=:{cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_attr_store,cus_error}
+ | cui.cui_top_level
+ # av_group_nr = cui.cui_attr_part.[av_number]
+ coercion_tree = cui.cui_coercions.[av_group_nr]
+ | isNonUnique coercion_tree
+ = (TA_Multi, cus)
+ | isUnique coercion_tree
+ = (TA_Unique, cus)
+ #! attr = cus_attr_env.[av_group_nr]
+ | attrIsUndefined attr
+ # (av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_attrs
+ new_attr_var = TA_Var { av_name = NewAttrVarId cus_attr_store, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr }
+ = (new_attr_var, { cus & cus_attr_env = { cus_attr_env & [av_group_nr] = new_attr_var},
+ cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, cus_attr_store = inc cus_attr_store})
+ = (attr, cus)
= (TA_Multi, cus)
- | isUnique coercion_tree
- = (TA_Unique, cus)
- #! attr = cus_attr_env.[av_group_nr]
- | attrIsUndefined attr
- # (av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_attrs
- new_attr_var = TA_Var { av_name = NewAttrVarId cus_attr_store, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr }
- = (new_attr_var, { cus & cus_attr_env = { cus_attr_env & [av_group_nr] = new_attr_var},
- cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, cus_attr_store = inc cus_attr_store})
- = (attr, cus)
instance clean_up Type
- clean_up coercions (TempV tv_number) cus=:{cus_var_env}
+ clean_up cui (TempV tv_number) cus=:{cus_var_env}
#! type = cus_var_env.[tv_number]
- = cleanUpVariable type tv_number cus
- clean_up coercions (TA tc types) cus
- # (types, cus) = clean_up coercions types cus
+ = cleanUpVariable cui.cui_top_level type tv_number cus
+ clean_up cui (TA tc types) cus
+ # (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus
= (TA tc types, cus)
- clean_up coercions (argtype --> restype) cus
- # (argtype, cus) = clean_up coercions argtype cus
- (restype, cus) = clean_up coercions restype cus
+ clean_up cui (argtype --> restype) cus
+ # (argtype, cus) = clean_up cui argtype cus
+ (restype, cus) = clean_up cui restype cus
= (argtype --> restype, cus)
- clean_up coercions t=:(TB _) cus
+ clean_up cui t=:(TB _) cus
= (t, cus)
- clean_up coercions (TempCV tempvar :@: types) cus
+ clean_up cui (TempCV tempvar :@: types) cus
#! type = cus.cus_var_env.[tempvar]
- # (type, cus) = cleanUpVariable type tempvar cus
- (types, cus) = clean_up coercions types cus
+ # (type, cus) = cleanUpVariable cui.cui_top_level type tempvar cus
+ (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus
= (simplifyTypeApplication type types, cus)
- clean_up coercions (TempQV qv_number) cus=:{cus_var_env,cus_error}
+ clean_up cui (TempQV qv_number) cus=:{cus_var_env,cus_error}
#! type = cus_var_env.[qv_number]
- = cleanUpVariable type qv_number {cus & cus_error = existentialError cus_error}
- clean_up coercions TE cus
+ | cui.cui_top_level
+ = cleanUpVariable True type qv_number {cus & cus_error = existentialError cus_error}
+ = cleanUpVariable False type qv_number cus
+ clean_up cui TE cus
= abort "unknown pattern in function clean_up"
instance clean_up [a] | clean_up a
- clean_up coercions l cus = mapSt (clean_up coercions) l cus
+ clean_up cui l cus = mapSt (clean_up cui) l cus
-cleanUpVariable TE tv_number cus=:{cus_heaps,cus_var_store,cus_var_env}
+cleanUpVariable _ TE tv_number cus=:{cus_heaps,cus_var_store,cus_var_env}
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_vars
new_var = TV { tv_name = NewVarId cus_var_store, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
= (new_var, { cus & cus_var_env = { cus_var_env & [tv_number] = new_var},
cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, cus_var_store = inc cus_var_store})
-cleanUpVariable (TLifted var) tv_number cus=:{cus_error}
- = (TV var, { cus & cus_error = liftedError var cus_error})
-cleanUpVariable type tv_number cus
+cleanUpVariable top_level (TLifted var) tv_number cus=:{cus_error}
+ | top_level
+ = (TV var, { cus & cus_error = liftedError var cus_error})
+ = (TV var, cus)
+cleanUpVariable _ type tv_number cus
= (type, cus)
class cleanUpClosed a :: !a !u:VarEnv -> (!Bool, !a, !u:VarEnv)
@@ -226,28 +237,33 @@ cleanUpSymbolType tst=:{tst_arity,tst_args,tst_result,tst_context,tst_lifted} co
#! max_attr_nr = size attr_var_env
# cus = { cus_var_env = var_env, cus_attr_env = attr_var_env, cus_heaps = heaps,
cus_var_store = 0, cus_attr_store = 0, cus_error = error }
- (lifted_args, cus=:{cus_var_env}) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) (take tst_lifted tst_args) cus
- (lifted_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_lifted_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars [] cus_var_env
- (st_args, cus) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) (drop tst_lifted tst_args) { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env }
- (st_result, cus) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) tst_result cus
+ cui = { cui_coercions = coercions, cui_attr_part = attr_part, cui_top_level = True }
+ (lifted_args, cus=:{cus_var_env}) = clean_up cui (take tst_lifted tst_args) cus
+ (lifted_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars [] cus_var_env
+ (st_args, cus) = clean_up cui (drop tst_lifted tst_args) { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env }
+ (st_result, cus) = clean_up cui tst_result cus
(st_context, cus_var_env, cus_error) = clean_up_type_contexts (tst_context ++ context) cus.cus_var_env cus.cus_error
(st_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars lifted_vars cus_var_env
- (expr_heap, {cus_var_env,cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_error}) = update_expression_types (coercions,attr_part) case_and_let_exprs
- expr_heap { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env, cus_error = cus_error }
- (cus_attr_env, st_attr_vars, st_attr_env) = build_attribute_environment 0 max_attr_nr coercions cus_attr_env [] []
+ (cus_attr_env, st_attr_vars, st_attr_env) = build_attribute_environment 0 max_attr_nr coercions cus.cus_attr_env [] []
+ (expr_heap, {cus_var_env,cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_error}) = update_expression_types { cui & cui_top_level = False } case_and_let_exprs
+ expr_heap { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env, cus_attr_env = cus_attr_env, cus_error = cus_error }
st = { st_arity = tst_arity, st_vars = st_vars , st_args = lifted_args ++ st_args, st_result = st_result, st_context = st_context,
st_attr_env = st_attr_env, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars }
= (st, { cus_var_env & [i] = TE \\ i <- [0..nr_of_temp_vars - 1]},
{ cus_attr_env & [i] = TA_None \\ i <- [0..max_attr_nr - 1]}, cus_heaps, expr_heap, cus_error)
// ---> (tst, st)
- determine_lifted_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env)
- #! type = var_env.[var_index]
- = case type of
- TV var
- -> ([var : all_vars], { var_env & [var_index] = TLifted var})
- _
- -> (all_vars, var_env)
+ determine_type_vars to_index all_vars var_env
+ = iFoldSt determine_type_var 0 to_index (all_vars, var_env)
+ where
+ determine_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env)
+ #! type = var_env.[var_index]
+ = case type of
+ TV var
+ -> ([var : all_vars], { var_env & [var_index] = TLifted var})
+ _
+ -> (all_vars, var_env)
determine_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env)
#! type = var_env.[var_index]
@@ -257,11 +273,6 @@ where
-> (all_vars, var_env)
- determine_lifted_type_vars to_index all_vars var_env
- = iFoldSt determine_lifted_type_var 0 to_index (all_vars, var_env)
- determine_type_vars to_index all_vars var_env
- = iFoldSt determine_type_var 0 to_index (all_vars, var_env)
build_attribute_environment :: !Index !Index !{! CoercionTree} !*AttributeEnv ![AttributeVar] ![AttrInequality]
-> (!*AttributeEnv, ![AttributeVar], ![AttrInequality])
@@ -295,26 +306,27 @@ where
is_new_inequality dem_var off_var [{ ai_demanded, ai_offered } : inequalities]
= (dem_var <> ai_demanded || off_var <> ai_offered) && is_new_inequality dem_var off_var inequalities
- update_expression_types :: !({!CoercionTree},!AttributePartition) ![ExprInfoPtr] !*ExpressionHeap !*CleanUpState -> (!*ExpressionHeap,!*CleanUpState);
- update_expression_types coercions expr_ptrs expr_heap cus
- = foldSt (update_expression_type coercions) expr_ptrs (expr_heap, cus)
+ update_expression_types :: !CleanUpInput ![ExprInfoPtr] !*ExpressionHeap !*CleanUpState -> (!*ExpressionHeap,!*CleanUpState);
+ update_expression_types cui expr_ptrs expr_heap cus
+// = (expr_heap, cus)
+ = foldSt (update_expression_type cui) expr_ptrs (expr_heap, cus)
- update_expression_type coercions expr_ptr (expr_heap, cus)
+ update_expression_type cui expr_ptr (expr_heap, cus)
# (info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
= case info of
EI_CaseType case_type
- # (case_type, cus) = clean_up coercions case_type cus
+ # (case_type, cus) = clean_up cui case_type cus
-> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type), cus)
EI_LetType let_type
- # (let_type, cus) = clean_up coercions let_type cus
+ # (let_type, cus) = clean_up cui let_type cus
-> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_LetType let_type), cus)
instance clean_up CaseType
- clean_up coercions ctype=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} cus
- # (ct_pattern_type, cus) = clean_up coercions ct_pattern_type cus
- (ct_result_type, cus) = clean_up coercions ct_result_type cus
- (ct_cons_types, cus) = clean_up coercions ct_cons_types cus
+ clean_up cui ctype=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} cus
+ # (ct_pattern_type, cus) = clean_up cui ct_pattern_type cus
+ (ct_result_type, cus) = clean_up cui ct_result_type cus
+ (ct_cons_types, cus) = clean_up cui ct_cons_types cus
= ({ctype & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types, ct_result_type = ct_result_type}, cus)
@@ -440,80 +452,6 @@ where
(==) av1 av2 = av1.av_info_ptr == av2.av_info_ptr
-class equiv a :: !a !a !*VarEnv !*AttributeEnv -> (!Bool, !*VarEnv, !*AttributeEnv)
-instance equiv AType
- equiv atype1 atype2 var_env attr_env
- # (ok, attr_env) = equi_attrs atype1.at_attribute atype2.at_attribute attr_env
- | ok
- = equiv atype1.at_type atype2.at_type var_env attr_env
- = (False, var_env, attr_env)
- where
- equi_attrs (TA_TempVar av_number) attr=:(TA_Var attr_var) attr_env
- #! forw_attr = attr_env.[av_number]
- = case forw_attr of
- TA_None
- -> (True, { attr_env & [av_number] = attr})
- TA_Var forw_var
- -> (forw_var == attr_var, attr_env)
- _
- -> abort "Error in equiv (AType)"
- equi_attrs attr1 attr2 attr_env
- = (attr1 == attr2, attr_env)
-instance equiv Type
- equiv (TempV tv_number) type=:(TV var) var_env attr_env
- #! forw_type = var_env.[tv_number]
- = case forw_type of
- TE
- -> (True, { var_env & [tv_number] = type }, attr_env)
- TV forw_var
- -> (forw_var == var, var_env, attr_env)
- _
- -> abort "Error in equiv (Type)"
- equiv (arg_type1 --> restype1) (arg_type2 --> restype2) var_env attr_env
- = equiv (arg_type1,restype1) (arg_type2,restype2) var_env attr_env
- equiv (TA tc1 types1) (TA tc2 types2) var_env attr_env
- | tc1 == tc2
- = equiv types1 types2 var_env attr_env
- = (False, var_env, attr_env)
- equiv (TB basic1) (TB basic2) var_env attr_env
- = (basic1 == basic2, var_env, attr_env)
- equiv (type1 :@: types1) (type2 :@: types2) var_env attr_env
- = equiv (type1,types1) (type2,types2) var_env attr_env
-/* equiv (TFA vars type1) type2 var_env attr_env
- = equiv type1 type2 var_env attr_env
- equiv type1 (TFA vars type2) var_env attr_env
- = equiv type1 type2 var_env attr_env
- equiv (TQV _) (TV _) var_env attr_env
- = (True, var_env attr_env)
- equiv type1 type2 var_env attr_env
- = (False, var_env, attr_env)
-instance equiv (a,b) | equiv a & equiv b
- equiv (x1,y1) (x2,y2) var_env attr_env
- # (equi_x, var_env, attr_env) = equiv x1 x2 var_env attr_env
- | equi_x
- = equiv y1 y2 var_env attr_env
- = (False, var_env, attr_env)
-instance equiv [a] | equiv a
- equiv [x:xs] [y:ys] var_env attr_env
- # (equi, var_env, attr_env) = equiv x y var_env attr_env
- | equi
- = equiv xs ys var_env attr_env
- = (False, var_env, attr_env)
- equiv [] [] var_env attr_env
- = (True, var_env, attr_env)
- equiv _ _ var_env attr_env
- = (False, var_env, attr_env)
class equiv a :: !a !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*TypeHeaps)