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4 files changed, 359 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 994dd7d..bd3a8e6 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -2675,8 +2675,10 @@ where
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_ConsARROW mod_index STE_Constructor
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_isomap_ARROW_ mod_index STE_DclFunction
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_isomap_ID mod_index STE_DclFunction
- <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_TypeCONSInfo mod_index STE_Type
- <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_ConsCONSInfo mod_index STE_Constructor
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_TypeConsDefInfo mod_index STE_Type
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_ConsConsDefInfo mod_index STE_Constructor
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_TypeTypeDefInfo mod_index STE_Type
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_ConsTypeDefInfo mod_index STE_Constructor
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_TypeCONS mod_index STE_Type
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_ConsCONS mod_index STE_Constructor
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_cons_info mod_index STE_DclFunction)
diff --git a/frontend/generics.icl b/frontend/generics.icl
index 5c77eeb..25221ee 100644
--- a/frontend/generics.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics.icl
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ supportCons :== True
// whether to bind _cons_info to actual constructor info
// (needed for functions that create CONS, like fromString)
-supportConsInfo :== True && supportCons
+supportConsInfo :== False && supportCons
// whether generate missing alternatives
-supportPartialInstances :== False
+supportPartialInstances :== True
:: *GenericState = {
gs_modules :: !*{#CommonDefs},
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ supportPartialInstances :== False
, gtr_isomap :: !DefinedSymbol // isomap function for the type
, gtr_isomap_from :: !DefinedSymbol // from-part of isomap
, gtr_isomap_to :: !DefinedSymbol // to-part
+ , gtr_type_info :: !DefinedSymbol // type def info
, gtr_cons_infos :: ![DefinedSymbol] // constructor informations
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ EmptyGenericType :==
, gtr_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol
, gtr_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol
, gtr_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
+ , gtr_type_info = EmptyDefinedSymbol
, gtr_cons_infos = []
@@ -321,13 +323,12 @@ where
& ins_class = {glob_module=ins_class.glob_module, glob_object=class_ds}
, ins_ident = makeIdent (ins_ident.id_name +++ ":" +++ (toString kind))
- #! (instance_def, gs_fun_defs) = check_if_partial instance_def gs_fun_defs
+ #! (is_partial, gs_fun_defs) = check_if_partial instance_def gs_predefs gs_fun_defs
- #! instance_defs = { instance_defs & [instance_index] = instance_def}
#! (ok, gs_modules, gs_error) = check_instance_args instance_def gs_modules gs_error
| not ok
- # gs = { gs
+ #! instance_defs = { instance_defs & [instance_index] = instance_def}
+ #! gs = { gs
& gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos
, gs_modules = gs_modules
, gs_fun_defs = gs_fun_defs
@@ -335,75 +336,103 @@ where
, gs_error = gs_error }
= ([], instance_defs, gs)
- # gs_heaps = check_cons_instance generic_def instance_def it_type gs_predefs gs_heaps
+ #! gs_heaps = check_cons_instance generic_def instance_def it_type gs_predefs gs_heaps
- # (maybe_td_index, gs_modules, gs_error) =
- determine_type_def_index it_type instance_def gs_modules gs_error
- # gs = { gs
+ #! (maybe_td_index, instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error) =
+ determine_type_def_index it_type instance_def is_partial gs_modules gs_error
+ #! gs = { gs
& gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos
, gs_modules = gs_modules
, gs_fun_defs = gs_fun_defs
, gs_heaps = gs_heaps
, gs_error = gs_error }
+ #! instance_defs = { instance_defs & [instance_index] = instance_def}
= (maybe_td_index, instance_defs, gs)
- (TA {type_index} _)
- {ins_generate, ins_partial, ins_ident, ins_pos}
+ (TA {type_index, type_name} _)
+ instance_def=:{ins_generate, ins_ident, ins_pos}
+ is_partial
gs_modules gs_error
- # ({td_rhs, td_index}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef type_index.glob_module type_index.glob_object gs_modules
+ #! ({td_rhs, td_index}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef type_index.glob_module type_index.glob_object gs_modules
= determine_td_index td_rhs gs_modules gs_error
determine_td_index (AlgType _) gs_modules gs_error
| ins_generate
- = ([type_index], gs_modules, gs_error)
- | supportPartialInstances && ins_partial
- = ([type_index], gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([type_index], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ | supportPartialInstances && is_partial
+ = ([type_index], {instance_def & ins_partial = True}, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ //---> ("collected partial instance type", type_name, type_index)
| otherwise
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
determine_td_index (RecordType _) gs_modules gs_error
| ins_generate
- = ([type_index], gs_modules, gs_error)
- | supportPartialInstances && ins_partial
- = ([type_index], gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([type_index], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ | supportPartialInstances && is_partial
+ = ([type_index], {instance_def & ins_partial = True}, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ //---> ("collected partial instance type", type_name, type_index)
| otherwise
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
determine_td_index (SynType _) gs_modules gs_error
# gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
(newPosition ins_ident ins_pos)
"generic instance type cannot be a sysnonym type"
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
determine_td_index (AbstractType _) gs_modules gs_error
| ins_generate
# gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
(newPosition ins_ident ins_pos)
"cannot generate an instance for an abstract data type"
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
- determine_type_def_index (TB _) _ gs_modules gs_error
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
- determine_type_def_index _ {ins_ident,ins_pos} gs_modules gs_error
- # gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ determine_type_def_index (TB _) instance_def _ gs_modules gs_error
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
+ determine_type_def_index _ instance_def=:{ins_ident,ins_pos} _ gs_modules gs_error
+ #! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
(newPosition ins_ident ins_pos)
- "generic instance type must be a type constructor"
+ "generic instance type must be a type constructor or a primitive type"
- = ([], gs_modules, gs_error)
+ = ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
- check_if_partial :: !ClassInstance !*{#FunDef} -> (!ClassInstance, !*{#FunDef})
- check_if_partial instance_def=:{ins_members} gs_fun_defs
+ check_if_partial :: !ClassInstance !PredefinedSymbols !*{#FunDef} -> (!Bool, !*{#FunDef})
+ check_if_partial instance_def=:{ins_members, ins_ident, ins_type, ins_generate} gs_predefs gs_fun_defs
= case supportPartialInstances of
- # ins_fun_ds = ins_members.[0]
- # (fun_def, gs_fun_defs) = gs_fun_defs ! [ins_fun_ds.ds_index]
- # (TransformedBody {tb_rhs}) = fun_def.fun_body
- # ok = case tb_rhs of
- Case {case_default=No} -> True
- _ -> False
- -> ({instance_def & ins_partial = ok}, gs_fun_defs)
- False -> (instance_def, gs_fun_defs)
+ | ins_generate
+ -> (False, gs_fun_defs)
+ | check_if_predef (hd ins_type.it_types) gs_predefs
+ -> (False, gs_fun_defs) // PAIR, EITHER, CONS, UNIT
+ #! ins_fun_ds = ins_members.[0]
+ | ins_fun_ds.ds_index == NoIndex // can this happen?
+ -> (False, gs_fun_defs)
+ | otherwise
+ #! (fun_def, gs_fun_defs) = gs_fun_defs ! [ins_fun_ds.ds_index]
+ # (TransformedBody {tb_rhs}) = fun_def.fun_body
+ -> case tb_rhs of
+ Case {case_default=No} -> (True, gs_fun_defs)
+ _ -> (False, gs_fun_defs)
+ False -> (False, gs_fun_defs)
+ where
+ check_if_predef (TA {type_index={glob_module, glob_object}} _) gs_predefs
+ # {pds_module, pds_def} = gs_predefs.[PD_TypeUNIT]
+ | glob_module == pds_module && glob_object == pds_def
+ = True
+ # {pds_module, pds_def} = gs_predefs.[PD_TypePAIR]
+ | glob_module == pds_module && glob_object == pds_def
+ = True
+ # {pds_module, pds_def} = gs_predefs.[PD_TypeEITHER]
+ | glob_module == pds_module && glob_object == pds_def
+ = True
+ # {pds_module, pds_def} = gs_predefs.[PD_TypeCONS]
+ | glob_module == pds_module && glob_object == pds_def
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ check_if_predef _ gs_predefs
+ = False
{gen_cons_ptr} {ins_members}
(TA {type_index={glob_module, glob_object}} _)
@@ -661,9 +690,11 @@ where
# (td_info, gs_td_infos) = gs_td_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
# gs = {gs & gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos, gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos}
| toBool gtd_info // already marked
- = add_instance_indexes td_indexes itdis gs
+ = add_instance_indexes td_indexes itdis gs
+ //---> ("instance type already added", type_index)
# gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = GTDI_Generic EmptyGenericType}
= add_instance_indexes (merge_td_indexes [(type_index, td_info.tdi_group_nr)] td_indexes) itdis gs
+ //---> ("add instance type index", type_index)
collect_in_types :: ![Type] !*GenericState
-> (![(Global Index, Int)], !*GenericState)
@@ -674,19 +705,20 @@ where
= (merge_td_indexes td_indexes1 td_indexes2, gs)
collect_in_type :: !Type !*GenericState
- -> (![(Global Index, Int)], !*GenericState)
- collect_in_type (TA {type_arity=0} _) gs=:{gs_gtd_infos, gs_td_infos, gs_modules}
+ -> (![(Global Index, Int)], !*GenericState)
+ collect_in_type (TA {type_arity=0, type_name} _) gs=:{gs_gtd_infos, gs_td_infos, gs_modules}
// types with no arguments do not need mapping to be built:
// their mapping is identity
= ([], gs)
+ //---> ("ignore type", type_name)
collect_in_type (TA {type_index, type_name} args) gs=:{gs_gtd_infos, gs_td_infos, gs_modules}
# {glob_module, glob_object} = type_index
- # (gtd_info, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
+ #! (gtd_info, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
| toBool gtd_info // already marked
= ([], {gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos})
+ //---> ("already marked type", type_name, type_index)
#! gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = GTDI_Generic EmptyGenericType}
- //---> ("collect in type " +++ type_name.id_name +++ ": " +++
- // toString glob_module +++ " " +++ toString glob_object)
+ //---> ("collect in type", type_name.id_name, type_index)
#! (type_def, gs_modules) = getTypeDef glob_module glob_object gs_modules
#! (td_info, gs_td_infos) = gs_td_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
# gs = {gs & gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos, gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules = gs_modules}
@@ -748,19 +780,57 @@ buildIsoFunctions [type_index:type_indexes] gs
= (iso_funs1 ++ iso_funs2, iso_groups1 ++ iso_groups2, gs)
build_function {glob_module, glob_object} gs
- # (cons_info_def_syms, cons_info_group_indexes, cons_info_fun_defs, gs) =
+ # (generic_rep_type, gs) = buildGenericRepType glob_module glob_object gs
+ # (type_info_def_sym, cons_info_def_syms, info_fun_defs, info_groups, gs) =
build_cons_infos glob_module glob_object gs
+ # (iso_def_sym, iso_fun_defs, iso_groups, gs) =
+ build_isos glob_module glob_object cons_info_def_syms gs
+ # gs = fill_generic_type_info
+ glob_module glob_object
+ generic_rep_type
+ iso_def_sym
+ type_info_def_sym cons_info_def_syms
+ gs
+ = (info_fun_defs ++ iso_fun_defs, info_groups ++ iso_groups, gs)
+ fill_generic_type_info
+ module_index type_def_index
+ generic_rep_type
+ iso_def_sym
+ type_info_def_sym
+ cons_info_def_syms
+ gs=:{gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules}
+ # (type_def=:{td_args}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ # gtd_info = GTDI_Generic
+ { gtr_type = generic_rep_type
+ , gtr_type_args = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
+ , gtr_iso = iso_def_sym
+ , gtr_isomap_group= NoIndex
+ , gtr_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol
+ , gtr_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol
+ , gtr_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
+ , gtr_type_info = type_info_def_sym
+ , gtr_cons_infos = cons_info_def_syms
+ }
+ # gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [module_index, type_def_index] = gtd_info}
+ = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos}
+ build_isos module_index type_def_index cons_infos gs
# (from_fun_index, from_group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# (to_fun_index, to_group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# (iso_fun_index, iso_group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
- # {gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules, gs_predefs, gs_error} = gs
- # (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef glob_module glob_object gs_modules
- # (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [glob_module]
- # (ok, generic_rep_type, gs_error) =
- buildGenericRepType glob_module type_def gs_predefs common_defs gs_error
+ # {gs_modules} = gs
+ # (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ # gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
# iso_def_sym = {
ds_ident = {id_name="iso:"+++type_def.td_name.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
ds_index = iso_fun_index,
@@ -778,79 +848,112 @@ where
ds_index = to_fun_index,
ds_arity = 1
- # gtd_info = GTDI_Generic
- { gtr_type = generic_rep_type
- , gtr_type_args = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- type_def.td_args]
- , gtr_iso = iso_def_sym
- , gtr_isomap_group= NoIndex
- , gtr_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol
- , gtr_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol
- , gtr_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
- , gtr_cons_infos = cons_info_def_syms
- }
- # gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = gtd_info}
- # gs = { gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_error = gs_error }
- # (from_fun_def, gs) = buildIsoFrom from_def_sym from_group_index glob_module type_def gs
- # (to_fun_def, gs) = buildIsoTo to_def_sym to_group_index glob_module type_def gs
+ # (from_fun_def, gs) = buildIsoFrom from_def_sym from_group_index module_index type_def gs
+ # (to_fun_def, gs) = buildIsoTo to_def_sym to_group_index module_index type_def cons_infos gs
# (iso_fun_def, gs) =
//buildUndefFunction iso_fun_index iso_group_index iso_name 1 gs_predefs gs_heaps
buildIsoRecord iso_def_sym iso_group_index from_def_sym to_def_sym gs
- # funs = cons_info_fun_defs ++ [ from_fun_def, to_fun_def, iso_fun_def ]
- # cons_groups =
- if supportCons
- [{group_members = [ds_index]} \\ {ds_index} <- cons_info_def_syms]
- []
- # groups = cons_groups ++
- [ {group_members = [from_fun_index]}
- , {group_members = [to_fun_index]}
- , {group_members = [iso_fun_index]}
- ]
- = (funs, groups, gs)
- build_cons_infos module_index type_def_index gs=:{gs_modules}
- # (type_def=:{td_rhs}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ # fun_defs = [from_fun_def, to_fun_def, iso_fun_def]
+ # groups =
+ [ {group_members=[from_fun_index]}
+ , {group_members=[to_fun_index]}
+ , {group_members=[iso_fun_index]}
+ ]
+ = (iso_def_sym, fun_defs, groups, gs)
+ build_cons_infos module_index type_def_index gs
+ = case supportCons of
+ False -> (EmptyDefinedSymbol, [], [], [], gs)
+ True -> build_cons_infos1 module_index type_def_index gs
+ build_cons_infos1 module_index type_def_index gs=:{gs_modules}
+ # (type_def=:{td_rhs}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
# (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [module_index]
# gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
- = case td_rhs of
- (AlgType alts)
- -> case supportCons of
- True -> build_alg_cons_infos alts common_defs gs
- False -> (repeatn (length alts) EmptyDefinedSymbol, [], [], gs)
+ # (type_fun_index, group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
+ # type_fun_sym =
+ { ds_ident = makeIdent ("type_info_" +++ type_def.td_name.id_name)
+ , ds_index = type_fun_index
+ , ds_arity = 0
+ }
+ # (cons_fun_syms, cons_fun_defs, gs) = case td_rhs of
+ (AlgType alts)
+ -> build_alg_cons_infos alts 0 type_fun_sym group_index common_defs gs
(RecordType {rt_constructor})
- -> case supportCons of
- True -> build_alg_cons_infos [rt_constructor] common_defs gs
- False -> ([EmptyDefinedSymbol], [], [], gs)
- _ -> ([], [], [], gs)
- build_alg_cons_infos [] common_defs gs
- = ([], [], [], gs)
- build_alg_cons_infos [cons_def_sym:cons_def_syms] common_defs gs
- # (fi, gi, fd, gs) = build_cons_info cons_def_sym common_defs gs
- # (fis, gis, fds, gs) = build_alg_cons_infos cons_def_syms common_defs gs
- = ([fi:fis], [gi:gis], [fd:fds], gs)
- build_cons_info cons_def_sym common_defs gs
- # (fun_index, group_index, gs=:{gs_modules,gs_heaps, gs_predefs}) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
- # cons_def = common_defs.com_cons_defs.[cons_def_sym.ds_index]
+ -> build_alg_cons_infos [rt_constructor] 0 type_fun_sym group_index common_defs gs
+ _ -> ([], [], gs)
+ # (type_fun_def, gs) =
+ build_type_info type_def type_fun_sym group_index cons_fun_syms gs
+ # group =
+ { group_members = [type_fun_index : [ds_index \\ {ds_index} <- cons_fun_syms]]
+ }
+ = (type_fun_sym, cons_fun_syms, [type_fun_def:cons_fun_defs], [group], gs)
+ build_alg_cons_infos [] cons_num type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs
+ = ([], [], gs)
+ build_alg_cons_infos [cons_def_sym:cons_def_syms] cons_num type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs
+ # (fi, fd, gs) = build_cons_info cons_def_sym cons_num type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs
+ # (fis, fds, gs) = build_alg_cons_infos cons_def_syms (inc cons_num) type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs
+ = ([fi:fis], [fd:fds], gs)
+ build_cons_info {ds_index,ds_arity} cons_num type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs
+ # {cons_symb, cons_arity, cons_pos} = common_defs.com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
+ # (fun_index, gs) = newFunIndex gs
# def_sym =
- { ds_ident = makeIdent ("cons_info:" +++ cons_def.cons_symb.id_name)
+ { ds_ident = makeIdent ("cons_info_" +++ cons_symb.id_name)
, ds_index = fun_index
, ds_arity = 0
- # cons_name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\""+++cons_def.cons_symb.id_name+++"\"") gs_predefs
- # cons_arity_expr = makeIntExpr cons_def_sym.ds_arity
- # (cons_expr, gs_heaps) =
- buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsCONSInfo [cons_name_expr, cons_arity_expr] gs_predefs gs_heaps
- # fun_def = makeFunction def_sym group_index [] cons_expr No [] [] cons_def.cons_pos
+ # {gs_modules,gs_heaps, gs_predefs, gs_main_dcl_module_n} = gs
+ # cons_name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\""+++cons_symb.id_name+++"\"") gs_predefs
+ # cons_arity_expr = makeIntExpr ds_arity
+ # cons_num_expr = makeIntExpr cons_num
+ # (cons_type_expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n type_info_def_sym [] gs_heaps
+ # (cons_info_expr, gs_heaps) = buildPredefConsApp
+ PD_ConsConsDefInfo
+ [ cons_name_expr
+ , cons_arity_expr
+ , cons_num_expr
+ , cons_type_expr
+ ]
+ gs_predefs gs_heaps
+ # fun_def = makeFunction def_sym group_index [] cons_info_expr No [] [] cons_pos
//# (fun_def, gs_heaps) = buildUndefFunction def_sym group_index gs_predefs gs_heaps
- = (def_sym, group_index, fun_def, {gs & gs_modules=gs_modules, gs_heaps=gs_heaps})
+ = (def_sym, fun_def, {gs & gs_modules=gs_modules, gs_heaps=gs_heaps})
+ build_type_info
+ {td_pos,td_name}
+ type_info_def_sym
+ group_index
+ cons_info_def_syms
+ gs=:{gs_predefs, gs_heaps, gs_main_dcl_module_n}
+ # name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\""+++td_name.id_name+++"\"") gs_predefs
+ # kind_expr = makeIntExpr type_info_def_sym.ds_arity
+ # (cons_info_exprs, gs_heaps) = mapSt build_app cons_info_def_syms gs_heaps
+ with
+ build_app cons_info_def_sym h
+ //= buildUndefFunApp [] gs_predefs h
+ = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n cons_info_def_sym [] h
+ # (cons_info_list_expr, gs_heaps) = makeListExpr cons_info_exprs gs_predefs gs_heaps
+ # (body_expr, gs_heaps) = buildPredefConsApp
+ PD_ConsTypeDefInfo
+ [ name_expr
+ , kind_expr
+ , cons_info_list_expr
+ ]
+ gs_predefs gs_heaps
+ # fun_def = makeFunction type_info_def_sym group_index [] body_expr No [] [] td_pos
+ = (fun_def, {gs & gs_heaps=gs_heaps})
buildIsomapsForTypeDefs :: ![Global Index] !*GenericState
-> (![FunDef], ![Group], !*GenericState)
buildIsomapsForTypeDefs td_indexes gs=:{gs_last_group}
@@ -866,7 +969,12 @@ buildIsomapsForTypeDefs td_indexes gs=:{gs_last_group}
fill_function_indexes :: !(Global Index) !*GenericState -> !*GenericState
- fill_function_indexes {glob_module, glob_object} gs=:{gs_gtd_infos}
+ fill_function_indexes {glob_module, glob_object} gs
+ # (kind, gs) = get_kind glob_module glob_object gs
+ | kind == KindConst
+ // types of kind * do not need isomaps - they are identity
+ = gs
# (from_fun_index, gs) = newFunIndex gs
# (to_fun_index, gs) = newFunIndex gs
@@ -895,7 +1003,11 @@ where
# gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = gtd_info}
= {gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules = gs_modules}
+ get_kind module_index type_index gs=:{gs_td_infos}
+ # (kind, gs_td_infos) = kindOfTypeDef module_index type_index gs_td_infos
+ = (kind, {gs & gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos})
build_isomap_functions :: ![Global Index] !*GenericState
-> (![FunDef], !*GenericState)
build_isomap_functions [] gs = ([], gs)
@@ -906,6 +1018,11 @@ where
build_isomap_function module_index type_def_index gs
+ # (kind, gs) = get_kind module_index type_def_index gs
+ | kind == KindConst
+ // types of kind * do not need isomaps - they are identity
+ = ([], gs)
# (group_index, gs) = get_group module_index type_def_index gs
# {gs_modules, gs_gtd_infos} = gs
@@ -1056,7 +1173,9 @@ where
= ([fun_def], [{group_members = [fun_def.fun_index]}], instance_defs, gs)
| supportPartialInstances && instance_def.ins_partial
- #! (fun_def, fun_def_sym, gs) = build_instance_fun instance_def gs
+ #! (fun_def, fun_def_sym, gs) = build_instance_fun instance_def gs
#! (instance_def, ins_fun_def, gs)
= move_instance instance_def gs
#! instance_defs = {instance_defs & [instance_index] = instance_def}
@@ -1066,7 +1185,8 @@ where
= ( [fun_def, ins_fun_def],
[{group_members = [fun_def.fun_index]}, {group_members = [ins_fun_def.fun_index]}],
instance_defs, gs)
+ //---> ("build partial instance", instance_def.ins_ident, instance_def.ins_type)
| otherwise
= ([], [], instance_defs, gs)
@@ -1098,33 +1218,36 @@ where
= (ins_fun_def, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
//---> ("created generic alterntaive for " +++ ins_fun_def.fun_symb.id_name)
- move_instance instance_def=:{ins_members} gs
+ move_instance instance_def=:{ins_members, ins_pos} gs
# (new_fun_index, new_fun_group, gs=:{gs_fun_defs, gs_predefs, gs_heaps})
= newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# ins_fun_index = ins_members.[0].ds_index
# (ins_fun_def, gs_fun_defs) = gs_fun_defs ! [ins_fun_index]
- // new indexes in the function
- # ins_fun_def =
+ // set new indexes in the function
+ # new_ins_fun_def =
{ ins_fun_def
& fun_index = new_fun_index
, fun_info = {ins_fun_def.fun_info & fi_group_index = new_fun_group}
#! new_member = {ins_members.[0] & ds_index = new_fun_index}
#! instance_def = {instance_def & ins_members = {new_member}}
- // update old function
+ // build a dummy function and set it at the old position
#! (undef_expr, gs_heaps) = buildUndefFunApp [] gs_predefs gs_heaps
- # (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = ins_fun_def.fun_body
- #! old_ins_fun_def =
- { ins_fun_def
- & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = undef_expr}
+ #! (arg_vars, gs_heaps) =
+ mapSt buildFreeVar0 ["v" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..ins_fun_def.fun_arity]] gs_heaps
+ # {fun_symb, fun_arity, fun_index, fun_info, fun_type, fun_pos} = ins_fun_def
+ #! dummy_def_sym =
+ { ds_ident = fun_symb
+ , ds_arity = fun_arity
+ , ds_index = ins_fun_index
- #! gs_fun_defs = {gs_fun_defs & [ins_fun_index] = old_ins_fun_def}
- = (instance_def, ins_fun_def, {gs & gs_fun_defs = gs_fun_defs, gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
+ #! dummy_fun_def =
+ makeFunction dummy_def_sym fun_info.fi_group_index arg_vars undef_expr fun_type [] [] fun_pos
+ #! gs_fun_defs = {gs_fun_defs & [ins_fun_index] = dummy_fun_def}
+ = (instance_def, new_ins_fun_def, {gs & gs_fun_defs = gs_fun_defs, gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
build_instance_fun instance_def gs=:{gs_modules}
# {ins_class, ins_generic} = instance_def
@@ -1326,6 +1449,13 @@ determineMemberTypes module_index ins_index
= determineMemberTypes module_index (inc ins_index) gs
+kindOfTypeDef :: Index Index !*TypeDefInfos -> (!TypeKind, !*TypeDefInfos)
+kindOfTypeDef module_index td_index td_infos
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos![module_index, td_index]
+ | isEmpty tdi_kinds
+ = (KindConst, td_infos)
+ = (KindArrow (tdi_kinds ++ [KindConst]), td_infos)
kindOfType :: !Type !*TypeDefInfos -> (!TypeKind, !*TypeDefInfos)
kindOfType (TA type_cons args) td_infos
# {glob_object,glob_module} = type_cons.type_index
@@ -1720,40 +1850,46 @@ where
#! (at, curry_avs, ais, th) = currySymbolType1 st ("arg"+++postfix) th
#! th = clearSymbolType gt_type th
= (at, atvs, instantiated_avs ++ curry_avs, ais, th)
-buildGenericRepType :: !Index !CheckedTypeDef !PredefinedSymbols !CommonDefs !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!Bool, AType, !*ErrorAdmin)
-buildGenericRepType td_module {td_rhs=(AlgType alts)} predefs common_defs error
- = (True, build_sum alts predefs common_defs.com_cons_defs, error)
- build_sum :: ![DefinedSymbol] !PredefinedSymbols !{#ConsDef} -> !AType
- build_sum [] predefs cons_defs = abort "no alternatives in typedef"
- build_sum [{ds_index}] predefs cons_defs
- # cons_args = cons_defs.[ds_index].cons_type.st_args
- # atype = buildProductType cons_args predefs
- = case supportCons of
- True -> buildATypeCONS atype predefs
- False -> atype
- build_sum alts predefs cons_defs
- # (l,r) = splitAt ((length alts) / 2) alts
- = buildATypeEITHER (build_sum l predefs cons_defs) (build_sum r predefs cons_defs) predefs
-buildGenericRepType td_module {td_rhs=(RecordType {rt_constructor={ds_index}})} predefs common_defs error
- #! {cons_type={st_args}} = common_defs . com_cons_defs . [ds_index]
- #! atype = buildProductType st_args predefs
- #! atype = case supportCons of
+buildGenericRepType :: !Index !Index !*GenericState
+ -> (AType, !*GenericState)
+buildGenericRepType module_index td_index gs=:{gs_modules, gs_predefs, gs_error}
+ # (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index td_index gs_modules
+ # (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [module_index]
+ # (atype, gs_error) = build_type module_index type_def gs_predefs common_defs gs_error
+ = (atype, {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_error = gs_error})
+ build_type td_module {td_rhs=(AlgType alts)} predefs common_defs error
+ = (build_sum alts predefs common_defs.com_cons_defs, error)
+ where
+ build_sum :: ![DefinedSymbol] !PredefinedSymbols !{#ConsDef} -> !AType
+ build_sum [] predefs cons_defs = abort "no alternatives in typedef"
+ build_sum [{ds_index}] predefs cons_defs
+ # cons_args = cons_defs.[ds_index].cons_type.st_args
+ # atype = buildProductType cons_args predefs
+ = case supportCons of
True -> buildATypeCONS atype predefs
False -> atype
- = (True, atype, error)
+ build_sum alts predefs cons_defs
+ # (l,r) = splitAt ((length alts) / 2) alts
+ = buildATypeEITHER (build_sum l predefs cons_defs) (build_sum r predefs cons_defs) predefs
+ build_type td_module {td_rhs=(RecordType {rt_constructor={ds_index}})} predefs common_defs error
+ #! {cons_type={st_args}} = common_defs . com_cons_defs . [ds_index]
+ #! atype = buildProductType st_args predefs
+ #! atype = case supportCons of
+ True -> buildATypeCONS atype predefs
+ False -> atype
+ = (atype, error)
-buildGenericRepType td_module {td_rhs=(SynType type)} predefs common_defs error
- = (True, type, error) // is that correct ???
+ build_type td_module {td_rhs=(SynType type)} predefs common_defs error
+ = (type, error) // is that correct ???
- td_module td=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _), td_name, td_arity, td_args, td_pos}
- predefs common_defs error
- #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build generic type repesentation for an abstract type" error
- = (False, makeAType TE TA_None, error)
+ build_type
+ td_module td=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _), td_name, td_arity, td_args, td_pos}
+ predefs common_defs error
+ #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build generic type repesentation for an abstract type" error
+ = (makeAType TE TA_None, error)
buildIsoRecord :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !*GenericState
-> (!FunDef, !*GenericState)
@@ -1778,16 +1914,16 @@ where
= (fun_expr, {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap})
// convert a type to ot's generic representation
-buildIsoTo :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef !*GenericState
+buildIsoTo :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef ![DefinedSymbol] !*GenericState
-> (!FunDef, !*GenericState)
def_sym group_index type_def_mod
type_def=:{td_rhs, td_name, td_index, td_pos}
+ cons_infos
# (arg_expr, arg_var, gs_heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" gs_heaps
- # (cons_infos, gs) = get_cons_infos type_def_mod td_index {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps}
# (body_expr, free_vars, gs=:{gs_error}) =
- build_body type_def_mod td_index td_rhs cons_infos arg_expr gs
+ build_body type_def_mod td_index td_rhs cons_infos arg_expr {gs&gs_heaps = gs_heaps}
| not gs_error.ea_ok
#! fun_def = makeFunction {def_sym&ds_arity=0} NoIndex [] EE No [] [] NoPos
= (fun_def, {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
@@ -1826,7 +1962,10 @@ where
build_alts :: !Int !Int !Int ![DefinedSymbol] ![DefinedSymbol] !*GenericState
-> ([AlgebraicPattern], [FreeVar], !*GenericState)
build_alts i n type_def_mod [] [] gs = ([], [], gs)
- build_alts i n type_def_mod [cons_def_sym:cons_def_syms] [cons_info:cons_infos] gs
+ build_alts i n type_def_mod [cons_def_sym:cons_def_syms] cons_infos gs
+ # (cons_info, cons_infos) = case supportCons of
+ True -> (hd cons_infos, tl cons_infos)
+ False -> (EmptyDefinedSymbol, [])
# (alt, fvs, gs) = build_alt i n type_def_mod cons_def_sym cons_info gs
# (alts, free_vars, gs) = build_alts (i+1) n type_def_mod cons_def_syms cons_infos gs
= ([alt:alts], fvs ++ free_vars, gs)
@@ -2161,11 +2300,14 @@ where
// isomap for types with no arguments is identity
# (expr, gs_heaps) = buildIsomapIdApp gs_predefs gs_heaps
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
build_expr (TA {type_index, type_name} args) arg_type_vars arg_vars gs
# (arg_exprs, gs) = build_exprs args arg_type_vars arg_vars gs
# {gs_heaps, gs_main_dcl_module_n, gs_gtd_infos} = gs
# (gtd_info, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [type_index.glob_module, type_index.glob_object]
- # (GTDI_Generic gt) = gtd_info
+ # gt = case gtd_info of
+ (GTDI_Generic gt) -> gt
+ _ -> abort ("type " +++ type_name.id_name +++ " does not have generic representation\n")
# (expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n gt.gtr_isomap arg_exprs gs_heaps
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos})
@@ -2256,7 +2398,8 @@ where
# instance_type = hd ins_type.it_types
# {type_index} = case instance_type of
TA type_symb_ident _ -> type_symb_ident
- _ -> abort "no generic type represetation"
+ _ -> abort ("instance type is not a type application")
+ ---> instance_type
# (gtd_info, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [type_index.glob_module, type_index.glob_object]
//# (type_def, gs_modules) = getTypeDef type_index.glob_module type_index.glob_object gs_modules
# (GTDI_Generic gt) = gtd_info
@@ -2665,18 +2808,6 @@ newFunIndex gs=:{gs_last_fun} = (gs_last_fun, {gs & gs_last_fun = gs_last_fun +
newFunAndGroupIndex gs=:{gs_last_fun, gs_last_group}
= (gs_last_fun, gs_last_group, {gs & gs_last_fun = gs_last_fun + 1, gs_last_group = gs_last_group + 1})
-addFunsAndGroups :: ![FunDef] ![Group] (!*GenericState) -> !*GenericState
-addFunsAndGroups new_fun_defs new_groups gs=:{gs_fun_defs, gs_groups, gs_last_fun}
- # gs_fun_defs = arrayPlusList gs_fun_defs new_fun_defs
- # gs_groups = arrayPlusList gs_groups new_groups
- # (last_fun_def, gs_fun_defs) = gs_fun_defs![gs_last_fun - 1]
- | last_fun_def.fun_index <> gs_last_fun - 1
- = abort "addFunsAndGroups: inconsistently added functions\n"
- = {gs & gs_fun_defs = gs_fun_defs, gs_groups = gs_groups}
addFunsAndGroups :: ![FunDef] ![Group] (!*GenericState) -> !*GenericState
addFunsAndGroups new_fun_defs new_groups
gs=:{gs_fun_defs, gs_groups, gs_first_fun, gs_last_fun, gs_first_group, gs_last_group}
@@ -3023,13 +3154,7 @@ copyExpr expr heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap}
= (expr, {heaps & hp_var_heap = us_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = us_symbol_heap})
//---> ("copy Expr")
-/* RWS ... Clean 2.0 compiler bug workaround
mapExprSt :: (Expression .st->(Expression, .st)) Expression .st -> (Expression, .st)
-mapExprSt :: (Expression .st->v:(Expression, .st)) Expression .st
- -> w:(Expression, .st)
- , [v<=w]
-// ... RWS
mapExprSt f (App app=:{app_args}) st
# (app_args, st) = mapSt (mapExprSt f) app_args st
= f (App { app & app_args = app_args }) st
@@ -3179,6 +3304,13 @@ makeStringExpr str predefs
#! type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def } pds_ident 0
= BasicExpr (BVS str) (BT_String (TA type_symb []))
+makeListExpr :: [Expression] !PredefinedSymbols !*Heaps -> (Expression, !*Heaps)
+makeListExpr [] predefs heaps
+ = buildPredefConsApp PD_NilSymbol [] predefs heaps
+makeListExpr [expr:exprs] predefs heaps
+ # (list_expr, heaps) = makeListExpr exprs predefs heaps
+ = buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsSymbol [expr, list_expr] predefs heaps
transpose [] = []
transpose [[] : xss] = transpose xss
transpose [[x:xs] : xss] =
diff --git a/frontend/predef.dcl b/frontend/predef.dcl
index ad7ff6f..48ba8f2 100644
--- a/frontend/predef.dcl
+++ b/frontend/predef.dcl
@@ -105,26 +105,28 @@ PD_ConsPAIR :== 145
PD_TypeARROW :== 146
PD_ConsARROW :== 147
-PD_TypeCONSInfo :== 148
-PD_ConsCONSInfo :== 149
-PD_cons_info :== 150
-PD_TypeCONS :== 151
-PD_ConsCONS :== 152
+PD_TypeConsDefInfo :== 148
+PD_ConsConsDefInfo :== 149
+PD_TypeTypeDefInfo :== 150
+PD_ConsTypeDefInfo :== 151
+PD_cons_info :== 152
+PD_TypeCONS :== 153
+PD_ConsCONS :== 154
-PD_isomap_ARROW_ :== 153
-PD_isomap_ID :== 154
+PD_isomap_ARROW_ :== 155
+PD_isomap_ID :== 156
/* StdMisc */
-PD_StdMisc :== 155
-PD_abort :== 156
-PD_undef :== 157
+PD_StdMisc :== 157
+PD_abort :== 158
+PD_undef :== 159
-PD_Start :== 158
+PD_Start :== 160
// MW..
-PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 159
+PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 161
-PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 160
+PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 162
// ..MW
GetTupleConsIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleSymbol + tup_arity - 2
diff --git a/frontend/predef.icl b/frontend/predef.icl
index e33a4c8..646102f 100644
--- a/frontend/predef.icl
+++ b/frontend/predef.icl
@@ -103,29 +103,32 @@ PD_ConsPAIR :== 145
PD_TypeARROW :== 146
PD_ConsARROW :== 147
-PD_TypeCONSInfo :== 148
-PD_ConsCONSInfo :== 149
-PD_cons_info :== 150
-PD_TypeCONS :== 151
-PD_ConsCONS :== 152
+PD_TypeConsDefInfo :== 148
+PD_ConsConsDefInfo :== 149
+PD_TypeTypeDefInfo :== 150
+PD_ConsTypeDefInfo :== 151
+PD_cons_info :== 152
+PD_TypeCONS :== 153
+PD_ConsCONS :== 154
-PD_isomap_ARROW_ :== 153
-PD_isomap_ID :== 154
+PD_isomap_ARROW_ :== 155
+PD_isomap_ID :== 156
/* StdMisc */
-PD_StdMisc :== 155
-PD_abort :== 156
-PD_undef :== 157
+PD_StdMisc :== 157
+PD_abort :== 158
+PD_undef :== 159
-PD_Start :== 158
+PD_Start :== 160
// MW..
-PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 159
+PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 161
-PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 160
+PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 162
// ..MW
(<<=) infixl
(<<=) state val
:== let (array, symbol_table) = state
@@ -217,8 +220,10 @@ where
<<- ("ARROW", IC_Expression, PD_ConsARROW)
<<- ("isomap_ARROW_", IC_Expression, PD_isomap_ARROW_)
<<- ("isomap_ID", IC_Expression, PD_isomap_ID)
- <<- ("CONSInfo", IC_Type, PD_TypeCONSInfo)
- <<- ("_CONSInfo", IC_Expression, PD_ConsCONSInfo)
+ <<- ("ConsDefInfo", IC_Type, PD_TypeConsDefInfo)
+ <<- ("_ConsDefInfo", IC_Expression, PD_ConsConsDefInfo)
+ <<- ("TypeDefInfo", IC_Type, PD_TypeTypeDefInfo)
+ <<- ("_TypeDefInfo", IC_Expression, PD_ConsTypeDefInfo)
<<- ("CONS", IC_Type, PD_TypeCONS)
<<- ("CONS", IC_Expression, PD_ConsCONS)
<<- ("_cons_info", IC_Expression, PD_cons_info)