diff options
2 files changed, 408 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index 0c97b31..399a7e9 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ where
# (expanded_type, th) = expandSynonymType type_def attr args heaps.hp_type_heaps
-> convert {at_type = expanded_type, at_attribute = attr}
(modules, td_infos, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = th}, error)
- _
+ _
#! {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[PD_UnboxedArrayType]
| type_index.glob_module == pds_module
&& type_index.glob_object == pds_def
&& (case args of [{at_type=TB _}] -> True; _ -> False)
-> (GTSAppCons KindConst [], (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
- | otherwise
+ | otherwise
#! ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
#! kind = if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds)
#! (args, st) = mapSt convert args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
@@ -373,29 +373,79 @@ where
# error = reportError predefined_idents.[PD_GenericBimap] pos ("can not build generic representation for this type", type) error
= (GTSE, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
- convert_type_app {type_index} attr args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- # (type_def, modules) = modules![type_index.glob_module].com_type_defs.[type_index.glob_object]
+ convert_type_app {type_index=type_index=:{glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} attr args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # (type_def, modules) = modules![glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case type_def.td_rhs of
SynType atype
- # (expanded_type, th) = expandSynonymType type_def attr args heaps.hp_type_heaps
+ # (expanded_type, th) = expandSynonymType type_def attr args heaps.hp_type_heaps
-> convert {at_type = expanded_type, at_attribute = attr}
(modules, td_infos, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = th}, error)
- _
+ AbstractType _
#! {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[PD_UnboxedArrayType]
- | type_index.glob_module == pds_module && type_index.glob_object == pds_def
+ | glob_module == pds_module && glob_object == pds_def
&& (case args of [{at_type=TB _}] -> True; _ -> False)
-> (GTSAppCons KindConst [], (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ RecordType _
# {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeBimap]
- | type_index.glob_module == pds_module && type_index.glob_object == pds_def
+ | glob_module == pds_module && glob_object == pds_def
&& case args of [_,_] -> True; _ -> False
- #! ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
+ #! (tdi_kinds,td_infos) = td_infos![glob_module,glob_object].tdi_kinds
#! kind = if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds)
- #! (args, st) = mapSt convert args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ #! (args, st) = convert_args args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
-> (GTSAppBimap kind args, st)
- #! ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
- #! kind = if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds)
- #! (args, st) = mapSt convert args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- -> (GTSAppCons kind args, st)
+ AlgType alts
+ # n_args = length args
+ | n_args>0 && type_arity==n_args
+ # (can_generate_bimap_to_or_from,modules,heaps)
+ = can_generate_bimap_to_or_from_for_this_type type_def glob_module alts modules heaps
+ | can_generate_bimap_to_or_from
+ #! (tdi_kinds,td_infos) = td_infos![glob_module,glob_object].tdi_kinds
+ #! (args, st) = convert_args args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ -> (GTSAppConsSimpleType type_index (KindArrow tdi_kinds) args, st)
+ -> convert_type_app_to_GTSAppCons glob_module glob_object args modules td_infos heaps error
+ _
+ -> convert_type_app_to_GTSAppCons glob_module glob_object args modules td_infos heaps error
+ where
+ convert_type_app_to_GTSAppCons glob_module glob_object args modules td_infos heaps error
+ #! (tdi_kinds,td_infos) = td_infos![glob_module,glob_object].tdi_kinds
+ #! kind = if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds)
+ #! (args, st) = convert_args args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ = (GTSAppCons kind args, st)
+ can_generate_bimap_to_or_from_for_this_type :: !CheckedTypeDef !Index ![DefinedSymbol] !*Modules !*Heaps -> (!Bool,!*Modules,!*Heaps)
+ can_generate_bimap_to_or_from_for_this_type type_def=:{td_args} type_def_module_n alts modules heaps=:{hp_type_heaps}
+ # th_vars = number_type_arguments td_args 0 hp_type_heaps.th_vars
+ #! ok = check_constructors alts type_def_module_n modules th_vars
+ # th_vars = remove_type_argument_numbers td_args th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps={hp_type_heaps & th_vars=th_vars}}
+ = (ok,modules,heaps)
+ where
+ check_constructors :: ![DefinedSymbol] !Index !Modules !TypeVarHeap -> Bool
+ check_constructors [{ds_index}:constructors] type_def_module_n modules th_vars
+ # {cons_type,cons_exi_vars} = modules.[type_def_module_n].com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
+ = isEmpty cons_exi_vars &&
+ isEmpty cons_type.st_context &&
+ check_constructor cons_type.st_args 0 th_vars &&
+ check_constructors constructors type_def_module_n modules th_vars
+ check_constructors [] type_def_module_n modules th_vars
+ = True
+ check_constructor :: ![AType] !Int !TypeVarHeap -> Bool
+ check_constructor [{at_type=TV {tv_info_ptr}}:atypes] used_type_vars th_vars
+ = case sreadPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars of
+ TVI_GenTypeVarNumber arg_n
+ # arg_mask = 1<<arg_n
+ | used_type_vars bitand arg_mask<>0
+ -> False
+ # used_type_vars = used_type_vars bitor arg_mask
+ -> check_constructor atypes used_type_vars th_vars
+ check_constructor [_:_] used_type_vars th_vars
+ = False
+ check_constructor [] used_type_vars th_vars
+ = True
+ convert_args args st
+ = mapSt convert args st
// the structure type of a generic type can often be simplified
// because bimaps for types not containing generic variables are indentity bimaps
@@ -416,6 +466,12 @@ where
= (GTSAppConsBimapKindConst, st)
# (args, st) = mapSt simplify args st
= (GTSAppCons kind args, st)
+ simplify (GTSAppConsSimpleType type_symbol_n kind args) st
+ # contains_gen_vars = occurs_list args st
+ | not contains_gen_vars
+ = (GTSAppConsBimapKindConst, st)
+ # (args, st) = mapSt simplify args st
+ = (GTSAppConsSimpleType type_symbol_n kind args, st)
simplify t=:(GTSAppBimap KindConst []) st
= (t, st)
simplify (GTSAppBimap kind=:(KindArrow kinds) args) st
@@ -457,8 +513,9 @@ where
= (GTSObject type_info_ds x, st)
occurs (GTSAppCons _ args) st = occurs_list args st
+ occurs (GTSAppConsSimpleType _ _ args) st = occurs_list args st
occurs (GTSAppBimap _ args) st = occurs_list args st
- occurs (GTSAppVar tv args) st = occurs (GTSVar tv) st || occurs_list args st
+ occurs (GTSAppVar tv args) st = type_var_occurs tv st || occurs_list args st
occurs (GTSVar tv) st = type_var_occurs tv st
occurs (GTSArrow x y) st = occurs2 x y st
occurs (GTSPair x y) st = occurs2 x y st
@@ -486,7 +543,6 @@ where
= case tv_info of
TVI_Empty = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Used th_vars
_ = abort "type var is not empty"
- ---> ("type var is not empty", tv, tv_info)
clear_type_var {tv_info_ptr} th_vars
= writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty th_vars
@@ -503,7 +559,6 @@ buildStructType ::
buildStructType {gi_module,gi_index} type_info cons_infos predefs (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
# (type_def=:{td_ident}, modules) = modules![gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
= build_type type_def type_info cons_infos (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildStructureType", td_ident, atype)
build_type {td_rhs=AlgType alts, td_ident, td_pos} type_info cons_infos st
# (cons_args, st) = zipWithSt (build_alt td_ident td_pos) alts cons_infos st
@@ -634,7 +689,7 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module
# (type_def_dsc_fun, heaps) = build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_dsc_dss type_def_dsc_ds heaps
# (cons_dsc_funs, (modules, heaps)) = zipWithSt (build_cons_dsc group_index type_def_dsc_ds field_dsc_dss) cons_dsc_dss alts (modules, heaps)
# (field_dsc_funs, (modules, heaps)) = zipWithSt (build_field_dsc group_index (hd cons_dsc_dss)) field_dsc_dss fields (modules, heaps)
// NOTE: reverse order (new functions are added at the head)
@@ -658,7 +713,7 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module
= (type_info_ds, cons_infos, funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
- build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_info_dss {ds_ident} heaps
+ build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_info_dss {ds_ident} heaps
# td_name_expr = makeStringExpr td_ident.id_name
# td_arity_expr = makeIntExpr td_arity
# num_conses_expr = makeIntExpr (length alts)
@@ -869,7 +924,7 @@ buildConversionIso type_def=:{td_ident, td_pos} from_fun to_fun
build_bimap_record to_expr from_expr predefs heaps
= buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsBimap [to_expr, from_expr] predefs heaps
// conversion from type to generic
buildConversionTo ::
!Index // type def module
@@ -891,11 +946,9 @@ buildConversionTo
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [] EE No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionTo failed", td_ident)
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [arg_var] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionTo", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
// build conversion for type rhs
build_expr_for_type_rhs ::
@@ -907,8 +960,7 @@ where
-> ( !Expression // generated expression
, !*Heaps // state
- , !*ErrorAdmin
- )
+ , !*ErrorAdmin)
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod type_def_index (AlgType def_symbols) arg_expr heaps error
= build_expr_for_conses False type_def_mod type_def_index def_symbols arg_expr heaps error
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod type_def_index (RecordType {rt_constructor}) arg_expr heaps error
@@ -919,25 +971,25 @@ where
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod type_def_index (SynType _) arg_expr heaps error
#! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
= (EE, heaps, error)
// build conversion for constructors of a type def
build_expr_for_conses is_record type_def_mod type_def_index cons_def_syms arg_expr heaps error
- # (case_alts, heaps, error) =
- build_exprs_for_conses is_record 0 (length cons_def_syms) type_def_mod cons_def_syms heaps error
+ # (case_alts, heaps, error)
+ = build_exprs_for_conses is_record 0 (length cons_def_syms) type_def_mod cons_def_syms heaps error
# case_patterns = AlgebraicPatterns {glob_module = type_def_mod, glob_object = type_def_index} case_alts
# (case_expr, heaps) = buildCaseExpr arg_expr case_patterns heaps
= (case_expr, heaps, error)
- //---> (free_vars, case_expr)
// build conversions for constructors
build_exprs_for_conses :: !Bool !Int !Int !Int ![DefinedSymbol] !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> ([AlgebraicPattern], !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- build_exprs_for_conses is_record i n type_def_mod [] heaps error = ([], heaps, error)
+ build_exprs_for_conses is_record i n type_def_mod [] heaps error
+ = ([], heaps, error)
build_exprs_for_conses is_record i n type_def_mod [cons_def_sym:cons_def_syms] heaps error
#! (alt, heaps, error) = build_expr_for_cons is_record i n type_def_mod cons_def_sym heaps error
#! (alts, heaps, error) = build_exprs_for_conses is_record (i+1) n type_def_mod cons_def_syms heaps error
= ([alt:alts], heaps, error)
// build conversion for a constructor
build_expr_for_cons :: !Bool !Int !Int !Int !DefinedSymbol !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (AlgebraicPattern, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1006,23 +1058,18 @@ buildConversionFrom
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [] EE No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionFrom failed", td_ident)
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [arg_var] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionFrom", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
// build expression for type def rhs
build_expr_for_type_rhs ::
!Index // type def module
!TypeRhs // type rhs
- !*Heaps
- !*ErrorAdmin
+ !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> ( !Expression // body expresssion
, !FreeVar
- , !*Heaps
- , !*ErrorAdmin
- )
+ , !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod (AlgType def_symbols) heaps error
#! (expr, var, heaps, error) = build_sum False type_def_mod def_symbols heaps error
#! (expr, var, heaps) = build_case_object var expr predefs heaps
@@ -1031,7 +1078,6 @@ where
# (expr, var, heaps, error) = build_sum True type_def_mod [rt_constructor] heaps error
#! (expr, var, heaps) = build_case_object var expr predefs heaps
= (expr, var, heaps, error)
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod (AbstractType _) heaps error
#! error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
# dummy_fv = {fv_def_level=(-1), fv_count=0, fv_ident=makeIdent "dummy", fv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
@@ -1961,7 +2007,7 @@ buildGenericCaseBody ::
!FunsAndGroups !*TypeDefInfos !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!FunctionBody,
!FunsAndGroups, !*TypeDefInfos,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index},gc_kind,gc_generic} has_generic_info st predefs
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index},gc_kind,gc_generic,gc_ident,gc_pos} has_generic_info st predefs
funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
#! (gen_def, modules) = modules![gc_generic.gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gc_generic.gi_index]
#! (td_info=:{tdi_gen_rep}, td_infos) = td_infos![type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
@@ -1982,13 +2028,12 @@ buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_iden
-> (arg_vars,heaps)
- #! (optional_adaptor_expr, adapted_arg_exprs, original_arg_exprs, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- = build_adaptor_expr gc gen_def gen_type_rep original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
#! (specialized_expr, funs_and_groups, td_infos, heaps, error)
- = build_specialized_expr gc gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs gen_def.gen_info_ptr funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
+ = build_specialized_expr gc_pos gc_ident gc_generic gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs gen_def.gen_info_ptr funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
+ #! (body_expr, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ = adapt_specialized_expr gc_pos gen_def gen_type_rep original_arg_exprs specialized_expr funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
- # body_expr = build_body_expr optional_adaptor_expr specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs original_arg_exprs
= (TransformedBody {tb_args=arg_vars, tb_rhs=body_expr}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
build_generic_info_arg heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
@@ -2008,9 +2053,33 @@ where
= (generated_arg_exprs, original_arg_exprs, generated_arg_vars ++ original_arg_vars, heaps)
+ // generic function specialized to the generic representation of the type
+ build_specialized_expr gc_pos gc_ident gcf_generic gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs gen_info_ptr funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
+ #! spec_env = [(atv_variable, TVI_Expr expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
+ # generic_bimap = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
+ | gcf_generic.gi_module==generic_bimap.pds_module && gcf_generic.gi_index==generic_bimap.pds_def
+ // JvG: can probably make special version of simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct that doesn't simplify if any var occurs, because all vars are passed
+ # (gtr_type, heaps) = simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] gtr_type heaps
+ # (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps,error)
+ = specialize_generic_bimap gcf_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
+ # ({gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices},generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr heaps.hp_generic_heap
+ heaps = {heaps & hp_generic_heap=generic_heap}
+ # (expr,td_infos,heaps,error)
+ = specializeGeneric gcf_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices main_module_index td_infos heaps error
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
// adaptor that converts a function for the generic representation into a
// function for the type itself
- build_adaptor_expr {gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso,gtr_to,gtr_from} original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
+ adapt_specialized_expr :: Position GenericDef GenericTypeRep [Expression] Expression
+ !FunsAndGroups !*Modules !*TypeDefInfos !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Expression,!FunsAndGroups,!*Modules,!*TypeDefInfos,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+ adapt_specialized_expr gc_pos {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso,gtr_to,gtr_from} original_arg_exprs specialized_expr
+ funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
#! (var_kinds, heaps) = get_var_kinds gen_info_ptr heaps
#! non_gen_var_kinds = drop (length gen_vars) var_kinds
@@ -2028,11 +2097,11 @@ where
#! (struct_gen_type, heaps) = simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct gen_vars struct_gen_type heaps
# bimap_gi = {gi_module=bimap_module,gi_index=bimap_index}
- #! (adaptor_expr, adapted_arg_exprs, original_arg_exprs, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- = specialize_generic_from_bimap bimap_gi struct_gen_type spec_env bimap_ident gc_pos original_arg_exprs main_module_index predefs
- funs_and_groups heaps error
+ #! (body_expr, funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
+ = adapt_with_specialized_generic_bimap bimap_gi struct_gen_type spec_env bimap_ident gc_pos original_arg_exprs specialized_expr main_module_index predefs
+ funs_and_groups modules heaps error
- = (adaptor_expr, adapted_arg_exprs, original_arg_exprs, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ = (body_expr, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
{pds_module = bimap_module, pds_def=bimap_index} = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
bimap_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_GenericBimap]
@@ -2065,46 +2134,6 @@ where
= buildGenericApp bimap_module bimap_index bimap_ident kind [] heaps
= ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
- // generic function specialzied to the generic representation of the type
- build_specialized_expr :: GenericCaseDef GenTypeStruct [ATypeVar] [Expression] GenericInfoPtr !FunsAndGroups !*TypeDefInfos !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!Expression,!FunsAndGroups,!*TypeDefInfos,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
- build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs gen_info_ptr funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
- #! spec_env = [(atv_variable, TVI_Expr expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
- # generic_bimap = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
- | gc_generic.gi_module==generic_bimap.pds_module && gc_generic.gi_index==generic_bimap.pds_def
- // can probably make special version of simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct that doesn't simplify if a var occurs, because all vars are passed
- # (gtr_type, heaps) = simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] gtr_type heaps
- # (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps,error)
- = specialize_generic_bimap gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
- = (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
- # ({gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices},generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr heaps.hp_generic_heap
- heaps = {heaps & hp_generic_heap=generic_heap}
- # (expr,td_infos,heaps,error)
- = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices main_module_index td_infos heaps error
- = (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
- // the body expression
- build_body_expr No specialized_expr [] []
- = specialized_expr
- build_body_expr No specialized_expr [] original_arg_exprs
- = specialized_expr @ original_arg_exprs
- build_body_expr No specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs []
- = specialized_expr @ adapted_arg_exprs
- build_body_expr No specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs original_arg_exprs
- = specialized_expr @ (adapted_arg_exprs++original_arg_exprs)
- build_body_expr (Yes adaptor_expr) specialized_expr [] []
- = adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr]
- build_body_expr (Yes adaptor_expr) specialized_expr [] original_arg_exprs
- = (adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr]) @ original_arg_exprs
- build_body_expr (Yes adaptor_expr) specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs []
- = adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr @ adapted_arg_exprs]
- build_body_expr (Yes adaptor_expr) specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs original_arg_exprs
- = (adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr @ adapted_arg_exprs]) @ original_arg_exprs
buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} has_generic_info st predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
# error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos "cannot specialize to this type" error
= (TransformedBody {tb_args=[], tb_rhs=EE}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
@@ -2466,44 +2495,101 @@ is_bimap_id (GTSAppCons KindConst []) = True
is_bimap_id GTSAppConsBimapKindConst = True
is_bimap_id _ = False
-specialize_generic_from_bimap ::
+adapt_with_specialized_generic_bimap ::
!GlobalIndex // generic index
!GenTypeStruct // type to specialize to
![(TypeVar, TypeVarInfo)] // specialization environment
!Ident // generic/generic case
!Position // of generic case
+ !Expression
!Index // main_module index
- !FunsAndGroups !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!Optional Expression, ![Expression], ![Expression],
- !FunsAndGroups,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
-specialize_generic_from_bimap gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
+ !FunsAndGroups !*Modules !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Expression,
+ !FunsAndGroups,!*Modules,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+adapt_with_specialized_generic_bimap gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos arg_exprs specialized_expr main_module_index predefs
+ funs_and_groups modules heaps error
#! heaps = set_tvs spec_env heaps
- #! (optional_adaptor_expr, adapted_arg_exprs, arg_exprs, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- = specialize_args_and_result arg_exprs type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ #! (adapted_arg_exprs, arg_exprs, type, st)
+ = adapt_args arg_exprs type (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
+ #! (body_expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ = adapt_result arg_exprs type specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs st
# heaps = clear_tvs spec_env heaps
- = (optional_adaptor_expr, adapted_arg_exprs, arg_exprs, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = (body_expr, funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
- specialize_args_and_result [arg_expr:arg_exprs] (GTSArrow arg_type args_type) st
+ adapt_args [arg_expr:arg_exprs] (GTSArrow arg_type args_type) st
# (adapted_arg_expr,st)
= adapt_arg arg_type arg_expr st
- (adaptor_expr,adapted_arg_exprs,arg_exprs,st)
- = specialize_args_and_result arg_exprs args_type st
- = (adaptor_expr,[adapted_arg_expr:adapted_arg_exprs],arg_exprs,st)
- specialize_args_and_result arg_exprs type st
- | is_bimap_id type
- = (No, [], arg_exprs, st)
- # (adaptor_expr,st)
- = specialize_from type st
- = (Yes adaptor_expr,[],arg_exprs,st)
+ (adapted_arg_exprs,arg_exprs,args_type,st)
+ = adapt_args arg_exprs args_type st
+ = ([adapted_arg_expr:adapted_arg_exprs],arg_exprs,args_type,st)
+ adapt_args arg_exprs args_type st
+ = ([],arg_exprs,args_type,st)
adapt_arg arg_type arg_expr st
| is_bimap_id arg_type
= (arg_expr,st)
- # (arg_adaptor_expr,st)
- = specialize_to arg_type st
- = (arg_adaptor_expr @ [arg_expr],st)
+ = specialize_to_with_arg arg_type arg_expr st
+ adapt_result arg_exprs type specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs st
+ | is_bimap_id type
+ = (build_body_expr specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs arg_exprs,st)
+ with
+ build_body_expr specialized_expr [] []
+ = specialized_expr
+ build_body_expr specialized_expr [] original_arg_exprs
+ = specialized_expr @ original_arg_exprs
+ build_body_expr specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs []
+ = specialized_expr @ adapted_arg_exprs
+ build_body_expr specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs original_arg_exprs
+ = specialized_expr @ (adapted_arg_exprs++original_arg_exprs)
+ #! specialized_expr_with_adapted_args
+ = case adapted_arg_exprs of
+ [] -> specialized_expr
+ _ -> specialized_expr @ adapted_arg_exprs
+ = case arg_exprs of
+ []
+ -> specialize_from_with_arg type specialized_expr_with_adapted_args st
+ _
+ # (adapted_expr,st)
+ = specialize_from_with_arg type specialized_expr_with_adapted_args st
+ -> (adapted_expr @ arg_exprs, st)
+ specialize_to_with_arg (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) arg (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ # expr = build_map_to_expr expr predefs @ [arg]
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index to_ds [arg] heaps
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_to_with_arg (GTSAppConsSimpleType type_symbol_n kind arg_types) arg st
+ = bimap_to_simple_type type_symbol_n kind arg_types arg st
+ specialize_to_with_arg type arg st
+ # (adaptor_expr,st)
+ = specialize_to type st
+ = (adaptor_expr @ [arg],st)
+ specialize_from_with_arg (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) arg (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ # expr = build_map_from_expr expr predefs @ [arg]
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index from_ds [arg] heaps
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from_with_arg (GTSAppConsSimpleType type_symbol_n kind arg_types) arg st
+ = bimap_from_simple_type type_symbol_n kind arg_types arg st
+ specialize_from_with_arg type arg st
+ # (adaptor_expr,st)
+ = specialize_from type st
+ = (adaptor_expr @ [arg],st)
specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSAppCons KindConst []) y) st
= specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
@@ -2513,7 +2599,7 @@ where
= specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
specialize_from (GTSArrow x GTSAppConsBimapKindConst) st
= specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
- specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=xp}) (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=yp})) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=xp}) (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=yp})) (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
# (x_expr, th_vars) = readPtr xp th_vars
(y_expr, th_vars) = readPtr yp th_vars
heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
@@ -2521,115 +2607,123 @@ where
# (y,heaps) = build_map_from_tvi_expr y_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
| is_bimap_id_expression y_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
# (x,heaps) = build_map_to_tvi_expr x_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
# (x,heaps) = build_map_to_tvi_expr x_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(y,heaps) = build_map_from_tvi_expr y_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr}) y) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr}) y) (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
#! (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
| is_bimap_id_expression expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
- # st = (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # st = (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
= specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
# (x,heaps) = build_map_to_tvi_expr expr main_module_index predefs heaps
- (y, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize_from y (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ (y, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ = specialize_from y (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize_from (GTSArrow x (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr})) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow x (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr})) (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
#! (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
| is_bimap_id_expression expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
- # st = (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # st = (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
= specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
# (y,heaps) = build_map_from_tvi_expr expr main_module_index predefs heaps
- (x, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize_to x (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ (x, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ = specialize_to x (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
specialize_from (GTSArrow x y) st
#! (x, st) = specialize_to x st
#! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize_from (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
# (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
= case expr of
TVI_Expr expr
# from_expr = build_map_from_expr expr predefs
- -> (from_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ -> (from_expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
# (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index from_ds [] heaps
- -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
specialize_from type=:(GTSAppBimap (KindArrow [KindConst,KindConst]) [arg1,arg2]) st
# (arg1,st) = specialize arg1 st
(arg2,st) = specialize arg2 st
- (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_Bimap_expression [arg1,arg2] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize_from type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from type (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
#! (bimap_expr, st)
- = specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = specialize type (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
# adaptor_expr = build_map_from_expr bimap_expr predefs
= (adaptor_expr, st)
specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
#! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
#! (x, st) = specialize_to x st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
- specialize_to (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ specialize_to (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
# (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
= case expr of
TVI_Expr expr
# from_expr = build_map_to_expr expr predefs
- -> (from_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ -> (from_expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
# (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index to_ds [] heaps
- -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize_to type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize_to type (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
#! (bimap_expr, st)
- = specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = specialize type (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
# adaptor_expr = build_map_to_expr bimap_expr predefs
= (adaptor_expr, st)
- specialize (GTSAppCons KindConst []) (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ specialize (GTSAppCons KindConst []) (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
# (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSAppCons kind arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, heaps)
= build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSAppConsSimpleType _ kind arg_types) st
+ #! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, heaps)
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSAppBimap kind arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, heaps)
= build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
#! (expr, st) = specialize_type_var tv st
@@ -2639,43 +2733,172 @@ where
specialize (GTSArrow x y) st
| is_bimap_id x
#! (y, st) = specialize y st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
| is_bimap_id y
#! (x, st) = specialize x st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
#! (x, st) = specialize x st
#! (y, st) = specialize y st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ # (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error) = st
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize GTSAppConsBimapKindConst (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize GTSAppConsBimapKindConst (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
# (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
+ specialize type (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
#! error = reportError gen_ident gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
- = (EE, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = (EE, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
- specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
# (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
= case expr of
TVI_Expr expr
- -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
# (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
- -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error))
build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
= buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
+ bimap_to_simple_type :: !(Global Index) !TypeKind ![GenTypeStruct] !Expression !*(!FunsAndGroups,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> *(!Expression,!*(!FunsAndGroups,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin))
+ bimap_to_simple_type global_type_def_index=:{glob_module} (KindArrow kinds) arg_types arg (funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ # (alts,constructors_arg_types,modules,heaps)
+ = determine_constructors_arg_types global_type_def_index arg_types modules heaps
+ # (alg_patterns,funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ = build_to_alg_patterns alts constructors_arg_types glob_module funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = build_bimap_case global_type_def_index arg alg_patterns funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ where
+ build_to_alg_patterns [cons_ds=:{ds_ident,ds_index,ds_arity}:alts] [constructor_arg_types:constructors_arg_types] type_module_n funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ # arg_names = ["x" +++ toString k \\ k <- [1..ds_arity]]
+ # (var_exprs, vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_names heaps
+ # (args,(funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error))
+ = specialize_to_with_args constructor_arg_types var_exprs (funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ # (alg_pattern,heaps)
+ = build_alg_pattern cons_ds vars args type_module_n heaps
+ # (alg_patterns,funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ = build_to_alg_patterns alts constructors_arg_types type_module_n funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = ([alg_pattern:alg_patterns],funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ build_to_alg_patterns [] [] type_module_n funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = ([],funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ specialize_to_with_args [type:types] [arg:args] st
+ | is_bimap_id type
+ # (args,st)
+ = specialize_to_with_args types args st
+ = ([arg:args],st)
+ # (arg,st)
+ = specialize_to_with_arg type arg st
+ # (args,st)
+ = specialize_to_with_args types args st
+ = ([arg:args],st)
+ specialize_to_with_args [] [] st
+ = ([],st)
+ bimap_from_simple_type :: !(Global Index) !TypeKind ![GenTypeStruct] !Expression !*(!FunsAndGroups,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> *(!Expression,!*(!FunsAndGroups,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin))
+ bimap_from_simple_type global_type_def_index=:{glob_module} (KindArrow kinds) arg_types arg (funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ # (alts,constructors_arg_types,modules,heaps)
+ = determine_constructors_arg_types global_type_def_index arg_types modules heaps
+ # (alg_patterns,funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ = build_from_alg_patterns alts constructors_arg_types glob_module funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = build_bimap_case global_type_def_index arg alg_patterns funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ where
+ build_from_alg_patterns [cons_ds=:{ds_ident,ds_index,ds_arity}:alts] [constructor_arg_types:constructors_arg_types] type_module_n funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ # arg_names = ["x" +++ toString k \\ k <- [1..ds_arity]]
+ # (var_exprs, vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_names heaps
+ # (args,(funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error))
+ = specialize_from_with_args constructor_arg_types var_exprs (funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ # (alg_pattern,heaps)
+ = build_alg_pattern cons_ds vars args type_module_n heaps
+ # (alg_patterns,funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ = build_from_alg_patterns alts constructors_arg_types type_module_n funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = ([alg_pattern:alg_patterns],funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ build_from_alg_patterns [] [] type_module_n funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ = ([],funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error)
+ specialize_from_with_args [type:types] [arg:args] st
+ | is_bimap_id type
+ # (args,st)
+ = specialize_from_with_args types args st
+ = ([arg:args],st)
+ # (arg,st)
+ = specialize_from_with_arg type arg st
+ # (args,st)
+ = specialize_from_with_args types args st
+ = ([arg:args],st)
+ specialize_from_with_args [] [] st
+ = ([],st)
+ determine_constructors_arg_types :: !(Global Index) ![GenTypeStruct] !*Modules !*Heaps
+ -> (![DefinedSymbol],![[GenTypeStruct]],!*Modules,!*Heaps)
+ determine_constructors_arg_types {glob_module,glob_object} arg_types modules heaps
+ # ({td_args,td_rhs=AlgType alts},modules) = modules![glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ # {hp_type_heaps} = heaps
+ # th_vars = number_type_arguments td_args 0 hp_type_heaps.th_vars
+ # arg_types_a = {!arg_type\\arg_type<-arg_types}
+ # (constructors_arg_types,modules,th_vars)
+ = compute_constructors_arg_types alts glob_module arg_types_a modules th_vars
+ # th_vars = remove_type_argument_numbers td_args th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps={hp_type_heaps & th_vars=th_vars}}
+ = (alts,constructors_arg_types,modules,heaps)
+ where
+ compute_constructors_arg_types :: ![DefinedSymbol] !Int !{!GenTypeStruct} !*Modules !*TypeVarHeap
+ -> (![[GenTypeStruct]],!*Modules,!*TypeVarHeap)
+ compute_constructors_arg_types [cons_ds=:{ds_ident,ds_index}:alts] type_module_n arg_types_a modules th_vars
+ # ({cons_type={st_args}},modules) = modules![type_module_n].com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
+ # (constructor_arg_numbers,th_vars)
+ = compute_constructor_arg_types st_args arg_types_a th_vars
+ # (constructors_arg_numbers,modules,th_vars)
+ = compute_constructors_arg_types alts type_module_n arg_types_a modules th_vars
+ = ([constructor_arg_numbers:constructors_arg_numbers],modules,th_vars)
+ compute_constructors_arg_types [] type_module_n arg_types_a modules th_vars
+ = ([],modules,th_vars)
+ compute_constructor_arg_types :: ![AType] !{!GenTypeStruct} !*TypeVarHeap -> (![GenTypeStruct],!*TypeVarHeap)
+ compute_constructor_arg_types [{at_type=TV {tv_info_ptr}}:atypes] arg_types_a th_vars
+ # (TVI_GenTypeVarNumber constructor_arg_number,th_vars)
+ = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ #! constructor_arg_types = arg_types_a.[constructor_arg_number]
+ # (constructors_arg_types,th_vars)
+ = compute_constructor_arg_types atypes arg_types_a th_vars
+ = ([constructor_arg_types:constructors_arg_types],th_vars);
+ compute_constructor_arg_types [] arg_types_a th_vars
+ = ([],th_vars)
+ build_bimap_case :: !(Global Index) !.Expression ![AlgebraicPattern] !FunsAndGroups !*Modules !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Expression,!(!FunsAndGroups,!*Modules,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin))
+ build_bimap_case global_type_def_index arg alg_patterns funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ # case_patterns = AlgebraicPatterns global_type_def_index alg_patterns
+ # (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap
+ # case_expr = Case {case_expr = arg, case_guards = case_patterns, case_default = No, case_ident = No,
+ case_info_ptr = expr_info_ptr, case_explicit = True, case_default_pos = NoPos}
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
+ = (case_expr, (funs_and_groups,modules,heaps,error))
+ build_alg_pattern :: !DefinedSymbol ![FreeVar] ![Expression] !Int !*Heaps -> (!AlgebraicPattern,!*Heaps)
+ build_alg_pattern cons_ds=:{ds_ident,ds_index} vars args type_module_n heaps
+ # cons_symbol = {glob_module = type_module_n, glob_object = cons_ds}
+ # cons_symb_ident = {symb_ident = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = type_module_n,glob_object = ds_index}}
+ # (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap
+ # expr = App {app_symb = cons_symb_ident, app_args = args, app_info_ptr = expr_info_ptr}
+ #! alg_pattern = { ap_symbol = cons_symbol, ap_vars = vars, ap_expr = expr, ap_position = NoPos }
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
+ = (alg_pattern,heaps)
is_bimap_id_expression (TVI_Expr (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function fun_glob},app_args=[]})) main_module_index {fg_bimap_functions={bimap_id_function={fii_index}}}
= fii_index>=0 && fun_glob.glob_module==main_module_index && fun_glob.glob_object==fii_index
is_bimap_id_expression _ main_module_index _
@@ -2693,6 +2916,20 @@ clear_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
= writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty th_vars
= {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
+number_type_arguments :: ![ATypeVar] !Int !*TypeVarHeap -> *TypeVarHeap
+number_type_arguments [{atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}}:atype_vars] arg_n th_vars
+ # th_vars = writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_GenTypeVarNumber arg_n) th_vars
+ = number_type_arguments atype_vars (arg_n+1) th_vars
+number_type_arguments [] arg_n th_vars
+ = th_vars
+remove_type_argument_numbers :: ![ATypeVar] !*TypeVarHeap -> *TypeVarHeap
+remove_type_argument_numbers [{atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}}:atype_vars] th_vars
+ # th_vars = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty th_vars
+ = remove_type_argument_numbers atype_vars th_vars
+remove_type_argument_numbers [] th_vars
+ = th_vars
build_bimap_with_calls map_id_index map_id_ident to_args from_args main_module_index predefs heaps
# (map_to_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index map_id_index map_id_ident to_args heaps
(map_from_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index map_id_index map_id_ident from_args heaps
@@ -3088,24 +3325,20 @@ where
# fresh_gtvs = take (length gtvs) fresh_st.st_vars
= (fresh_st, fresh_gtvs, th)
- build_symbol_type ::
+ build_symbol_type ::
!SymbolType // generic type,
- ![ATypeVar] // attributed generic variables
+ ![ATypeVar] // attributed generic variables
!TypeKind // kind to specialize to
!Int // current order (in the sense of the order of the kind)
- !*TypeHeaps
- !*ErrorAdmin
+ !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> ( !SymbolType // new generic type
, ![ATypeVar] // fresh copies of generic variables created for the
// generic arguments
- , !*TypeHeaps
- , !*ErrorAdmin
- )
+ , !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
build_symbol_type st gatvs KindConst order th error
= (st, [], th, error)
build_symbol_type st gatvs (KindArrow kinds) order th error
| order > 2
- //---> ("build_symbol_type called for", (KindArrow kinds), gatvs, st)
# error = reportError ident pos "kinds of order higher then 2 are not supported" error
= (st, [], th, error)
@@ -3157,7 +3390,6 @@ where
build_arg st gatvs order kind (arg_num, th, error)
#! th = clearSymbolType st th
- //---> ("build_arg called for", arg_num, kind, gatvs, st)
#! (fresh_gatvs, th) = mapSt subst_gatv gatvs th
#! (new_st, th) = applySubstInSymbolType st th
@@ -3169,7 +3401,6 @@ where
#! curry_st = adjust_forall curry_st forall_atvs
= ((curry_st, fresh_gatvs), (inc arg_num, th, error))
- //---> ("build_arg returns", fresh_gatvs, curry_st)
postfix = toString arg_num
@@ -3188,7 +3419,7 @@ where
subst_attr (TA_Var {av_ident, av_info_ptr}) th_attrs
# (av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (postfixIdent av_ident.id_name postfix) th_attrs
= (TA_Var av, writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)) th_attrs)
- //---> ("(2) writePtr av_info_ptr", ptrToInt av_info_ptr, av)
subst_attr TA_Multi th = (TA_Multi, th)
subst_attr TA_Unique th = (TA_Unique, th)
@@ -3201,8 +3432,7 @@ where
= curry_st.st_attr_vars -- [av \\ {atv_attribute=TA_Var av} <- forall_atvs]
, st_vars
= curry_st.st_vars -- [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- forall_atvs]
- }
- //---> ("adjust forall", curry_st.st_vars, forall_atvs, curry_st.st_vars -- [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- forall_atvs])
+ }
build_body ::
@@ -3655,9 +3885,7 @@ clearSymbolType st th
// clears not only st_vars and st_attrs, but also TFA variables
= clearType ((st.st_result, st.st_args), st.st_context) th
// collect variables
collectTypeVarsAndAttrVars ::
@@ -3763,7 +3991,6 @@ markAttrVarUsed {av_info_ptr} th_attrs
= case av_info of
AVI_Empty -> (False, writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Used th_attrs)
AVI_Used -> (True, th_attrs)
simplifyTypeApp :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
simplifyTypeApp (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
@@ -3778,11 +4005,8 @@ simplifyTypeApp (TV tv) type_args = CV tv :@: type_args
simplifyTypeApp (TB _) type_args = TE
simplifyTypeApp (TArrow1 _) type_args = TE
// substitutions
// Uninitialized variables are not substituted, but left intact
// This behaviour is needed for kind indexing generic types,
@@ -4196,8 +4420,7 @@ foldExpr f expr=:(DynamicExpr {dyn_expr}) st
foldExpr f EE st
= st
foldExpr f expr st
- = abort "generic.icl: foldExpr does not match\n"//f expr st
- ---> ("foldExpr does not match", expr)
+ = abort "generic.icl: foldExpr does not match\n"
// needed for collectCalls
instance == FunCall where (==) (FunCall x _) (FunCall y _) = x == y
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 295e60b..851125e 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -551,12 +551,13 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
| GTSCons DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
| GTSField DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
| GTSObject DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
- | GTSE
+ | GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
| GTSArrow GenTypeStruct GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSE
| GTSAppConsBimapKindConst // for optimizing bimaps
| GTSAppBimap TypeKind [GenTypeStruct] // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
- | GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSAppConsSimpleType !(Global Index) !TypeKind ![GenTypeStruct] // for optimizing bimaps
:: GenericTypeRep =
{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct // generic structure type