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1 files changed, 39 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index f2bed8e..89a2caf 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -1831,40 +1831,60 @@ where
= (expr @ exprs, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
collectVariables (Let lad=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr, let_info_ptr}) free_vars dynamics cos=:{cos_var_heap}
# (let_info,cos_symbol_heap) = readPtr let_info_ptr cos.cos_symbol_heap
- zipped_let_info = case let_info of
- EI_LetType let_types -> [(lb_dst.fv_info_ptr,type) \\ {lb_dst} <- let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds & type <- let_types]
- _ -> []
+ let_types = case let_info of
+ EI_LetType let_types -> let_types
+ _ -> repeat undef
cos = {cos & cos_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap}
cos_var_heap = cos.cos_var_heap
# cos_var_heap = determine_aliases let_strict_binds cos_var_heap
cos_var_heap = determine_aliases let_lazy_binds cos_var_heap
+ (let_strict_binds, let_types) = combine let_strict_binds let_types
+ with
+ combine [] let_types
+ = ([],let_types)
+ combine [lb:let_binds] [tp:let_types]
+ # (let_binds,let_types) = combine let_binds let_types
+ = ([(tp, lb) : let_binds], let_types)
+ let_lazy_binds = zip2 let_types let_lazy_binds
(is_cyclic_s, let_strict_binds, cos)
= detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds True let_strict_binds
{ cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }
(is_cyclic_l, let_lazy_binds, cos)
= detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds False let_lazy_binds cos
| is_cyclic_s || is_cyclic_l
+ # let_info = case let_info of
+ EI_LetType _ -> EI_LetType (map fst (let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds))
+ _ -> let_info
+ let_strict_binds = map snd let_strict_binds
+ let_lazy_binds = map snd let_lazy_binds
+ cos_symbol_heap = writePtr let_info_ptr let_info cos.cos_symbol_heap
+ cos = {cos & cos_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap}
= (Let {lad & let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds }, free_vars, dynamics,
{ cos & cos_error = checkError "" "cyclic let definition" cos.cos_error})
// | otherwise
# (let_expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collectVariables let_expr free_vars dynamics cos
- all_binds = mapAppend (\sb->(True, sb)) let_strict_binds [(False, lb) \\ lb<-let_lazy_binds]
+ all_binds = combine let_strict_binds let_lazy_binds
+ with
+ combine [] let_lazy_binds
+ = [(False, tp, lb) \\ (tp,lb)<-let_lazy_binds]
+ combine [(tp,lb):let_strict_binds] let_lazy_binds
+ = [(True, tp, lb) : combine let_strict_binds let_lazy_binds]
(collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collect_variables_in_binds all_binds [] free_vars dynamics cos
(let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds) = split collected_binds
| isEmpty let_strict_binds && isEmpty let_lazy_binds
= (let_expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
# let_info = case let_info of
- EI_LetType _ -> EI_LetType (retrieve_types zipped_let_info (let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds))
+ EI_LetType _ -> EI_LetType (map fst (let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds))
_ -> let_info
+ let_strict_binds = map snd let_strict_binds
+ let_lazy_binds = map snd let_lazy_binds
cos_symbol_heap = writePtr let_info_ptr let_info cos.cos_symbol_heap
cos = {cos & cos_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap}
= (Let {lad & let_expr = let_expr, let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds}, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
- retrieve_types _ [] = []
- retrieve_types [(dst,type):zipped] binds=:[{lb_dst}:rest_binds]
- | dst == lb_dst.fv_info_ptr = [type : retrieve_types zipped rest_binds]
- = retrieve_types zipped binds
/* Set the 'var_info_field' of each bound variable to either 'VI_Alias var' (if
this variable is an alias for 'var') or to 'VI_Count 0 cIsALocalVar' to initialise
the reference count info.
@@ -1884,7 +1904,7 @@ where
detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [] cos
= (cContainsNoCycle, [], cos)
// detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [bind=:{bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] cos
- detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [bind=:{lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] cos
+ detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [(type,bind=:{lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}}) : binds] cos
# (var_info, cos_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr cos.cos_var_heap
cos = { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -1897,11 +1917,11 @@ where
{ cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }
(is_cyclic, binds, cos)
= detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos
- -> (is_cyclic, [{ bind & lb_src = new_bind_src } : binds], cos)
+ -> (is_cyclic, [(type,{ bind & lb_src = new_bind_src }) : binds], cos)
-> detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos
# (is_cyclic, binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos
- -> (is_cyclic, [bind : binds], cos)
+ -> (is_cyclic, [(type,bind) : binds], cos)
is_cyclic orig_info_ptr info_ptr var_heap
| orig_info_ptr == info_ptr
@@ -1932,25 +1952,25 @@ where
= collect_variables_in_binds binds collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
= (collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
- examine_reachable_binds bind_found [bind=:(is_strict, {lb_dst=fv=:{fv_info_ptr},lb_src}) : binds] collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
+ examine_reachable_binds bind_found [bind=:(is_strict, type, letb=:{lb_dst=fv=:{fv_info_ptr},lb_src}) : binds] collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
# (bind_found, binds, collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = examine_reachable_binds bind_found binds collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
# (VI_Count count is_global, cos_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr cos.cos_var_heap
# cos = { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }
| count > 0
# (lb_src, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collectVariables lb_src free_vars dynamics cos
- = (True, binds, [ (is_strict, { snd bind & lb_dst = { fv & fv_count = count }, lb_src = lb_src }) : collected_binds ], free_vars, dynamics, cos)
+ = (True, binds, [ (is_strict, type, { letb/*snd bind*/ & lb_dst = { fv & fv_count = count }, lb_src = lb_src }) : collected_binds ], free_vars, dynamics, cos)
= (bind_found, [bind : binds], collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
examine_reachable_binds bind_found [] collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
= (bind_found, [], collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
- split :: ![(Bool, x)] -> (![x], ![x])
+ split :: ![(Bool, AType, x)] -> (![(AType,x)], ![(AType,x)])
split []
= ([], [])
- split [(p, x):xs]
+ split [(p, t, x):xs]
# (l, r) = split xs
| p
- = ([x:l], r)
- = (l, [x:r])
+ = ([(t,x):l], r)
+ = (l, [(t,x):r])
collectVariables (Case case_expr) free_vars dynamics cos
# (case_expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collectVariables case_expr free_vars dynamics cos