path: root/frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 8ead900..87d380e 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1617,8 +1617,10 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
= substitute (st_args, st_result) { das_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
= symbol_arity
- application_type
- = build_application_type st_arity (length st_context) st_result st_args nr_of_applied_args
+// application_type
+// = build_application_type st_arity (length st_context) st_result st_args nr_of_applied_args
+ (application_type, attr_env, das_next_attr_nr)
+ = build_application_type st_arity (length st_context) st_result st_args nr_of_applied_args [] das_next_attr_nr
= { ti_common_defs = ro.ro_common_defs
, ti_functions = ro.ro_imported_funs
@@ -1633,7 +1635,8 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
= { ur_offered = application_type
, ur_demanded = arg_type
- , ur_attr_ineqs = attr_inequalities
+// , ur_attr_ineqs = attr_inequalities
+ , ur_attr_ineqs = attr_inequalities ++ attr_env
(opt_body, var_names, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
= case producer of
@@ -1643,11 +1646,22 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
| glob_module <> ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n
// we do not have good names for the formal variables of that function: invent some
-> (NoBody, repeatn arity { id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr }, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
- // GOTO next alternative
+ (PR_Curried _ arity)
+ # ({fun_body}, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ = get_fun_def symbol.symb_kind ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n das_fun_defs das_fun_heap
+ -> case fun_body of
+ (TransformedBody tb)
+ -> (NoBody, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_name \\ {fv_name}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ _
+ -> (NoBody, repeatn arity { id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr }, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
- # ({fun_body=fun_body=:TransformedBody tb}, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ # ({fun_body}, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
= get_fun_def symbol.symb_kind ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n das_fun_defs das_fun_heap
- -> (fun_body, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_name \\ {fv_name}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ -> case fun_body of
+ (TransformedBody tb)
+ -> (fun_body, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_name \\ {fv_name}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ _
+ -> abort ("determine_args:not a Transformed Body:"--->("producer",producer))
(form_vars, act_vars, das_var_heap)
= build_var_args (reverse var_names) das.das_vars [] das_var_heap
(expr_to_unfold, das_var_heap)
@@ -1748,6 +1762,7 @@ where
CUnused -> [CActive:copy_classes (dec n) ccs]
cc -> [cc:copy_classes (dec n) ccs]
build_application_type st_arity nr_context_args st_result st_args nr_of_applied_args
| st_arity+nr_context_args==nr_of_applied_args
= st_result
@@ -1760,6 +1775,85 @@ where
has_unique_attribute {at_attribute=TA_Unique} = True
has_unique_attribute _ = False
+ build_application_type st_arity nr_context_args st_result st_args nr_of_applied_args attr_env attr_store
+ | st_arity+nr_context_args==nr_of_applied_args
+ = (st_result, attr_env, attr_store)
+ | nr_of_applied_args<nr_context_args
+ = abort "sanity check nr 234 failed in module trans"
+ # req_arity = nr_of_applied_args - nr_context_args
+ = currySymbolType st_args st_arity st_result attr_env req_arity attr_store
+ # (type`,attr_env`,attr_store`)
+ = currySymbolType st_args st_arity st_result attr_env req_arity attr_store
+ # (applied_args, unapplied_args) = splitAt req_arity st_args
+ attr_approx = if (any has_unique_attribute applied_args) TA_Unique TA_Multi // DvA: should be var instead of multi...
+ # type = foldr (\atype1 atype2->{at_attribute=attr_approx, at_type=atype1-->atype2})
+ st_result unapplied_args
+ | False ---> ("build",type,type`) = undef
+// = (type, attr_env, attr_store)
+ = (type`, attr_env`, attr_store`)
+ where
+ has_unique_attribute {at_attribute=TA_Unique} = True
+ has_unique_attribute _ = False
+// DvA: from type.icl...
+currySymbolType tst_args tst_arity tst_result tst_attr_env req_arity ts_attr_store
+ | tst_arity == req_arity
+ = (tst_result, tst_attr_env, ts_attr_store)
+ # (tst_args, rest_args, is_unique) = split_args req_arity tst_args
+ | is_unique
+ # (type, _, _) = buildCurriedType rest_args tst_result TA_Unique [] 0
+ = (type, tst_attr_env, ts_attr_store)
+ # tst_attr_env = build_attr_env ts_attr_store tst_args tst_attr_env
+ # (type, tst_attr_env, ts_attr_store) = buildCurriedType rest_args tst_result (TA_TempVar ts_attr_store)
+ tst_attr_env (inc ts_attr_store)
+ = (type, tst_attr_env, ts_attr_store)
+ split_args 0 args = ([], args, False)
+ split_args n [atype=:{at_attribute} : args]
+ # (left, right, is_unique) = split_args (dec n) args
+ = ([ atype : left ], right, is_unique || attr_is_unique at_attribute)
+ attr_is_unique TA_Unique = True
+ attr_is_unique _ = False
+ build_attr_env cum_attr_var [] attr_env
+ = attr_env
+ build_attr_env cum_attr_var [{at_attribute=(TA_TempVar attr_var)} : args] attr_env
+ # attr_env = [{ ac_demanded = attr_var, ac_offered = cum_attr_var } : attr_env]
+ = build_attr_env cum_attr_var args attr_env
+ build_attr_env cum_attr_var [_ : args] attr_env
+ = build_attr_env cum_attr_var args attr_env
+buildCurriedType [] type cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ = (type, attr_env, attr_store)
+buildCurriedType [at=:{at_attribute}:ats] type cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ # (next_cum_attr, attr_env, attr_store) = combine_attributes at_attribute cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ (res_type, attr_env, attr_store) = buildCurriedType ats type next_cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ = ({at_attribute = cum_attr , at_type = at --> res_type }, attr_env, attr_store)
+ combine_attributes TA_Unique cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ = (TA_Unique, attr_env, attr_store)
+ combine_attributes (TA_TempVar attr_var) (TA_TempVar cum_attr_var) attr_env attr_store
+ # attr_env =
+ [{ ac_demanded = cum_attr_var,ac_offered = attr_store }
+ ,{ ac_demanded = attr_var,ac_offered = attr_store }
+ :attr_env]
+ = (TA_TempVar attr_store, attr_env, inc attr_store)
+ combine_attributes (TA_TempVar _) cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ = (cum_attr, attr_env, attr_store)
+ combine_attributes _ (TA_TempVar cum_attr_var) attr_env attr_store
+ # attr_env = [{ ac_demanded = cum_attr_var,ac_offered = attr_store }:attr_env]
+ = (TA_TempVar attr_store, attr_env, inc attr_store)
+ combine_attributes _ cum_attr attr_env attr_store
+ = (cum_attr, attr_env, attr_store)
+freshAttrVar attr_var th_attrs
+ # (new_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
+ = ({ av_name = NewAttrVarId attr_var, av_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, th_attrs)
//@ max_group_index