diff options
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index 8c1101a..0bec520 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ import backend
import backendsupport, backendpreprocess
import RWSDebug
+// trace macro
+(-*->) infixl
+(-*->) value trace
+ :== value // ---> trace
:: BEMonad a :== St !*BackEnd !a
@@ -83,7 +89,12 @@ beLiteralSymbol type value
:== beFunction0 (BELiteralSymbol type value)
beFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex)
+// test ...
beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol arrayFunKind functionIndex moduleIndex
+ :== beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol2 arrayFunKind functionIndex (moduleIndex) // ->> (moduleIndex, functionIndex, arrayFunKind))
+// ... test
+beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol2 arrayFunKind functionIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol arrayFunKind (changeArrayFunctionIndex functionIndex) moduleIndex)
:== beFunction0 BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol
@@ -203,12 +214,12 @@ beTypeVars
:== beFunction2 BETypeVars
beTypeVar name
:== beFunction0 (BETypeVar name)
-beExportType typeIndex
- :== beFunction0 (BEExportType typeIndex)
-beExportConstructor constructorIndex
- :== beFunction0 (BEExportConstructor constructorIndex)
-beExportField fieldIndex
- :== beFunction0 (BEExportField fieldIndex)
+beExportType dclTypeIndex iclTypeIndex
+ :== beFunction0 (BEExportType dclTypeIndex iclTypeIndex)
+beExportConstructor dclConstructorIndex iclConstructorIndex
+ :== beFunction0 (BEExportConstructor dclConstructorIndex iclConstructorIndex)
+beExportField dclFieldIndex iclFieldIndex
+ :== beFunction0 (BEExportField dclFieldIndex iclFieldIndex)
beExportFunction dclIndexFunctionIndex iclFunctionIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEExportFunction dclIndexFunctionIndex iclFunctionIndex)
beTupleSelectNode arity index
@@ -217,6 +228,8 @@ beMatchNode arity
:== beFunction2 (BEMatchNode arity)
:== beFunction2 BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs
+ :== beFunction1 BEAbsType
notYetImplementedExpr :: Expression
@@ -241,22 +254,49 @@ backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_
= BEDeclareModules (size fe_dcls) backEnd
#! backEnd
= predefineSymbols fe_dcls.[cPredefinedModuleIndex] predefs backEnd
+ # currentDcl
+ = fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex]
+ typeConversions
+ = currentModuleTypeConversions icl_common.com_class_defs currentDcl.dcl_common.com_class_defs currentDcl.dcl_conversions
+ # rstypes = reshuffleTypes (size icl_common.com_type_defs) typeConversions {type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs}
+ types = {type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs}
+ # backEnd
+ = backEnd ->>
+ ( "dcl conversions"
+ , currentDcl.dcl_conversions
+ , "dcl constructors"
+ , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_cons_defs]
+ , "dcl selectors"
+ , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_selector_defs]
+ , "dcl types"
+ , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs]
+ , "icl selectors"
+ , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: icl_common.com_cons_defs]
+ , "icl fields"
+ , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: icl_common.com_selector_defs]
+ , "icl types"
+ , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs]
+ , "compare names"
+ , (rstypes, types)
+ )
#! backEnd
- = declareCurrentDclModule fe_icl fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] backEnd
- #! backEnd
- = declareOtherDclModules fe_dcls backEnd
+ = declareCurrentDclModule fe_icl fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] (backEnd -*-> "declareCurrentDclModule")
#! backEnd
- = defineCurrentDclModule varHeap fe_icl fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] backEnd
+ = declareOtherDclModules fe_dcls (backEnd -*-> "declareOtherDclModules")
#! backEnd
- = defineOtherDclModules fe_dcls varHeap backEnd
+ = defineDclModule varHeap cIclModIndex fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] (backEnd -*-> "defineDclModule(cIclMoIndex)")
#! backEnd
- = declareDclModule cIclModIndex fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] backEnd
+ = reshuffleTypes (size icl_common.com_type_defs) typeConversions (backEnd -*-> "reshuffleTypes")
#! backEnd
- = defineDclModule varHeap cIclModIndex fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] backEnd
+ = defineOtherDclModules fe_dcls varHeap (backEnd -*-> "defineOtherDclModules")
#! backEnd
- = BEDeclareIclModule icl_name.id_name (size icl_functions) (size icl_common.com_type_defs) (size icl_common.com_cons_defs) (size icl_common.com_selector_defs) backEnd
+ = BEDeclareIclModule icl_name.id_name (size icl_functions) (size icl_common.com_type_defs) (size icl_common.com_cons_defs) (size icl_common.com_selector_defs) (backEnd -*-> "BEDeclareIclModule")
#! backEnd
- = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions (getConversions fe_iclDclConversions) functionIndices backEnd
+ = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions (getConversions fe_iclDclConversions) functionIndices (backEnd -*-> "declareFunctionSymbols")
getConversions :: (Optional {#Int}) -> {#Int}
getConversions No
@@ -264,23 +304,28 @@ backEndConvertModules predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_
getConversions (Yes conversions)
= conversions
#! backEnd
- = declare cIclModIndex varHeap icl_common backEnd
+ = declare cIclModIndex varHeap icl_common (backEnd -*-> "declare (cIclModIndex)")
#! backEnd
- = declareArrayInstances fe_arrayInstances icl_functions backEnd
+ = declareArrayInstances fe_arrayInstances icl_functions (backEnd -*-> "declareArrayInstances")
+ #! backEnd
+ = adjustArrayFunctions predefs fe_arrayInstances icl_functions fe_dcls varHeap (backEnd -*-> "adjustArrayFunctions")
#! (rules, backEnd)
- = convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] varHeap backEnd
+ = convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] varHeap (backEnd -*-> "convertRules")
#! backEnd
- = BEDefineRules rules backEnd
+ = BEDefineRules rules (backEnd -*-> "BEDefineRules")
#! backEnd
= beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs
(convertStrings [imported.io_name \\ imported <- icl_imported_objects | not imported.io_is_library])
(convertStrings [imported.io_name \\ imported <- icl_imported_objects | imported.io_is_library])
- backEnd
- #! backEnd
- = adjustArrayFunctions predefs fe_arrayInstances icl_functions fe_dcls varHeap backEnd
+ (backEnd -*-> "beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs")
+// #! backEnd
+// = adjustArrayFunctions predefs fe_arrayInstances icl_functions fe_dcls varHeap backEnd
#! backEnd
- = markExports fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] icl_common.com_class_defs icl_common.com_type_defs fe_dclIclConversions backEnd
- = backEnd
+ = markExports fe_dcls.[cIclModIndex] dcl_common.com_class_defs dcl_common.com_type_defs icl_common.com_class_defs icl_common.com_type_defs fe_dclIclConversions (backEnd -*-> "markExports")
+ with
+ dcl_common
+ = currentDcl.dcl_common
+ = (backEnd -*-> "backend done")
= length functionIndices
@@ -310,13 +355,10 @@ declareDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> Backender
declareDclModule moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_is_system}
= BEDeclareDclModule moduleIndex dcl_name.id_name dcl_is_system (size dcl_functions) (size dcl_common.com_type_defs) (size dcl_common.com_cons_defs) (size dcl_common.com_selector_defs)
-defineCurrentDclModule :: VarHeap IclModule DclModule -> Backender
-defineCurrentDclModule varHeap {icl_common} {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_is_system, dcl_conversions}
- = declareCurrentDclModuleTypes dcl_common.com_type_defs typeConversions varHeap
+defineCurrentDclModule :: VarHeap IclModule DclModule {#Int} -> Backender
+defineCurrentDclModule varHeap {icl_common} {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_is_system, dcl_conversions} typeConversions
+ = declareCurrentDclModuleTypes icl_common.com_type_defs typeConversions varHeap
o` defineCurrentDclModuleTypes dcl_common.com_cons_defs dcl_common.com_selector_defs dcl_common.com_type_defs typeConversions varHeap
- where
- typeConversions
- = currentModuleTypeConversions icl_common.com_class_defs dcl_common.com_class_defs dcl_conversions
defineOtherDclModule :: VarHeap ModuleIndex DclModule -> Backender
defineOtherDclModule varHeap moduleIndex dclModule
@@ -330,6 +372,45 @@ defineDclModule varHeap moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_is
= declare moduleIndex varHeap dcl_common
o` declareFunTypes moduleIndex dcl_functions varHeap
+// move types from their dcl to icl positions
+class swapTypes a :: Int Int *a -> *a
+instance swapTypes BackEnd where
+ swapTypes i j be
+ = BESwapTypes i j be
+instance swapTypes {{#Char}} where
+ swapTypes i j a
+ = swap i j a
+swap i j a
+ #! iValue = a.[i]
+ #! jValue = a.[j]
+ = {a & [i] = jValue, [j] = iValue}
+reshuffleTypes :: Int {#Int} *a -> *a | swapTypes a
+reshuffleTypes nIclTypes dclIclConversions be
+ = thd3 (foldStateWithIndexA swapType dclIclConversions (idP (size dclIclConversions), idP nIclTypes, be))
+ where
+ idP :: Int -> .{#Int}
+ idP n
+ = {i \\ i <- [0 .. n-1]}
+ swapType :: Int Int (*{#Int}, *{#Int}, *a) -> (*{#Int}, *{#Int}, *a) | swapTypes a
+ swapType dclIndex iclIndex state=:(p,p`,be)
+ #! frm
+ = p.[dclIndex]
+ #! to
+ = iclIndex
+ | frm == to
+ = state
+ // otherwise
+ #! frm` = dclIndex
+ #! to` = p`.[iclIndex]
+ #! to` = if (to` >= size dclIclConversions) frm` to`
+ = (swap frm` to` p, swap frm to p`, swapTypes frm to be)
class declareVars a :: a !VarHeap -> Backender
instance declareVars [a] | declareVars a where
@@ -542,14 +623,12 @@ convertTypeVar typeVar
= beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_name.id_name
defineType :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} VarHeap Index CheckedTypeDef *BackEnd -> *BackEnd
-defineType moduleIndex constructors _ varHeap typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
+defineType moduleIndex constructors _ varHeap typeIndex {td_name, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
# (flatType, be)
= convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args be
# (constructors, be)
- = convertConstructors moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols varHeap be
- # (_, be)
- = BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors be
- = be
+ = convertConstructors typeIndex td_name.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols varHeap be
+ = BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors be
defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors varHeap typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields}} be
# (flatType, be)
= convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args be
@@ -560,9 +639,7 @@ defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors varHeap typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs
(beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex)
(convertSymbolTypeArgs constructorType)
- # (_, be)
- = BERecordType moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode fields be
- = be
+ = BERecordType moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode fields be
= rt_constructor.ds_index
@@ -574,16 +651,17 @@ defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors varHeap typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs
-> expandedType
-> constructorDef.cons_type
+defineType moduleIndex _ _ _ typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=AbstractType _} be
+ = beAbsType (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args) be
defineType _ _ _ _ _ _ be
= be
-convertConstructors :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} [DefinedSymbol] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
-convertConstructors moduleIndex constructors symbols varHeap
- = foldr (beConstructors o convertConstructor moduleIndex constructors varHeap) beNoConstructors symbols
+convertConstructors :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} [DefinedSymbol] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
+convertConstructors typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors symbols varHeap
+ = foldr (beConstructors o convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors varHeap) beNoConstructors symbols
-convertConstructor :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} VarHeap DefinedSymbol -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
-convertConstructor moduleIndex constructorDefs varHeap {ds_index}
+convertConstructor :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} VarHeap DefinedSymbol -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
+convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs varHeap {ds_index}
= BEDeclareConstructor ds_index moduleIndex constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name // +++ remove declare
o` beConstructor
@@ -595,9 +673,9 @@ convertConstructor moduleIndex constructorDefs varHeap {ds_index}
= case (sreadPtr constructorDef.cons_type_ptr varHeap) of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> expandedType
+ -> expandedType // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, expandedType)
- -> constructorDef.cons_type
+ -> constructorDef.cons_type // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type)
convertSelectors :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} {#FieldSymbol} VarHeap -> BEMonad BEFieldListP
convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors symbols varHeap
@@ -747,13 +825,33 @@ adjustArrayFunctions predefs arrayInstancesRange functions dcls varHeap
adjustIclArrayInstance mapping index {fun_index}
= beAdjustArrayFunction mapping.[fun_index] index cIclModIndex
convertRules :: [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
convertRules rules varHeap
- = foldr (beRules o flip convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
+// = foldr (beRules o flip convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
+ = foldl (flip beRules) beNoRules (map (flip convertRule varHeap) rules)
+convertRules :: [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap *BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEnd)
+convertRules rules varHeap be
+ # (null, be)
+ = BENoRules be
+ = convert rules varHeap null be
+// = foldr (beRules o flip convertRule varHeap) beNoRules rules
+ where
+ convert :: [(Int, FunDef)] VarHeap BEImpRuleP *BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEnd)
+ convert [] _ rulesP be
+ = (rulesP, be)
+ convert [h:t] varHeap rulesP be
+ # (ruleP, be)
+ = convertRule h varHeap be
+ # (rulesP, be)
+ = BERules ruleP rulesP be
+ = convert t varHeap rulesP be
convertRule :: (Int,FunDef) VarHeap -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
-convertRule (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind}) varHeap
- = beRule index (cafness fun_kind) (convertTypeAlt index cIclModIndex type) (convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) body varHeap)
+convertRule (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb}) varHeap
+ = beRule index (cafness fun_kind) (convertTypeAlt index cIclModIndex (type /* ->> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type) */)) (convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) body varHeap)
cafness :: FunKind -> Int
cafness (FK_Function _)
@@ -1065,13 +1163,13 @@ convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}}
convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction _ index}
= beFunctionSymbol index cIclModIndex
convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module, glob_object}}
- = beConstructorSymbol glob_module glob_object
+ = beConstructorSymbol glob_module glob_object // ->> ("convertSymbol", (glob_module, glob_object))
convertSymbol symbol
= undef <<- ("backendconvert, convertSymbol: unknown symbol", symbol)
convertTypeSymbolIdent :: TypeSymbIdent -> BEMonad BESymbolP
convertTypeSymbolIdent {type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
- = beTypeSymbol glob_object glob_module
+ = beTypeSymbol glob_object glob_module // ->> ("convertTypeSymbolIdent", (glob_module, glob_object))
convertExpr :: Expression VarHeap -> BEMonad BENodeP
convertExpr (BasicExpr value _) varHeap
@@ -1212,26 +1310,28 @@ getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr varHeap
= sreadPtr varInfoPtr varHeap
= sequenceNumber
-markExports :: DclModule {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} (Optional {#Int}) -> Backender
-markExports {dcl_conversions = Yes conversionTable} iclClasses iclTypes (Yes functionConversions)
- = foldStateA beExportType conversionTable.[cTypeDefs]
- o foldStateA beExportConstructor conversionTable.[cConstructorDefs]
- o foldStateA beExportField conversionTable.[cSelectorDefs]
- o foldStateA (exportDictionary iclClasses iclTypes) conversionTable.[cClassDefs]
+markExports :: DclModule {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} (Optional {#Int}) -> Backender
+markExports {dcl_conversions = Yes conversionTable} dclClasses dclTypes iclClasses iclTypes (Yes functionConversions)
+ = foldStateA (\icl -> beExportType icl icl) conversionTable.[cTypeDefs]
+ o foldStateWithIndexA beExportConstructor conversionTable.[cConstructorDefs]
+ o foldStateWithIndexA beExportField conversionTable.[cSelectorDefs]
+ o foldStateWithIndexA (exportDictionary iclClasses iclTypes) conversionTable.[cClassDefs]
o foldStateWithIndexA beExportFunction functionConversions
- exportDictionary :: {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} Index -> Backender
- exportDictionary iclClasses iclTypes classIndex
- = beExportType typeIndex
+ exportDictionary :: {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} Index Index -> Backender
+ exportDictionary iclClasses iclTypes dclClassIndex iclClassIndex
+ = beExportType (-1) iclTypeIndex // remove -1 hack
o foldStateA exportDictionaryField rt_fields
- typeIndex
- = iclClasses.[classIndex].class_dictionary.ds_index
+ dclTypeIndex
+ = dclClasses.[dclClassIndex].class_dictionary.ds_index
+ iclTypeIndex
+ = iclClasses.[iclClassIndex].class_dictionary.ds_index
{td_rhs = RecordType {rt_fields}}
- = iclTypes.[typeIndex]
+ = iclTypes.[iclTypeIndex]
exportDictionaryField :: FieldSymbol -> Backender
exportDictionaryField {fs_index}
- = beExportField fs_index
-markExports _ _ _ _
+ = beExportField (-1) fs_index // remove -1 hack
+markExports _ _ _ _ _ _
= identity