diff options
-rw-r--r--main/Windows/Clean System Files/set_return_code.objbin0 -> 464 bytes
15 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/CleanCocl.icl b/main/CleanCocl.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69915fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/CleanCocl.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module CleanCocl
+import StdEnv
+import deltaEventIO, deltaIOState
+import CoclSystemDependent
+ :== 0
+Start :: !*World -> *World
+Start world
+ # (_, world)
+ = StartIO [menus : SystemDependentDevices] 0 SystemDependentInitialIO world
+ with
+ menus
+ = MenuSystem [file]
+ file
+ = PullDownMenu Don`tCareId "File" Able
+ [MenuItem Don`tCareId "Quit" (Key 'Q') Able Quit]
+ = world
+Quit :: *s (IOState *s) -> (*s, IOState *s)
+Quit s io
+ = (s, QuitIO io)
diff --git a/main/Mac/CoclSystemDependent.dcl b/main/Mac/CoclSystemDependent.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..319b75c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Mac/CoclSystemDependent.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// this is for the PowerMac
+definition module CoclSystemDependent
+from deltaIOSystem import DeviceSystem
+from deltaEventIO import InitialIO, IOState
+ :== ','
+ :== ':'
+SystemDependentDevices :: [DeviceSystem .a (IOState .a)]
+SystemDependentInitialIO :: InitialIO *s
diff --git a/main/Mac/CoclSystemDependent.icl b/main/Mac/CoclSystemDependent.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..971105c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Mac/CoclSystemDependent.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// this is for the PowerMac
+implementation module CoclSystemDependent
+import StdEnv
+import deltaIOSystem, deltaEventIO, deltaIOState
+import AppleEventDevice
+import compile
+import docommand
+import RWSDebug
+ :== ','
+ :== ':'
+SystemDependentDevices :: [DeviceSystem .a (IOState .a)]
+ = [AppleEventSystem {openHandler = openDummy, quitHandler = Quit,
+ clipboardChangedHandler = clipboardDummy, scriptHandler = scriptHandler}];
+ where
+ openDummy filePath s io
+ = (s, io) <<- ("open", filePath)
+ clipboardDummy s io
+ = (s, io) <<- "clipboard"
+ /*
+ scriptHandler script s io
+ # (result, env) = DoCommandNullTerminated (script +++ "\0") 17
+ | result >= 0
+ = (s, io)
+ // otherwise
+ = (s, io) <<- ("error in docommand", result, script)
+ */
+ scriptHandler script s io
+ = (s, appFiles (compile (processArgs script)) io) <<- ("script", processArgs script)
+ where
+ processArgs s
+ = [replace arg \\ arg <- filter ((<>) "") (splitArgs s)]
+ replace s
+ | s == "\xb3" /* \xb3 == >= ligature */
+ = "-RE"
+ | s == ">"
+ = "-RO"
+ // otherwise
+ = s
+ splitArgs s
+ = split False 0 0 (size s) s
+ split quoted frm to n s
+ | to >= n
+ = [s % (frm, to)]
+ | s.[to] == '\\' && to < n-1
+ = split quoted frm (to+2) n s
+ | s.[to] == ' ' && not quoted
+ = [s % (frm, to-1) : split False (to+1) (to+1) n s]
+ | s.[to] == '\'' && quoted
+ = [s % (frm, to-1) : split False (to+1) (to+1) n s]
+ | s.[to] == '\''
+ = [s % (frm, to-1) : split True (to+1) (to+1) n s]
+ // otherwise
+ = split quoted frm (to+1) n s
+SystemDependentInitialIO :: InitialIO *s
+ = []
+Quit :: *s (IOState *s) -> (*s, IOState *s)
+Quit s io
+ = (s, QuitIO io)
diff --git a/main/Version.dcl b/main/Version.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70f420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Version.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+definition module Version
+:: VersionInfo =
+ { versionCurrent
+ :: Int
+ , versionOldestDefinition
+ :: Int
+ , versionOldestImplementation
+ :: Int
+ }
+:: VersionsCompatability
+ = VersionsAreCompatible
+ | VersionObservedIsTooOld
+ | VersionObservedIsTooNew
+versionCompare :: VersionInfo VersionInfo -> VersionsCompatability
+// expected observed
diff --git a/main/Version.icl b/main/Version.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ab761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Version.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+implementation module Version
+import StdInt, StdClass
+:: VersionInfo =
+ { versionCurrent
+ :: Int
+ , versionOldestDefinition
+ :: Int
+ , versionOldestImplementation
+ :: Int
+ }
+:: VersionsCompatability
+ = VersionsAreCompatible
+ | VersionObservedIsTooOld
+ | VersionObservedIsTooNew
+versionCompare :: VersionInfo VersionInfo -> VersionsCompatability
+versionCompare expected observed
+ | expected.versionCurrent < observed.versionCurrent
+ | expected.versionCurrent >= observed.versionOldestDefinition
+ = VersionsAreCompatible
+ // otherwise
+ = VersionObservedIsTooNew
+ | expected.versionCurrent == observed.versionCurrent
+ = VersionsAreCompatible
+ // expected.versionCurrent > observed.versionCurrent
+ | expected.versionOldestImplementation <= observed.versionCurrent
+ = VersionsAreCompatible
+ // otherwise
+ = VersionObservedIsTooOld
diff --git a/main/Windows/Clean System Files/set_return_code.obj b/main/Windows/Clean System Files/set_return_code.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d832506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/Clean System Files/set_return_code.obj
Binary files differ
diff --git a/main/Windows/CoclSystemDependent.dcl b/main/Windows/CoclSystemDependent.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42cf82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/CoclSystemDependent.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// this is for Windows
+definition module CoclSystemDependent
+// RWS split
+// from deltaIOSystem import DeviceSystem
+// from deltaEventIO import InitialIO, IOState
+ :== ';'
+ :== '\\'
+SystemDependentDevices :: [a]
+SystemDependentInitialIO :: [a]
diff --git a/main/Windows/CoclSystemDependent.icl b/main/Windows/CoclSystemDependent.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc1d17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/CoclSystemDependent.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// this is for Windows
+implementation module CoclSystemDependent
+ :== ';'
+ :== '\\'
+SystemDependentDevices :: [a]
+ = []
+SystemDependentInitialIO :: [a]
+ = []
diff --git a/main/Windows/set_return_code.dcl b/main/Windows/set_return_code.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbde6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/set_return_code.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+definition module set_return_code;
+from StdString import String;
+:: *UniqueWorld :== World;
+set_return_code :: !Int !UniqueWorld -> UniqueWorld;
+// void set_return_code (int return_code);
diff --git a/main/Windows/set_return_code.icl b/main/Windows/set_return_code.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..780fa84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/set_return_code.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+implementation module set_return_code;
+import code from "set_return_code.obj";
+from StdString import String;
+:: *UniqueWorld :== World;
+set_return_code :: !Int !UniqueWorld -> UniqueWorld;
+set_return_code a0 a1 = code
+ ccall set_return_code "I:V:A"
+ fill_a 0 1
+ pop_a 1
+// void set_return_code (int return_code);
diff --git a/main/cocl.icl b/main/cocl.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c62b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/cocl.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+module cocl
+import coclmain
+import StdString
+import StdEnv
+Start :: *World -> *World
+Start world
+ = coclMain testArgs world
+ where
+ testArgs
+ = [
+ // main module
+// "Dialog1"
+ "t"
+// "typesupport.icl"
+// "EdProject.icl"
+ // list all types
+ , "-lat"
+ // generate readable abc code
+ , "-d"
+ // redirect out
+ , "-RO", "messages.txt"
+ // redirect errors
+ , "-RE", "errors.txt"
+ // paths
+ , "-P", clean20Dir +++ "StdEnv" +++ ";" +++ clean20Dir +++ "IOInterface"
+ // test specific
+ +++ ";" +++ testDir
+// +++ ";" +++ clean20Dir +++ "test\\Clean 2 Compiler Test"
+// +++ ";" +++ ideDir +++ ";" +++ ideDir +++ "Windows\\" +++ ";" +++ ideDir +++ "Util\\"
+ ]
+ testDir
+ = "e:\\Users\\Ronny\\Develop\\Clean Programs\\"
+ clean20Dir
+ = "e:\\Users\\Ronny\\Develop\\CleanSystem\\2.0\\"
+ ideDir
+ = clean20Dir +++ "test\\Clean IDE\\"
diff --git a/main/coclmain.dcl b/main/coclmain.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6366623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/coclmain.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+definition module coclmain
+ The coclmain library
+ includes
+ compile
+ backend (needs dynamic library backend.dll)
+ ArgEnv
+ Version
+ set_return_code
+ uses
+ StdEnv
+ compiler
+ This library is compiled with profiling code. This means that profiling
+ should also be enabled in projects that use the coclmain library.
+ Note: The interface from coclmain to the compiler is not version checked.
+ It's safest to build and use a new coclmain library whenever the
+ type of the compiler's syntax tree changes.
+// coclMain :: ![{#Char}] !*World -> *World
+// testArgs world
+coclMain :== coclMainWithVersionCheck CoclMainVersionCurrent CoclMainVersionLatestDef CoclMainVersionLatestImp
+ :== 0x02000205
+ :== 0x02000205
+ :== 0x02000205
+coclMainWithVersionCheck :: !Int !Int !Int ![{#Char}] !*World -> *World
+// currentVersion latestDefVersion latestImpVersion testArgs world
diff --git a/main/coclmain.icl b/main/coclmain.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811f76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/coclmain.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+implementation module coclmain
+CoclMainVersion :== 0
+import StdEnv
+import ArgEnv
+import Version
+import set_return_code
+import compile
+// coclMain :: ![{#Char}] !*World -> *World
+// testArgs world
+coclMain :== coclMainWithVersionCheck CoclMainVersionCurrent CoclMainVersionLatestDef CoclMainVersionLatestImp
+ :== 0x02000205
+ :== 0x02000205
+ :== 0x02000205
+checkVersion :: VersionsCompatability *File -> (!Bool, !*File)
+checkVersion VersionsAreCompatible errorFile
+ = (True, errorFile)
+checkVersion VersionObservedIsTooNew errorFile
+ # errorFile
+ = fwrites "[Coclmain] the library is too new\n" errorFile
+ = (False, errorFile)
+checkVersion VersionObservedIsTooOld errorFile
+ # errorFile
+ = fwrites "[Coclmain] the library is too old\n" errorFile
+ = (False, errorFile)
+coclMainWithVersionCheck :: !Int !Int !Int ![{#Char}] !*World -> *World
+// currentVersion latestDefVersion latestImpVersion testArgs world
+coclMainWithVersionCheck currentVersion latestDefVersion latestImpVersion testArgs world
+ # observedVersion =
+ { versionCurrent
+ = CoclMainVersionCurrent
+ , versionOldestDefinition
+ = CoclMainVersionLatestDef
+ , versionOldestImplementation
+ = CoclMainVersionLatestImp
+ }
+ expectedVersion =
+ { versionCurrent
+ = currentVersion
+ , versionOldestDefinition
+ = latestDefVersion
+ , versionOldestImplementation
+ = latestImpVersion
+ }
+ | not (fst (checkVersion (versionCompare expectedVersion observedVersion) stderr))
+ = set_return_code (-1) world
+ # (success, world)
+ = accFiles (compile commandArgs) world
+ = set_return_code (if success 0(-1)) world
+ where
+ commandArgs
+ = if (length realArgs == 0) testArgs realArgs
+ realArgs
+ = tl [arg \\ arg <-: getCommandLine]
diff --git a/main/compile.dcl b/main/compile.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4c0953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/compile.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+definition module compile
+from StdFile import Files
+compile :: [{#Char}] *Files -> (!Bool, !*Files)
diff --git a/main/compile.icl b/main/compile.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..938ea8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/compile.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+implementation module compile
+import StdEnv
+import frontend
+import backendinterface
+import CoclSystemDependent
+import RWSDebug
+:: CoclOptions =
+ {
+ moduleName
+ :: {#Char}
+ , pathName
+ :: {#Char}
+ , errorPath
+ :: {#Char}
+ , errorMode
+ :: Int
+ , outPath
+ :: {#Char}
+ , outMode
+ :: Int
+ , searchPaths
+ :: SearchPaths
+ }
+InitialCoclOptions =
+ { moduleName
+ = ""
+ , pathName
+ = ""
+ , errorPath
+ = "errors"
+ , errorMode
+ = FWriteText
+ , outPath
+ = "messages"
+ , outMode
+ = FWriteText
+ , searchPaths
+// RWS, voor Maarten +++ = {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = []}
+ = []
+ }
+compile :: [{#Char}] *Files -> (!Bool, !*Files)
+compile args files
+ = compileModule (parseCommandLine args InitialCoclOptions) args files
+parseCommandLine :: [{#Char}] CoclOptions -> CoclOptions
+parseCommandLine [] options
+ = prependModulePath options
+ where
+ // RWS +++ hack, both module name and file path should be passed to frontEndInterface
+ prependModulePath options=:{pathName, searchPaths}
+ = { options
+ & moduleName = baseName pathName
+// RWS, voor Maarten +++ , searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths.sp_paths]}
+ , searchPaths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths]
+ }
+parseCommandLine ["-P", searchPathsString : args] options=:{searchPaths}
+// RWS, voor Maarten +++ = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = splitPaths searchPathsString}}
+ = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths = splitPaths searchPathsString}
+parseCommandLine ["-RO", outPath : args] options
+ = parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FWriteText}
+parseCommandLine ["-RAO", outPath : args] options
+ = parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FAppendText}
+parseCommandLine ["-RE", errorPath : args] options
+ = parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FWriteText}
+parseCommandLine ["-RAE", errorPath : args] options
+ = parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FAppendText}
+parseCommandLine [arg : args] options
+ | arg.[0] == '-'
+ = parseCommandLine args options
+ // otherwise
+ = parseCommandLine args {options & pathName = stripExtension ".icl" (stripQuotes arg)}
+stripExtension :: {#Char} {#Char} -> {#Char}
+stripExtension extension string
+ | stringSize >= extensionSize && (string % (stringSize-extensionSize, stringSize-1)) == extension
+ = string % (0, stringSize-extensionSize-1)
+ // otherwise
+ = string
+ where
+ stringSize
+ = size string
+ extensionSize
+ = size extension
+stripQuotes :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
+stripQuotes string
+ | stringSize > 1 && string.[0] == '"' && string.[stringSize-1] == '"'
+ = string % (1, stringSize-2)
+ // otherwise
+ = string
+ where
+ stringSize
+ = size string
+splitPaths :: {#Char} -> [{#Char}]
+splitPaths paths
+ = [path +++ {DirectorySeparator} \\ path <- splitBy PathSeparator paths]
+splitBy :: Char {#Char} -> [{#Char}]
+splitBy char string
+ = splitBy` 0 0
+ where
+ splitBy` frm to
+ | to >= stringSize
+ = [string % (frm, to-1)]
+ | string.[to] == char
+ = [string % (frm, to-1) : splitBy` (to+1) (to+1)]
+ // otherwise
+ = splitBy` frm (to+1)
+ stringSize
+ = size string
+baseName :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
+baseName path
+ = last (splitBy DirectorySeparator path)
+directoryName :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
+directoryName path
+ = foldr (\p ps -> p +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ ps) "" (init (splitBy DirectorySeparator path))
+compileModule :: CoclOptions [{#Char}] *Files -> (!Bool, !*Files)
+compileModule options commandLineArgs files
+ # (opened, error, files)
+ = fopen options.errorPath options.errorMode files
+ | not opened
+ = abort ("couldn't open error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n")
+ # (opened, out, files)
+ = fopen options.outPath options.outMode files
+ | not opened
+ = abort ("couldn't open out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n")
+ # (io, files)
+ = stdio files
+ # (predefSymbols, hashTable) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
+ (moduleIdent, hashTable) = putIdentInHashTable options.moduleName IC_Module hashTable
+ # (predefs, _, files, error, io, out, optionalSyntaxTree)
+ = frontEndInterface moduleIdent options.searchPaths predefSymbols hashTable files error io out
+ # (closed, files)
+ = fclose io files
+ | not closed
+ = abort ("couldn't close stdio")
+ # (closed, files)
+ = fclose out files
+ | not closed
+ = abort ("couldn't close out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n")
+ # (success, error, files)
+ = case optionalSyntaxTree of
+ Yes syntaxTree
+ -> backEndInterface outputPath (map appendRedirection commandLineArgs) predefs syntaxTree error files
+ with
+ appendRedirection arg
+ = case arg of
+ "-RE"
+ -> "-RAE"
+ "-RO"
+ -> "-RAO"
+ arg
+ -> arg
+ No
+ -> (False, error, files)
+ with
+ outputPath
+ // = /* directoryName options.pathName +++ "Clean System Files" +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ */ baseName options.pathName
+ = baseName options.pathName
+ # (closed, files)
+ = fclose error files
+ | not closed
+ = abort ("couldn't close error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n")
+ = (success, files) \ No newline at end of file