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1 files changed, 93 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index cbee300..6ae7f59 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -842,8 +842,10 @@ class writeType a :: !*File !(Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) (!Format, !a) -> (!
instance writeType AttributeVar
- writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, av)
- = (file <<< av, opt_beautifulizer)
+ writeType file No (_, av)
+ = (file <<< av, No)
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, av)
+ = writeBeautifulAttrVar file beautifulizer (TA_Var av)
instance writeType SymbolType
@@ -871,7 +873,7 @@ where
= file_opt_beautifulizer
show_context form contexts (file, opt_beautifulizer)
= writeType (file <<< " | ") opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cAndSeparator, contexts)
- // grouped takes care that inequalityies like [a<=c, b<=c] are printed like [a b <= c]
+ // grouped takes care that inequalities like [a<=c, b<=c] are printed like [a b <= c]
grouped group_var accu []
= [{ ig_offered = accu, ig_demanded = group_var}]
grouped group_var accu [{ai_offered, ai_demanded}:ineqs]
@@ -896,11 +898,6 @@ where
writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}, tc_types})
= writeType (file <<< ds_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, tc_types)
-instance writeType AttrInequality
- writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {ai_demanded, ai_offered})
- = (file <<< ai_offered <<< " <= " <<< ai_demanded, opt_beautifulizer)
instance writeType AType
writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {at_attribute, at_annotation, at_type})
@@ -911,36 +908,53 @@ where
show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form TA_Multi type
| checkProperty form cMarkAttribute
# (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- = show_marked_attribute TA_Multi form file opt_beautifulizer
+ = show_marked_attribute file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_Multi)
= writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
= writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form attr type
| checkProperty form cAttributed
- = writeType (file <<< attr) opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
+ # (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, attr)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
| checkProperty form cMarkAttribute
# (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- = show_marked_attribute attr form file opt_beautifulizer
+ = show_marked_attribute file opt_beautifulizer (form, attr)
= writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type)
= writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type)
- show_marked_attribute attr {form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)} file opt_beautifulizer
+ show_marked_attribute file opt_beautifulizer (form=:{form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)}, attr)
| isEmpty positions
- = show_attribute attr coercions (file <<< "^ ") opt_beautifulizer
- = show_attribute attr coercions file opt_beautifulizer
-// = (file, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = show_attribute coercions (file <<< "^ ") opt_beautifulizer (form, attr)
+ = show_attribute coercions file opt_beautifulizer (form, attr)
- show_attribute TA_Unique coercions file opt_beautifulizer
- = (file <<< '*' , opt_beautifulizer)
- show_attribute TA_Multi coercions file opt_beautifulizer
- = (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- show_attribute (TA_TempVar av_number) coercions file opt_beautifulizer
+ show_attribute coercions file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta=:(TA_TempVar av_number))
| isUniqueAttribute av_number coercions
- = (file <<< '*', opt_beautifulizer)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_Unique)
| isNonUniqueAttribute av_number coercions
- = (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- = (file <<< '.' <<< "[[" <<< av_number <<< "]]", opt_beautifulizer)
- show_attribute TA_TempExVar coercions file opt_beautifulizer
- = PA_BUG (file <<< "(E)", opt_beautifulizer) (abort "show_attribute TA_TempExVar")
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_Multi)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta)
+ show_attribute coercions file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta)
+ = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta)
+instance writeType TypeAttribute
+ where
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, ta=:TA_Var _)
+ = writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer ta
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, TA_RootVar av)
+ = writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer (TA_Var av)
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, ta=:TA_TempVar _)
+ = writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer ta
+ writeType file yes_beautifulizer=:(Yes _) (form, TA_Multi)
+ = (file, yes_beautifulizer)
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_TempExVar)
+ = PA_BUG (file <<< "(E)", opt_beautifulizer) (abort "writeType (TypeAttribute) TA_TempExVar")
+ writeType file opt_beautifulizer (_, ta)
+ = (file <<< ta, opt_beautifulizer)
+writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer ta
+ # (file, yes_beautifulizer)
+ = writeBeautifulAttrVar file beautifulizer ta
+ = (file <<< ':', yes_beautifulizer)
instance writeType Type
@@ -1012,8 +1026,12 @@ where
= (file <<< "E." <<< tv_number <<< ' ', opt_beautifulizer)
writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TE)
= (file <<< "__", opt_beautifulizer)
- writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, type_variable)
- = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer type_variable
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, type_var=:TV _)
+ = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer type_var
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, GTV tv)
+ = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer (TV tv)
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, type_var=:TempV _)
+ = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer type_var
writeType file _ (form, type)
= abort ("<:: (Type) (typesupport.icl)" ---> type)
@@ -1022,57 +1040,60 @@ writeWithinBrackets br_open br_close file opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
= writeType (file <<< br_open) opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
= (file <<< br_close, opt_beautifulizer)
-writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited_typevars, tvb_fresh_vars} type_variable
- | sanity_check_failed type_variable
+writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited_type_vars, tvb_fresh_type_vars} type
+ | sanity_check_failed type
= abort "bug nr 12345 in module typesupport"
- # type_var_ptr = toTypeVarPtr type_variable
- = case assoc_list_lookup type_var_ptr tvb_visited_typevars of
+ = case assoc_list_lookup (==) type tvb_visited_type_vars of
- -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_vars,
+ -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_type_vars,
Yes { beautifulizer &
- tvb_visited_typevars = [(type_var_ptr, hd tvb_fresh_vars):tvb_visited_typevars],
- tvb_fresh_vars = tl tvb_fresh_vars })
+ tvb_visited_type_vars = [(type, hd tvb_fresh_type_vars):tvb_visited_type_vars],
+ tvb_fresh_type_vars = tl tvb_fresh_type_vars })
Yes (_, beautiful_var_name)
-> (file <<< beautiful_var_name, Yes beautifulizer)
- sanity_check_failed (GTV _) = False
sanity_check_failed (TV _) = False
sanity_check_failed (TempV _) = False
- sanity_check_failed (TQV _) = False
- sanity_check_failed (TempQV _) = False
- sanity_check_failed (TLifted _) = False
sanity_check_failed _ = True
+writeBeautifulAttrVar file beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited_attr_vars, tvb_fresh_attr_vars} attribute
+ | sanity_check_failed attribute
+ = abort "bug nr 123456 in module typesupport"
+ = case assoc_list_lookup equal_attributes attribute tvb_visited_attr_vars of
+ No
+ -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_attr_vars,
+ Yes { beautifulizer &
+ tvb_visited_attr_vars = [(attribute, hd tvb_fresh_attr_vars):tvb_visited_attr_vars],
+ tvb_fresh_attr_vars = tl tvb_fresh_attr_vars })
+ Yes (_, beautiful_var_name)
+ -> (file <<< beautiful_var_name, Yes beautifulizer)
+ where
+ sanity_check_failed (TA_Var _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed (TA_TempVar _) = False
+ sanity_check_failed _ = True
+ equal_attributes (TA_Var {av_info_ptr=p1}) (TA_Var {av_info_ptr=p2})
+ = p1==p2
+ equal_attributes (TA_TempVar i1) (TA_TempVar i2)
+ = i1==i2
+ equal_attributes _ _
+ = False
instance writeType ConsVariable where
writeType file No (_, cons_variable)
= (file <<< cons_variable, No)
writeType file yes_beautifulizer (_, cv=:(TempQCV _))
= (file <<< cv, yes_beautifulizer)
- writeType file yes_beautifulizer=:(Yes beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited_typevars, tvb_fresh_vars})
- (_, cons_variable)
- # cons_var_ptr = toTypeVarPtrCV cons_variable
- = case assoc_list_lookup cons_var_ptr tvb_visited_typevars of
- No
- -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_vars,
- Yes { beautifulizer &
- tvb_visited_typevars = [(cons_var_ptr, hd tvb_fresh_vars):tvb_visited_typevars],
- tvb_fresh_vars = tl tvb_fresh_vars })
- Yes (_, beautiful_var_name)
- -> (file <<< beautiful_var_name, yes_beautifulizer)
-toTypeVarPtrCV (CV {tv_info_ptr}) = tv_info_ptr
-toTypeVarPtrCV _ = nilPtr
-toTypeVarPtr (TV {tv_info_ptr}) = tv_info_ptr
-toTypeVarPtr (GTV {tv_info_ptr}) = tv_info_ptr
-toTypeVarPtr (TQV {tv_info_ptr}) = tv_info_ptr
-toTypeVarPtr _ = nilPtr
-assoc_list_lookup _ [] = No
-assoc_list_lookup t1 [hd=:(t2, _):tl]
- | t1==t2
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, CV tv)
+ = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer (TV tv)
+ writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, TempCV i)
+ = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer (TempV i)
+assoc_list_lookup _ _ [] = No
+assoc_list_lookup equal t1 [hd=:(t2, _):tl]
+ | equal t1 t2
= Yes hd
- = assoc_list_lookup t1 tl
+ = assoc_list_lookup equal t1 tl
cNoPosition :== -1
@@ -1137,18 +1158,21 @@ where
// MW4..
:: TypeVarBeautifulizer =
- { tvb_visited_typevars :: ![(TypeVarInfoPtr, String)]
- , tvb_fresh_vars :: ![String]
+ { tvb_visited_type_vars :: ![(Type, String)] // only TV and TempV
+ , tvb_fresh_type_vars :: ![String]
+ , tvb_visited_attr_vars :: ![(TypeAttribute, String)] // only TA_Var and TA_TempVar
+ , tvb_fresh_attr_vars :: ![String]
initialTypeVarBeautifulizer :: TypeVarBeautifulizer
- = { tvb_visited_typevars = [(nilPtr,"??")], tvb_fresh_vars = fresh_vars 'a' (-1) }
+ = { tvb_visited_type_vars = [], tvb_fresh_type_vars = fresh_vars 'a' 'i' 'a' (-1),
+ tvb_visited_attr_vars = [], tvb_fresh_attr_vars = fresh_vars 'u' (inc 'z') 'u' (-1) }
- fresh_vars 'i' i
- = fresh_vars 'a' (i+1)
- fresh_vars ch i
- = [if (i==(-1)) (toString ch) (toString ch+++toString i): fresh_vars (inc ch) i]
+ fresh_vars min max1 ch i
+ | ch==max1
+ = fresh_vars min max1 min (i+1)
+ = [if (i==(-1)) (toString ch) (toString ch+++toString i): fresh_vars min max1 (inc ch) i]
getImplicitAttrInequalities :: !SymbolType -> [AttrInequality]
// retrieve those inequalities that are implied by propagation