diff options
4 files changed, 152 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.dcl b/frontend/explicitimports.dcl
index a227d77..68f9690 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.dcl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.dcl
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ definition module explicitimports
import syntax, checksupport
-possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls :: ![ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] Position u0:{#DclModule} !*CheckState
- -> (!v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],!u0:{#DclModule},!.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v]
+possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls :: ![ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] Position *{#DclModule} !*CheckState
+ -> (!v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v]
checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !Int ![ExplicitImport] !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
-> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState)
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index f5331ef..1494fce 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
implementation module explicitimports
+// compile with reuse unique nodes option
import StdEnv
-import syntax, typesupport, parse, checksupport, utilities, checktypes, transform, predef, RWSDebug
+:: FilterState =
+ { fs_wanted_symbols :: ![Ident]
+ , fs_modules :: !.{#DclModule}
+ , fs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable
+ , fs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin
+ }
+import syntax, typesupport, parse, checksupport, utilities, checktypes, transform, predef, RWSDebug, cheat
-possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls :: ![ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] Position u0:{#DclModule} !*CheckState
- -> (!v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],!u0:{#DclModule},!.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v]
+possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls :: ![ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] Position *{#DclModule} !*CheckState
+ -> (!v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v]
possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls [] decls_of_imported_module _ modules cs // implicit import
= (decls_of_imported_module, modules, cs)
possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls import_declarations decls_of_imported_module import_statement_pos modules cs=:{cs_error, cs_symbol_table}
@@ -13,13 +21,14 @@ possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls import_declarations decls_of_imported_module imp
# cs_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition { id_name="", id_info=nilPtr } import_statement_pos) cs_error
(wanted_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error)
= foldSt add_wanted_symbol_to_symbol_table import_declarations ([], cs_symbol_table, cs_error)
- (imported_decls, wanted_symbols, modules, cs=:{cs_error, cs_symbol_table})
- = foldSt (filter_decls_per_module import_statement_pos) decls_of_imported_module
- ([], wanted_symbols, modules, { cs & cs_error = cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- cs = { cs & cs_error = cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- cs = foldSt (switch_import_syntax restore_symbol_table_old_syntax restore_symbol_table) wanted_symbols cs
+ fs = { fs_wanted_symbols = wanted_symbols, fs_modules = modules,
+ fs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, fs_error = cs_error }
+ (imported_decls, { fs_wanted_symbols, fs_modules, fs_symbol_table, fs_error })
+ = foldSt (filter_decls_per_module import_statement_pos) decls_of_imported_module ([], fs)
+ cs = foldSt (switch_import_syntax restore_symbol_table_old_syntax restore_symbol_table) fs_wanted_symbols
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table, cs_error = fs_error }
cs = { cs & cs_error = popErrorAdmin cs.cs_error }
- = (imported_decls, modules, cs)
+ = (imported_decls, fs_modules, cs)
add_wanted_symbol_to_symbol_table import_declaration=:(ID_OldSyntax idents) (wanted_symbols_accu, cs_symbol_table, cs_error)
// this alternative is only for old syntax
@@ -105,12 +114,12 @@ possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls import_declarations decls_of_imported_module imp
-> writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImp True a b c } cs_symbol_table
_ -> cs_symbol_table
- filter_decls_per_module import_statement_pos (mod_index, {dcls_import, dcls_local}) (imported_decls_per_module, wanted_symbols, modules, cs)
- # (dcls_import, (wanted_symbols, modules, cs))
+ filter_decls_per_module import_statement_pos (mod_index, {dcls_import, dcls_local}) (imported_decls_per_module, fs)
+ # (dcls_import, fs)
= iMapFilterYesSt (i_filter_possibly_imported_decl mod_index dcls_import)
- 0 (size dcls_import) (wanted_symbols, modules, cs)
- (dcls_local, (wanted_symbols, modules, cs))
- = mapFilterYesSt (filter_possibly_imported_decl mod_index) dcls_local (wanted_symbols, modules, cs)
+ 0 (size dcls_import) fs
+ (dcls_local, fs)
+ = mapFilterYesSt (filter_possibly_imported_decl mod_index) dcls_local fs
= { el \\ el <- dcls_import}
@@ -127,218 +136,207 @@ possiblyFilterExplImportedDecls import_declarations decls_of_imported_module imp
dcls_explicit = dcls_explicit })
- wanted_symbols, modules, cs)
+ fs)
+ i_filter_possibly_imported_decl :: !Int !{!Declaration} !Int !*FilterState
+ -> (!Optional Declaration, !.FilterState)
i_filter_possibly_imported_decl mod_index dcls_import i state
= filter_possibly_imported_decl mod_index dcls_import.[i] state
+ filter_possibly_imported_decl :: !Int !Declaration !*FilterState -> (!Optional Declaration, !.FilterState)
filter_possibly_imported_decl _ decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_Imported ste_kind mod_index} state
= filter_decl mod_index decl ste_kind state
filter_possibly_imported_decl mod_index decl=:{dcl_kind} state
= filter_decl mod_index decl dcl_kind state
-// filter_decl :: !Int !Declaration !STE_Kind !(!v:[Ident],!u:{#DclModule},!*CheckState)
-// -> (!Optional Declaration,!(!w:[Ident],!u:{#DclModule},!.CheckState)), [v<=w]
- filter_decl mod_index decl (STE_Instance class_ident) state
+ filter_decl :: !Int !Declaration !STE_Kind !*FilterState -> (!Optional Declaration, !.FilterState)
+ filter_decl mod_index decl (STE_Instance class_ident) fs
// this alternative is only for old syntax
| switch_import_syntax True False
- = filter_instance_decl mod_index decl class_ident state
- filter_decl mod_index decl=:{dcl_ident={id_info}} dcl_kind (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
- # (ste=:{ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ = filter_instance_decl mod_index decl class_ident fs
+ filter_decl mod_index decl=:{dcl_ident={id_info}} dcl_kind fs=:{fs_symbol_table}
+ # (ste=:{ste_kind}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
+ fs = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
= case ste_kind of
STE_ExplImp _ opt_import_declaration ste_kind_2 _
// the symbol is wanted (see above).
- # cs_symbol_table
+ # fs_symbol_table
= writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImp True opt_import_declaration ste_kind_2 False}
- cs.cs_symbol_table //--->("setting True", decl.dcl_ident)
+ fs.fs_symbol_table //--->("setting True", decl.dcl_ident)
// mark this symbol as being succesfully imported
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table}
+ fs = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table}
-> case opt_import_declaration of
- No -> (Yes decl, (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs))
+ No -> (Yes decl, fs)
Yes import_declaration
- # cs = switch_import_syntax (mark_partners import_declaration cs) cs
- -> (Yes decl, add_bracketed_symbols_to_symbol_table import_declaration decl dcl_kind mod_index
- (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs))
- _ -> (No, (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs))
+ # fs = switch_import_syntax (mark_partners import_declaration fs) fs
+ -> (Yes decl, add_bracketed_symbols_to_symbol_table import_declaration decl dcl_kind mod_index fs)
+ _ -> (No, fs)
// only for old syntax
- filter_instance_decl mod_index decl=:{dcl_index} class_ident
- (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
- # (ste=:{ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr class_ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ filter_instance_decl mod_index decl=:{dcl_index} class_ident fs=:{fs_symbol_table}
+ # (ste=:{ste_kind}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr class_ident.id_info fs_symbol_table
+ fs = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
= case ste_kind of
STE_ExplImp _ _ _ _
- -> (Yes decl, (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs))
- _ -> (No, (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs))
+ -> (Yes decl, fs)
+ _ -> (No, fs)
// only for old syntax
- mark_partners (ID_OldSyntax partners) cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # cs_symbol_table = foldSt mark_partner partners cs_symbol_table
- = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ mark_partners (ID_OldSyntax partners) fs=:{fs_symbol_table}
+ # fs_symbol_table = foldSt mark_partner partners fs_symbol_table
+ = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
- mark_partner {id_info} cs_symbol_table
- # (ste=:{ste_kind=STE_ExplImp _ a b c}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- = writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImp True a b c } cs_symbol_table
+ mark_partner {id_info} fs_symbol_table
+ # (ste=:{ste_kind=STE_ExplImp _ a b c}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
+ = writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImp True a b c } fs_symbol_table
- add_bracketed_symbols_to_symbol_table import_declaration decl dcl_kind mod_index
- (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs)
- # (opt_bracket_info, modules, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+ add_bracketed_symbols_to_symbol_table import_declaration decl dcl_kind mod_index fs
+ # (opt_bracket_info, fs=:{fs_symbol_table})
= (switch_import_syntax get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax get_opt_bracket_info)
- import_declaration decl dcl_kind mod_index modules cs
+ import_declaration decl dcl_kind mod_index fs
| isNo opt_bracket_info
- = (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
+ = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
# (Yes (all_bracket_ids, wanted_bracket_ids, structure_name, ste_kind))
= opt_bracket_info
= isEmpty wanted_bracket_ids
- cs_symbol_table
+ fs_symbol_table
= foldSt (add_bracket_symbol_to_symbol_table ste_kind all_bracket_ids_are_wanted) all_bracket_ids
- cs_symbol_table
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ fs_symbol_table
+ fs = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
| all_bracket_ids_are_wanted
// "import class C (..)" or "import :: T (..)" or "import :: T {..}"
- = (all_bracket_ids++wanted_symbols_accu, modules, cs)
+ = { fs & fs_wanted_symbols = all_bracket_ids++fs.fs_wanted_symbols }
// "import class C (m1, m2)" or "import :: T (C1, C2)" or "import :: T {f1, f2}"
// currently all bracket symbols have (STE_ExplImp _ _ _ True). Mark those that are really wanted False
// and overwrite the remaining again with STE_Empty
- # cs = foldSt (check_wanted_idents structure_name) wanted_bracket_ids cs
- cs_symbol_table = foldSt overwrite_wanted_idents wanted_bracket_ids cs.cs_symbol_table
- (wanted_symbols_accu, cs_symbol_table)
- = foldSt remove_and_collect all_bracket_ids (wanted_symbols_accu, cs_symbol_table)
- = (wanted_symbols_accu, modules, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
+ # fs = foldSt (check_wanted_idents structure_name) wanted_bracket_ids fs
+ fs_symbol_table = foldSt overwrite_wanted_idents wanted_bracket_ids fs.fs_symbol_table
+ (fs_wanted_symbols, fs_symbol_table)
+ = foldSt remove_and_collect all_bracket_ids (fs.fs_wanted_symbols, fs_symbol_table)
+ = { fs & fs_wanted_symbols = fs_wanted_symbols, fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
isNo No = True
isNo _ = False
- add_bracketed_symbols_to_symbol_table _ _ _ mod_index states
- = states
- get_opt_bracket_info (ID_Class _ (Yes wanted_members)) {dcl_kind, dcl_index} mod_index modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (dcl_module, module_entry, modules, cs_symbol_table)
- = get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index modules cs_symbol_table
+ get_opt_bracket_info (ID_Class _ (Yes wanted_members)) {dcl_kind, dcl_index} mod_index fs
+ # (dcl_module, module_entry, fs)
+ = get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index fs
class_def = case module_entry.ste_kind of
STE_OpenModule _ modul
-> modul.mod_defs.def_classes!!dcl_index
-> dcl_module.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[dcl_index]
all_member_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <-: class_def.class_members ]
- = (Yes (all_member_idents, wanted_members, class_def.class_name, STE_Member),
- modules, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- get_opt_bracket_info (ID_Type ii (Yes wanted_constructors)) {dcl_kind, dcl_index} mod_index modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (dcl_module, module_entry, modules, cs_symbol_table)
- = get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index modules cs_symbol_table
+ = (Yes (all_member_idents, wanted_members, class_def.class_name, STE_Member), fs)
+ get_opt_bracket_info (ID_Type ii (Yes wanted_constructors)) {dcl_kind, dcl_index} mod_index fs
+ # (dcl_module, module_entry, fs)
+ = get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index fs
type_def = case module_entry.ste_kind of
STE_OpenModule _ modul
-> modul.mod_defs.def_types!!dcl_index
-> dcl_module.dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
| not (isAlgType type_def.td_rhs)
- # cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError ii.ii_ident "is not an algebraic type" cs.cs_error,
- cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- = (No, modules, cs)
+ # fs = { fs & fs_error = checkError ii.ii_ident "is not an algebraic type" fs.fs_error }
+ = (No, fs)
# (AlgType constructors) = type_def.td_rhs
all_constructor_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <- constructors ]
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- = (Yes (all_constructor_idents, wanted_constructors, type_def.td_name, STE_Constructor), modules, cs)
+ = (Yes (all_constructor_idents, wanted_constructors, type_def.td_name, STE_Constructor), fs)
isAlgType (AlgType _) = True
isAlgType _ = False
- get_opt_bracket_info (ID_Record ii (Yes wanted_fields)) {dcl_kind, dcl_index} mod_index modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (dcl_module, module_entry, modules, cs_symbol_table)
- = get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index modules cs_symbol_table
+ get_opt_bracket_info (ID_Record ii (Yes wanted_fields)) {dcl_kind, dcl_index} mod_index fs
+ # (dcl_module, module_entry, fs)
+ = get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index fs
type_def = case module_entry.ste_kind of
STE_OpenModule _ modul
-> modul.mod_defs.def_types!!dcl_index
-> dcl_module.dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
| not (isRecordType type_def.td_rhs)
- # cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError ii.ii_ident "is not a record type" cs.cs_error,
- cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- = (No, modules, cs)
+ # fs = { fs & fs_error = checkError ii.ii_ident "is not a record type" fs.fs_error }
+ = (No, fs)
# (RecordType {rt_fields}) = type_def.td_rhs
all_field_idents = [ fs_name \\ {fs_name} <-: rt_fields ]
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- = (Yes (all_field_idents, wanted_fields, type_def.td_name, STE_Field (hd all_field_idents)), modules, cs)
+ = (Yes (all_field_idents, wanted_fields, type_def.td_name, STE_Field (hd all_field_idents)), fs)
isRecordType (RecordType _) = True
isRecordType _ = False
- get_opt_bracket_info _ _ _ modules cs
- = (No, modules, cs)
+ get_opt_bracket_info _ _ _ fs
+ = (No, fs)
// this function is only for old syntax
- get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax _ {dcl_index} STE_Class mod_index modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (dcl_module, module_entry, modules, cs_symbol_table)
- = get_module_and_entry STE_Class mod_index modules cs_symbol_table
+ get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax _ {dcl_index} STE_Class mod_index fs
+ # (dcl_module, module_entry, fs)
+ = get_module_and_entry STE_Class mod_index fs
class_def = case module_entry.ste_kind of
STE_OpenModule _ modul
-> modul.mod_defs.def_classes!!dcl_index
-> dcl_module.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[dcl_index]
all_member_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <-: class_def.class_members ]
- (all_member_idents_2, cs_symbol_table)
- = foldSt filter_member all_member_idents ([], cs_symbol_table)
- = (Yes (all_member_idents_2, [], class_def.class_name, STE_Member),
- modules, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax _ {dcl_index} STE_Type mod_index modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (dcl_module, module_entry, modules, cs_symbol_table)
- = get_module_and_entry STE_Type mod_index modules cs_symbol_table
+ (all_member_idents_2, fs_symbol_table)
+ = foldSt filter_member all_member_idents ([], fs.fs_symbol_table)
+ = (Yes (all_member_idents_2, [], class_def.class_name, STE_Member), { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table })
+ get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax _ {dcl_index} STE_Type mod_index fs
+ # (dcl_module, module_entry, fs)
+ = get_module_and_entry STE_Type mod_index fs
type_def = case module_entry.ste_kind of
STE_OpenModule _ modul
-> modul.mod_defs.def_types!!dcl_index
-> dcl_module.dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= case type_def.td_rhs of
RecordType {rt_fields}
# all_field_idents = [ fs_name \\ {fs_name} <-: rt_fields ]
- -> (Yes (all_field_idents, [], type_def.td_name, STE_Field (hd all_field_idents)), modules, cs)
- _ -> (No, modules, cs)
- get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax _ _ _ _ modules cs
- = (No, modules, cs)
+ -> (Yes (all_field_idents, [], type_def.td_name, STE_Field (hd all_field_idents)), fs)
+ _ -> (No, fs)
+ get_opt_bracket_info_old_syntax _ _ _ _ fs
+ = (No, fs)
// only for old syntax
- filter_member member_id=:{id_info} (accu, cs_symbol_table)
+ filter_member member_id=:{id_info} (accu, fs_symbol_table)
// it is possible that a member that had to be added the the list of wanted
// symbols is already in there because an identifier with the same name was
// explicitly imported. Special case: class and member have the same name
- # ({ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
+ # ({ste_kind}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
= case ste_kind of
STE_ExplImp _ _ _ _
- -> (accu, cs_symbol_table)
- _ -> ([member_id:accu], cs_symbol_table)
+ -> (accu, fs_symbol_table)
+ _ -> ([member_id:accu], fs_symbol_table)
- get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index modules cs_symbol_table
+ get_module_and_entry dcl_kind mod_index fs=:{fs_modules, fs_symbol_table}
# index_mod_with_def = case dcl_kind of
STE_Imported _ index_mod_with_def
-> abort "assertion 2 failed in module explicitimports"
_ -> mod_index
// get the index of the module where the symbol is defined
- (dcl_module=:{dcl_name=dcl_name=:{id_info}}, modules) = modules![index_mod_with_def]
- (module_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- = (dcl_module, module_entry, modules, cs_symbol_table)
+ (dcl_module=:{dcl_name=dcl_name=:{id_info}}, fs_modules) = fs_modules![index_mod_with_def]
+ (module_entry, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
+ = (dcl_module, module_entry, { fs & fs_modules = fs_modules, fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table })
- check_wanted_idents structure_name {ii_ident=ii_ident=:{id_info}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (ste=:{ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ check_wanted_idents structure_name {ii_ident=ii_ident=:{id_info}} fs=:{fs_symbol_table}
+ # (ste=:{ste_kind}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
+ fs = { fs & fs_symbol_table = fs_symbol_table }
= case ste_kind of
STE_ExplImp a b _ True
- -> cs
- _ -> { cs & cs_error = checkError ii_ident ("does not belong to "+++toString structure_name) cs.cs_error}
+ -> fs
+ _ -> { fs & fs_error = checkError ii_ident ("does not belong to "+++toString structure_name) fs.fs_error}
- overwrite_wanted_idents {ii_ident={id_info}} cs_symbol_table
- # (ste=:{ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
+ overwrite_wanted_idents {ii_ident={id_info}} fs_symbol_table
+ # (ste=:{ste_kind}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
= case ste_kind of
STE_ExplImp a b c _
- -> writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImp a b c False } cs_symbol_table
+ -> writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_ExplImp a b c False } fs_symbol_table
- -> cs_symbol_table
+ -> fs_symbol_table
- remove_and_collect ident=:{id_info} (wanted_symbols_accu, cs_symbol_table)
- # (ste=:{ste_kind=STE_ExplImp _ _ _ is_unwanted}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
+ remove_and_collect ident=:{id_info} (wanted_symbols_accu, fs_symbol_table)
+ # (ste=:{ste_kind=STE_ExplImp _ _ _ is_unwanted}, fs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info fs_symbol_table
| is_unwanted
- = (wanted_symbols_accu, writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_Empty } cs_symbol_table)
- = ([ident:wanted_symbols_accu], cs_symbol_table)
+ = (wanted_symbols_accu, writePtr id_info { ste & ste_kind = STE_Empty } fs_symbol_table)
+ = ([ident:wanted_symbols_accu], fs_symbol_table)
:: CheckCompletenessState =
@@ -377,7 +375,7 @@ checkExplicitImportCompleteness main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = ccs_symbol_table, cs_error = ccs_error }
= (ccs_dcl_modules, ccs_icl_functions, ccs_expr_heap, cs)
- checkCompleteness :: !ExplicitImport *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
+ checkCompleteness :: !ExplicitImport !*CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
checkCompleteness (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} import_position) ccs
= checkCompletenessOfMacro dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n import_position ccs
checkCompleteness (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) mod_index} import_position) ccs
@@ -385,16 +383,26 @@ checkExplicitImportCompleteness main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_
checkCompleteness (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported expl_imp_kind mod_index} import_position) ccs
#! ({dcl_common,dcl_functions}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_dcl_modules.[mod_index]
cci = { box_cci = { cci_import_position = import_position, cci_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n }}
- = case expl_imp_kind of
- STE_Type -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- STE_Constructor -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_cons_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- (STE_Field _) -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- STE_Class -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_class_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- STE_Member -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- (STE_Instance _) -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- STE_DclFunction -> check_completeness dcl_functions.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- checkCompletenessOfMacro :: !Ident !Index !Int !Position *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
+ = continuation expl_imp_kind dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ where
+ continuation :: !STE_Kind CommonDefs !{# FunType} !CheckCompletenessInputBox !*CheckCompletenessStateBox
+ -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
+ continuation STE_Type dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ continuation STE_Constructor dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_common.com_cons_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ continuation (STE_Field _) dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ continuation STE_Class dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_common.com_class_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ continuation STE_Member dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ continuation (STE_Instance _) dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ continuation STE_DclFunction dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
+ = check_completeness dcl_functions.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ checkCompletenessOfMacro :: !Ident !Index !Int !Position !*CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
checkCompletenessOfMacro dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n import_position ccs
#! ({fun_body}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[dcl_index]
ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[dcl_index] = True }
@@ -719,3 +727,4 @@ flipM f a b :== f b a
// STE_Kinds just for comparision
ste_field =: STE_Field { id_name="", id_info=nilPtr }
ste_fun_or_macro =: STE_FunctionOrMacro []
diff --git a/frontend/utilities.dcl b/frontend/utilities.dcl
index e6fa88d..3cded9b 100644
--- a/frontend/utilities.dcl
+++ b/frontend/utilities.dcl
@@ -124,11 +124,12 @@ mapFilterYesSt f l st
:== map_filter_yes_st l st
map_filter_yes_st [] st
+ #! st = st
= ([], st)
map_filter_yes_st [h:t] st
#! (opt_f_h , st) = f h st
(t2, st) = map_filter_yes_st t st
- f_h_t2 = optCons opt_f_h t2
+ (f_h_t2, _) = optCons opt_f_h t2
st = st
= (f_h_t2, st)
@@ -136,15 +137,16 @@ iMapFilterYesSt f fr to st
:== i_map_filter_yes_st fr to st
i_map_filter_yes_st fr to st
+ #! st = st
| fr >= to
= ([], st)
#! (opt_f_fr, st) = f fr st
(t, st) = i_map_filter_yes_st (inc fr) to st
- f_fr_t2 = optCons opt_f_fr t
+ (f_fr_t2, _) = optCons opt_f_fr t
st = st
= (f_fr_t2, st)
-optCons :: !(Optional .a) !u:[.a] -> v:[.a] ,[u <= v]
+optCons :: !(Optional .a) !u:[.a] -> (!v:[.a], !Int) ,[u <= v]
revAppend :: ![a] ![a] -> [a] // Reverse the list using the second argument as accumulator.
revMap :: !(.a -> .b) ![.a] !u:[.b] -> u:[.b]
diff --git a/frontend/utilities.icl b/frontend/utilities.icl
index 51f2c9d..60a49d9 100644
--- a/frontend/utilities.icl
+++ b/frontend/utilities.icl
@@ -209,11 +209,12 @@ mapFilterYesSt f l st
:== map_filter_yes_st l st
map_filter_yes_st [] st
+ #! st = st
= ([], st)
map_filter_yes_st [h:t] st
#! (opt_f_h , st) = f h st
(t2, st) = map_filter_yes_st t st
- f_h_t2 = optCons opt_f_h t2
+ (f_h_t2, _) = optCons opt_f_h t2
st = st
= (f_h_t2, st)
@@ -222,19 +223,20 @@ iMapFilterYesSt f fr to st
:== i_map_filter_yes_st fr to st
i_map_filter_yes_st fr to st
+ #! st = st
| fr >= to
= ([], st)
#! (opt_f_fr, st) = f fr st
(t, st) = i_map_filter_yes_st (inc fr) to st
- f_fr_t2 = optCons opt_f_fr t
+ (f_fr_t2, _) = optCons opt_f_fr t
st = st
= (f_fr_t2, st)
-optCons :: !(Optional .a) !u:[.a] -> v:[.a] ,[u <= v]
+optCons :: !(Optional .a) !u:[.a] -> (!v:[.a], !Int) ,[u <= v]
optCons No l
- = l
+ = (l, 0)
optCons (Yes x) l
- = [x:l]
+ = ([x:l], 0)
eqMerge :: ![a] ![a] -> [a] | Eq a