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2 files changed, 36 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index 3bdf7ab..0b3c4d1 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ addAttrEnvInequalities :: ![AttrInequality] !*Coercions !u:AttrVarHeap
-> (!.Coercions, !u:AttrVarHeap)
// assertion: the attribute variables point to (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar nr)) where
// nr corresponds to the attribute variable
+optBeautifulizeIdent :: !String -> Optional (!String, !LineNr)
+ // convert something like "c;8;2" to Yes ("comprehension", 8)
//accCoercionTree :: !.(u:CoercionTree -> (.a,u:CoercionTree)) !Int !*{!u:CoercionTree} -> (!.a,!{!u:CoercionTree})
accCoercionTree f i coercion_trees
:== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 11bd794..b9ee9b9 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -1492,3 +1492,36 @@ addAttrEnvInequalities st_attr_env coercions th_attrs
# (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar offered), th_attrs) = readPtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr th_attrs
(AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar demanded), th_attrs) = readPtr ai_demanded.av_info_ptr th_attrs
= (newInequality offered demanded coercions, th_attrs)
+optBeautifulizeIdent :: !String -> Optional (!String, !LineNr)
+optBeautifulizeIdent id_name
+ # fst_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name 0
+ | fst_semicolon_index < size id_name
+ # snd_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name (fst_semicolon_index+1)
+ prefix = id_name % (0, fst_semicolon_index-1)
+ line = toInt (id_name % (fst_semicolon_index+1, snd_semicolon_index-1))
+ = Yes (prefix_to_readable_name prefix, line)
+ = No
+ where
+ prefix_to_readable_name "_c" = "case"
+ prefix_to_readable_name "_g" = "guard"
+ prefix_to_readable_name "_f" = "filter"
+ prefix_to_readable_name "\\" = "lambda"
+ prefix_to_readable_name prefix
+ | prefix.[0] == 'c'
+ = "comprehension"
+ | prefix.[0] == 'g'
+ = "generator"
+ prefix_to_readable_name _ = abort "fatal error 21 in type.icl"
+// search for an element in an array
+searchlArrElt p s i
+ :== searchl s i
+ where
+ searchl s i
+ | i>=size s
+ = i
+ | p s.[i]
+ = i
+ = searchl s (i+1)
+// ..MW4