path: root/frontend/parse.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 4990d9f..619e5b4 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ wantSepList msg sep_token context try_fun pState :== want_list msg pState // try
// otherwise // token <> sep_token
= ([tree], tokenBack pState)
# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
- = ([tree], parseError "wantList" (Yes token) msg pState)
+ = ([tree], parseError ("wantList of "+msg) (Yes token) msg pState)
//optSepList sep_token context try_fun pState = want_list msg pState
optSepList sep_token context try_fun pState :== want_list pState // [ try_fun (sep_token tryfun)* ]
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ wantList msg try_fun pState :== want_list msg pState // try_fun +
# (trees, pState) = parseList try_fun pState
= ([tree : trees], pState)
# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
- = ([tree], parseError "wantList" (Yes token) msg pState)
+ = ([tree], parseError ("wantList of "+msg) (Yes token) msg pState)
instance want (a,b) | want a & want b
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ where
want_context pState
# (class_names, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken TypeContext pState
- (types, pState) = wantList "type arguments" tryBrackType pState
+ (types, pState) = wantList "type arguments" tryBrackType pState // tryBrackAType ??
= build_contexts class_names types (length types) pState
build_contexts [] types arity pState
@@ -1973,8 +1973,9 @@ where
CharListToken chars
-> want_list (add_chars (fromString chars) acc) pState
- add_chars [] acc = acc
- add_chars [c:r] acc = add_chars r [PE_Basic (BVC (toString ['\'',c,'\''])): acc]
+ add_chars [] acc = acc
+ add_chars ['\\',c:r] acc = add_chars r [PE_Basic (BVC (toString ['\'','\\',c,'\''])): acc]
+ add_chars [c:r] acc = add_chars r [PE_Basic (BVC (toString ['\'',c,'\''])): acc]
_ # (exp, pState) = (if is_pattern (wantLhsExpressionT token) (wantRhsExpressionT token)) pState
-> want_list [exp: acc] pState
@@ -2184,11 +2185,11 @@ where
try_type_specification _ pState
= (No, pState)
- want_updates :: Token ParsedExpr ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
- want_updates token update_expr pState
+ want_updates :: !(Optional Ident) Token ParsedExpr ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
+ want_updates type token update_expr pState
# (updates, pState)
= parse_updates token update_expr pState
- = transform_record_or_array_update update_expr updates 0 pState
+ = transform_record_or_array_update type update_expr updates 0 pState
parse_updates :: Token ParsedExpr ParseState -> ([NestedUpdate], ParseState)
parse_updates token update_expr pState
@@ -2210,10 +2211,10 @@ where
= ({nu_selectors = selectors, nu_update_expr = expr}, pState)
= ({nu_selectors = selectors, nu_update_expr = PE_Empty}, parseError "field assignment" (Yes token) "=" pState)
- transform_record_or_array_update :: ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
- transform_record_or_array_update expr updates level pState
+ transform_record_or_array_update :: !(Optional Ident) ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
+ transform_record_or_array_update type expr updates level pState
| is_record_update sortedUpdates
- = transform_record_update expr groupedUpdates level pState
+ = transform_record_update type expr groupedUpdates level pState
// otherwise
= transform_array_update expr updates level pState
@@ -2257,28 +2258,30 @@ where
is_record_select _
= False
- transform_record_update :: ParsedExpr ![[NestedUpdate]] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
- transform_record_update expr groupedUpdates level pState
- # (assignments, (optionalIdent, pState))
- = mapSt (transform_update level) groupedUpdates (No, pState)
+ transform_record_update :: (Optional Ident) ParsedExpr ![[NestedUpdate]] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
+ transform_record_update record_type expr groupedUpdates level pState
+ # (assignments, (optionalIdent, record_type,pState))
+ = mapSt (transform_update level) groupedUpdates (No, record_type,pState)
- = build_update optionalIdent expr assignments
+ = build_update record_type optionalIdent expr assignments
= (updateExpr, pState)
// transform one group of nested updates with the same first field
// for example: f.g1 = e1, f.g2 = e2 -> f = {id.f & g1 = e1, g2 = e2},
// (id is ident to shared expression that's being updated)
- transform_update :: !Int [NestedUpdate] (Optional Ident, ParseState) -> (FieldAssignment, !(!Optional Ident, ParseState))
- transform_update _ [{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent _], nu_update_expr}] state
- = ({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = nu_update_expr}, state)
- transform_update level updates=:[{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent _ : _]} : _] (optionalIdent, pState)
+ transform_update :: !Int [NestedUpdate] (Optional Ident,Optional Ident,ParseState) -> (FieldAssignment, !(!Optional Ident,!Optional Ident,ParseState))
+ transform_update _ [{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent field_record_type], nu_update_expr}] (shareIdent,record_type,pState)
+ # (record_type,pState) = check_field_and_record_types field_record_type record_type pState;
+ = ({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = nu_update_expr},(shareIdent,record_type,pState))
+ transform_update level updates=:[{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent field_record_type : _]} : _] (optionalIdent,record_type,pState)
+ # (record_type,pState) = check_field_and_record_types field_record_type record_type pState;
# (shareIdent, pState)
= make_ident optionalIdent level pState
- = PE_Selection cNonUniqueSelection (PE_Ident shareIdent) [PS_Record fieldIdent No]
+ = PE_Selection cNonUniqueSelection (PE_Ident shareIdent) [PS_Record fieldIdent /*JVG No */ field_record_type]
(update_expr, pState)
- = transform_record_or_array_update select (map sub_update updates) (level+1) pState
- = ({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = update_expr}, (Yes shareIdent, pState))
+ = transform_record_or_array_update No select (map sub_update updates) (level+1) pState
+ = ({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = update_expr}, (Yes shareIdent,record_type,pState))
make_ident :: (Optional Ident) !Int ParseState -> (Ident, ParseState)
make_ident (Yes ident) _ pState
@@ -2289,17 +2292,28 @@ where
sub_update :: NestedUpdate -> NestedUpdate
sub_update update=:{nu_selectors}
= {update & nu_selectors = tl nu_selectors}
- transform_update _ _ (_, pState)
+ transform_update _ _ (_, record_type,pState)
# pState
= parseError "record or array" No "field assignments mixed with array assignments not" /* expected */ pState
- = ({bind_dst = errorIdent, bind_src = PE_Empty}, (No, pState))
+ = ({bind_dst = errorIdent, bind_src = PE_Empty}, (No,record_type,pState))
- build_update :: (Optional Ident) ParsedExpr [FieldAssignment] -> ParsedExpr
- build_update No expr assignments
- = PE_Record expr No assignments
- build_update (Yes ident) expr assignments
+ build_update :: !(Optional Ident) !(Optional Ident) !ParsedExpr ![FieldAssignment] -> ParsedExpr
+ build_update record_type No expr assignments
+ = PE_Record expr record_type assignments
+ build_update record_type (Yes ident) expr assignments
= PE_Let False (LocalParsedDefs [buildNodeDef (PE_Ident ident) expr])
- (PE_Record (PE_Ident ident) No assignments)
+ (PE_Record (PE_Ident ident) record_type assignments)
+ check_field_and_record_types :: (Optional Ident) (Optional Ident) ParseState -> (!Optional Ident,!ParseState);
+ check_field_and_record_types No record_type pState
+ = (record_type,pState);
+ check_field_and_record_types field_record_type=:(Yes _) No pState
+ = (field_record_type,pState);
+ check_field_and_record_types (Yes field_record_type_name) record_type=:(Yes record_type_name) pState
+ | field_record_type_name==record_type_name
+ = (record_type,pState);
+ # error_message = "record type in update: "+++field_record_type_name.id_name+++" where "+++record_type_name.id_name+++" was"
+ = (record_type,parseError "record or array" No error_message pState);
transform_array_update :: ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] !Int ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
transform_array_update expr updates level pState
@@ -2338,7 +2352,7 @@ where
(PE_Tuple [PE_Ident element_id, PE_Ident array_id])
(PE_Selection cUniqueSelection expr (reverse [PS_Array (PE_Ident index_id) : initial_selectors]))
(updated_element, pState)
- = transform_record_update
+ = transform_record_update No
(PE_Ident element_id)
[[{nu_selectors=(reverse record_selectors), nu_update_expr=update_expr}]] (level+1) pState
= (PE_Let False
@@ -2390,22 +2404,22 @@ where
# (expr, pState) = wantRhsExpressionT token pState
pState = wantToken FunctionContext "record update" AndToken pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- = want_update expr token pState
+ = want_update type expr token pState
- want_update :: !ParsedExpr !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
- want_update exp token pState
- # (update_expr, pState) = want_updates token exp pState
+ want_update :: !(Optional Ident) !ParsedExpr !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
+ want_update type exp token pState
+ # (update_expr, pState) = want_updates type token exp pState
// (qualifiers, pState) = try_qualifiers pState // Bug: for RWS
= (update_expr, wantToken FunctionContext "record update" CurlyCloseToken pState)
- where
+/* where
try_qualifiers pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == DoubleBackSlashToken
= wantQualifiers 0 0 pState
= ([], tokenBack pState)
want_record_or_array_update token expr pState
- = want_update expr token pState
+ = want_update No expr token pState
want_array_assignments is_pattern pState
# (assign, pState) = want_array_assignment is_pattern pState