path: root/frontend/parse.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 8e0aa74..f81991b 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -2282,8 +2282,38 @@ where
trySimpleExpressionT CurlyOpenToken is_pattern pState
# (rec_or_aray_exp, pState) = wantRecordOrArrayExp is_pattern pState
= (True, rec_or_aray_exp, pState)
-trySimpleExpressionT (IntToken int) is_pattern pState
- = (True, PE_Basic (BVI int), pState)
+trySimpleExpressionT (IntToken int_string) is_pattern pState
+ # (ok,int) = string_to_int int_string
+ with
+ string_to_int s
+ | len==0
+ = (False,0)
+ | s.[0] == '-'
+ | len>2 && s.[1]=='0' /* octal */
+ = (False,0)
+ # (ok,int) = (string_to_int2 1 0 s)
+ = (ok,~int)
+ | s.[0] == '+'
+ | len>2&& s.[1]=='0' /* octal */
+ = (False,0)
+ = string_to_int2 1 0 s
+ | s.[0]=='0' && len>1 /* octal */
+ = (False,0)
+ = string_to_int2 0 0 s
+ where
+ len = size s
+ string_to_int2:: !Int !Int !{#Char} -> (!Bool,!Int)
+ string_to_int2 posn val s
+ | len==posn
+ = (True,val)
+ # n = toInt (s.[posn]) - toInt '0'
+ | 0<=n && n<= 9
+ = string_to_int2 (posn+1) (n+val*10) s
+ = (False,0)
+ | ok
+ = (True, PE_Basic (BVInt int), pState)
+ = (True, PE_Basic (BVI int_string), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (StringToken string) is_pattern pState
= (True, PE_Basic (BVS string), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (BoolToken bool) is_pattern pState