path: root/frontend/parse.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 88d71ab..ee22e12 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -1689,15 +1689,15 @@ where
= (PD_Type td, pState)
= (PD_Type td, parseError "Type synonym" No ("No lhs strictness annotation for the type synonym "+name) pState)
- want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_attribute} token=:DefinesColonToken annot pState
+ want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_attribute} token=:OpenToken annot pState
| isIclContext parseContext
= (PD_Erroneous, parseError "type RHS" (Yes token) "type definition" pState)
+ # pState = wantToken TypeContext "Abstract type synonym" ColonDefinesToken pState
# name = td.td_ident.id_name
(atype, pState) = want pState // Atype
# (td_attribute, properties) = determine_properties annot td_attribute
td = {td & td_rhs = AbstractTypeSpec properties atype, td_attribute=td_attribute}
- | annot <> AN_None
- = (PD_Type td, parseError "Type synonym" No ("No lhs strictness annotation for the type synonym "+name) pState)
+ # pState = wantToken TypeContext "Abstract type synonym" CloseToken pState
| td_attribute == TA_Anonymous || td_attribute == TA_Unique || td_attribute == TA_None
= (PD_Type td, pState)
= (PD_Type td, parseError "abstract type" No ("type attribute "+toString td_attribute+" for abstract type "+name+" is not") (tokenBack pState))
@@ -2475,8 +2475,6 @@ where
# atypevar = {atv_attribute = TA_None, atv_annotation = AN_None, atv_variable = typevar}
-> (True,atypevar,pState)
-> (False,abort "no ATypeVar",pState)
-<<<<<<< parse.icl
optionalUniversalQuantifiedVariables :: !*ParseState -> *(![ATypeVar],!*ParseState)