path: root/frontend/analtypes.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/analtypes.icl')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/analtypes.icl b/frontend/analtypes.icl
index 434c5a8..e82b354 100644
--- a/frontend/analtypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analtypes.icl
@@ -106,7 +106,14 @@ where
-> (type_defs, main_dcl_type_defs, type_heaps, error)
- try_to_expand_synonym_type pos type=:{at_type = TA {type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} types} attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ try_to_expand_synonym_type pos type=:{at_type = TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} types} attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ = try_to_expand_synonym_type_for_TA glob_object glob_module types pos type attribute type_defs type_heaps error
+ try_to_expand_synonym_type pos type=:{at_type = TAS {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} types _} attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ = try_to_expand_synonym_type_for_TA glob_object glob_module types pos type attribute type_defs type_heaps error
+ try_to_expand_synonym_type pos type attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ = (No, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ try_to_expand_synonym_type_for_TA glob_object glob_module types pos type attribute type_defs type_heaps error
# (used_td=:{td_rhs}, type_defs) = type_defs![glob_module, glob_object]
= case td_rhs of
SynType {at_type}
@@ -117,8 +124,6 @@ where
-> (No, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
-> (No, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
- try_to_expand_synonym_type pos type attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
- = (No, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
try_to_expand_synonym_type_in_main_dcl main_dcl_module_index {gi_module,gi_index} (type_defs, main_dcl_type_defs, type_heaps, error)
| main_dcl_module_index == main_dcl_module_index && gi_index < size main_dcl_type_defs
@@ -365,52 +370,58 @@ where
= (kind_info, cIsHyperStrict, ({ conds & con_var_binds = [{vb_var = kind_info_ptr, vb_vars = form_tvs } : con_var_binds] },
{ as & as_type_var_heap = as_type_var_heap, as_kind_heap = as_kind_heap }))
+analTypes_for_TA :: Ident Int Int Int [AType] !Bool !{#CommonDefs} ![KindInfoPtr] !Conditions !*AnalyseState
+ -> (!KindInfo, !TypeProperties, !(!Conditions, !*AnalyseState))
+analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
+ # form_type_arity = modules.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object].td_arity
+ ({tdi_kinds, tdi_properties}, as) = as!as_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ | type_arity <= form_type_arity
+ # kind = kindArrowToKindInfo (drop type_arity tdi_kinds)
+ | tdi_properties bitand cIsAnalysed == 0
+ # (type_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs types tdi_kinds (conds, as)
+ = (kind, type_properties, conds_as)
+ # (type_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tdi_kinds (conds, as)
+ = (kind, type_properties, conds_as)
+ = (KI_Const, tdi_properties, (conds, { as & as_error = checkError type_name type_appl_error as.as_error }))
+ anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs [] _ conds_as
+ = (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
+ anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs [type : types] [(KindVar kind_info_ptr) : tvs] conds_as
+ # (type_kind, type_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap,as_error})) = analTypes has_root_attr modules [ kind_info_ptr : form_tvs ] type conds_as
+ (kind, as_kind_heap) = readPtr kind_info_ptr as_kind_heap
+ {uki_kind_heap, uki_error} = unifyKinds type_kind kind {uki_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, uki_error = as_error}
+ | is_type_var type
+ # (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs types tvs
+ (conds, { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error })
+ = (combineTypeProperties type_props other_type_props, conds_as)
+ # (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs types tvs
+ ({ conds & con_top_var_binds = [kind_info_ptr : conds.con_top_var_binds]}, { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error })
+ = (combineTypeProperties type_props other_type_props, conds_as)
+ where
+ is_type_var {at_type = TV _}
+ = True
+ is_type_var _
+ = False
+ anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs [] _ conds_as
+ = (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
+ anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs [type : types] [tk : tks] conds_as
+ # (type_kind, type_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap,as_error})) = analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type conds_as
+ {uki_kind_heap, uki_error} = unifyKinds type_kind (kindToKindInfo tk) {uki_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, uki_error = as_error}
+ as = { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error }
+ (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tks (conds, as)
+ = (combineTypeProperties type_props other_type_props, conds_as)
+ anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tks conds_as
+ = abort ("anal_types_of_type_cons (analtypes.icl)" ---> (types, tks))
instance analTypes Type
analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs (TV tv) conds_as
= analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs tv conds_as
analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type=:(TA {type_name,type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} types) (conds, as)
- # form_type_arity = modules.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object].td_arity
- ({tdi_kinds, tdi_properties}, as) = as!as_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
- | type_arity <= form_type_arity
- # kind = kindArrowToKindInfo (drop type_arity tdi_kinds)
- | tdi_properties bitand cIsAnalysed == 0
- # (type_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs types tdi_kinds (conds, as)
- = (kind, type_properties, conds_as)
- # (type_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tdi_kinds (conds, as)
- = (kind, type_properties, conds_as)
- = (KI_Const, tdi_properties, (conds, { as & as_error = checkError type_name type_appl_error as.as_error }))
- where
- anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs [] _ conds_as
- = (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
- anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs [type : types] [(KindVar kind_info_ptr) : tvs] conds_as
- # (type_kind, type_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap,as_error})) = analTypes has_root_attr modules [ kind_info_ptr : form_tvs ] type conds_as
- (kind, as_kind_heap) = readPtr kind_info_ptr as_kind_heap
- {uki_kind_heap, uki_error} = unifyKinds type_kind kind {uki_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, uki_error = as_error}
- | is_type_var type
- # (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs types tvs
- (conds, { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error })
- = (combineTypeProperties type_props other_type_props, conds_as)
- # (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs types tvs
- ({ conds & con_top_var_binds = [kind_info_ptr : conds.con_top_var_binds]}, { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error })
- = (combineTypeProperties type_props other_type_props, conds_as)
- where
- is_type_var {at_type = TV _}
- = True
- is_type_var _
- = False
- anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs [] _ conds_as
- = (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
- anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs [type : types] [tk : tks] conds_as
- # (type_kind, type_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap,as_error})) = analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type conds_as
- {uki_kind_heap, uki_error} = unifyKinds type_kind (kindToKindInfo tk) {uki_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, uki_error = as_error}
- as = { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error }
- (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tks (conds, as)
- = (combineTypeProperties type_props other_type_props, conds_as)
- anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tks conds_as
- = abort ("anal_types_of_type_cons (analtypes.icl)" ---> (types, tks))
+ = analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
+ analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type=:(TAS {type_name,type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} types _) (conds, as)
+ = analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs (arg_type --> res_type) conds_as
# (arg_kind, arg_type_props, conds_as) = analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs arg_type conds_as
(res_kind, res_type_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap,as_error})) = analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs res_type conds_as
@@ -475,7 +486,7 @@ cDummyBool :== False
analTypesOfConstructor modules cons_defs [{ds_index}:conses] (conds, as=:{as_type_var_heap,as_kind_heap})
# {cons_exi_vars,cons_type} = cons_defs.[ds_index ]
(coercible, as_type_var_heap, as_kind_heap) = new_local_kind_variables cons_exi_vars (as_type_var_heap, as_kind_heap)
- (cons_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_cons modules cons_type.st_args
+ (cons_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_cons modules cons_type.st_args cons_type.st_args_strictness 0
(conds, { as & as_type_var_heap = as_type_var_heap, as_kind_heap = as_kind_heap })
(other_properties, conds_as) = analTypesOfConstructor modules cons_defs conses conds_as
properties = combineTypeProperties cons_properties other_properties
@@ -494,23 +505,17 @@ where
is_not_a_variable (TA_RootVar var) = False
is_not_a_variable attr = True
- anal_types_of_cons modules [] conds_as
+ anal_types_of_cons modules [] args_strictness strictness_index conds_as
= (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
- anal_types_of_cons modules [type : types] conds_as
- # (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_cons modules types conds_as
+ anal_types_of_cons modules [type : types] args_strictness strictness_index conds_as
+ # (other_type_props, conds_as) = anal_types_of_cons modules types args_strictness (strictness_index+1) conds_as
(type_kind, cv_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap, as_error})) = analTypes cDummyBool modules [] type conds_as
{uki_kind_heap, uki_error} = unifyKinds type_kind KI_Const {uki_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, uki_error = as_error}
- cons_props = if (type_is_strict type.at_annotation)
+ cons_props = if (arg_is_strict strictness_index args_strictness)
(combineTypeProperties cv_props other_type_props)
(combineCoercionProperties cv_props other_type_props)
= (cons_props, (conds, { as & as_kind_heap = uki_kind_heap, as_error = uki_error }))
- where
- type_is_strict AN_Strict
- = True
- type_is_strict annot
- = False
analTypesOfConstructor _ _ [] conds_as
= (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
@@ -957,25 +962,31 @@ instance isUnique AType
instance isUnique Type
isUnique common_defs (TA {type_index={glob_module, glob_object}} type_args) (td_infos, th_vars)
- # type_def
- = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
- | isUniqueAttr type_def.td_attribute
- = (True, (td_infos, th_vars))
- # (prop_classification, th_vars, td_infos)
- = propClassification glob_object glob_module (repeatn type_def.td_arity 0)
- common_defs th_vars td_infos
- (uniqueness_of_args, (td_infos, th_vars))
- = mapSt (isUnique common_defs) type_args (td_infos, th_vars)
- = (unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating uniqueness_of_args prop_classification, (td_infos, th_vars))
- where
- unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating [] _
- = False
- unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating [is_unique_argument:rest] prop_classification
- | isOdd prop_classification /*MW:cool!*/ && is_unique_argument
- = True
- = unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating rest (prop_classification>>1)
+ = isUnique_for_TA glob_module glob_object type_args common_defs td_infos th_vars
+ isUnique common_defs (TAS {type_index={glob_module, glob_object}} type_args _) (td_infos, th_vars)
+ = isUnique_for_TA glob_module glob_object type_args common_defs td_infos th_vars
isUnique common_defs _ state
= (False, state)
+isUnique_for_TA :: Int Int [AType] !{# CommonDefs} !*TypeDefInfos !*TypeVarHeap -> (!Bool, !(!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeVarHeap))
+isUnique_for_TA glob_module glob_object type_args common_defs td_infos th_vars
+ # type_def
+ = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ | isUniqueAttr type_def.td_attribute
+ = (True, (td_infos, th_vars))
+ # (prop_classification, th_vars, td_infos)
+ = propClassification glob_object glob_module (repeatn type_def.td_arity 0)
+ common_defs th_vars td_infos
+ (uniqueness_of_args, (td_infos, th_vars))
+ = mapSt (isUnique common_defs) type_args (td_infos, th_vars)
+ = (unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating uniqueness_of_args prop_classification, (td_infos, th_vars))
+ where
+ unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating [] _
+ = False
+ unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating [is_unique_argument:rest] prop_classification
+ | isOdd prop_classification && is_unique_argument
+ = True
+ = unique_if_arg_is_unique_and_propagating rest (prop_classification>>1)
isUniqueAttr TA_Unique = True
isUniqueAttr _ = False