path: root/frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index f7aa03f..29cea4f 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -686,16 +686,16 @@ scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} hash_table err_file searchP
(fun_defs, local_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions (fun_defs ++ defs.def_macros) {ca & ca_fun_count = fun_count + macro_count}
(def_instances, local_defs_in_insts, {ca_fun_count=tot_fun_count, ca_error = {pea_file,pea_ok}, ca_predefs, ca_hash_table=hash_table})
= reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfInstances defs.def_instances ca
- (import_ok, parsed_modules, local_defs_in_dcl, tot_fun_count, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files)
+ (import_dcl_ok, parsed_modules, local_defs_in_dcl, tot_fun_count, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files)
= scan_dcl_module mod_name mod_type tot_fun_count hash_table pea_file predefs files
- (import_ok, parsed_modules, local_defs_in_imports, tot_fun_count, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files)
+ (import_dcls_ok, parsed_modules, local_defs_in_imports, tot_fun_count, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files)
= scanModules imports parsed_modules tot_fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths ca_predefs files
mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = { defs & def_instances = def_instances,
def_macros = { ir_from = fun_count, ir_to = fun_count + macro_count } }}
[dcl_mod : modules] = reverse parsed_modules
all_local_defs = fun_defs ++ local_defs ++ local_defs_in_insts ++ local_defs_in_dcl ++ local_defs_in_imports
(pre_def_mod, ca_predefs) = buildPredefinedModule ca_predefs
- = (pea_ok && import_ok, mod, fun_count, all_local_defs, dcl_mod, pre_def_mod, modules, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files)
+ = (pea_ok && import_dcl_ok && import_dcls_ok, mod, fun_count, all_local_defs, dcl_mod, pre_def_mod, modules, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files)
scan_dcl_module :: Ident ModuleKind Int *HashTable *File *PredefinedSymbols *Files -> (Bool, [ScannedModule], [FunDef], Int, *HashTable, *File, *PredefinedSymbols, *Files)
scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_Main fun_count hash_table err_file predefs files
@@ -932,12 +932,12 @@ where
= ([ fun : fun_defs ], ca)
collect_member_instances [PD_TypeSpec fun_pos fun_name prio type specials : defs] ca
= case defs of
- [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs]
+ [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : _]
| belongsToTypeSpec fun_name prio name is_infix
- # fun_arity = determineArity args type
+ # fun_arity = determineArity args type
(bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca
(fun_defs, ca) = collect_member_instances defs ca
- fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [ { pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio type pos
+ fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity bodies fun_kind prio type pos
-> ([ fun : fun_defs ], ca)
-> collect_member_instances defs (postParseError fun_pos "function body expected" ca)
@@ -979,12 +979,12 @@ reorganizeLocalDefinitions [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : de
= ([ fun : fun_defs ], node_defs, ca)
reorganizeLocalDefinitions [PD_TypeSpec pos1 name1 prio type specials : defs] ca
= case defs of
- [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs]
+ [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : _]
| belongsToTypeSpec name1 prio name is_infix
# fun_arity = determineArity args type
# (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name1 fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca
(fun_defs, node_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs ca
- fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio type pos
+ fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity bodies fun_kind prio type pos
-> ([fun : fun_defs], node_defs, ca)
-> reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs (postParseError pos "function body expected" ca)
[PD_NodeDef pos pattern=:(PE_Ident id) {rhs_alts,rhs_locals} : defs]
@@ -1003,15 +1003,14 @@ reorganizeLocalDefinitions [] ca
belongsToTypeSpec name prio new_name is_infix :==
name == new_name && sameFixity prio is_infix
determineArity :: [ParsedExpr] (Optional SymbolType) -> Int
determineArity args (Yes {st_arity})
- # arity
- = length args
- | arity == st_arity
- = arity
+ = st_arity
determineArity args No
= length args
sameFixity :: Priority Bool -> Bool
sameFixity (Prio _ _) is_infix
= is_infix