path: root/frontend/syntax.dcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/syntax.dcl')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index c0d9c41..563003e 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ cIsNotAFunction :== False
| PD_ImportedObjects [ImportedObject]
| PD_ForeignExport !Ident !{#Char} !Int !Bool /* if stdcall */
| PD_Generic GenericDef
- | PD_GenericCase GenericCaseDef
+ | PD_GenericCase GenericCaseDef Ident
| PD_Derive [GenericCaseDef]
| PD_Erroneous
@@ -400,9 +400,19 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
, gen_pos :: !Position
, gen_type :: !SymbolType // Generic type (st_vars include generic type vars)
, gen_vars :: ![TypeVar] // Generic type variables
+ , gen_deps :: ![GenericDependency] // Generic function dependencies
, gen_info_ptr :: !GenericInfoPtr
+:: GenericDependency =
+ { gd_ident :: !IdentOrQualifiedIdent
+ , gd_index :: !GlobalIndex
+ , gd_vars :: ![TypeVar]
+ , gd_nums :: ![Int] // Mapping from dependency variable to generic type variable
+ }
+instance == GenericDependency
:: GenericClassInfo =
{ gci_kind :: !TypeKind // the kind
, gci_module :: !Index // filled with main_module_index
@@ -414,14 +424,18 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: GenericInfo =
{ gen_classes :: !GenericClassInfos
, gen_var_kinds :: ![TypeKind] // kinds of all st_vars of the gen_type
- , gen_rep_conses :: !{#GenericRepresentationConstructor}
+ , gen_rep_conses :: !{!GenericRepresentationConstructor}
:: GenericRepresentationConstructor =
- { gcf_module :: !Int
- , gcf_index :: !Int
- , gcf_ident :: !Ident
+ { grc_module :: !Int
+ , grc_index :: !GenericCaseBody // GCB_FunIndex, GCB_FunAndMacroIndex or GCB_None
+ , grc_local_fun_index :: !Int
+ , grc_ident :: !Ident
+ , grc_generic_info :: !Int
+ , grc_generic_instance_deps :: !GenericInstanceDependencies
+ , grc_optional_fun_type :: !Optional SymbolType
:: GenericInfoPtr :== Ptr GenericInfo
@@ -446,18 +460,27 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
| GCFC !Ident !Ident // IC_GenericDeriveClass IC_Class
:: GCF = {
- gcf_gident :: !Ident, // name in IC_GenricCase namespace
+ gcf_gident :: !Ident, // name in IC_Generic namespace
gcf_generic :: !GlobalIndex, // index of the generic
gcf_arity :: !Int, // arity of the function
+ gcf_generic_info :: !Int, // 0 = no, -1 = all, generic info for CONS, OBJECT, RECORD or FIELD
gcf_body :: !GenericCaseBody, // the body function or NoIndex
- gcf_kind :: !TypeKind // kind of the instance type
+ gcf_kind :: !TypeKind, // kind of the instance type
+ gcf_generic_instance_deps :: !GenericInstanceDependencies
:: GenericCaseBody
= GCB_None // to be generated
- | GCB_FunIndex !Index
- | GCB_FunDef !FunDef
- | GCB_ParsedBody ![ParsedExpr] !Rhs
+ | GCB_FunIndex !Index
+ | GCB_FunAndMacroIndex !Index !Index
+ | GCB_MacroIndex !Index
+ | GCB_FunDef !FunDef
+ | GCB_ParsedBody ![ParsedExpr] !Rhs
+:: GenericInstanceDependencies
+ = AllGenericInstanceDependencies
+ | GenericInstanceDependencies !Int /*n_deps*/ !Int /*deps*/
+ | GenericInstanceUsedArgs !Int /*n_deps*/ !Int /*deps*/
:: InstanceType =
{ it_vars :: [TypeVar]
@@ -587,17 +610,19 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
= GTSAppCons TypeKind [GenTypeStruct]
| GTSAppVar TypeVar [GenTypeStruct]
| GTSVar TypeVar
- | GTSCons DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
- | GTSRecord DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
- | GTSField DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
- | GTSObject DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
- | GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSArrow GenTypeStruct GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSE
- | GTSAppConsBimapKindConst // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSAppBimap TypeKind [GenTypeStruct] // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSAppConsSimpleType !GlobalIndex !TypeKind ![GenTypeStruct] // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSCons !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSRecord !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSField !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSObject !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSE
+ // the following constructors are used for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSUnit
+ | GTSArrow GenTypeStruct GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSAppConsBimapKindConst
+ | GTSAppBimap TypeKind [GenTypeStruct]
+ | GTSAppConsSimpleType !GlobalIndex !TypeKind ![GenTypeStruct]
:: GenericTypeRep =
{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct // generic structure type
@@ -1098,9 +1123,11 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
| TVI_ConsInstance !DefinedSymbol //AA: generic cons instance function
| TVI_Normalized !Int /* MV - position of type variable in its definition */
| TVI_Expr !Bool !Expression /* AA: Expression corresponding to the type var during generic specialization */
+ | TVI_Exprs ![(GlobalIndex, Expression)] /* List of expressions corresponding to the type var during generic specialization */
| TVI_Iso !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol
| TVI_GenTypeVarNumber !Int
| TVI_CPSTypeVar !CheatCompiler /* MdM: a pointer to a variable in CleanProverSystem is stored here, using a cast */
+ | TVI_Attr !TypeAttribute
:: TypeVarInfoPtr :== Ptr TypeVarInfo
:: TypeVarHeap :== Heap TypeVarInfo