path: root/frontend/check.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/check.icl')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index b44311b..a206af6 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -578,13 +578,19 @@ where
= state
must_not_be_essentially_unique x_main_dcl_module_n {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} th_vars modules type_defs error
- # (TVI_Type type, th_vars)
- = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # (TVI_Type type, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= case type of
TA {type_name, type_index} _
+ -> must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_name type_index th_vars
+ TAS {type_name, type_index} _ _
+ -> must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_name type_index th_vars
+ _
+ -> (False, th_vars, modules, type_defs, error)
+ where
+ must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_name type_index th_vars
# (type_def, type_defs, modules)
= getTypeDef x_main_dcl_module_n type_index type_defs modules
- -> case type_def.td_attribute of
+ = case type_def.td_attribute of
-> (True, th_vars, modules, type_defs,
checkError type_name
@@ -595,9 +601,7 @@ where
-> (False, th_vars, modules, type_defs, error)
- _
- -> (False, th_vars, modules, type_defs, error)
getTypeDef :: !Index !(Global Index) !v:{#CheckedTypeDef} !w:{#DclModule}
-> (!CheckedTypeDef, !v:{#CheckedTypeDef}, !w:{#DclModule})
getTypeDef x_main_dcl_module_n {glob_module,glob_object} type_defs modules
@@ -640,8 +644,9 @@ where
# empty_st =
{ st_vars = []
, st_args = []
+ , st_args_strictness=NotStrict
, st_arity = -1
- , st_result = {at_type=TE, at_attribute=TA_None, at_annotation=AN_None}
+ , st_result = {at_type=TE, at_attribute=TA_None}
, st_context = []
, st_attr_vars = []
, st_attr_env = []
@@ -1277,7 +1282,7 @@ renumber_icl_definitions_as_dcl_definitions (Yes icl_to_dcl_index_table) icl_siz
# dummy_ident = {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr}
# com_type_defs=reorder_and_enlarge_array com_type_defs n_dictionary_types icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cTypeDefs]
{td_name=dummy_ident,td_index= -1,td_arity=0,td_args=[],td_attrs=[],td_context=[],td_rhs=UnknownType,td_attribute=TA_None,td_pos=NoPos,td_used_types=[]}
- # dummy_symbol_type={st_vars=[],st_args=[],st_arity=0,st_result={at_attribute=TA_None,at_annotation=AN_None,at_type=TE},st_context=[],st_attr_vars=[],st_attr_env=[]}
+ # dummy_symbol_type={st_vars=[],st_args=[],st_args_strictness=NotStrict,st_arity=0,st_result={at_attribute=TA_None,at_type=TE},st_context=[],st_attr_vars=[],st_attr_env=[]}
# com_selector_defs=reorder_and_enlarge_array com_selector_defs n_dictionary_selectors icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cSelectorDefs]
# com_cons_defs=reorder_and_enlarge_array com_cons_defs n_dictionary_constructors icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cConstructorDefs]
@@ -2413,24 +2418,34 @@ where
elemTypeIsStrict [TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} _ : _] predef_symbols
= glob_module == predef_symbols.[PD_PredefinedModule].pds_def &&
(glob_object == predef_symbols.[PD_StrictArrayType].pds_def || glob_object == predef_symbols.[PD_UnboxedArrayType].pds_def)
+elemTypeIsStrict [TAS {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} _ _ : _] predef_symbols
+ = glob_module == predef_symbols.[PD_PredefinedModule].pds_def &&
+ (glob_object == predef_symbols.[PD_StrictArrayType].pds_def || glob_object == predef_symbols.[PD_UnboxedArrayType].pds_def)
makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict :: !SymbolType !Index !{# Index} -> SymbolType
-makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict st=:{st_args,st_result} me_offset offset_table
+makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict st=:{st_args,st_args_strictness,st_result} me_offset offset_table
# array_fun_kind = offset_table.[me_offset]
| array_fun_kind == PD_UnqArraySelectFun
- # (TA tuple [elem : res_array]) = st_result.at_type
- = { st & st_result = { st_result & at_type = TA tuple [{ elem & at_annotation = AN_Strict } : res_array]}}
+ = case st_result.at_type of
+ TA tuple elems
+ -> { st & st_result = { st_result & at_type = TAS tuple elems (Strict 1)}}
+ TAS tuple elems strictness
+ -> { st & st_result = { st_result & at_type = TAS tuple elems (add_strictness 0 strictness)}}
| array_fun_kind == PD_ArrayUpdateFun
# [array, index, elem: _] = st_args
- = { st & st_args = [array, index, { elem & at_annotation = AN_Strict }] }
+ = { st & st_args_strictness=add_strictness 2 st_args_strictness,st_args = [array, index, elem ] }
| array_fun_kind == PD_CreateArrayFun
# [array, elem: _] = st_args
- = { st & st_args = [array, { elem & at_annotation = AN_Strict }] }
+ = { st & st_args_strictness=add_strictness 1 st_args_strictness,st_args = [array, elem ] }
| array_fun_kind == PD_ArrayReplaceFun
# [arg_array, index, elem: _] = st_args
- (TA tuple [elem : res_array]) = st_result.at_type
- = { st & st_args = [arg_array, index, { elem & at_annotation = AN_Strict }],
- st_result = { st_result & at_type = TA tuple [{ elem & at_annotation = AN_Strict } : res_array]}}
+ = case st_result.at_type of
+ TA tuple elems
+ -> { st & st_args_strictness=add_strictness 2 st_args_strictness,st_args = [arg_array, index, elem],
+ st_result = { st_result & at_type = TAS tuple elems (Strict 1)}}
+ TAS tuple elems strictness
+ -> { st & st_args_strictness=add_strictness 2 st_args_strictness,st_args = [arg_array, index, elem],
+ st_result = { st_result & at_type = TAS tuple elems (add_strictness 0 strictness)}}
= st
initialDclModule ({mod_name, mod_modification_time, mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_funtypes,def_macro_indices}, mod_type}, sizes, all_defs) module_n