path: root/backend/backendconvert.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendconvert.icl')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index f6c5a85..24c4a4a 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import StdEnv
import frontend
import backend
import backendsupport, backendpreprocess
-import RWSDebug
-import StdDebug
+//import RWSDebug
// trace macro
(-*->) infixl
@@ -197,6 +197,10 @@ beDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol
:== beFunction0 BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol
beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEConstructorSymbol constructorIndex moduleIndex)
+beOverloadedConsSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex deconsModuleIndex deconsIndex
+ :== beFunction0 (BEOverloadedConsSymbol constructorIndex moduleIndex deconsIndex deconsModuleIndex)
beFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex)
beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex
@@ -448,9 +452,15 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
#! backEnd
= declare main_dcl_module_n icl_common (backEnd -*-> "declare (main_dcl_module_n)")
#! backEnd
- = declareArrayInstances fe_arrayInstances main_dcl_module_n icl_functions (backEnd -*-> "declareArrayInstances")
+ = declareArrayInstances /*fe_arrayInstances.ali_instances_range*/fe_arrayInstances.ali_array_first_instance_indices predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls (backEnd -*-> "declareArrayInstances")
+ #! backEnd
+ = declareListInstances fe_arrayInstances.ali_list_first_instance_indices PD_UListClass predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls backEnd
+ #! backEnd
+ = declareListInstances fe_arrayInstances.ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices PD_UTSListClass predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls backEnd
+ #! backEnd
+ = adjustArrayFunctions /*fe_arrayInstances.ali_instances_range*/fe_arrayInstances.ali_array_first_instance_indices predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls icl_common.com_instance_defs icl_used_module_numbers (backEnd -*-> "adjustArrayFunctions")
#! backEnd
- = adjustArrayFunctions predefs fe_arrayInstances main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls icl_common.com_instance_defs icl_used_module_numbers (backEnd -*-> "adjustArrayFunctions")
+ = adjustStrictListFunctions fe_arrayInstances.ali_list_first_instance_indices fe_arrayInstances.ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices predefs fe_dcls icl_used_module_numbers main_dcl_module_n backEnd;
#! (rules, backEnd)
= convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] main_dcl_module_n predefs.[PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun].pds_ident (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
#! backEnd
@@ -676,6 +686,8 @@ instance declareVars CasePatterns where
= declareVars patterns dvInput
declareVars (BasicPatterns _ patterns) dvInput
= declareVars patterns dvInput
+ declareVars (OverloadedListPatterns _ decons_expr patterns) dvInput
+ = declareVars patterns dvInput
instance declareVars AlgebraicPattern where
declareVars {ap_vars, ap_expr} dvInput
@@ -730,16 +742,64 @@ foldStateWithIndexRangeA function frm to array
= function index array.[index]
o` foldStateWithIndexRangeA (index+1)
-declareArrayInstances :: IndexRange Int {#FunDef} -> BackEnder
-declareArrayInstances {ir_from, ir_to} main_dcl_module_n functions
+folds op l r :== folds l r
+ where
+ folds [] r = r
+ folds [a:x] r = folds x (op a r)
+declareArrayInstances :: [Int] /*IndexRange*/ PredefinedSymbols Int {#FunDef} {#DclModule} -> BackEnder
+declareArrayInstances [] predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls
+ = identity
+declareArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices /*{ir_from, ir_to}*/ predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls
// | trace_tn ("declareArrayInstances "+++toString ir_from+++" "+++toString ir_to)
- = foldStateWithIndexRangeA (declareArrayInstance) ir_from ir_to functions
+// = foldStateWithIndexRangeA declareArrayInstance ir_from ir_to functions
+ = folds (declareArrayInstances 0) array_first_instance_indices
+ arrayModuleIndex = predefs.[PD_StdArray].pds_def
+ arrayClassIndex = predefs.[PD_ArrayClass].pds_def
+ stdArray = dcls.[arrayModuleIndex]
+ arrayClass = stdArray.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[arrayClassIndex]
+ n_array_class_members=size arrayClass.class_members
+ declareArrayInstances :: Int Index *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
+ declareArrayInstances member_n first_member_index backend
+ | member_n==n_array_class_members
+ = backend
+ # function_index=first_member_index+member_n
+ # backend = declareArrayInstance function_index functions.[function_index] backend
+ = declareArrayInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend
declareArrayInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder
declareArrayInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
= beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index)
o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type)
+declareListInstances :: [Int] Int PredefinedSymbols Int {#FunDef} {#DclModule} -> BackEnder
+declareListInstances [] predef_list_class_index predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls
+ = identity
+declareListInstances array_first_instance_indices predef_list_class_index predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls
+ = folds (declareListInstances 0) array_first_instance_indices
+ where
+ strictListModuleIndex = predefs.[PD_StdStrictLists].pds_def
+ listClassIndex = predefs.[predef_list_class_index].pds_def
+ stdStrictLists = dcls.[strictListModuleIndex]
+ listClass = stdStrictLists.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[listClassIndex]
+ n_list_class_members=size listClass.class_members
+ declareListInstances :: Int Index *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
+ declareListInstances member_n first_member_index backend
+ | member_n==n_list_class_members
+ = backend
+ # function_index=first_member_index+member_n
+ # backend = declareListInstance function_index functions.[function_index] backend
+ = declareListInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend
+ declareListInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder
+ declareListInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
+// | trace_tn ("declareListInstance "+++toString index+++" "+++toString main_dcl_module_n)
+ = beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index)
+ o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type)
instance declare CommonDefs where
declare :: ModuleIndex CommonDefs -> BackEnder
declare moduleIndex {com_cons_defs, com_type_defs, com_selector_defs, com_class_defs}
@@ -766,11 +826,10 @@ declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
-> identity) be
- functionName :: Int {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char}
- functionName moduleIndex name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions
- | trace_t (":"+++toString moduleIndex+++" "+++toString functionIndex)
+// functionName :: Int {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char}
+// functionName moduleIndex name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions
+// | trace_t (":"+++toString moduleIndex+++" "+++toString functionIndex)
functionName :: {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char}
functionName name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions
| functionIndex < nrOfDclFunctions
@@ -926,38 +985,159 @@ declareDynamicTemp predefs
predefineSymbols :: DclModule PredefinedSymbols -> BackEnder
predefineSymbols {dcl_common} predefs
= appBackEnd (BEDeclarePredefinedModule (size dcl_common.com_type_defs) (size dcl_common.com_cons_defs))
+ o` foldState predefine_list_type list_types
o` foldState predefineType types
+ o` foldState predefine_list_constructor list_constructors
o` foldState predefineConstructor constructors
- predefineType (index, arity, symbolKind)
- // sanity check ...
- | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex
- = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a type"
- // ... sanity check
- = appBackEnd (BEPredefineTypeSymbol arity predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind)
+ list_types :: [(Int,Int,Int)]
+ list_types
+ = [
+ (PD_ListType,0,0),
+ (PD_StrictListType,2,0),
+ (PD_UnboxedListType,3,0),
+ (PD_TailStrictListType,0,1),
+ (PD_StrictTailStrictListType,2,1),
+ (PD_UnboxedTailStrictListType,3,1)
+ ]
- predefineConstructor (index, arity, symbolKind)
+ predefine_list_type (index,head_strictness,tail_strictness)
// sanity check ...
| predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex
- = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a constructor"
+ = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a type"
// ... sanity check
- = appBackEnd (BEPredefineConstructorSymbol arity predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind)
+ = appBackEnd (BEPredefineListTypeSymbol predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex BEListType head_strictness tail_strictness) // id
types :: [(Int, Int, BESymbKind)]
- = [ (PD_ListType, 1, BEListType)
- , (PD_LazyArrayType, 1, BEArrayType)
+ = [
+// (PD_ListType, 1, BEListType),
+ (PD_LazyArrayType, 1, BEArrayType)
, (PD_StrictArrayType, 1, BEStrictArrayType)
, (PD_UnboxedArrayType, 1, BEUnboxedArrayType)
: [(index, index-PD_Arity2TupleType+2, BETupleType) \\ index <- [PD_Arity2TupleType..PD_Arity32TupleType]]
+ predefineType (index, arity, symbolKind)
+ // sanity check ...
+ | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex
+ = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a type"
+ // ... sanity check
+ = appBackEnd (BEPredefineTypeSymbol arity predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind)
+ list_constructors :: [(Int,BESymbKind,Int,Int)]
+ list_constructors
+ = [
+ (PD_NilSymbol, BENilSymb,0,0),
+ (PD_StrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,2,0),
+ (PD_UnboxedNilSymbol, BENilSymb,4/*3*/,0),
+ (PD_TailStrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,0,1),
+ (PD_StrictTailStrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,2,1),
+ (PD_UnboxedTailStrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,4/*3*/,1),
+ (PD_OverloadedNilSymbol, BENilSymb,0,0),
+ (PD_ConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,0,0),
+ (PD_StrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,2,0),
+ (PD_UnboxedConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,3,0),
+ (PD_TailStrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,0,1),
+ (PD_StrictTailStrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,2,1),
+ (PD_UnboxedTailStrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,3,1),
+ (PD_OverloadedConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,1,0)
+ ]
+ predefine_list_constructor (index,symbolKind,head_strictness,tail_strictness)
+ // sanity check ...
+ | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex
+ = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a constructor"
+ // ... sanity check
+ = appBackEnd (BEPredefineListConstructorSymbol predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind head_strictness tail_strictness) // id
constructors :: [(Int, Int, BESymbKind)]
- = [ (PD_NilSymbol, 0, BENilSymb)
- , (PD_ConsSymbol, 2, BEConsSymb)
- : [(index, index-PD_Arity2TupleSymbol+2, BETupleSymb) \\ index <- [PD_Arity2TupleSymbol..PD_Arity32TupleSymbol]]
- ]
+ =
+// [(PD_NilSymbol, 0, BENilSymb), (PD_ConsSymbol, 3, BEConsSymb) :
+ [(index, index-PD_Arity2TupleSymbol+2, BETupleSymb) \\ index <- [PD_Arity2TupleSymbol..PD_Arity32TupleSymbol]]
+// ]
+ predefineConstructor (index, arity, symbolKind)
+ // sanity check ...
+ | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex
+ = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a constructor"
+ // ... sanity check
+ = appBackEnd (BEPredefineConstructorSymbol arity predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind)
+adjustStrictListFunctions :: [Int] [Int] {#PredefinedSymbol} {#DclModule} NumberSet Int *BackEndState -> *BackEndState;
+adjustStrictListFunctions list_first_instance_indices tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices predefs dcls used_module_numbers main_dcl_module_n backEnd
+ | std_strict_list_module_index==NoIndex || not (inNumberSet std_strict_list_module_index used_module_numbers)
+ || std_strict_list_module_index==main_dcl_module_n
+ = backEnd
+ # std_strict_lists_instances=std_strict_lists.dcl_common.com_instance_defs
+ # backEnd = adjust_strict_list_instances 0 std_strict_lists_instances backEnd
+ # std_strict_lists_nil_functions=std_strict_lists.dcl_functions
+ # first_instance_index=std_strict_lists.dcl_instances.ir_from;
+ # backEnd=adjust_overloaded_nil_functions 0 first_instance_index std_strict_lists_nil_functions backEnd
+ # backEnd=adjustRecordListInstances list_first_instance_indices backEnd
+ = adjustRecordListInstances tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices backEnd
+ std_strict_lists=dcls.[std_strict_list_module_index]
+ std_strict_list_module_index=predefs.[PD_StdStrictLists].pds_def
+ adjust_strict_list_instances i instances backEnd
+ | i<size instances
+ # instance_i = instances.[i]
+// | is_instance_for_basic_type instance_i.ins_type.it_types && trace_tn ("instance: "+++toString instance_i.ins_ident) && trace_tn (types_to_string instance_i.ins_type.it_types)
+ | isEmpty instance_i.ins_type.it_context // && trace_t ("instance: "+++toString instance_i.ins_ident+++" ") && trace_t (types_to_string instance_i.ins_type.it_types+++" ")
+ # backEnd = adjust_strict_list_members 0 instance_i.ins_members backEnd
+ = adjust_strict_list_instances (i+1) instances backEnd
+ = adjust_strict_list_instances (i+1) instances backEnd
+ = backEnd
+ where
+// is_instance_for_basic_type [TB _] = True
+// is_instance_for_basic_type _ = False
+ adjust_strict_list_members i members backEnd
+ | i<size members
+ # member=members.[i]
+ # member_name=member.ds_ident.id_name
+ | size member_name>0 && member_name.[0]=='c' // && trace_tn ("member: "+++member_name)
+ # (ft_type,backEnd) = read_from_var_heap std_strict_lists.dcl_functions.[member.ds_index].ft_type_ptr backEnd
+ = case ft_type of
+ VI_ExpandedType _
+ # backEnd=appBackEnd (BEAdjustStrictListConsInstance member.ds_index std_strict_list_module_index) backEnd
+ -> adjust_strict_list_members (i+1) members backEnd
+ _
+ -> adjust_strict_list_members (i+1) members backEnd
+ = adjust_strict_list_members (i+1) members backEnd
+ = backEnd
+ adjust_overloaded_nil_functions function_index first_instance_index std_strict_lists_nil_functions backEnd
+ | function_index<first_instance_index
+ # backEnd = appBackEnd (BEAdjustOverloadedNilFunction function_index std_strict_list_module_index) backEnd
+ = adjust_overloaded_nil_functions (function_index+1) first_instance_index std_strict_lists_nil_functions backEnd
+ = backEnd
+ adjustRecordListInstances [] back_end
+ = back_end
+ adjustRecordListInstances [index:indices] backend
+// | trace_tn ("adjustRecordListInstances "+++toString index+++" "+++toString main_dcl_module_n)
+ # backend = appBackEnd (BEAdjustStrictListConsInstance index main_dcl_module_n) backend
+ # backend = appBackEnd (BEAdjustUnboxedListDeconsInstance (index+1) main_dcl_module_n) backend
+ = adjustRecordListInstances indices backend
+types_to_string []
+ = ""
+types_to_string [e:l]
+ = type_to_string e+++" "+++types_to_string l
+type_to_string (TB BT_Int) = "Int"
+type_to_string (TB BT_Char) = "Char"
+type_to_string (TB BT_Real) = "Real"
+type_to_string (TB BT_Bool) = "Bool"
+type_to_string (TB BT_File) = "File"
+type_to_string _ = "?"
:: AdjustStdArrayInfo =
{ asai_moduleIndex :: !Int
@@ -965,20 +1145,20 @@ predefineSymbols {dcl_common} predefs
, asai_funs :: !{#FunType}
-adjustArrayFunctions :: PredefinedSymbols IndexRange Int {#FunDef} {#DclModule} {#ClassInstance} NumberSet -> BackEnder
-adjustArrayFunctions predefs arrayInstancesRange main_dcl_module_n functions dcls icl_instances used_module_numbers
+adjustArrayFunctions :: [Int]/*IndexRange*/ PredefinedSymbols Int {#FunDef} {#DclModule} {#ClassInstance} NumberSet -> BackEnder
+adjustArrayFunctions array_first_instance_indices/*arrayInstancesRange*/ predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls icl_instances used_module_numbers
= adjustStdArray arrayInfo predefs
(if (arrayModuleIndex == main_dcl_module_n) icl_instances stdArray.dcl_common.com_instance_defs)
- o` adjustIclArrayInstances arrayInstancesRange arrayMemberMapping functions
+ o` adjustIclArrayInstances /*arrayInstancesRange*/array_first_instance_indices arrayMemberMapping (size arrayClass.class_members) /*functions*/
= predefs.[PD_StdArray].pds_def
= predefs.[PD_ArrayClass].pds_def
- arrayClass
- = stdArray.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[arrayClassIndex]
= dcls.[arrayModuleIndex]
+ arrayClass
+ = stdArray.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[arrayClassIndex]
= getArrayMemberMapping predefs arrayClass.class_members
@@ -1047,9 +1227,9 @@ adjustArrayFunctions predefs arrayInstancesRange main_dcl_module_n functions dcl
-> identity) be
- adjustIclArrayInstances :: IndexRange {#BEArrayFunKind} {#FunDef} -> BackEnder
- adjustIclArrayInstances {ir_from, ir_to} mapping instances
+ adjustIclArrayInstances :: [Int]/*IndexRange*/ {#BEArrayFunKind} Int /*{#FunDef}*/ -> BackEnder
+ adjustIclArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices/*{ir_from, ir_to}*/ mapping n_array_members /*instances*/
= foldStateWithIndexRangeA (adjustIclArrayInstance mapping) ir_from ir_to instances
adjustIclArrayInstance :: {#BEArrayFunKind} Index FunDef -> BackEnder
@@ -1057,6 +1237,37 @@ adjustArrayFunctions predefs arrayInstancesRange main_dcl_module_n functions dcl
// but its member index in the Array class
adjustIclArrayInstance mapping index {fun_index}
= beAdjustArrayFunction mapping.[fun_index] index main_dcl_module_n
+/* = adjustIclArrayInstances r_from 0
+ where
+ adjustIclArrayInstances index member_index
+ | index==ir_to
+ = identity
+ # next_member_index=member_index+1
+ = beAdjustArrayFunction mapping.[member_index] index main_dcl_module_n
+ o` adjustIclArrayInstances (index+1) (if (next_member_index<n_array_members) next_member_index 0)
+ = adjustIclArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices
+ where
+ adjustIclArrayInstances [array_first_instance_index:array_first_instance_indices]
+ = adjustIclArrayInstanceMembers array_first_instance_index 0
+ o` adjustIclArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices
+ adjustIclArrayInstances []
+ = identity
+ adjustIclArrayInstanceMembers index member_index
+ | member_index==n_array_members
+ = identity
+ # next_member_index=member_index+1
+ = beAdjustArrayFunction mapping.[member_index] index main_dcl_module_n
+ o` adjustIclArrayInstanceMembers (index+1) next_member_index
+ foldStateWithIndexRangeA index
+ | index == to
+ = identity
+ // otherwise
+ = function index array.[index]
+ o` foldStateWithIndexRangeA (index+1)
convertRules :: [(Int, FunDef)] Int Ident *BackEndState -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEndState)
convertRules rules main_dcl_module_n aliasDummyId be
@@ -1092,7 +1303,7 @@ convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun
cafness FK_ImpCaf
= BEIsACaf
cafness funKind
- = BEIsNotACaf <<- ("backendconvert, cafness: unknown fun kind", funKind)
+ = BEIsNotACaf // <<- ("backendconvert, cafness: unknown fun kind", funKind)
positionToLineNumber :: Position -> Int
positionToLineNumber (FunPos _ lineNumber _)
@@ -1183,10 +1394,10 @@ convertBasicTypeKind BT_File
convertBasicTypeKind BT_World
= BEWorldType
convertBasicTypeKind BT_Dynamic
- = undef <<- "convertBasicTypeKind (BT_Dynamic) shouldn't occur"
+ = undef // <<- "convertBasicTypeKind (BT_Dynamic) shouldn't occur"
// = BEDynamicType
convertBasicTypeKind (BT_String _)
- = undef <<- "convertBasicTypeKind (BT_String _) shouldn't occur"
+ = undef // <<- "convertBasicTypeKind (BT_String _) shouldn't occur"
convertAnnotation :: Annotation -> BEAnnotation
convertAnnotation AN_None
@@ -1231,7 +1442,7 @@ convertAttribution TA_MultiOfPropagatingConsVar
convertAttribution _
= return BENoUniAttr
convertAttribution attr
- = abort "backendconvert, convertAttribution: unknown TypeAttribute" <<- attr
+ = abort "backendconvert, convertAttribution: unknown TypeAttribute" // <<- attr
convertAnnotTypeNode :: AType -> BEMonad BETypeNodeP
convertAnnotTypeNode {at_type, at_annotation, at_attribute}
@@ -1272,7 +1483,7 @@ convertTypeNode (a :@: b)
convertTypeNode TE
= beNormalTypeNode beDontCareDefinitionSymbol beNoTypeArgs
convertTypeNode typeNode
- = abort "convertTypeNode" <<- ("backendconvert, convertTypeNode: unknown type node", typeNode)
+ = abort "convertTypeNode" // <<- ("backendconvert, convertTypeNode: unknown type node", typeNode)
consVariableToType :: ConsVariable -> Type
consVariableToType (CV typeVar)
@@ -1608,7 +1819,7 @@ where
convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module, glob_object}}
= beConstructorSymbol glob_module glob_object // ->> ("convertSymbol", (glob_module, glob_object))
convertSymbol symbol
- = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertSymbol: unknown symbol") // , symbol)
+ = undef // <<- ("backendconvert, convertSymbol: unknown symbol") // , symbol)
convertExpr (Var var)
= beNodeIdNode (convertVar var.var_info_ptr) beNoArgs
convertExpr (f @ [a])
@@ -1697,7 +1908,7 @@ where
= beIfNode (convertExpr cond) (convertExpr if_then) (convertExpr else)
convertExpr expr
- = undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertExpr: unknown expression" , expr)
+ = undef // <<- ("backendconvert, convertExpr: unknown expression" , expr)
convertArgs :: [Expression] -> BEMonad BEArgP
convertArgs exprs
@@ -1732,7 +1943,7 @@ caseVar :: Expression -> BoundVar
caseVar (Var var)
= var
caseVar expr
- = undef <<- ("backendconvert, caseVar: unknown expression", expr)
+ = undef // <<- ("backendconvert, caseVar: unknown expression", expr)
class convertCases a :: a Ident BoundVar (Optional Expression) Int -> BEMonad BEArgP
@@ -1741,6 +1952,8 @@ instance convertCases CasePatterns where
= convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n
convertCases (BasicPatterns _ patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n
= convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n
+ convertCases (OverloadedListPatterns _ decons_expr patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n
+ = convertOverloadedListPatterns patterns decons_expr aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n
// +++ other patterns ???
instance convertCases [a] | convertCase a where
@@ -1808,6 +2021,22 @@ pushNode arity var symbolM argM nodeIdsM be
= argM be
= accBackEnd (BEPushNode arity symbol arg nodeIds) be
+overloadedPushNode arity var symbolM argM nodeIdsM deconsNodeM be
+ :== let
+ (symbol, be1)
+ = symbolM be
+ (nodeIds, be2)
+ = nodeIdsM be1
+ (sequenceNumber, be3)
+ = getVariableSequenceNumber var.var_info_ptr be2
+ be4
+ = appBackEnd (BEAddNodeIdsRefCounts sequenceNumber symbol nodeIds) be3
+ (arg, be5)
+ = argM be4
+ (deconsNodeP,be6)
+ = deconsNodeM be5
+ in accBackEnd (BEOverloadedPushNode arity symbol arg nodeIds deconsNodeP) be6
instance convertCase AlgebraicPattern where
convertCase main_dcl_module_n localRefCounts aliasDummyId var {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr}
| symbolArity == 0
@@ -1837,6 +2066,46 @@ instance convertCase BasicPattern where
(convertRhsStrictNodeIds bp_expr)
(convertRootExpr aliasDummyId bp_expr main_dcl_module_n)
+convertOverloadedListPatterns patterns decons_expr aliasDummyId var optionalCase main_dcl_module_n
+ = sfoldr (beArgs o convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr (localRefCounts patterns optionalCase))
+ (convertDefaultCase optionalCase aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n) patterns
+ localRefCounts [x] No
+ = False
+ localRefCounts _ _
+ = True
+ convertOverloadedListPattern :: Expression Bool AlgebraicPattern -> BEMonad BENodeP
+ convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr localRefCounts {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars=[], ap_expr}
+ = caseNode localRefCounts 0
+ (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr)
+ (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n)
+ convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr=:(App {app_args=[],app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module=decons_module,glob_object=deconsindex}}}) localRefCounts {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr}
+ = caseNode localRefCounts symbolArity
+ (beOverloadedConsSymbol glob_module ds_index decons_module deconsindex)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr)
+ (pushNode symbolArity var
+ (beOverloadedConsSymbol glob_module ds_index decons_module deconsindex)
+ (beArgs (convertExpr (Var var) main_dcl_module_n) (beArgs (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) beNoArgs))
+ (convertPatternVars ap_vars))
+ where
+ symbolArity = length ap_vars
+ convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr localRefCounts {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr}
+ = caseNode localRefCounts symbolArity
+ (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index)
+ (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n)
+ (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr)
+ (overloadedPushNode symbolArity var
+ (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index)
+ (beArgs (convertExpr (Var var) main_dcl_module_n) (beArgs (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) beNoArgs))
+ (convertPatternVars ap_vars)
+ (convertExpr decons_expr main_dcl_module_n))
+ where
+ symbolArity = length ap_vars
convertPatternVars :: [FreeVar] -> BEMonad BENodeIdListP
convertPatternVars vars
= sfoldr (beNodeIds o convertPatternVar) beNoNodeIds vars
@@ -1881,7 +2150,7 @@ getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr be
VI_AliasSequenceNumber {var_info_ptr}
-> getVariableSequenceNumber var_info_ptr be
- -> abort "getVariableSequenceNumber" <<- vi
+ -> abort "getVariableSequenceNumber" // <<- vi
markExports :: DclModule {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} (Optional {#Int}) -> BackEnder
markExports {dcl_conversions = Yes conversionTable} dclClasses dclTypes iclClasses iclTypes (Yes functionConversions)