path: root/frontend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
3 files changed, 253 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.dcl b/frontend/frontend.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f966ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/frontend.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+definition module frontend
+from scanner import SearchPaths, String
+from general import Optional, Yes, No
+import checksupport, transform, overloading
+:: FrontEndSyntaxTree
+ = { fe_icl :: !IclModule
+ , fe_dcls :: !{#DclModule}
+ , fe_components :: {!Group}
+ , fe_varHeap :: !.VarHeap
+ , fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
+ , fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
+ , fe_arrayInstances :: !{!(Index, SymbolType)}
+ }
+frontEndInterface :: !Ident !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
+// name paths predefs files error io out \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2786862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+implementation module frontend
+import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, overloading, convertDynamics
+import RWSDebug
+:: FrontEndSyntaxTree
+ = { fe_icl :: !IclModule
+ , fe_dcls :: !{#DclModule}
+ , fe_components :: {!Group}
+ , fe_varHeap :: !.VarHeap
+ , fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
+ , fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
+ , fe_arrayInstances :: !{!(Index, SymbolType)}
+ }
+// trace macro
+(-*->) infixl
+(-*->) value trace
+ :== value // ---> trace
+frontEndInterface :: !Ident !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
+frontEndInterface mod_ident search_paths predef_symbols hash_table files error io out
+ # (ok, mod, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
+ = wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident (hash_table -*-> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ | not ok
+ = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
+ # (ok, mod, nr_of_global_funs, mod_functions, dcl_mod, predef_mod, modules, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
+ = scanModule (mod -*-> "Scanning") hash_table error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ | not ok
+ = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
+ # symbol_table = hash_table.hte_symbol_heap
+ (ok, icl_mod, dcl_mods, components, optional_dcl_icl_conversions, heaps, predef_symbols, symbol_table, error)
+ = checkModule mod nr_of_global_funs mod_functions dcl_mod predef_mod modules predef_symbols (symbol_table -*-> "Checking") error
+ hash_table = { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}
+ | not ok
+ = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
+ # {icl_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_declared={dcls_import}} = icl_mod
+// (components, icl_functions, error) = showComponents components 0 True icl_functions error
+ (ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, error)
+ = typeProgram (components -*-> "Typing") icl_functions icl_specials icl_common dcls_import dcl_mods heaps predef_symbols error
+ | not ok
+ = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
+ # (components, fun_defs) = partitionateFunctions (fun_defs -*-> "partitionateFunctions") [ { ir_from = 0, ir_to = nr_of_global_funs }, icl_instances, icl_specials]
+// (components, fun_defs, io) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs io
+// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs out
+ (components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses_in_dynamics, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components -*-> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
+ heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_expression_heap
+// (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
+ (cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
+ = analyseGroups common_defs (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
+ (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ (cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
+ = analyseGroups common_defs (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_expression_heap
+ (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps expression_heap
+ (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
+ (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule dcl_mods common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ (components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components -*-> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
+ dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs out
+ (used_funs, components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components imported_funs common_defs fun_defs dcl_types used_conses
+ var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ (dcl_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ = convertImportedTypeSpecifications dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs dcl_types type_heaps var_heap
+// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
+ = (predef_symbols,hash_table,files,error,io,out,
+ Yes { fe_icl = {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs}
+ , fe_dcls = dcl_mods
+ , fe_components = components
+ , fe_varHeap = var_heap
+ , fe_dclIclConversions = optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_iclDclConversions = build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_arrayInstances = array_instances
+ }
+ )
+ where
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size No
+ = Yes (build_icl_dcl_conversions size {})
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size (Yes dcl_icl_conversions)
+ = Yes (build_icl_dcl_conversions size dcl_icl_conversions)
+ build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ # dcl_table_size = size dcl_icl_conversions
+ icl_dcl_conversions = update_conversion_array 0 dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions (createArray table_size NoIndex)
+ = fill_empty_positions 0 table_size dcl_table_size icl_dcl_conversions
+ update_conversion_array dcl_index dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions icl_conversions
+ | dcl_index < dcl_table_size
+ # icl_index = dcl_icl_conversions.[dcl_index]
+ = update_conversion_array (inc dcl_index) dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ { icl_conversions & [icl_index] = dcl_index }
+ = icl_conversions
+ fill_empty_positions next_index table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ | next_index < table_size
+ | icl_conversions.[next_index] == NoIndex
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ = icl_conversions
+newSymbolTable :: !Int -> *{# SymbolTableEntry}
+newSymbolTable size
+ = createArray size { ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = -1, ste_kind = STE_Empty, ste_previous = abort "PreviousPlaceholder"}
+showComponents :: !*{! Group} !Int !Bool !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showComponents comps comp_index show_types fun_defs file
+ | comp_index >= size comps
+ = (comps, fun_defs, file)
+ # (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
+ # (fun_defs, file) = show_component comp.group_members show_types fun_defs (file <<< "component " <<< comp_index <<< '\n')
+ = showComponents comps (inc comp_index) show_types fun_defs file
+ show_component [] show_types fun_defs file
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
+ show_component [fun:funs] show_types fun_defs file
+ #! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
+ | show_types
+ = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
+ = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def)
+// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb)
+showComponents2 :: !{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !{! ConsClasses} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showComponents2 comps comp_index fun_defs acc_args file
+ | comp_index >= (size comps)
+ = (fun_defs, file)
+ # (fun_defs, file) = show_component comps.[comp_index].group_members fun_defs acc_args file
+ = showComponents2 comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs acc_args file
+ show_component [] fun_defs _ file
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
+ show_component [fun:funs] fun_defs acc_args file
+ #! fd = fun_defs.[fun]
+ # file = show_accumulating_arguments acc_args.[fun].cc_args (file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun <<< " (")
+ = show_component funs fun_defs acc_args (file <<< ") ")
+ show_accumulating_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
+ | cc == cPassive
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'p')
+ | cc == cActive
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'c')
+ | cc == cAccumulating
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'a')
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< '?')
+ show_accumulating_arguments [] file
+ = file
+show_components comps fun_defs = map (show_component fun_defs) comps
+show_component fun_defs [] = []
+show_component fun_defs [fun:funs] = [fun_defs.[fun ---> fun] : show_component fun_defs funs]
+showTypes :: !*{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showTypes comps comp_index fun_defs file
+ | comp_index >= size comps
+ = (comps, fun_defs, file)
+ # (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
+ # (fun_defs, file) = show_types comp.group_members fun_defs (file <<< "component " <<< comp_index <<< '\n')
+ = showTypes comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs file
+ show_types [] fun_defs file
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
+ show_types [fun:funs] fun_defs file
+ #! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
+ # properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
+ (Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype) <<< '\n' )
diff --git a/frontend/main.icl b/frontend/main.icl
index 9d79056..b561d53 100644
--- a/frontend/main.icl
+++ b/frontend/main.icl
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ module main
import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, utilities, convertDynamics
import StdEnv
-// XXX
-import RWSDebug
+// RWS ...
+import frontend
+// ... RWS
Start world
# (std_io, world) = stdio world
@@ -144,6 +145,16 @@ compileModule mod_name ms
= (opt_module, ms)
loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_out,ms_paths}
+ # (predef_symbols, hash_table, ms_files, ms_error, ms_io, ms_out, optional_syntax_tree)
+ = frontEndInterface mod_ident ms_paths predef_symbols hash_table ms_files ms_error ms_io ms_out
+ ms
+ = {ms & ms_files=ms_files, ms_error=ms_error,ms_io=ms_io,ms_out=ms_out}
+ = case optional_syntax_tree of
+ Yes {fe_icl={icl_functions}, fe_dcls, fe_dclIclConversions, fe_iclDclConversions}
+ -> (Yes (buildInterMod mod_ident fe_dcls icl_functions fe_dclIclConversions fe_iclDclConversions), predef_symbols, hash_table, ms)
+ No
+ -> (No, predef_symbols, hash_table, ms)
+/* RWS
# (ok, mod, hash_table, ms_error, predef_symbols, ms_files)
= wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident (hash_table ---> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) ms_error ms_paths predef_symbols ms_files
| not ok
@@ -158,35 +169,52 @@ loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_o
| not ok
= (No, predef_symbols, { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io })
# {icl_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_declared={dcls_import}} = icl_mod
-// (components, icl_functions, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True icl_functions ms_error
+ (components, icl_functions, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True icl_functions ms_error
(ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, ms_error)
= typeProgram (components ---> "Typing") icl_functions icl_specials icl_common dcls_import dcl_mods heaps predef_symbols ms_error
| not ok
= (No, predef_symbols, { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io, ms_out = ms_out })
# (components, fun_defs) = partitionateFunctions (fun_defs ---> "partitionateFunctions") [ { ir_from = 0, ir_to = nr_of_global_funs }, icl_instances, icl_specials]
-// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_error
+ (components, fun_defs, ms_io) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_io
+ (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
+ (components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses_in_dynamics, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components ---> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
+ heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_expression_heap
(components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
(cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
+ = analyseGroups common_defs (components ---> "Transform") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
+ (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ (cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
= analyseGroups common_defs (components ---> "Transform") fun_defs heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_expression_heap
- #!(components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps expression_heap
(components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
-// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_error
(dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
(dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule dcl_mods common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
(components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components ---> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
-// (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
+ (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
(used_funs, components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
- = convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components imported_funs common_defs fun_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ = convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components imported_funs common_defs fun_defs dcl_types used_conses
+ var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
(dcl_types, var_heap, type_heaps)
= convertImportedTypeSpecifications dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs dcl_types type_heaps var_heap
-// (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs ms_out
+ (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs ms_out
= (Yes (buildInterMod mod_ident dcl_mods fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions), predef_symbols,
{ hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io, ms_out = ms_out })
makeProject (Yes proj=:{proj_main_module,proj_hash_table,proj_predef_symbols}) ms
# (main_mod, proj_predef_symbols, proj_hash_table, ms) = loadModule proj_main_module proj_predef_symbols proj_hash_table ms
@@ -210,13 +238,18 @@ where
collect_modules [{id_name} : modules] collected_modules ms
= (collected_modules, ms)
-buildInterMod name dcl_modules fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions
+buildInterMod name dcl_modules fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions /* RWS ... */ icl_dcl_conversions /* ... RWS */
= { inter_name = name
, inter_modules = { dcl_name \\ {dcl_name} <-: dcl_modules }
, inter_fun_defs = fun_defs
+/* RWS ...
, inter_icl_dcl_conversions = build_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) dcl_icl_conversions
+ , inter_icl_dcl_conversions = icl_dcl_conversions
+/* ... RWS */
, inter_dcl_icl_conversions = dcl_icl_conversions
+/* RWS
build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size (Yes conversion_table)
# dcl_table_size = size conversion_table
@@ -238,7 +271,9 @@ where
= fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
= fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
= icl_conversions
+/* RWS
showComponents :: !*{! Group} !Int !Bool !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
showComponents comps comp_index show_types fun_defs file
| comp_index >= size comps
@@ -250,8 +285,6 @@ where
show_component [] show_types fun_defs file
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_component [fun:funs] show_types fun_defs file
- | fun>=size fun_defs
- = abort ("YYY "+++toString fun+++" "+++toString (size fun_defs))
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
| show_types
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
@@ -302,7 +335,10 @@ where
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_types [fun:funs] fun_defs file
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
- = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def.fun_type)
+ # properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
+ (Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype) <<< '\n' )
converFileToListOfStrings file_name files error
# (ok, file, files) = fopen file_name FReadText files