path: root/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checkgenerics.icl')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checkgenerics.icl b/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
index ddc2305..16a039a 100644
--- a/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
+++ b/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ where
= getTypeDef module_index {glob_module=type_module, glob_object=type_index} type_defs modules
# type_cons = { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module }}
| type_synonym_with_arguments type_def.td_rhs type_def.td_arity
- # cs = {cs & cs_error = checkError type_def.td_ident "synonym type not allowed" cs.cs_error}
+ # cs = {cs & cs_error = checkError type_def.td_ident "type synonym not allowed" cs.cs_error}
= (TA type_cons [], TypeConsSymb type_cons, type_defs, modules,{heaps&hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps}, cs)
= (TA type_cons [], TypeConsSymb type_cons, type_defs, modules,{heaps&hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps}, cs)
@@ -225,30 +225,37 @@ where
_ -> ( {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index = NoIndex}
, {cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "generic undefined" cs.cs_error})
-convert_generic_instances :: !.[GenericCaseDef] !Int -> (!.[FunDef], !.[GenericCaseDef])
-convert_generic_instances [gc=:{gc_ident, gc_body=GCB_FunDef fun_def} : gcs] next_fun_index
- # (fun_defs, gcs) = convert_generic_instances gcs (inc next_fun_index)
- # gc = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex next_fun_index }
- = ([fun_def : fun_defs], [gc:gcs])
- //---> ("convert generic case: user defined function", gc.gc_ident, gc.gc_type_cons, next_fun_index)
-convert_generic_instances [gc=:{gc_ident,gc_pos, gc_type_cons, gc_body=GCB_None} : gcs] next_fun_index
- # (fun_defs, gcs) = convert_generic_instances gcs (inc next_fun_index)
- # fun_def =
- { fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
- , fun_arity = 0
- , fun_priority = NoPrio
- , fun_body = GeneratedBody
- , fun_type = No
- , fun_pos = gc_pos
- , fun_kind = FK_Unknown
- , fun_lifted = 0
- , fun_info = EmptyFunInfo
- }
- # gc = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex next_fun_index }
- = ([fun_def:fun_defs], [gc:gcs])
- //---> ("convert generic case: function to derive ", gc.gc_ident, gc.gc_type_cons, next_fun_index)
-convert_generic_instances [] next_fun_index
- = ([], [])
+convert_generic_instances :: !Int !Int !*{#GenericCaseDef} !*{#ClassDef} !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin !*{#DclModule}
+ -> (!.[FunDef],!*{#GenericCaseDef},!*{#ClassDef},!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin,!*{#DclModule})
+convert_generic_instances gci next_fun_index gencase_defs class_defs symbol_table error dcl_modules
+ | gci<size gencase_defs
+ # (gencase_def,gencase_defs)=gencase_defs![gci]
+ = case gencase_def of
+ gc=:{gc_ident, gc_body=GCB_FunDef fun_def}
+ # gc = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex next_fun_index }
+ gencase_defs = {gencase_defs & [gci]=gc}
+ (fun_defs,gencase_defs,class_defs,symbol_table,error,dcl_modules)
+ = convert_generic_instances (gci+1) (next_fun_index+1) gencase_defs class_defs symbol_table error dcl_modules
+ -> ([fun_def : fun_defs],gencase_defs,class_defs,symbol_table,error,dcl_modules)
+ gc=:{gc_ident,gc_pos, gc_type_cons, gc_body=GCB_None}
+ # fun_def =
+ { fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ , fun_arity = 0
+ , fun_priority = NoPrio
+ , fun_body = GeneratedBody
+ , fun_type = No
+ , fun_pos = gc_pos
+ , fun_kind = FK_Unknown
+ , fun_lifted = 0
+ , fun_info = EmptyFunInfo
+ }
+ # gc = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex next_fun_index }
+ gencase_defs = {gencase_defs & [gci]=gc}
+ (fun_defs,gencase_defs,class_defs,symbol_table,error,dcl_modules)
+ = convert_generic_instances (gci+1) (next_fun_index+1) gencase_defs class_defs symbol_table error dcl_modules
+ -> ([fun_def : fun_defs],gencase_defs,class_defs,symbol_table,error,dcl_modules)
+ = ([],gencase_defs,class_defs,symbol_table,error,dcl_modules)
create_gencase_funtypes :: !Index !*{#GenericCaseDef} !*Heaps
-> (!Index,![FunType],!*{#GenericCaseDef},!*Heaps)