path: root/frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index 27b46b7..d8bcc67 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ convertGenerics main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers modules groups funs td_inf
#! (predefs, u_predefs) = arrayCopyBegin u_predefs size_predefs // non-unique copy
#! td_infos = clearTypeDefInfos td_infos
- //---> ("used module numbers ", main_dcl_module_n, numberSetToList used_module_numbers)
#! (modules, heaps) = clearGenericDefs modules heaps
# {hp_var_heap, hp_generic_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}, hp_expression_heap} = heaps
@@ -133,22 +132,19 @@ convertGenerics main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers modules groups funs td_inf
, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap
, hp_generic_heap = hp_generic_heap
, hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- }
+ }
= (modules, groups, funs, generic_ranges, td_infos, heaps, hash_table, u_predefs, dcl_modules, error)
convert_generics :: !*GenericState -> (![IndexRange], !*GenericState)
convert_generics gs
- #! (iso_range, bimap_functions, gs) = buildGenericRepresentations gs
- #! (ok, gs) = gs!gs_error.ea_ok
- | not ok = ([], gs)
+ # (iso_range, bimap_functions, gs) = buildGenericRepresentations gs
+ | not gs.gs_error.ea_ok = ([], gs)
- #! gs = buildClasses gs
- #! (ok, gs) = gs!gs_error.ea_ok
- | not ok = ([], gs)
+ # gs = buildClasses gs
+ | not gs.gs_error.ea_ok = ([], gs)
- #! (instance_range, gs) = convertGenericCases bimap_functions gs
- #! (ok, gs) = gs!gs_error.ea_ok
- | not ok = ([], gs)
+ # (instance_range, gs) = convertGenericCases bimap_functions gs
+ | not gs.gs_error.ea_ok = ([], gs)
#! gs = convertGenericTypeContexts gs
@@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ buildGenericRepresentations :: !*GenericState -> (!IndexRange,!BimapFunctions,!*
buildGenericRepresentations gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_modules, gs_funs, gs_groups}
#! (size_funs, gs_funs) = usize gs_funs
#! size_groups = size gs_groups
- #! ({com_gencase_defs}, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
+ #! ({com_gencase_defs}, gs_modules) = gs_modules![gs_main_module]
#! gs = { gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_funs = gs_funs, gs_groups = gs_groups }
@@ -222,7 +218,7 @@ buildGenericRepresentations gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_modules, gs_funs, gs_groups}
bimap_FIELD_function = undefined_function_and_ident
funs_and_groups = {fg_fun_index=size_funs, fg_group_index=size_groups, fg_funs=[], fg_groups=[],fg_bimap_functions= bimap_functions}
- #! (funs_and_groups, gs)
+ #! (funs_and_groups, gs)
= foldArraySt build_generic_representation com_gencase_defs (funs_and_groups, gs)
# {fg_fun_index,fg_funs=new_funs,fg_groups=new_groups,fg_bimap_functions} = funs_and_groups
@@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ buildGenericRepresentations gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_modules, gs_funs, gs_groups}
= (range, fg_bimap_functions, {gs & gs_funs = gs_funs, gs_groups = gs_groups})
- build_generic_representation index
+ build_generic_representation
case_def=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index={glob_module,glob_object}, type_ident},
gc_ident, gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index, gc_pos}
(funs_and_groups, gs=:{gs_modules, gs_td_infos, gs_funs})
@@ -270,7 +266,7 @@ where
#! gs_td_infos = {gs_td_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = td_info}
# gs = {gs & gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos}
-> (funs_and_groups, gs)
- build_generic_representation _ _ st = st
+ build_generic_representation _ st = st
:: ConsInfo = {ci_cons_info :: DefinedSymbol, ci_field_infos :: [DefinedSymbol]}
@@ -286,7 +282,7 @@ buildGenericTypeRep type_index funs_and_groups
# (type_def, gs_modules) = gs_modules![type_index.gi_module].com_type_defs.[type_index.gi_index]
- # (type_info, cons_infos, funs_and_groups, gs_modules, heaps, gs_error)
+ # (type_info, cons_infos, funs_and_groups, gs_modules, heaps, gs_error)
= buildTypeDefInfo type_index.gi_module type_def gs_main_module gs_predefs funs_and_groups gs_modules heaps gs_error
# (atype, (gs_modules, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error))
@@ -302,17 +298,15 @@ buildGenericTypeRep type_index funs_and_groups
= buildConversionIso type_def from_fun_ds to_fun_ds gs_main_module gs_predefs funs_and_groups heaps gs_error
# {hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap, hp_generic_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}} = heaps
- # gs =
- { gs
- & gs_modules = gs_modules
- , gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos
- , gs_error = gs_error
- , gs_avarh = th_attrs
- , gs_tvarh = th_vars
- , gs_varh = hp_var_heap
- , gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
- , gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
- }
+ # gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules
+ , gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos
+ , gs_error = gs_error
+ , gs_avarh = th_attrs
+ , gs_tvarh = th_vars
+ , gs_varh = hp_var_heap
+ , gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
+ , gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
+ }
= ({gtr_type=atype,gtr_iso=iso_fun_ds}, funs_and_groups, gs)
// the structure type
@@ -609,21 +603,15 @@ buildTypeDefInfo ::
, ![ConsInfo]
, !FunsAndGroups, !*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = AlgType alts} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
- = buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td alts [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
-buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields}} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
- = buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td [rt_constructor] [x\\x<-:rt_fields] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module td alts [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields}} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module td [rt_constructor] [x\\x<-:rt_fields] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = SynType type, td_ident, td_pos} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
# error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build constructor uinformation for a synonym type" error
- = buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td [] [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module td [] [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = AbstractType _, td_ident, td_pos} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
# error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build constructor uinformation for an abstract type" error
- = buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td [] [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
-buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td alts fields main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
- = buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module td alts fields main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module td [] [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module_index predefs
funs_and_groups=:{fg_fun_index=fun_index,fg_group_index=group_index,fg_funs=funs,fg_groups=groups} modules heaps error
@@ -647,7 +635,7 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module
{ds_ident} <- alts & i <- cons_dsc_indexes]
# field_dsc_dss = [ {ds_arity=0, ds_ident=makeIdent("fdi_"+++fs_ident.id_name), ds_index=i} \\
{fs_ident} <- fields & i <- field_dsc_indexes]
# (type_def_dsc_fun, heaps) = build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_dsc_dss type_def_dsc_ds heaps
# (cons_dsc_funs, (modules, heaps)) = zipWithSt (build_cons_dsc group_index type_def_dsc_ds field_dsc_dss) cons_dsc_dss alts (modules, heaps)
@@ -673,7 +661,6 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module
(cons_info_dss, []) -> [{ci_cons_info=x,ci_field_infos=[]}\\x<-cons_info_dss]
_ -> abort "generics.icl sanity check: fields in non-record type\n"
= (type_info_ds, cons_infos, funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_info_dss {ds_index, ds_ident} heaps
@@ -884,7 +871,6 @@ buildConversionIso type_def=:{td_ident, td_pos} from_fun to_fun
#! ident = makeIdent ("iso" +++ td_ident.id_name)
#! (def_sym, funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup ident [] iso_expr No main_dcl_module_n td_pos funs_and_groups
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionIso", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
build_bimap_record to_expr from_expr predefs heaps
= buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsBimap [to_expr, from_expr] predefs heaps
@@ -1179,9 +1165,7 @@ build_case_expr case_patterns heaps
# (case_expr, heaps) = buildCaseExpr var_expr case_patterns heaps
= (case_expr, var, heaps)
// build kind indexed classes
buildClasses :: !*GenericState -> *GenericState
buildClasses gs=:{gs_modules, gs_main_module}
@@ -1193,13 +1177,10 @@ buildClasses gs=:{gs_modules, gs_main_module}
= build_modules 0 ([], [], num_classes, num_members) {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
// obtain common definitions again because com_gencase_defs are updated
- #! (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
- # common_defs =
- { common_defs
- & com_class_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_class_defs classes
- , com_member_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_member_defs members
- }
+ #! (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules![gs_main_module]
+ # common_defs = {common_defs & com_class_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_class_defs classes
+ , com_member_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_member_defs members}
#! (common_defs, gs=:{gs_modules})
= build_class_dictionaries common_defs {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
@@ -1251,20 +1232,7 @@ where
, KindArrow [KindConst]
, KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]
: subkinds]
- #! (st, gs) = foldSt (build_class_if_needed gen_def) kinds (st, gs)
- #! (st, gs) = build_class_if_needed gen_def kind
- (st, {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos})
- // build classes needed for shorthand instances
- #! (st, gs)
- = case kind of
- KindConst -> (st, gs)
- KindArrow ks
- -> foldSt (build_class_if_needed gen_def) [KindConst:ks] (st, gs)
+ #! (st, gs) = foldSt (build_class_if_needed gen_def) kinds (st, gs)
#! gencase = { gencase & gc_kind = kind }
= (gencase, st, gs)
@@ -1319,9 +1287,8 @@ where
add_generic_class_info {gen_info_ptr} class_info gs_genh
#! (gen_info=:{gen_classes}, gs_genh) = readPtr gen_info_ptr gs_genh
#! gen_classes = addGenericClassInfo class_info gen_classes
- #! gs_genh = writePtr gen_info_ptr {gen_info&gen_classes=gen_classes} gs_genh
- = gs_genh
+ = writePtr gen_info_ptr {gen_info & gen_classes=gen_classes} gs_genh
build_class_dictionaries :: !CommonDefs !*GenericState -> (!CommonDefs, !*GenericState)
build_class_dictionaries common_defs
gs=:{gs_varh, gs_tvarh, gs_main_module, gs_symtab, gs_dcl_modules}
@@ -1522,11 +1489,10 @@ where
class_cons_vars = 0, // dotted class variables
class_dictionary = class_dictionary
- = class_def
+ = class_def
// Convert generic cases
convertGenericCases :: !BimapFunctions !*GenericState -> (!IndexRange, !*GenericState)
convertGenericCases bimap_functions
gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_used_modules, gs_predefs, gs_funs, gs_groups, gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, gs_td_infos,
@@ -1556,7 +1522,7 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
#! {fg_fun_index, fg_funs=new_funs, fg_groups=new_groups} = fun_info
#! gs_funs = arrayPlusRevList gs_funs new_funs
#! gs_groups = arrayPlusRevList gs_groups new_groups
#! (instance_index, new_instances) = instance_info
#! com_instance_defs = arrayPlusRevList main_module_instances new_instances
@@ -1566,21 +1532,18 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
#! instance_fun_range = {ir_from=first_fun_index, ir_to=fg_fun_index}
# {hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap, hp_generic_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}} = heaps
- # gs =
- { gs
- & gs_modules = gs_modules
- , gs_dcl_modules = gs_dcl_modules
- , gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos
- , gs_funs = gs_funs
- , gs_groups = gs_groups
- , gs_error = gs_error
- , gs_avarh = th_attrs
- , gs_tvarh = th_vars
- , gs_varh = hp_var_heap
- , gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
- , gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
- }
+ # gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules
+ , gs_dcl_modules = gs_dcl_modules
+ , gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos
+ , gs_funs = gs_funs
+ , gs_groups = gs_groups
+ , gs_error = gs_error
+ , gs_avarh = th_attrs
+ , gs_tvarh = th_vars
+ , gs_varh = hp_var_heap
+ , gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
+ , gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
+ }
= (instance_fun_range, gs)
convert_modules :: !Index
@@ -1603,14 +1566,14 @@ where
com_gencase_defs (dcl_functions, modules, st)
= (dcl_functions, modules, st)
- convert_gencase :: !Index !Index !GenericCaseDef
+ convert_gencase :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
(!*{#FunType},!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
-> (!*{#FunType},!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- convert_gencase module_index gc_index gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_type} st
- #! st = build_main_instance module_index gc_index gencase st
- = build_shorthand_instances module_index gc_index gencase st
+ convert_gencase module_index gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_type} st
+ #! st = build_main_instance module_index gencase st
+ = build_shorthand_instances module_index gencase st
- build_main_instance module_index gc_index
+ build_main_instance module_index
gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
(dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
#! ({gen_classes}, modules, heaps)
@@ -1644,10 +1607,10 @@ where
= (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
- build_shorthand_instances module_index gc_index gencase=:{gc_kind=KindConst} st
+ build_shorthand_instances module_index gencase=:{gc_kind=KindConst} st
= st
- module_index gc_index
+ module_index
gencase=:{gc_kind=KindArrow kinds, gc_type, gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_pos}
= foldSt build_shorthand_instance [1 .. length kinds] st
@@ -1698,9 +1661,7 @@ where
, it_attr_vars = []
, it_context = contexts
= (ins_type, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
- //---> ("instance type for shorthand instance", gc_ident, gc_type, ins_type)
fill_type_args (TA type_symb_ident=:{type_arity} type_args) new_type_args
#! type_arity = type_arity + length new_type_args
@@ -2043,15 +2004,12 @@ buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} st predefs funs_and_gro
# error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos "cannot specialize to this type" error
= (TransformedBody {tb_args=[], tb_rhs=EE}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
// convert generic type contexts into normal type contexts
convertGenericTypeContexts :: !*GenericState -> *GenericState
gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_used_modules, gs_predefs, gs_funs, gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, gs_error,
gs_avarh, gs_tvarh, gs_exprh, gs_varh, gs_genh}
# heaps =
{ hp_expression_heap = gs_exprh
, hp_var_heap = gs_varh
@@ -2065,16 +2023,15 @@ convertGenericTypeContexts
# {hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap, hp_generic_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}} = heaps
- = { gs
- & gs_funs = gs_funs
- , gs_modules = gs_modules
- , gs_dcl_modules = gs_dcl_modules
- , gs_error = gs_error
- , gs_avarh = th_attrs
- , gs_tvarh = th_vars
- , gs_varh = hp_var_heap
- , gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
- , gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
+ = {gs & gs_funs = gs_funs
+ , gs_modules = gs_modules
+ , gs_dcl_modules = gs_dcl_modules
+ , gs_error = gs_error
+ , gs_avarh = th_attrs
+ , gs_tvarh = th_vars
+ , gs_varh = hp_var_heap
+ , gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
+ , gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
convert_functions fun_index funs st
@@ -2084,9 +2041,9 @@ where
# (fun, st) = convert_function fun st
# funs = {funs & [fun_index] = fun}
= convert_functions (inc fun_index) funs st
- where
- convert_function :: !FunDef (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- -> (!FunDef, (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ where
+ convert_function :: !FunDef !(!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!FunDef,!(!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
convert_function fun=:{fun_type=Yes symbol_type=:{st_context}, fun_ident, fun_pos} st
# (has_converted, st_context, st) = convert_contexts fun_ident fun_pos st_context st
| has_converted
@@ -2183,7 +2140,7 @@ where
= (False, all_tcs, st)
convert_context :: !Ident !Position !TypeContext (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- -> (!Bool, !TypeContext, (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ -> (!Bool, !TypeContext, (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
convert_context fun_name fun_pos tc=:{tc_class=TCGeneric gtc=:{gtc_generic, gtc_kind, gtc_class}} (modules, heaps=:{hp_generic_heap}, error)
# ({gen_info_ptr}, modules) = modules![gtc_generic.glob_module].com_generic_defs.[gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_index]
# ({gen_classes}, hp_generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr hp_generic_heap
@@ -2208,7 +2165,7 @@ where
= (True, {tc & tc_class=tc_class}, (modules, {heaps & hp_generic_heap=hp_generic_heap}, error))
convert_context fun_name fun_pos tc st
= (False, tc, st)
// specialization
specializeGeneric ::
@@ -2962,9 +2919,7 @@ bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_
# (bimap_from_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_from_index bimap_from_ident arg_exprs heaps
= (bimap_from_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
// kind indexing of generic types
// kind indexing:
// t_{*} a1 ... an = t a1 ... an
@@ -2983,9 +2938,7 @@ buildKindIndexedType ::
, !*ErrorAdmin
buildKindIndexedType st gtvs kind ident pos th error
#! th = clearSymbolType st th
- //---> ("buildKindIndexedType called for", kind, gtvs, st)
#! (fresh_st, fresh_gtvs, th) = fresh_generic_type st gtvs th
#! (gatvs, th) = collectAttrsOfTypeVarsInSymbolType fresh_gtvs fresh_st th
@@ -2995,13 +2948,11 @@ buildKindIndexedType st gtvs kind ident pos th error
#! th = clearSymbolType kind_indexed_st th
#! th = clearSymbolType st th // paranoja
= (kind_indexed_st, gatvs, th, error)
- //---> ("buildKindIndexedType returns", kind_indexed_st)
fresh_generic_type st gtvs th
# (fresh_st, th) = freshSymbolType st th
# fresh_gtvs = take (length gtvs) fresh_st.st_vars
= (fresh_st, fresh_gtvs, th)
- //---> ("fresh_generic_type", fresh_gtvs, fresh_st)
build_symbol_type ::
!SymbolType // generic type,
@@ -3159,9 +3110,8 @@ reportWarning name pos msg error=:{ea_file}
# ea_file = ea_file <<< "Warning " <<< (newPosition name pos) <<< ":" <<< msg <<< '\n'
= { error & ea_file = ea_file }
// Type Helpers
makeAType :: !Type !TypeAttribute -> AType
makeAType type attr = { at_attribute = attr, at_type = type }
@@ -3825,10 +3775,7 @@ where
= th_attrs
expandSynonymType td ta_attr ta_args th = abort "expanding not a synonym type\n"
// Function Helpers
makeFunction :: !Ident !Index !Index ![FreeVar] !Expression !(Optional SymbolType) !Index !Position
-> FunDef
@@ -3877,9 +3824,7 @@ buildFunAndGroup2 ident arg_vars body_expr main_dcl_module_n funs_and_groups=:{f
funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_fun_index=fg_fun_index+1, fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1, fg_funs=[fun:fg_funs], fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
= (fg_fun_index, funs_and_groups)
// Expr Helpers
// Primitive expressions
@@ -3929,13 +3874,10 @@ buildFunApp2 fun_mod ds_index ds_ident arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
# fun_glob = {glob_module = fun_mod, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
- app_symb = {
- symb_ident = ds_ident,
- symb_kind = SK_Function fun_glob
- },
+ app_symb = {symb_ident = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Function fun_glob},
app_args = arg_exprs,
app_info_ptr = expr_info_ptr}
- # heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
= (expr, heaps)
buildPredefFunApp :: !Int [Expression] !PredefinedSymbols !*Heaps
@@ -3950,13 +3892,10 @@ buildGenericApp gen_module gen_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_express
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
# glob_index = {glob_module = gen_module, glob_object = gen_index}
# expr = App {
- app_symb = {
- symb_ident = gen_ident,
- symb_kind = SK_Generic glob_index kind
- },
+ app_symb = {symb_ident = gen_ident, symb_kind = SK_Generic glob_index kind},
app_args = arg_exprs,
app_info_ptr = expr_info_ptr}
- # heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
= (expr, heaps)
buildPredefConsApp :: !Int [Expression] !PredefinedSymbols !*Heaps
@@ -4199,37 +4138,31 @@ where
= ([fv:local_vars], fvs)
# (local_vars, fvs1) = add_local_var var (local_vars, fvs)
= (local_vars, [fv:fvs1])
// Array helpers
//updateArraySt :: (a .st -> (a, .st)) *{a} .st -> (*{a}, .st)
updateArraySt f xs st
- = map_array 0 xs st
+ :== map_array 0 xs st
map_array n xs st
- #! (s, xs) = usize xs
- | n == s
+ | n == size xs
= (xs, st)
# (x, xs) = xs![n]
# (x, st) = f x st
= map_array (inc n) {xs&[n]=x} st
-//foldArraySt :: (Int a .st -> .st) {a} .st -> .st
+//foldArraySt :: (a .st -> .st) {a} .st -> .st
foldArraySt f xs st
- = fold_array 0 xs st
+ :== fold_array 0 xs st
fold_array n xs st
- #! (s, xs) = usize xs
- | n == s
+ | n == size xs
= st
- # st = f n xs.[n] st
+ # st = f xs.[n] st
= fold_array (inc n) xs st
// General Helpers
idSt x st = (x, st)