path: root/frontend
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3 files changed, 70 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 50b52b4..4334174 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -1293,30 +1293,35 @@ specification_error type err
format = { form_properties = cAttributed, form_position = []}
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " specified type conflicts with derived type " <:: (format, type) <<< '\n' }
-cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [] defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env fun_defs ts
+cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [] _ defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
= (fun_defs, ts)
-cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [fun : funs] defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env fun_defs ts
+cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes [fun : funs] [ {fe_requirements = {req_case_and_let_exprs}} : reqs] defs type_contexts coercion_env
+ attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
#! fd = fun_defs.[fun]
- # (type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts) = clean_up_and_check_function_type fd fun defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts
- = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes funs defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env fun_defs ts
+ # (type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts) = clean_up_and_check_function_type fd fun defs type_contexts
+ req_case_and_let_exprs coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts
+ = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes funs reqs defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env (fun_defs, ts)
- clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun defs type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts
+ clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun defs type_contexts case_and_let_exprs
+ coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts
#! env_type = ts.ts_fun_env.[fun]
# ts = { ts & ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) ts.ts_error}
= case env_type of
ExpandedType fun_type tmp_fun_type exp_fun_type
- # (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_error)
- = cleanUpSymbolType exp_fun_type type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_error
+ # (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
+ = cleanUpSymbolType exp_fun_type type_contexts case_and_let_exprs coercion_env
+ attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_expr_heap ts.ts_error
| ts_error.ea_ok
# (ts_fun_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_error)
= check_function_type fun_type tmp_fun_type clean_fun_type defs ts.ts_fun_env attr_var_env ts_type_heaps ts_error
- -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
- -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_error = ts_error })
+ -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
+ -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_error = ts_error })
UncheckedType exp_fun_type
- # (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_error)
- = cleanUpSymbolType exp_fun_type type_contexts coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_error
+ # (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
+ = cleanUpSymbolType exp_fun_type type_contexts case_and_let_exprs coercion_env
+ attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_expr_heap ts.ts_error
ts_fun_env = { ts.ts_fun_env & [fun] = CheckedType clean_fun_type }
- -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
+ -> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
check_function_type fun_type tmp_fun_type=:{tst_lifted} clean_fun_type=:{st_arity, st_args, st_vars, st_attr_vars} defs fun_env attr_var_env type_heaps error
# (equi, attr_var_env, type_heaps) = equivalent clean_fun_type tmp_fun_type defs attr_var_env type_heaps
@@ -1493,9 +1498,9 @@ where
(subst, ts_fun_env) = expand_function_types comp subst ts.ts_fun_env
attr_var_env = createArray nr_of_attr_vars TA_None
var_env = { subst & [i] = TE \\ i <- [0..dec ts_var_store]}
- (fun_defs, ts) = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes comp ti_common_defs contexts coer_demanded attr_partition var_env attr_var_env fun_defs
- { ts & ts_error = ts_error, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps,
- ts_td_infos = ts_td_infos, ts_var_heap = os_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = os_symbol_heap }
+ (fun_defs, ts) = cleanUpAndCheckFunctionTypes comp fun_reqs ti_common_defs contexts coer_demanded attr_partition var_env attr_var_env
+ (fun_defs, { ts & ts_error = ts_error, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps,
+ ts_td_infos = ts_td_infos, ts_var_heap = os_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = os_symbol_heap })
| not ts.ts_error.ea_ok
= (True, fun_defs, os_predef_symbols, os_special_instances, create_erroneous_function_types comp
{ ts & ts_var_store = 0, ts_attr_store = FirstAttrVar, ts_error = { ts.ts_error & ea_ok = True } })
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index d1385f7..88eb26f 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ instance <:: SymbolType, Type, AType, [a] | <:: a
cleanSymbolType :: !Int !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
extendSymbolType :: !SymbolType !Int !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
-cleanUpSymbolType :: !TempSymbolType ![TypeContext] !{! CoercionTree} !AttributePartition !*VarEnv !*AttributeEnv !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!SymbolType, !*VarEnv, !*AttributeEnv, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+cleanUpSymbolType :: !TempSymbolType ![TypeContext] ![ExprInfoPtr] !{! CoercionTree} !AttributePartition
+ !*VarEnv !*AttributeEnv !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!SymbolType, !*VarEnv, !*AttributeEnv, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
expandTypeApplication :: ![ATypeVar] !TypeAttribute !Type ![AType] !TypeAttribute !*TypeHeaps -> (!Type, !*TypeHeaps)
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 2d75653..5a65277 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -19,24 +19,6 @@ import syntax, parse, check, unitype, utilities, RWSDebug
, tst_attr_env :: ![AttrCoercion]
-class emptyValue a :: a
-instance emptyValue TypeAttribute
- emptyValue = TA_None
-instance emptyValue Type
- emptyValue = TE
-lookUp :: !a !(Env a b) -> (!Bool, !b) | ==, toString a & emptyValue b
-lookUp elem_id []
- = (False, emptyValue)
-lookUp elem_id [b : bs]
- | elem_id == b.bind_src
- = (True, b.bind_dst)
- = lookUp elem_id bs
simplifyTypeApplication :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
simplifyTypeApplication (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
@@ -235,26 +217,31 @@ newAttributedVariable var_number (variables, attributes, type_heaps=:{th_vars,th
= ({ at_annotation = AN_None, at_attribute = TA_Var new_attr_var, at_type = TV new_var},
([ new_var : variables ], [ new_attr_var : attributes ], { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }))
-cleanUpSymbolType :: !TempSymbolType ![TypeContext] !{! CoercionTree} !AttributePartition !*VarEnv !*AttributeEnv !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!SymbolType, !*VarEnv, !*AttributeEnv, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-cleanUpSymbolType tst=:{tst_arity,tst_args,tst_result,tst_context,tst_lifted} context coercions attr_part var_env attr_var_env heaps error
+cleanUpSymbolType :: !TempSymbolType ![TypeContext] ![ExprInfoPtr] !{! CoercionTree} !AttributePartition
+ !*VarEnv !*AttributeEnv !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!SymbolType, !*VarEnv, !*AttributeEnv, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
+cleanUpSymbolType tst=:{tst_arity,tst_args,tst_result,tst_context,tst_lifted} context case_and_let_exprs
+ coercions attr_part var_env attr_var_env heaps expr_heap error
#! nr_of_temp_vars = size var_env
#! max_attr_nr = size attr_var_env
# cus = { cus_var_env = var_env, cus_attr_env = attr_var_env, cus_heaps = heaps,
cus_var_store = 0, cus_attr_store = 0, cus_error = error }
(lifted_args, cus=:{cus_var_env}) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) (take tst_lifted tst_args) cus
- (lifted_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars [] cus_var_env
+ (lifted_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_lifted_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars [] cus_var_env
(st_args, cus) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) (drop tst_lifted tst_args) { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env }
- (st_result, {cus_var_env,cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_error}) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) tst_result cus
- (st_context, cus_var_env, error) = clean_up_type_contexts (tst_context ++ context) cus_var_env cus_error
- (st_vars, var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars lifted_vars cus_var_env
- (attr_env, st_attr_vars, st_attr_env) = build_attribute_environment 0 max_attr_nr coercions cus_attr_env [] []
+ (st_result, cus) = clean_up (coercions,attr_part) tst_result cus
+ (st_context, cus_var_env, cus_error) = clean_up_type_contexts (tst_context ++ context) cus.cus_var_env cus.cus_error
+ (st_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars lifted_vars cus_var_env
+ (expr_heap, {cus_var_env,cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_error}) = update_expression_types (coercions,attr_part) case_and_let_exprs
+ expr_heap { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env, cus_error = cus_error }
+ (cus_attr_env, st_attr_vars, st_attr_env) = build_attribute_environment 0 max_attr_nr coercions cus_attr_env [] []
st = { st_arity = tst_arity, st_vars = st_vars , st_args = lifted_args ++ st_args, st_result = st_result, st_context = st_context,
st_attr_env = st_attr_env, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars }
- = (st,{ var_env & [i] = TE \\ i <- [0..nr_of_temp_vars - 1]}, { attr_env & [i] = TA_None \\ i <- [0..max_attr_nr - 1]}, cus_heaps, error)
+ = (st, { cus_var_env & [i] = TE \\ i <- [0..nr_of_temp_vars - 1]},
+ { cus_attr_env & [i] = TA_None \\ i <- [0..max_attr_nr - 1]}, cus_heaps, expr_heap, cus_error)
// ---> (tst, st)
- determine_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env)
+ determine_lifted_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env)
#! type = var_env.[var_index]
= case type of
TV var
@@ -262,6 +249,17 @@ where
-> (all_vars, var_env)
+ determine_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env)
+ #! type = var_env.[var_index]
+ = case type of
+ TV var
+ -> ([var : all_vars], var_env)
+ _
+ -> (all_vars, var_env)
+ determine_lifted_type_vars to_index all_vars var_env
+ = iFoldSt determine_lifted_type_var 0 to_index (all_vars, var_env)
determine_type_vars to_index all_vars var_env
= iFoldSt determine_type_var 0 to_index (all_vars, var_env)
@@ -296,67 +294,28 @@ where
= True
is_new_inequality dem_var off_var [{ ai_demanded, ai_offered } : inequalities]
= (dem_var <> ai_demanded || off_var <> ai_offered) && is_new_inequality dem_var off_var inequalities
- build_inequalities :: !AttributeVar !(Env Int TypeAttribute) !Int !{# Bool} !Int !Int ![AttrInequality] -> [AttrInequality]
- build_inequalities off_var attr_var_env next_var_number dem_vars skip size inequalities
- | next_var_number == size
- = inequalities
- | dem_vars.[next_var_number] && next_var_number <> skip
- # (found, TA_Var dem_var) = lookUp next_var_number attr_var_env
- | found
- # inequalities = [ { ai_demanded = dem_var, ai_offered = off_var } : inequalities]
- = build_inequalities off_var attr_var_env (inc next_var_number) dem_vars skip size inequalities
- = build_inequalities off_var attr_var_env (inc next_var_number) dem_vars skip size inequalities
- = build_inequalities off_var attr_var_env (inc next_var_number) dem_vars skip size inequalities
-clean_up_symbol_type :: !SymbolType ![TypeContext] !*ErrorAdmin -> (!SymbolType, !*ErrorAdmin)
-clean_up_symbol_type st=:{st_args,st_result,st_context} context error
- # (st_args, var_env, attr_var_env, var_store, error) = clean_up_argument_types st_args [] [] 0 error
- (st_result, var_env, attr_var_env, var_store, error) = clean_up_result_type st_result var_env attr_var_env var_store error
- new_env = attr_var_env ++ var_env
- (st_context, error) = clean_up_type_contexts (st_context ++ context) new_env error
- = ({ st & st_vars = map (\bind=:{bind_dst = TV tv} -> tv) new_env, st_args = st_args, st_result = st_result, st_context = st_context }, error)
-clean_up_type type var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- # (type, var_binds, new_uq_var_binds, var_store) = clean_up type var_binds [] var_store
- error = check_uq_vars new_uq_var_binds uq_var_binds error
- | isEmpty new_uq_var_binds
- = (type, var_binds, new_uq_var_binds ++ uq_var_binds, var_store, error)
- = (TFA [ var \\ {bind_dst=TV var} <- new_uq_var_binds ] type, var_binds, new_uq_var_binds ++ uq_var_binds, var_store, error)
-quantifiction_error err=:{ea_file}
- # ea_file = ea_file <<< "Type error: Introduction of universal quantifier failed\n"
- = { err & ea_file = ea_file}
-check_uq_vars [] uq_var_binds error = error
-check_uq_vars [b:bs] uq_var_binds error
- # (found, var) = lookUp b.bind_src uq_var_binds
- | found
- = quantifiction_error error
- = check_uq_vars bs uq_var_binds error
-clean_up_argument_types [] var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- = ([], var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error)
-clean_up_argument_types [t:ts] var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- # (t, var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error) = clean_up_type t var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- (ts, var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error) = clean_up_argument_types ts var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- = ([t:ts], var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error)
-clean_up_result_type (argtype --> restype) var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- # (argtype, var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error) = clean_up_type argtype var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- (restype, var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error) = clean_up_result_type restype var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- = (argtype --> restype, var_binds, uq_var_binds, var_store, error)
-clean_up_result_type type var_binds uq_var_binds var_store error
- # (type, var_binds, new_uq_var_binds, var_store) = clean_up type var_binds [] var_store
- error = check_uq_vars new_uq_var_binds uq_var_binds error
- = (type, var_binds, new_uq_var_binds, var_store, error)
+ update_expression_types :: !({!CoercionTree},!AttributePartition) ![ExprInfoPtr] !*ExpressionHeap !*CleanUpState -> (!*ExpressionHeap,!*CleanUpState);
+ update_expression_types coercions expr_ptrs expr_heap cus
+ = foldSt (update_expression_type coercions) expr_ptrs (expr_heap, cus)
+ update_expression_type coercions expr_ptr (expr_heap, cus)
+ # (info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
+ = case info of
+ EI_CaseType case_type
+ # (case_type, cus) = clean_up coercions case_type cus
+ -> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type), cus)
+ EI_LetType let_type
+ # (let_type, cus) = clean_up coercions let_type cus
+ -> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_LetType let_type), cus)
+instance clean_up CaseType
+ clean_up coercions ctype=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} cus
+ # (ct_pattern_type, cus) = clean_up coercions ct_pattern_type cus
+ (ct_result_type, cus) = clean_up coercions ct_result_type cus
+ (ct_cons_types, cus) = clean_up coercions ct_cons_types cus
+ = ({ctype & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types, ct_result_type = ct_result_type}, cus)
class substitute a :: !a !u:TypeHeaps -> (!a, !u:TypeHeaps)