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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index caa94e2..2cddb80 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -1272,8 +1272,6 @@ where
has_no_curried_macro_Selections []
= True
-import StdDebug
partitionateAndLiftFunctions :: ![IndexRange] !Index !PredefSymbolsForTransform !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*{#DclModule} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!*{!Group}, !*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!.{#DclModule},!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap,!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin )
partitionateAndLiftFunctions ranges main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols_for_transform fun_defs macro_defs modules var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error
@@ -1342,21 +1340,14 @@ where
-> (max_fun_nr, (modules, pi))
+ /*
// allocate a group that contains this and only this function
| fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex
- # pi =
- { pi
- & pi_fun_defs.[fun_index] =
- { fun_def
- & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group
- }
- , pi_groups = [[FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : pi.pi_groups]
- , pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group
- }
+ # pi = { pi & pi_fun_defs.[fun_index] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group },
+ pi_groups = [[FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : pi.pi_groups] , pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group }
-> (max_fun_nr, (modules, pi))
-> abort ("generated function already has a group index: " +++ toString fun_def.fun_symb +++ " " +++ toString fun_index +++ "\n")
+ */
// do not allocate a group, it will be allocated during generic phase
-> (max_fun_nr, (modules, pi))
partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index (modules, pi)
@@ -1854,7 +1845,7 @@ where
# (new_info_ptr,symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty cos.cos_symbol_heap
# kase = Case { case_expr=e1, case_guards=BasicPatterns BT_Bool [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr=e2,bp_position=NoPos}],
case_default=Yes e3, case_ident=No, case_info_ptr=new_info_ptr, case_default_pos = NoPos,
- case_explicit = False }
+ case_explicit = True }
= (kase,{cos & cos_symbol_heap=symbol_heap});
two_args [_,_]