path: root/frontend/frontend.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/frontend.icl')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index 415ef80..f572a9b 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, overloading,
, fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
, fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
, fe_globalFunctions :: !IndexRange
- , fe_arrayInstances :: !IndexRange
+ , fe_arrayInstances :: !ArrayAndListInstances
// trace macro
@@ -70,15 +70,19 @@ frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_module
+//import StdDebug
//frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File !*File !*Heaps -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File !*File, !*File, !*File, !*Heaps)
frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File (!Optional !*File) !*Heaps
- -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional !*File, !*Heaps)
+ -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional !*File, !*Heaps)
frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths dcl_modules functions_and_macros list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file heaps
+ // # files = trace_n ("Compiling "+++mod_ident.id_name) files
# (ok, mod, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
= wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos (hash_table /* ---> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)*/) error search_paths predef_symbols files
| not ok
= (No,{},0,0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
# cached_module_idents = [dcl_mod.dcl_name \\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_modules]
# (ok, mod, global_fun_range, mod_functions, optional_dcl_mod, modules, dcl_module_n_in_cache,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
= scanModule (mod -*-> "Scanning") cached_module_idents (size functions_and_macros) hash_table error search_paths predef_symbols files
@@ -110,15 +114,14 @@ frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths dcl_modules functions_and_mac
| ok<>ok
= abort "";
-// dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import=[],dcls_local=[],dcls_explicit=[]}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
// # dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import={},dcls_local=[],dcls_local_for_import={},dcls_explicit={}}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
# var_heap = heaps.hp_var_heap
type_heaps = heaps.hp_type_heaps
fun_defs = icl_functions
- array_instances = {ir_from=0, ir_to=0}
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseCheck
+ # array_instances = {ali_array_first_instance_indices=[],ali_list_first_instance_indices=[],ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices=[],ali_instances_range={ir_from=0,ir_to=0}}
= frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
// AA..
@@ -189,11 +192,19 @@ frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths dcl_modules functions_and_mac
= frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
// (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
+ # (stdStrictLists_module_n,predef_symbols) = get_StdStrictLists_module_n predef_symbols
+ with
+ get_StdStrictLists_module_n predef_symbols
+ # (pre_mod,predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_StdStrictLists]
+ | pre_mod.pds_def<>NoIndex
+ = (pre_mod.pds_def,predef_symbols)
+ = (-1,predef_symbols)
# (cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
- = analyseGroups common_defs array_instances main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Analyse") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
+ = analyseGroups common_defs imported_funs array_instances.ali_instances_range main_dcl_module_n stdStrictLists_module_n (components -*-> "Analyse") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
(components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
- = transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics type_def_infos var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ = transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n stdStrictLists_module_n (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics type_def_infos var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseTransformGroups
# heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
@@ -214,11 +225,20 @@ frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths dcl_modules functions_and_mac
var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
#! (dcl_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertImportedTypeSpecifications main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert types") type_heaps var_heap
- # heaps = {hp_var_heap = var_heap, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps}
-// (components, fun_defs, error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs error
-// (dcl_mods, out) = showDclModules dcl_mods out
-// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
+// # (components, fun_defs, error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs error
+// # (dcl_mods, out) = showDclModules dcl_mods out
+// # (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
+ # (_,f,files) = fopen "components2" FWriteText files
+ (components, fun_defs, f) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs f
+ (ok,files) = fclose f files
+ | ok<>ok
+ = abort "";
+// # (fun_defs,out,var_heap,predef_symbols) = sa components main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods fun_defs out var_heap predef_symbols;
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap = var_heap, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps}
#! fe ={ fe_icl =
// {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs }
@@ -323,8 +343,7 @@ where
show_accumulating_arguments [] file
= file
-show_components comps fun_defs = map (show_component fun_defs) comps
+//show_components comps fun_defs = map (show_component fun_defs) comps
show_component fun_defs [] = []
show_component fun_defs [fun:funs] = [fun_defs.[fun ---> fun] : show_component fun_defs funs]