path: root/frontend/checktypes.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checktypes.icl')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 10a18ed..50079ce 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -358,8 +358,14 @@ determineAttributeVariable attr_var=:{av_name=attr_name=:{id_info}} oti=:{oti_he
:: DemandedAttributeKind = DAK_Ignore | DAK_Unique | DAK_None
newAttribute :: !DemandedAttributeKind {#Char} TypeAttribute !*OpenTypeInfo !*CheckState -> (!TypeAttribute, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-newAttribute DAK_Ignore var_name _ oti cs
- = (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
+newAttribute DAK_Ignore var_name attr oti cs
+ = case attr of
+ TA_Multi
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
+ TA_None
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
+ _
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "attribute not allowed" cs.cs_error })
newAttribute DAK_Unique var_name new_attr oti cs
= case new_attr of
@@ -515,7 +521,7 @@ where
# (var, global_vars, var_heap, ste_previous) = retrieve_global_variable var ste_previous global_vars var_heap
= (var, global_vars, var_heap, { entry & ste_previous = ste_previous })
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_name,id_info}} types, at_attribute}
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_name,id_info}} types, at_attribute}
(ots=:{ots_type_defs,ots_modules}, oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -525,27 +531,27 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_name
ots = { ots & ots_type_defs = ots_type_defs, ots_modules = ots_modules }
| checkArityOfType type_cons.type_arity td_arity td_rhs
# type_cons = { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module }}
- (types, (ots, oti, cs)) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope /* dem_attr */ types td_args (ots, oti, cs)
- (new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr td_attribute) id_name at_attribute oti cs
+ (types, (ots, oti, cs)) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr_kind types td_args (ots, oti, cs)
+ (new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr_kind td_attribute) id_name at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = TA type_cons types, at_attribute = new_attr } , (ots, oti, cs))
= (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
= (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
- check_args_of_type_cons :: !Index !Int ![AType] ![ATypeVar] !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
+ check_args_of_type_cons :: !Index !Int !DemandedAttributeKind ![AType] ![ATypeVar] !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (![AType], !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState))
- check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope [] _ cot_state
+ check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr_kind [] _ cot_state
= ([], cot_state)
- check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope [arg_type : arg_types] [ {atv_attribute} : td_args ] cot_state
- # (arg_type, cot_state) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope (new_demanded_attribute DAK_None atv_attribute) arg_type cot_state
- (arg_types, cot_state) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope arg_types td_args cot_state
+ check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr_kind [arg_type : arg_types] [ {atv_attribute} : td_args ] cot_state
+ # (arg_type, cot_state) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr_kind /* DAK_None */ atv_attribute) arg_type cot_state
+ (arg_types, cot_state) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr_kind arg_types td_args cot_state
= ([arg_type : arg_types], cot_state)
new_demanded_attribute DAK_Ignore _
= DAK_Ignore
new_demanded_attribute _ TA_Unique
= DAK_Unique
- new_demanded_attribute dem_attr _
- = dem_attr
+ new_demanded_attribute dem_attr_kind _
+ = dem_attr_kind
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = arg_type --> result_type, at_attribute} cot_state
# (arg_type, cot_state) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None arg_type cot_state