path: root/frontend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
2 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/coredump.dcl b/frontend/coredump.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9bf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/coredump.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+definition module coredump
+import transform
+dumpCore :: !*{! Group} Int [IndexRange] !.IclModule !.DclModule !*{# FunDef} {!ConsClasses} .Int .Int *Files -> *(!*{! Group},!*{# FunDef},!*Files)
diff --git a/frontend/coredump.icl b/frontend/coredump.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1eb40e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/coredump.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+implementation module coredump
+import classify
+from CoclSystemDependent import DirectorySeparator
+from filesystem import ensureDirectoryExists
+dumpCore :: !*{! Group} Int [IndexRange] !.IclModule !.DclModule !*{# FunDef} {!ConsClasses} .Int .Int *Files -> *(!*{! Group},!*{# FunDef},!*Files)
+dumpCore components start_rule_index exported_global_functions
+ {icl_name,icl_global_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_gencases}
+ {dcl_instances,dcl_specials,dcl_gencases}
+ fun_defs acc_args def_min def_max files
+ # dump_folder = "Dumps"
+ # (ok,files) = ensureDirectoryExists "Dumps" files
+ | not ok
+ = abort ("can't create folder \"" +++ dump_folder +++"\"\n")
+ # (ok1,f,files) = fopen (dump_folder+++{DirectorySeparator}+++icl_name.id_name+++".dump") FWriteText files
+ # [icl_exported_global_functions,icl_not_exported_global_functions:_] = icl_global_functions
+ # f = showRanges "icl_global_functions" icl_global_functions f
+ # f = showRanges "icl_instances" icl_instances f
+ # f = showRanges "icl_specials" [icl_specials] f
+ # f = showRanges "icl_gencases" icl_gencases f
+ # f = showRanges "icl_exported_global_functions" icl_exported_global_functions f
+ # f = showRanges "start_rule_index" start_rule_index f
+ # f = showRanges "exported_global_functions" exported_global_functions f
+ # f = showRanges "dcl_instances" dcl_instances f
+ # f = showRanges "dcl_specials" dcl_specials f
+ # f = showRanges "dcl_gencases" dcl_gencases f
+ # (components, fun_defs, acc_args, f) = showComponents2 components 0 fun_defs acc_args def_min def_max f
+ (components, fun_defs, f) = showComponents3 components 0 True fun_defs f
+ (ok2,files) = fclose f files
+ = (components,fun_defs,files)
+ showRanges name range file
+ # file = file <<< name <<< ":\n"
+ # file = file <<< range
+ # file = file <<< '\n'
+ = file
+ showComponents2 :: !*{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !u:{! ConsClasses} !Int !Int !*File -> (!*{! Group},!*{# FunDef},!u:{! ConsClasses},!*File)
+ showComponents2 comps comp_index fun_defs acc_args acc_min acc_max file
+ | comp_index >= (size comps)
+ = (comps, fun_defs, acc_args, file)
+ # (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
+ # (fun_defs, acc_args, file) = show_component comp.group_members fun_defs acc_args file
+ = showComponents2 comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs acc_args acc_min acc_max file
+ where
+ show_component :: ![Int] !*{# FunDef} !u:{! ConsClasses} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef}, !u:{! ConsClasses}, !*File)
+ show_component [] fun_defs acc_args file
+ = (fun_defs, acc_args, file <<< '\n')
+ show_component [fun:funs] fun_defs acc_args file
+ # (fd, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
+ | fun >= acc_max && fun < acc_min
+ # file = file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '@' <<< fun <<< " ???"
+ = show_component funs fun_defs acc_args file
+ # file = file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '@' <<< fun <<< " ("
+ # (acc_arg,acc_args)
+ = case fun < acc_min of
+ True -> acc_args![fun]
+ _ -> acc_args![fun-acc_min+acc_max]
+ # file = show_producer_status acc_arg.cc_producer file
+ # file = show_accumulating_arguments acc_arg.cc_args file
+ # file = show_linear_arguments acc_arg.cc_linear_bits file
+ = show_component funs fun_defs acc_args (file <<< ") ")
+ show_producer_status pc file
+ | pc == True
+ = file <<< "+:"
+ = file <<< "-:"
+ show_accumulating_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
+ | cc == CPassive
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'p')
+ | cc == CActive
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'c')
+ | cc == CAccumulating
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'a')
+ | cc == CVarOfMultimatchCase
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'm')
+ | cc == CUnusedLazy
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'u')
+ | cc == CUnusedStrict
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 's')
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< '?')
+ show_accumulating_arguments [] file
+ = file
+ show_linear_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
+ | cc == True
+ = show_linear_arguments ccs (file <<< 'l')
+ = show_linear_arguments ccs (file <<< 'n')
+ show_linear_arguments [] file
+ = file
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+showComponents3 :: !*{! Group} !Int !Bool !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showComponents3 comps comp_index show_types fun_defs file
+ # pp_state
+ = InitPPState file
+ # (comps,fun_defs,{file})
+ = showComponents4 comps comp_index show_types fun_defs pp_state
+ = (comps,fun_defs,file)
+ showComponents4 comps comp_index show_types fun_defs pp_state
+ | comp_index >= size comps
+ = (comps, fun_defs, pp_state)
+ # (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
+ # (fun_defs, pp_state) = show_component comp.group_members show_types fun_defs (pp_state <#< "\ncomponent " <#< comp_index <#< '\n')
+ = showComponents4 comps (inc comp_index) show_types fun_defs pp_state
+ where
+ show_component [] show_types fun_defs pp_state
+ = (fun_defs, pp_state <#< '\n')
+ show_component [fun:funs] show_types fun_defs pp_state
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
+ # pp_state = { pp_state & function_index = fun}
+ | show_types
+ = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (pp_state <#< fun_def.fun_type <#< '\n' <#< fun_def)
+ = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (pp_state <#< fun_def)
+:: PPState = {
+ file :: !.File
+ , indent_level :: !Int
+ , last_character_written_was_nl :: !Bool
+ , write_indent :: !Bool
+ , function_index :: !Int
+ }
+InitPPState :: !*File -> *PPState
+InitPPState file
+ = { PPState |
+ file = file
+ , indent_level = 0
+ , last_character_written_was_nl = False
+ , write_indent = True
+ , function_index = 0
+ }
+deltaIndent :== 4
+IndentLevelForward pp_state=:{indent_level}
+ # pp_state
+ = { pp_state & indent_level = indent_level + deltaIndent }
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< '\n'
+ = pp_state
+IndentLevelBackward pp_state=:{indent_level}
+ # pp_state
+ = { pp_state & indent_level = indent_level - deltaIndent }
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< '\n'
+ = pp_state
+PPState_writes :: !{#.Char} !*PPState -> .PPState
+PPState_writes s pp_state
+ #! (pp_state=:{file})
+ = write_indent_if_necessary pp_state
+ #! file
+ = fwrites s file
+ = {pp_state & file = file, last_character_written_was_nl = False}
+ write_indent 0 file
+ = file
+ write_indent i file
+ = write_indent (dec i) (fwritec ' ' file)
+class (<#<) infixl a :: !*PPState !a -> *PPState
+instance <#< {#Char}
+ (<#<) pp_state s
+ #! (pp_state=:{file})
+ = write_indent_if_necessary pp_state
+ # file
+ = fwrites s file
+ = { pp_state & file = file, last_character_written_was_nl = False }
+instance <#< Int
+ (<#<) pp_state i
+ #! (pp_state=:{file})
+ = write_indent_if_necessary pp_state
+ # file
+ = fwrites (toString i) file
+ = { pp_state & file = file, last_character_written_was_nl = False }
+instance <#< CheckedAlternative
+ (<#<) pp_state ca=:{ca_rhs,ca_position}
+ = pp_state <#< ("CheckedAlternative",ca_rhs);
+write_indent_if_necessary pp_state=:{file,indent_level,write_indent=True}
+ # file
+ = write_indent indent_level file
+ = {pp_state & file = file, write_indent = False}
+ write_indent 0 file
+ = file
+ write_indent i file
+ = write_indent (dec i) (fwritec ' ' file)
+write_indent_if_necessary pp_state
+ = pp_state
+instance <#< Char
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{file,indent_level,last_character_written_was_nl} '\n'
+ #! file
+ = case last_character_written_was_nl of
+ True
+ -> file
+ _
+ # file
+ = fwritec '\n' file
+ -> file
+ = { pp_state & file = file, last_character_written_was_nl = True, write_indent = True }
+ where
+ write_indent 0 file
+ = file
+ write_indent i file
+ = write_indent (dec i) (fwritec ' ' file)
+ (<#<) pp_state c
+ #! (pp_state=:{file})
+ = write_indent_if_necessary pp_state
+ # file
+ = fwritec c file
+ = { pp_state & file = file, last_character_written_was_nl = False }
+instance <#< Bool
+ (<#<) pp_state bool
+ #! (pp_state=:{file})
+ = write_indent_if_necessary pp_state
+ # file
+ = fwrites (toString bool) file
+ = { pp_state & file = file, last_character_written_was_nl = False }
+instance <#< (a,b) | <#< a & <#< b
+ (<#<) pp_state (x,y) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< x <#< ", " <#< y <#< ") "
+instance <#< (a,b,c) | <#< a & <#< b & <#< c
+ (<#<) pp_state (x,y,z) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< x <#< ", " <#< y <#< ", " <#< z <#< ") "
+instance <#< (a,b,c,d) | <#< a & <#< b & <#< c & <#< d
+ (<#<) pp_state (w,x,y,z) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< w <#< ", " <#< x <#< ", " <#< y <#< ", " <#< z <#< ") "
+instance <#< (a,b,c,d,e) | <#< a & <#< b & <#< c & <#< d & <#< e
+ (<#<) pp_state (v,w,x,y,z) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< v <#< ", " <#< w <#< ", " <#< x <#< ", " <#< y <#< ", " <#< z <#< ") "
+instance <#< (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) | <#< a & <#< b & <#< c & <#< d & <#< e & <#< f & <#< g
+ (<#<) pp_state (v,w,x,y,z,f,g) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< v <#< ", " <#< w <#< ", " <#< x <#< ", " <#< y <#< ", " <#< z <#< ", " <#< f <#< ", " <#< g <#< ") "
+instance <#< [a] | <#< a
+ (<#<) pp_state [] = pp_state
+ (<#<) pp_state l = showTail (pp_state <#< "[") l
+ where
+ showTail f [x] = f <#< x <#< "] "
+ showTail f [a:x] = showTail (f <#< a <#< ", ") x
+ showTail f [] = f <#< "] "
+instance <#< BasicType
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_Int = pp_state <#< "Int"
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_Char = pp_state <#< "Char"
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_Real = pp_state <#< "Real"
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_Bool = pp_state <#< "Bool"
+ (<#<) pp_state (BT_String _) = pp_state <#< "String"
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_Dynamic = pp_state <#< "Dynamic"
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_File = pp_state <#< "File"
+ (<#<) pp_state BT_World = pp_state <#< "World"
+instance <#< TypeVar
+ (<#<) pp_state varid = pp_state <#< varid.tv_name
+instance <#< AttributeVar
+ (<#<) pp_state {av_name,av_info_ptr} = pp_state <#< av_name
+instance <#< AType
+ (<#<) pp_state {at_attribute,at_type}
+ = pp_state <#< at_attribute <#< at_type
+instance <#< TypeAttribute
+ (<#<) pp_state ta
+ = pp_state <#< toString ta
+instance <#< Annotation
+ (<#<) pp_state an = pp_state <#< toString an
+instance <#< ATypeVar
+ (<#<) pp_state {atv_attribute,atv_variable}
+ = pp_state <#< atv_attribute <#< atv_variable
+instance <#< ConsVariable
+ (<#<) pp_state (CV tv)
+ = pp_state <#< tv
+ (<#<) pp_state (TempCV tv)
+ = pp_state <#< "v" <#< tv <#< ' '
+ (<#<) pp_state (TempQCV tv)
+ = pp_state <#< "q" <#< tv <#< ' '
+instance <#< Type
+ (<#<) pp_state (TA consid types)
+ = pp_state <#< consid <#< " " <#< types
+ (<#<) pp_state (TAS consid types strictness)
+ = pp_state <#< consid <#< " [" <#< strictness <#< "] "<#< types
+ (<#<) pp_state (arg_type --> res_type)
+ = pp_state <#< arg_type <#< " -> " <#< res_type
+ (<#<) pp_state (TArrow)
+ = pp_state <#< " (->) "
+ (<#<) pp_state (TArrow1 arg_type)
+ = pp_state <#< " ((->) " <#< arg_type <#<") "
+ (<#<) pp_state (type :@: types)
+ = pp_state <#< type <#< " @" <#< types
+ (<#<) pp_state (TB tb)
+ = pp_state <#< tb
+ (<#<) pp_state (TFA vars types)
+ = pp_state <#< "A." <#< vars <#< ':' <#< types
+ (<#<) pp_state (GTV varid)
+ = pp_state <#< varid
+ (<#<) pp_state (TV varid)
+ = pp_state <#< varid
+ (<#<) pp_state (TempV tv_number)
+ = pp_state <#< "TempV " <#< tv_number <#< ' '
+ (<#<) pp_state (TQV varid)
+ = pp_state <#< "E." <#< varid
+ (<#<) pp_state (TempQV tv_number)
+ = pp_state <#< "E." <#< tv_number <#< ' '
+ (<#<) pp_state (TLifted varid)
+ = pp_state <#< "TLifted " <#< varid
+ (<#<) pp_state TE
+ = pp_state <#< "TE"
+instance <#< StrictnessList where
+ (<#<) pp_state NotStrict = pp_state <#< '.'
+ (<#<) pp_state (Strict i) = pp_state <#< '!' <#< i
+ (<#<) pp_state (StrictList i l) = pp_state <#< '!' <#< i <#< l
+instance <#< SymbolType
+ (<#<) pp_state st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_args_strictness}
+ | st.st_arity == 0
+ = write_inequalities st.st_attr_env (write_contexts st.st_context (pp_state <#< '[' <#< st_vars <#< ',' <#< st_attr_vars <#< ']' <#< st.st_result))
+ = write_inequalities st.st_attr_env (write_contexts st.st_context (pp_state <#< '[' <#< st_vars <#< ',' <#< st_attr_vars <#< ']' <#< st.st_args <#< " -> " <#< st.st_result))
+write_contexts [] pp_state
+ = pp_state
+write_contexts [tc : tcs] pp_state
+ = write_contexts2 tcs (pp_state <#< " | " <#< tc)
+ write_contexts2 [] pp_state
+ = pp_state
+ write_contexts2 [tc : tcs] pp_state
+ = write_contexts2 tcs (pp_state <#< " & " <#< tc)
+instance <#< AttrInequality
+ (<#<) pp_state {ai_demanded,ai_offered}
+ = pp_state <#< ai_offered <#< " <= " <#< ai_demanded
+write_inequalities [] pp_state
+ = pp_state
+write_inequalities [ineq:ineqs] pp_state
+ = write_remaining_inequalities ineqs (pp_state <#< ',' <#< ineq)
+ write_remaining_inequalities [] pp_state
+ = pp_state
+ write_remaining_inequalities [ineq:ineqs] pp_state
+ = write_remaining_inequalities ineqs (pp_state <#< ' ' <#< ineq)
+instance <#< TypeContext
+ (<#<) pp_state co=:{tc_class,tc_types,tc_var}
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "TC\n"
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "tc_class: " <#< tc_class <#< "\n"
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "tc_types: " <#< tc_types <#< "\n"
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "tc_var: " <#< ptrToInt tc_var <#< "\n"
+ = pp_state
+instance <#< SymbIdent
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '@' <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '@' <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< "[o]@" <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '@' <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '?'
+instance <#< TypeSymbIdent
+ (<#<) pp_state symb = pp_state <#< symb.type_name <#< '.' <#< symb.type_index
+instance <#< BoundVar
+ (<#<) pp_state {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
+ = pp_state <#< var_name <#< '<' <#< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <#< '>'
+instance <#< (Bind a b) | <#< a & <#< b
+ (<#<) pp_state {bind_src,bind_dst} = pp_state <#< bind_dst <#< " = " <#< bind_src
+instance <#< LetBind
+ (<#<) pp_state {lb_dst,lb_src} = pp_state <#< lb_dst <#< " = " <#< lb_src
+instance <#< AlgebraicPattern
+ (<#<) pp_state g = pp_state <#< g.ap_symbol <#< g.ap_vars <#< " -> " <#< g.ap_expr
+instance <#< BasicPattern
+ (<#<) pp_state g
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< g.bp_value
+ # pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "-> " <#< g.bp_expr
+ # pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ = pp_state
+instance <#< CasePatterns
+ (<#<) pp_state (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) = pp_state <#< patterns
+ (<#<) pp_state (BasicPatterns type patterns) = pp_state <#<patterns
+ (<#<) pp_state (DynamicPatterns patterns) = pp_state <#< patterns
+ (<#<) pp_state (OverloadedListPatterns olt expr patterns) = pp_state <#< "( " <#< olt <#< " : " <#< expr <#< ")" <#< patterns
+ (<#<) pp_state NoPattern = pp_state
+instance <#< OverloadedListType
+ (<#<) pp_state (UnboxedList list_type_symbol strict_lists_module_index decons_u_index nil_u_index)
+ = pp_state <#< "UnboxedList (" <#< list_type_symbol <#< "," <#< strict_lists_module_index
+ <#< "," <#< decons_u_index <#< "," <#< nil_u_index <#< ")"
+ (<#<) pp_state (UnboxedTailStrictList list_type_symbol strict_lists_module_index decons_uts_index nil_uts_index)
+ = pp_state <#< "UnboxedTailStrictList (" <#< list_type_symbol <#< "," <#< strict_lists_module_index
+ <#< "," <#< decons_uts_index <#< "," <#< nil_uts_index <#< ")"
+ (<#<) pp_state (OverloadedList list_type_symbol strict_lists_module_index decons_index nil_index)
+ = pp_state <#< "OverloadedList (" <#< list_type_symbol <#< "," <#< strict_lists_module_index
+ <#< "," <#< decons_index <#< "," <#< nil_index <#< ")"
+instance <#< BasicValue
+ (<#<) pp_state (BVI int) = pp_state <#< int
+ (<#<) pp_state (BVInt int) = pp_state <#< int
+ (<#<) pp_state (BVC char) = pp_state <#< char
+ (<#<) pp_state (BVB bool) = pp_state <#< bool
+ (<#<) pp_state (BVR real) = pp_state <#< real
+ (<#<) pp_state (BVS string) = pp_state <#< string
+instance <#< Expression
+ (<#<) pp_state (Var ident) = pp_state <#< ident
+ (<#<) pp_state (App {app_symb, app_args, app_info_ptr})
+ = pp_state <#< app_symb <#< ' ' <#< app_args
+ (<#<) pp_state (f_exp @ a_exp) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< f_exp <#< " @ " <#< a_exp <#< ')'
+ (<#<) pp_state (Let {let_info_ptr, let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr})
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "let"
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ #! pp_state
+ = write_binds "!" pp_state let_strict_binds
+ #! pp_state
+ = write_binds "" pp_state let_lazy_binds
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ // in
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "in"
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< let_expr
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ = pp_state
+ where
+ write_binds x pp_state []
+ = pp_state
+ write_binds x pp_state [bind : binds]
+ # s
+ = if (isEmpty binds) ' ' '\n'
+ = write_binds x (pp_state <#< x <#< " " <#< bind <#< s <#< '\n') binds
+ (<#<) pp_state (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default=No,case_explicit})
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "case" <#< (if case_explicit '!' '?') <#< " " <#< case_expr <#< " of"
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< case_guards
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ = pp_state
+ (<#<) pp_state (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default= Yes def_expr,case_explicit})
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "case" <#< (if case_explicit '!' '?') <#< " " <#< case_expr <#< " of"
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< case_guards
+ // default
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "_DEF_"
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ #! pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "-> " <#< def_expr
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ #! pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ = pp_state
+ (<#<) pp_state (BasicExpr basic_value) = pp_state <#< basic_value
+ (<#<) pp_state (Conditional {if_cond,if_then,if_else}) =
+ else_part (pp_state <#< "IF " <#< if_cond <#< '\n' <#< "THEN\n" <#< if_then) if_else
+ where
+ else_part pp_state No = pp_state <#< '\n'
+ else_part pp_state (Yes else) = pp_state <#< '\n' <#< "ELSE\n" <#< else <#< '\n'
+ (<#<) pp_state (Selection selector_kind expr selectors) = pp_state <#< expr <#< selector_kind <#< selectors
+ (<#<) pp_state (Update expr1 selections expr2) = pp_state <#< '{' <#< expr1 <#< " & " <#< selections <#< " = " <#< expr2 <#< '}'
+ (<#<) pp_state (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) = pp_state <#< '{' <#< cons_symbol <#< ' ' <#< expression <#< " & " <#< expressions <#< '}'
+ (<#<) pp_state (TupleSelect field field_nr expr) = pp_state <#< expr <#<'.' <#< field_nr
+ (<#<) pp_state WildCard = pp_state <#< '_'
+ (<#<) pp_state (MatchExpr cons expr) = pp_state <#< cons <#< " =: " <#< expr
+ (<#<) pp_state EE = pp_state <#< "** E **"
+ (<#<) pp_state (NoBind _) = pp_state <#< "** NB **"
+ (<#<) pp_state (FailExpr id) = pp_state <#< "** FAIL " <#< id <#< " **"
+ (<#<) pp_state (DynamicExpr {dyn_expr,dyn_type_code}) = pp_state <#< "**dynamic " <#< dyn_expr /*<#< " :: dyn_uni_vars"*/ /*) dyn_uni_vars*/ <#< '\n' //<#< "dyn_type_code=" <#< dyn_type_code
+ (<#<) pp_state (TypeCodeExpression type_code) = pp_state <#< type_code
+ (<#<) pp_state (Constant symb _ _ _) = pp_state <#< "** Constant **" <#< symb
+ (<#<) pp_state (ABCCodeExpr code_sequence do_inline) = pp_state <#< (if do_inline "code inline\n" "code\n") <#< code_sequence
+ (<#<) pp_state (AnyCodeExpr input output code_sequence) = pp_state <#< "code\n" <#< input <#< '\n' <#< "" <#< output <#< '\n' <#< "" <#< code_sequence
+ (<#<) pp_state (FreeVar {fv_name}) = pp_state <#< fv_name
+ (<#<) pp_state (ClassVariable info_ptr) = pp_state <#< "ClassVariable " <#< ptrToInt info_ptr
+ (<#<) pp_state expr = abort ("<#< (Expression) [line 1290]" )
+instance <#< SelectorKind where
+ (<#<) pp_state NormalSelector = pp_state <#< '.'
+ (<#<) pp_state NormalSelectorUniqueElementResult = pp_state <#< '?'
+ (<#<) pp_state UniqueSelector = pp_state <#< '!'
+instance <#< ParsedSelectorKind where
+ (<#<) pp_state ParsedNormalSelector = pp_state <#< '.'
+ (<#<) pp_state (ParsedUniqueSelector True) = pp_state <#< '?'
+ (<#<) pp_state (ParsedUniqueSelector False) = pp_state <#< '!'
+instance <#< TypeCase
+ (<#<) pp_state {type_case_dynamic,type_case_patterns,type_case_default}
+ = pp_state <#< "typecase " <#< type_case_dynamic <#< "of\n" <#<
+ type_case_patterns <#< type_case_default
+instance <#< DynamicPattern
+ (<#<) pp_state {dp_type_patterns_vars,dp_var,dp_rhs,dp_type_code}
+ = writeVarPtrs (pp_state <#< dp_var <#< " :: ") dp_type_patterns_vars <#< dp_type_code <#< " = " <#< dp_rhs
+writeVarPtrs pp_state []
+ = pp_state
+writeVarPtrs pp_state vars
+ = write_var_ptrs (pp_state <#< '<') vars <#< '>'
+ where
+ write_var_ptrs pp_state [var]
+ = pp_state <#< ptrToInt var
+ write_var_ptrs pp_state [var : vars]
+ = write_var_ptrs (pp_state <#< ptrToInt var <#< '.') vars
+instance <#< TypeCodeExpression
+ (<#<) pp_state TCE_Empty
+ = pp_state
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCE_Var info_ptr)
+ = pp_state <#< "TCE_Var " <#< ptrToInt info_ptr
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCE_TypeTerm info_ptr)
+ = pp_state <#< "TCE_TypeTerm " <#< ptrToInt info_ptr
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCE_Constructor index _ exprs)
+ = pp_state <#< "TCE_Constructor " <#< index <#< ' ' <#< exprs
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCE_Selector selectors info_ptr)
+ = pp_state <#< "TCE_Selector " <#< selectors <#< "VAR " <#< ptrToInt info_ptr
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCE_UniType info_ptrs expr)
+ = pp_state <#< "TCE_UniType "
+instance <#< Selection
+ (<#<) pp_state (RecordSelection selector _) = pp_state <#< selector
+ (<#<) pp_state (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) = pp_state <#< '[' <#< index_expr <#< ']'
+ (<#<) pp_state (DictionarySelection var selections _ index_expr) = pp_state <#< '(' <#< var <#< '.' <#< selections <#< ')' <#< '[' <#< index_expr <#< ']'
+instance <#< FunKind
+ (<#<) pp_state (FK_Function False) = pp_state <#< "FK_Function"
+ (<#<) pp_state (FK_Function True) = pp_state <#< "Lambda"
+ (<#<) pp_state FK_Macro = pp_state <#< "FK_Macro"
+ (<#<) pp_state FK_Caf = pp_state <#< "FK_Caf"
+ (<#<) pp_state FK_Unknown = pp_state <#< "FK_Unknown"
+instance <#< FunDef
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_symb,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}}
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< "\nFunction: " <#< fun_symb <#< '@' <#< function_index <#< '\n' <#< tb_args <#< '[' <#< fi_calls <#< ']' <#< " = "
+ # pp_state
+ = IndentLevelForward pp_state
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< '\n' <#< tb_rhs <#< '\n'
+ # pp_state
+ = IndentLevelBackward pp_state
+ = pp_state
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_symb,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=Yes type}
+ = pp_state <#< type <#< '\n' <#< fun_symb <#< '.' <#< function_index <#< "Array function\n"
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_symb,fun_body=Expanding vars,fun_type=Yes type}
+ = pp_state <#< type <#< '\n' <#< fun_symb <#< '.' <#< function_index <#< "Expanding function\n"
+instance <#< FunCall
+ (<#<) pp_state (FunCall fc_index fc_level)
+ = pp_state <#< fc_index <#< '.' <#< fc_level
+ (<#<) pp_state (DclFunCall fc_module fc_index)
+ = pp_state <#< fc_index <#< ':' <#< fc_module
+ (<#<) pp_state (MacroCall index1 index2 level)
+ = pp_state <#< index1 <#< '.' <#< index2 <#< '.' <#< level
+instance <#< FreeVar
+ (<#<) pp_state {fv_name,fv_info_ptr,fv_count}
+ = pp_state <#< fv_name <#< '.' <#< fv_count <#< '<' <#< ptrToInt fv_info_ptr <#< '>'
+instance <#< DynamicType
+ (<#<) pp_state {dt_uni_vars,dt_type}
+ | isEmpty dt_uni_vars
+ = pp_state <#< "DynamicType" <#< dt_type
+ = pp_state <#< "DynamicType" <#< "A." <#< dt_uni_vars <#< ":" <#< dt_type
+instance <#< SignClassification
+ (<#<) pp_state {sc_pos_vect,sc_neg_vect} = write_signs pp_state sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect 0
+ where
+ write_signs pp_state sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect index
+ | sc_pos_vect == 0 && sc_neg_vect == 0
+ = pp_state
+ # index_bit = (1 << index)
+ | sc_pos_vect bitand index_bit == 0
+ | sc_neg_vect bitand index_bit == 0
+ = write_signs (pp_state <#< 'O') sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect (inc index)
+ = write_signs (pp_state <#< '-') sc_pos_vect (sc_neg_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (inc index)
+ | sc_neg_vect bitand index_bit == 0
+ = write_signs (pp_state <#< '+') (sc_pos_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) sc_neg_vect (inc index)
+ = write_signs (pp_state <#< 'T') (sc_pos_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (sc_neg_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (inc index)
+instance <#< TypeKind
+ (<#<) pp_state (KindVar _) = pp_state <#< "**"
+ (<#<) pp_state KindConst
+ = pp_state <#< '*'
+ (<#<) pp_state (KindArrow arity)
+ = pp_state <#< "TypeKind" //write_kinds pp_state arity
+ where
+ write_kinds pp_state 1
+ = pp_state <#< "* -> *"
+ write_kinds pp_state n
+ = write_kinds (pp_state <#< "* -> ") (dec n)
+instance <#< GlobalIndex
+ (<#<) pp_state {gi_module,gi_index} = pp_state <#< gi_module <#< ':' <#< gi_index
+instance <#< TypeDefInfo
+ (<#<) pp_state {tdi_group,tdi_group_vars,tdi_cons_vars}
+ = pp_state <#< '[' <#< tdi_group <#< '=' <#< tdi_group_vars <#< '=' <#< tdi_cons_vars <#< ']'
+instance <#< DefinedSymbol
+ (<#<) pp_state {ds_ident,ds_index}
+ = pp_state <#< ds_ident
+instance <#< (TypeDef a) | <#< a
+ (<#<) pp_state {td_name, td_args, td_rhs}
+ = pp_state <#< ":: " <#< td_name <#< ' ' <#< td_args <#< td_rhs
+instance <#< TypeRhs
+ (<#<) pp_state (SynType type)
+ = pp_state <#< " :== " <#< type
+ (<#<) pp_state (AlgType data)
+ = pp_state <#< " = " <#< data
+ (<#<) pp_state (RecordType record)
+ = pp_state <#< " = " <#< '{' <#< record <#< '}'
+ (<#<) pp_state _
+ = pp_state
+instance <#< RecordType
+ (<#<) pp_state {rt_fields} = iFoldSt (\index pp_state -> pp_state <#< rt_fields.[index]) 0 (size rt_fields) pp_state
+instance <#< FieldSymbol
+ (<#<) pp_state {fs_name} = pp_state <#< fs_name
+instance <#< InstanceType
+ (<#<) pp_state it = write_contexts it.it_context (pp_state <#< it.it_types)
+instance <#< ModuleKind
+ (<#<) pp_state kind = pp_state
+instance <#< ConsDef
+ (<#<) pp_state {cons_symb,cons_type} = pp_state <#< cons_symb <#< " :: " <#< cons_type
+instance <#< SelectorDef
+ (<#<) pp_state {sd_symb} = pp_state <#< sd_symb
+instance <#< ClassDef
+ (<#<) pp_state {class_name} = pp_state <#< class_name
+instance <#< ClassInstance
+ (<#<) pp_state {ins_class,ins_type} = pp_state <#< ins_class <#< " :: " <#< ins_type
+instance <#< (Optional a) | <#< a
+ (<#<) pp_state (Yes x) = pp_state <#< x
+ (<#<) pp_state No = pp_state
+instance <#< (Module a) | <#< a
+ (<#<) pp_state {mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs} = pp_state <#< mod_type <#< mod_name <#< mod_defs
+instance <#< (CollectedDefinitions a b) | <#< a & <#< b
+ (<#<) pp_state {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_classes,def_members,def_instances}
+ = pp_state
+instance <#< IndexRange
+ (<#<) pp_state {ir_from,ir_to}
+ | ir_from == ir_to
+ = pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< ir_from <#< "---" <#< ir_to
+instance <#< Ident
+// (<#<) pp_state {id_name,id_index} = pp_state <#< id_name <#< '@' <#< id_index
+ (<#<) pp_state {id_name,id_info} = pp_state <#< id_name
+instance <#< (Global a) | <#< a
+ (<#<) pp_state {glob_object,glob_module} = pp_state <#< glob_object
+instance <#< Position
+ (<#<) pp_state (FunPos pp_state_name line func) = pp_state <#< '[' <#< pp_state_name <#< ',' <#< line <#< ',' <#< func <#< ']'
+ (<#<) pp_state (LinePos pp_state_name line) = pp_state <#< '[' <#< pp_state_name <#< ',' <#< line <#< ']'
+ (<#<) pp_state _ = pp_state
+instance <#< TypeVarInfo
+ (<#<) pp_state TVI_Empty = pp_state <#< "TVI_Empty"
+ (<#<) pp_state (TVI_Type _) = pp_state <#< "TVI_Type"
+ (<#<) pp_state (TVI_Forward _) = pp_state <#< "TVI_Forward"
+ (<#<) pp_state (TVI_TypeKind _) = pp_state <#< "TVI_TypeKind"
+ (<#<) pp_state (TVI_SignClass _ _ _) = pp_state <#< "TVI_SignClass"
+ (<#<) pp_state (TVI_PropClass _ _ _) = pp_state <#< "TVI_PropClass"
+instance <#< (Import from_symbol) | <#< from_symbol
+ (<#<) pp_state {import_module, import_symbols}
+ = pp_state <#< "import " <#< import_module <#< import_symbols
+instance <#< ImportDeclaration
+ (<#<) pp_state (ID_Function ident) = pp_state <#< ident
+ (<#<) pp_state (ID_Class ident optIdents) = pp_state <#< "class " <#< ident <#< optIdents
+ (<#<) pp_state (ID_Type ident optIdents) = pp_state <#< ":: " <#< ident <#< optIdents
+ (<#<) pp_state (ID_Record ident optIdents) = pp_state <#< ident <#< " { " <#< optIdents <#< " } "
+ (<#<) pp_state (ID_Instance i1 i2 tup) = pp_state <#< "instance " <#< i1 <#< i2 <#< tup // !ImportedIdent !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
+instance <#< ImportedIdent
+ (<#<) pp_state {ii_ident, ii_extended} = pp_state <#< ii_ident <#< ' ' <#< ii_extended
+instance <#< TCClass
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCClass class_sym)
+ = pp_state <#< "C: " <#< class_sym
+ (<#<) pp_state (TCGeneric gen_sym)
+ = pp_state <#< "TCGeneric ..."
+instance <#< VarInfo
+ (<#<) pp_state VI_Empty
+ = pp_state <#< "VI_Empty"
+ (<#<) pp_state l
+ = pp_state <#< "VarInfo (unimplemented <#< VarInfo)"
+instance <#< {!a} | <#< a
+/* // */
+ & select_u, size_u, <#< a /* Clean 1.3 only */
+/* // /*
+*/ */
+ (<#<) pp_state array
+ # list
+ = [0..dec (size array)]
+ = (foldSt f list (pp_state <#< "{")) <#< "}"
+ where
+ f index pp_state
+ # pp_state
+ = pp_state <#< array.[index]
+ # pp_state
+ = case (index < dec (size array)) of
+ True -> pp_state <#< ",";
+ False -> pp_state
+ = pp_state