diff options
4 files changed, 287 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index 28fecb0..3cf2454 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ newFunctionWithType opt_id fun_bodies local_vars fun_type group_index (cs_next_f
= ({ symb_name = fun_id, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr cs_next_fun_nr, symb_arity = arity },
(inc cs_next_fun_nr, [fun_def_ptr : cs_new_functions],
cs_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty,
- gf_fun_index = cs_next_fun_nr, gf_cons_args = {cc_size=0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = []} })))
+ gf_fun_index = cs_next_fun_nr, gf_cons_args = {cc_size=0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = [], cc_producer = False} })))
addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !Int !*{! Group} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 928c2d5..b3dc90d 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -507,10 +507,15 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
{ cc_size ::!Int
, cc_args ::![ConsClass]
, cc_linear_bits ::![Bool]
+ , cc_producer ::!ProdClass
:: ConsClass :== Int
+:: ProdClass :== Bool
+pIsSafe :== True
:: OptionalVariable :== Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr)
:: AuxiliaryPattern
@@ -639,7 +644,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: Producer = PR_Empty
| PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index
| PR_Class !App ![(BoundVar, Type)] !Type
-// | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression]
+ | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression]
| PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index
| PR_Curried !SymbIdent
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index a7335f2..4427233 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -500,10 +500,15 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
{ cc_size ::!Int
, cc_args ::![ConsClass]
, cc_linear_bits ::![Bool]
+ , cc_producer ::!ProdClass
:: ConsClass :== Int
+:: ProdClass :== Bool
+pIsSafe :== True
:: OptionalVariable :== Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr)
:: AuxiliaryPattern
@@ -627,7 +632,7 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
:: Producer = PR_Empty
| PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index
| PR_Class !App ![(BoundVar, Type)] !Type
-// | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression]
+ | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression]
| PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index
| PR_Curried !SymbIdent
@@ -1735,6 +1740,7 @@ where
(<<<) file (CheckedBody {cb_args,cb_rhs}) = file <<< "C " <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs <<< '\n'
(<<<) file (TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}) = file <<< "T " <<< tb_args <<< " = " <<< tb_rhs <<< '\n'
(<<<) file (BackendBody body) = file <<< body <<< '\n'
+ (<<<) file (Expanding vars) = file <<< "E " <<< vars
(<<<) file NoBody = file <<< "Array function\n"
instance <<< FunCall
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 995d823..599424b 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ analyseGroups common_defs imported_funs {ir_from, ir_to} main_dcl_module_n stdSt
nr_of_groups = size groups
# consumerAnalysisRO=ConsumerAnalysisRO {common_defs=common_defs,imported_funs=imported_funs,main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n,stdStrictLists_module_n=stdStrictLists_module_n}
= iFoldSt (analyse_group consumerAnalysisRO) 0 nr_of_groups
- ([], createArray nr_of_funs { cc_size = 0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = []}, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ ([], createArray nr_of_funs { cc_size = 0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = [], cc_producer=False}, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
analyse_group common_defs group_nr (cleanup_info, class_env, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
# ({group_members}, groups) = groups![group_nr]
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ where
# (TransformedBody {tb_args}) = fun_def.fun_body
(fresh_vars, next_var_number, var_heap) = fresh_variables tb_args 0 next_var_number var_heap
= initial_cons_class funs next_var_number (length fun_def.fun_info.fi_local_vars + nr_of_local_vars) var_heap
- { class_env & [fun] = { cc_size = 0, cc_args = fresh_vars, cc_linear_bits=[]}} fun_defs
+ { class_env & [fun] = { cc_size = 0, cc_args = fresh_vars, cc_linear_bits=[], cc_producer=False}} fun_defs
initial_cons_class [] next_var_number nr_of_local_vars var_heap class_env fun_defs
= (next_var_number, nr_of_local_vars, var_heap, class_env, fun_defs)
@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti
# cc_args_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used ]
new_cons_args = { cc_size = fun_arity, cc_args = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars cPassive++cc_args_from_outer_fun,
- cc_linear_bits = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False++cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun }
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False++cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun, cc_producer = False}
gf = { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty, gf_cons_args = new_cons_args, gf_fun_index = fun_index}
ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_info_ptr (FI_Function gf) ti.ti_fun_heap
ti = { ti & ti_new_functions = [fun_info_ptr:ti.ti_new_functions], ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap,
@@ -1537,9 +1537,11 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
= { fd & fun_body = Expanding new_fun_args, fun_arity = fun_arity,fun_type=new_fun_type,
fun_info.fi_group_index = fi_group_index}
+ new_fd_cons_args
+ = {cc_args = new_cons_args, cc_size = length new_cons_args, cc_linear_bits=new_linear_bits, cc_producer = False}
= { gf_fun_def = new_fd_expanding, gf_instance_info = II_Empty, gf_fun_index = ti_next_fun_nr,
- gf_cons_args = {cc_args = new_cons_args, cc_size = length new_cons_args, cc_linear_bits=new_linear_bits} }
+ gf_cons_args = new_fd_cons_args }
= writePtr fun_def_ptr (FI_Function new_gen_fd) ti_fun_heap
(subst, _)
@@ -1573,7 +1575,7 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
- | ti_trace && (False--->("transforming new function:",tb_rhs))
+ | False -!-> ("transforming new function:",tb_rhs)
= undef
# ti
= { ti & ti_var_heap = us_var_heap, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap,
@@ -1584,9 +1586,27 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
= transform tb_rhs ro ti
= { new_fd_expanding & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = new_fun_args, tb_rhs = new_fun_rhs} }
-// | (False--->("generated function", new_fd, new_cons_args))
-// = undef
- = (ti_next_fun_nr, fun_arity, { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { new_gen_fd & gf_fun_def = new_fd })})
+ | False -!-> ("generated function", new_fd, new_cons_args)
+ = undef
+// DvA...
+ # fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
+ // producer requirements for generated function here...
+ #! prs =
+ { prs_group = [dec ti_next_fun_nr]
+ , prs_cons_args = ti.ti_cons_args
+ , prs_main_dcl_module_n = ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n
+ , prs_fun_heap = fun_heap
+ }
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements new_fun_rhs prs
+ # fun_heap = prs.prs_fun_heap
+ // put back prs info into ti?
+// ...DvA
+ # new_gen_fd = { new_gen_fd & gf_fun_def = new_fd, gf_cons_args = {new_fd_cons_args & cc_producer = safe}}
+ # ti =
+ { ti
+ & ti_fun_heap = fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function new_gen_fd)
+ }
+ = (ti_next_fun_nr, fun_arity, ti)
is_dictionary {at_type=TA {type_index} _} es_td_infos
= type_index.glob_object>=size es_td_infos.[type_index.glob_module]
@@ -1764,11 +1784,13 @@ where
Yes cons_classes
-> ({ cc_size = symb_arity, cc_args = take symb_arity cons_classes.cc_args,
cc_linear_bits = if curried (repeatn symb_arity linear_bit)
- (take symb_arity cons_classes.cc_linear_bits)}
+ (take symb_arity cons_classes.cc_linear_bits),
+ cc_producer = False}
, fun_heap)
-> ({cc_size = symb_arity, cc_args = repeatn symb_arity cPassive,
- cc_linear_bits = repeatn symb_arity linear_bit}, fun_heap)
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn symb_arity linear_bit,
+ cc_producer = False}, fun_heap)
get_fun_def (SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}) main_dcl_module_n fun_defs fun_heap
@@ -2448,11 +2470,53 @@ transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n stdStrictLists_module_n groups fu
# (ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap)
= foldSt (convert_function_type common_defs) group_members
(ti.ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti.ti_type_heaps, ti.ti_var_heap)
- = transform_groups (inc group_nr) groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports
- (foldSt (transform_function common_defs imported_funs) group_members
- { ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap })
+ # ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }
+ # ti = foldSt (transform_function common_defs imported_funs) group_members ti
+ # ti = reannotate_producers (group_members -!-> ("reannotate_producers",group_nr)) ti
+ = transform_groups (inc group_nr) groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports ti
= (groups, imported_types, collected_imports, ti)
+// DvA ...
+ reannotate_producers group_members ti
+ // determine if safe group
+ # (safe,ti) = safe_producers group_members group_members ti
+ | safe
+ // if safe mark all members as safe
+ = foldSt mark_producer_safe group_members ti
+ = ti
+ safe_producers group_members [] ti
+ = (True,ti)
+ safe_producers group_members [fun:funs] ti
+ // look for occurrence of group_members in safe argument position of fun RHS
+ // i.e. linearity ok && ...
+ #! prs =
+ { prs_group = group_members
+ , prs_cons_args = ti.ti_cons_args
+ , prs_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
+ , prs_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
+ }
+ # (fun_def, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[fun]
+ {fun_body = TransformedBody tb} = fun_def
+ fun_body = tb.tb_rhs
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements fun_body prs
+ // put back prs info into ti?
+ | safe -!-> ("producerRequirements",fun_def.fun_symb,safe)
+ = safe_producers group_members funs ti
+ = (safe,ti)
+ mark_producer_safe fun ti
+ // update cc_prod for fun
+ // doesn't work with array update since that requires unique array?!
+ #! ti_cons_args = {safe x fun tca \\ tca <-: ti.ti_cons_args & x <- [0..]}
+ ti = {ti & ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args}
+ = ti
+ where
+ safe x f t
+ | x ==f = {t & cc_producer = pIsSafe}
+ = t
+// ... DvA
transform_function common_defs imported_funs fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs, ti_var_heap}
# (fun_def, ti_fun_defs) = ti_fun_defs![fun]
(Yes {st_args}) = fun_def.fun_type
@@ -2965,3 +3029,199 @@ foldrExprSt f expr st :== foldr_expr_st expr st
= f lad st
foldr_expr_st sel=:(Selection a expr b) st
= f sel (foldr_expr_st expr st)
+:: *PRState =
+ { prs_group :: ![Int]
+ , prs_cons_args :: !{!ConsClasses}
+ , prs_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
+ , prs_fun_heap :: !*FunctionHeap
+ }
+class producerRequirements a
+ :: !a !PRState -> (!Bool,!PRState)
+instance producerRequirements [a] | producerRequirements a where
+ producerRequirements [] prs
+ = (True,prs)
+ producerRequirements [x:xs] prs
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements x prs
+ | safe = producerRequirements xs prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+instance producerRequirements Expression where
+ producerRequirements (Var var) prs
+ = (True,prs)
+ producerRequirements (App {app_symb={symb_kind=(SK_Constructor _)},app_args}) prs
+ = producerRequirements app_args prs
+ producerRequirements (App {app_symb,app_args}) prs
+ // look up consumer class for app_symb args
+ #! (maybe_ca,prs) = retrieve_consumer_args app_symb prs
+ // need to check for recursive call in safe arg...
+ = case maybe_ca of
+ No // assuming that for functions that have no consumer info no unfolding will occur
+ // note that this means that generated functions must be visible this way...
+ -> (True,prs)
+ Yes ca // for each arg:
+ // if safe && top of arg is App of group member...
+ // else recurse into arg
+ -> check_app_arguments ca.cc_args ca.cc_linear_bits app_args prs
+ where
+ check_app_arguments [cc_arg:cc_args] [cc_linear_bit:cc_bits] [app_arg:app_args] prs
+ | cc_arg == cActive && cc_linear_bit
+ # (rec,prs) = is_recursive_app app_arg prs
+ | rec = (False,prs)
+ # (safe,prs)= producerRequirements app_arg prs
+ | safe = check_app_arguments cc_args cc_bits app_args prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements app_arg prs
+ | safe = check_app_arguments cc_args cc_bits app_args prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ check_app_arguments _ _ _ prs
+ = (True,prs)
+ is_recursive_app (App {app_symb}) prs
+ // check if app_symb member of prs_group
+ # {symb_kind} = app_symb
+ | is_SK_Function_or_SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_kind
+ #! main_dcl_module_n = prs.prs_main_dcl_module_n
+ # { glob_module, glob_object }
+ = case symb_kind of
+ SK_Function global_index -> global_index
+ SK_LocalMacroFunction index -> { glob_module = main_dcl_module_n, glob_object = index }
+ | glob_module <> main_dcl_module_n
+ = (False,prs)
+ #! rec = isMember glob_object prs.prs_group
+ = (rec,prs)
+ is_recursive_app _ prs
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (fun_expr @ exprs) prs
+ // recurse
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements fun_expr prs
+ | safe = producerRequirements exprs prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ producerRequirements (Let {let_strict_binds,let_lazy_binds,let_expr}) prs
+ // watch out for function shadowing by 'let' binds
+ // recurse into binding exprs
+ // continue with 'in' body
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_ident}) prs
+ // watch out for function shadowing by guards or case ident
+ // check case_expr
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements case_expr prs
+ | not safe = (safe,prs)
+ // check case_guards
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements case_guards prs
+ | not safe = (safe,prs)
+ // check case_default
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements case_default prs
+ | not safe = (safe,prs)
+ = (True,prs)
+ producerRequirements (Selection _ _ _) prs
+ // ...
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (Update _ _ _) prs
+ // ...
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (RecordUpdate _ expr exprs) prs
+ // ...
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements expr prs
+ | safe = producerFieldRequirements exprs prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ where
+ producerFieldRequirements [] prs
+ = (True,prs)
+ producerFieldRequirements [{bind_src}:fields] prs
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements bind_src prs
+ | safe = producerFieldRequirements fields prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ producerRequirements (TupleSelect _ _ expr) prs
+ = producerRequirements expr prs
+ producerRequirements (BasicExpr _ _) prs
+ = (True,prs)
+ producerRequirements (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) prs
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (ABCCodeExpr _ _) prs
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (MatchExpr _ _ _) prs
+ // what's this?
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (DynamicExpr _) prs
+ // what's this?
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (TypeCodeExpression _) prs
+ // what's this?
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (EE) prs
+ // what's this?
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements (NoBind var) prs
+ // what's this?
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements expr prs
+ = abort ("producerRequirements " ---> expr)
+instance producerRequirements (Optional a) | producerRequirements a where
+ producerRequirements (Yes x) prs
+ = producerRequirements x prs
+ producerRequirements No prs
+ = (True,prs)
+instance producerRequirements CasePatterns where
+ producerRequirements (AlgebraicPatterns index patterns) prs
+ // name shadowing...
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements patterns prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ producerRequirements (BasicPatterns type patterns) prs
+ // name shadowing...
+ # (safe,prs) = producerRequirements patterns prs
+ = (safe,prs)
+ producerRequirements (DynamicPatterns patterns) prs
+ //...disallow for now...
+ = (False,prs)
+ producerRequirements NoPattern prs
+ = (True,prs)
+instance producerRequirements AlgebraicPattern where
+ producerRequirements {ap_expr} prs
+ // name shadowing...
+ = producerRequirements ap_expr prs
+instance producerRequirements BasicPattern where
+ producerRequirements {bp_expr} prs
+ // name shadowing...
+ = producerRequirements bp_expr prs
+// compare with 'get_fun_def_and_cons_args'
+retrieve_consumer_args si=:{symb_kind, symb_arity} prs=:{prs_cons_args, prs_main_dcl_module_n}
+ = case symb_kind of
+ SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}
+ | glob_module == prs_main_dcl_module_n && glob_object < size prs_cons_args
+ -> (Yes prs_cons_args.[glob_object],prs)
+ -> (No,prs) -!-> ("r_c_a",si)
+ SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object
+ | glob_object < size prs_cons_args
+ -> (Yes prs_cons_args.[glob_object],prs)
+ -> (No,prs) -!-> ("r_c_a",si)
+ SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index
+ | fun_index < size prs_cons_args
+ -> (Yes prs_cons_args.[fun_index],prs)
+ # (FI_Function {gf_cons_args}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr prs.prs_fun_heap
+ # prs = {prs & prs_fun_heap = fun_heap}
+ -> (Yes gf_cons_args,prs)
+// SK_Constructor cons_index
+ sk -> (No -!-> ("Unexpected symbol kind: ", si, sk),prs)
+instance <<< SymbIdent
+ (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index }
+ = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index }
+ = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index }
+ = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index }
+ = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
+ (<<<) file symb
+ = file <<< symb.symb_name