path: root/frontend
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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index 2fdc1eb..db94e19 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -39,49 +39,7 @@ import type_io;
:: BoundVariables :== [TypedVariable]
:: IndirectionVar :== BoundVar
-getSymbol :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) Int !*ConversionInfo -> (SymbIdent, !*ConversionInfo)
-getSymbol index symb_kind arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
- # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, ci_predef_symb) = ci_predef_symb![index]
- ci = {ci & ci_predef_symb = ci_predef_symb}
- symbol = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
- = (symbol, ci)
-// | True
-// = abort (toString main_dcl_module.dcl_name.id_name)
- | True
- = abort (toString main_dcl_module_n);
- // distinguish external/internal types
- # dcl_conversions
- = get_conversion_table (main_dcl_module.dcl_conversions)
- # type_defs_conversions
- = dcl_conversions.[cTypeDefs]
- # s_type_defs_conversions
- = size type_defs_conversions
- # s_exported_com_type_defs
- = size common_defs.com_type_defs
- # exported_com_type_defs
- = createArray s_exported_com_type_defs False
- # exported_com_type_defs
- = foldSt (\i exported_com_type_defs ->
- { exported_com_type_defs & [type_defs_conversions.[i]] = True }
- ) [0..dec s_type_defs_conversions] exported_com_type_defs;
- # (s_exported_com_type_defs,exported_com_type_defs)
- = usize exported_com_type_defs
- | True
- = abort (toString s_exported_com_type_defs);
pl [] = ""
pl [x:xs] = x +++ " , " +++ (pl xs)
@@ -91,17 +49,8 @@ F a b = b
write_tcl_file :: !Int {#DclModule} CommonDefs !*File -> (.Bool,.File)
write_tcl_file main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods=:{[main_dcl_module_n] = main_dcl_module} common_defs tcl_file
- #! tcl_file
- = write_type_info dcl_mods tcl_file
#! tcl_file
= write_type_info common_defs tcl_file
-// #! (ok,common_defs,tcl_file)
-// = read_type_info tcl_file
-// | True
-// = abort (toString (size common_defs.com_type_defs))
= (True,tcl_file)
convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: {! GlobalTCType} !{# CommonDefs} !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap /* TD */!*File {# DclModule} !IclModule
@@ -138,13 +87,6 @@ convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs main_dcl_
# arity = 2
- /* // get tuple arity 2 constructor
- # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
- # twoTuple_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
- dynamic_temp_symb_ident = twoTuple_symb
- */
# ({pds_module=pds_module1, pds_def=pds_def1} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_DynamicTemp]
# {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor,rt_fields}} = common_defs.[pds_module1].com_type_defs.[pds_def1]
@@ -165,22 +107,13 @@ convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs main_dcl_
glob_object = { DefinedSymbol |
ds_ident = sd_field
, ds_arity = 0
- , ds_index = pds_def2 //0
+ , ds_index = pds_def2
- , glob_module = pds_module2 //pds_def //pds_module
+ , glob_module = pds_module2
#! ci_sel_type_field
= (\dynamic_expr -> Selection No dynamic_expr [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_field_nr])
- //= (sd_field_nr,type_defined_symbol) //---> ("Type expected:",pds_def2,sd_field)
- # ({pds_def, pds_ident}, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
- # twotuple = {ds_ident = pds_ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = pds_def}
- # type_selector = TupleSelect twotuple 1
- // #! ci_sel_type_field
- // = type_selector
- /*
// value field
# ({pds_module=pds_module3, pds_def=pds_def3} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_DynamicValue]
# {sd_field=sd_field3,sd_field_nr=sd_field_nr3}
@@ -191,17 +124,12 @@ convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs main_dcl_
glob_object = { DefinedSymbol |
ds_ident = sd_field3
, ds_arity = 0
- , ds_index = pds_def3 //0
+ , ds_index = pds_def3
- , glob_module = pds_module3 //pds_def //pds_module
+ , glob_module = pds_module3
#! ci_sel_value_field
= (\dynamic_expr -> Selection No dynamic_expr [RecordSelection value_defined_symbol sd_field_nr3])
- //= (sd_field_nr3,value_defined_symbol) //---> ("Value expected:",pds_def3,sd_field3)
- */
- # value_selector = TupleSelect twotuple 0
- ci_sel_value_field = value_selector
-> (dynamic_temp_symb_ident, ci_sel_value_field, ci_sel_type_field,predefined_symbols)
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
@@ -554,10 +482,6 @@ convertDynamicPatterns cinp bound_vars {case_guards = DynamicPatterns [], case_d
No -> abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'convertDynamicPatterns'"
convertDynamicPatterns cinp=:{cinp_st_args} bound_vars {case_expr, case_guards = DynamicPatterns patterns, case_default, case_info_ptr}
-// | True
-// = abort "convertDynamicPatterns";
-// # sel = Selection No case_expr [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_field_nr]
# (opened_dynamic, dt_bind, ci) = open_dynamic case_expr ci
(ind_0, ci) = newVariable "ind_0" (VI_Indirection 0) ci
(c_1, ci) = newVariable "c_1!" (VI_Default 0) ci
@@ -688,16 +612,6 @@ where
#! (opt_expr,ci)
= toExpression this_default ci
- #! expr
- = case opt_expr of
- Yes expr
- -> expr
- _
- -> abort "!!!!"
-// # sel_type = Selection No (Var coerce_result_var) [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_type_field_nr]
# let_expr
= Let {
let_strict_binds = []