diff options
2 files changed, 207 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index d8bcc67..b9aa85b 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ where
#! gs = convertGenericTypeContexts gs
- = ([iso_range,instance_range], gs)
+ = ([/*iso_range,*/instance_range], gs)
// clear stuff that might have been left over
// from compilation of other icl modules
@@ -231,16 +231,11 @@ buildGenericRepresentations gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_modules, gs_funs, gs_groups}
= (range, fg_bimap_functions, {gs & gs_funs = gs_funs, gs_groups = gs_groups})
- case_def=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index={glob_module,glob_object}, type_ident},
- gc_ident, gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index, gc_pos}
- (funs_and_groups, gs=:{gs_modules, gs_td_infos, gs_funs})
- #! (type_def, gs_modules) = gs_modules![glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
- #! (td_info, gs_td_infos) = gs_td_infos![glob_module, glob_object]
- #! type_def_gi = {gi_module=glob_module,gi_index=glob_object}
- #! ({fun_body}, gs_funs) = gs_funs ! [fun_index]
- #! gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos, gs_funs = gs_funs}
- = case fun_body of
+ {gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_ident},gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index,gc_ident,gc_pos}
+ (funs_and_groups, gs)
+ # (type_def,gs) = gs!gs_modules.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ # (td_info, gs) = gs!gs_td_infos.[glob_module,glob_object]
+ = case gs.gs_funs.[fun_index].fun_body of
TransformedBody _
// does not need a generic representation
-> (funs_and_groups, gs)
@@ -258,13 +253,11 @@ where
Yes _
-> (funs_and_groups, gs) // generic representation is already built
- #! (gen_type_rep, funs_and_groups, gs)
+ # type_def_gi = {gi_module=glob_module,gi_index=glob_object}
+ # (gen_type_rep, funs_and_groups, gs)
= buildGenericTypeRep type_def_gi funs_and_groups gs
- #! td_info = {td_info & tdi_gen_rep = Yes gen_type_rep}
- # {gs_td_infos} = gs
- #! gs_td_infos = {gs_td_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = td_info}
- # gs = {gs & gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos}
+ # td_info = {td_info & tdi_gen_rep = Yes gen_type_rep}
+ # gs = {gs & gs_td_infos.[glob_module,glob_object] = td_info}
-> (funs_and_groups, gs)
build_generic_representation _ st = st
@@ -307,7 +300,7 @@ buildGenericTypeRep type_index funs_and_groups
, gs_genh = hp_generic_heap
, gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
- = ({gtr_type=atype,gtr_iso=iso_fun_ds}, funs_and_groups, gs)
+ = ({gtr_type=atype,gtr_iso=iso_fun_ds,gtr_to=to_fun_ds,gtr_from=from_fun_ds}, funs_and_groups, gs)
// the structure type
@@ -1168,49 +1161,44 @@ build_case_expr case_patterns heaps
// build kind indexed classes
buildClasses :: !*GenericState -> *GenericState
-buildClasses gs=:{gs_modules, gs_main_module}
- #! (common_defs=:{com_class_defs, com_member_defs}, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
+buildClasses gs=:{gs_main_module}
+ #! ({com_class_defs,com_member_defs},gs) = gs!gs_modules.[gs_main_module]
#! num_classes = size com_class_defs
#! num_members = size com_member_defs
- #! ((classes, members, new_num_classes, new_num_members), gs=:{gs_modules})
- = build_modules 0 ([], [], num_classes, num_members) {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
+ #! ((classes, members, new_num_classes, new_num_members), gs)
+ = build_modules 0 ([], [], num_classes, num_members) gs
// obtain common definitions again because com_gencase_defs are updated
- #! (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules![gs_main_module]
+ #! (common_defs,gs) = gs!gs_modules.[gs_main_module]
# common_defs = {common_defs & com_class_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_class_defs classes
, com_member_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_member_defs members}
- #! (common_defs, gs=:{gs_modules})
- = build_class_dictionaries common_defs {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
- #! gs_modules = {gs_modules & [gs_main_module] = common_defs}
- = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
+ #! (common_defs, gs)
+ = build_class_dictionaries common_defs gs
+ = {gs & gs_modules.[gs_main_module] = common_defs}
build_modules :: !Index (![ClassDef], ![MemberDef], !Int, !Int) !*GenericState
-> ((![ClassDef], ![MemberDef], !Int, !Int), !*GenericState)
- build_modules module_index st gs=:{gs_modules}
+ build_modules module_index st gs=:{gs_modules,gs_used_modules}
| module_index == size gs_modules
- = (st, {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules})
- #! (common_defs=:{com_gencase_defs}, gs_modules) = gs_modules![module_index]
- #! (com_gencase_defs, st, gs=:{gs_modules})
- = build_module module_index com_gencase_defs st {gs & gs_modules=gs_modules}
- #! gs_modules = {gs_modules & [module_index] = {common_defs & com_gencase_defs = com_gencase_defs}}
- = build_modules (inc module_index) st {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
- build_module module_index com_gencase_defs st gs=:{gs_used_modules}
- | inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules
- #! com_gencase_defs = {x\\x<-:com_gencase_defs}
- = build_module1 module_index 0 com_gencase_defs st gs
- = (com_gencase_defs, st, gs)
- build_module1 module_index index com_gencase_defs st gs
+ = (st, gs)
+ | not (inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules)
+ = build_modules (inc module_index) st gs
+ #! ({com_gencase_defs},gs_modules) = gs_modules![module_index]
+ #! (com_gencase_defs, st, gs)
+ = build_module module_index 0 {x\\x<-:com_gencase_defs} st {gs & gs_modules=gs_modules}
+ #! gs = {gs & gs_modules.[module_index].com_gencase_defs = com_gencase_defs}
+ = build_modules (inc module_index) st gs
+ build_module module_index index com_gencase_defs st gs
| index == size com_gencase_defs
= (com_gencase_defs, st, gs)
#! (gencase, com_gencase_defs) = com_gencase_defs ! [index]
#! (gencase, st, gs) = on_gencase module_index index gencase st gs
#! com_gencase_defs = {com_gencase_defs & [index] = gencase}
- = build_module1 module_index (inc index) com_gencase_defs st gs
+ = build_module module_index (inc index) com_gencase_defs st gs
on_gencase :: !Index !Index
!GenericCaseDef (![ClassDef], ![MemberDef], !Index, Index) !*GenericState
@@ -1233,7 +1221,7 @@ where
, KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]
: subkinds]
#! (st, gs) = foldSt (build_class_if_needed gen_def) kinds (st, gs)
- #! gencase = { gencase & gc_kind = kind }
+ #! gencase = {gencase & gc_kind = kind}
= (gencase, st, gs)
build_class_if_needed :: !GenericDef !TypeKind ((![ClassDef], ![MemberDef], !Index, Index), *GenericState)
@@ -1517,7 +1505,12 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
#! instance_info = (first_instance_index, [])
#! (gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error))
- = convert_modules 0 gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error)
+ = build_main_instances_in_modules 0 gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error)
+ #! first_shorthand_function_index = fun_info.fg_fun_index
+ #! (gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, (fun_info, instance_info, heaps, gs_error))
+ = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules 0 gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, heaps, gs_error)
#! {fg_fun_index, fg_funs=new_funs, fg_groups=new_groups} = fun_info
#! gs_funs = arrayPlusRevList gs_funs new_funs
@@ -1529,7 +1522,7 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
#! main_common_defs = {main_common_defs & com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs}
#! gs_modules = {gs_modules & [gs_main_module] = main_common_defs}
- #! instance_fun_range = {ir_from=first_fun_index, ir_to=fg_fun_index}
+ #! instance_fun_range = {ir_from=first_fun_index, ir_to=first_shorthand_function_index}
# {hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap, hp_generic_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}} = heaps
# gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules
@@ -1546,102 +1539,107 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
= (instance_fun_range, gs)
- convert_modules :: !Index
+ build_main_instances_in_modules :: !Index
!*{#CommonDefs} !*{#DclModule} (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (!*{#CommonDefs}, *{#DclModule},(FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- convert_modules module_index modules dcl_modules st
+ build_main_instances_in_modules module_index modules dcl_modules st
| module_index == size modules
= (modules, dcl_modules, st)
- #! (common_defs=:{com_gencase_defs}, modules) = modules ! [module_index]
- #! (dcl_module=:{dcl_functions}, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules ! [module_index]
- #! (dcl_functions, modules, st)
- = convert_module module_index com_gencase_defs {x\\x<-:dcl_functions} modules st
- #! dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [module_index] = {dcl_module & dcl_functions = dcl_functions}}
- = convert_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
- convert_module module_index com_gencase_defs dcl_functions modules st
- | inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules
- #! dcl_functions = {x\\x<-:dcl_functions}
- = foldArraySt (convert_gencase module_index)
- com_gencase_defs (dcl_functions, modules, st)
- = (dcl_functions, modules, st)
- convert_gencase :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
- (!*{#FunType},!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- -> (!*{#FunType},!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- convert_gencase module_index gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_type} st
- #! st = build_main_instance module_index gencase st
- = build_shorthand_instances module_index gencase st
+ | not (inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules)
+ = build_main_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ #! (com_gencase_defs,modules) = modules![module_index].com_gencase_defs
+ #! (dcl_functions,dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![module_index].dcl_functions
+ #! (dcl_functions, modules, st)
+ = build_main_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs {x\\x<-:dcl_functions} modules st
+ #! dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [module_index].dcl_functions = dcl_functions}
+ = build_main_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ where
+ build_main_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs dcl_functions modules st
+ = foldArraySt (build_main_instance module_index) com_gencase_defs (dcl_functions, modules, st)
+ build_main_instance :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
+ (!*{#FunType} ,!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ -> (!*{#FunType} ,!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
build_main_instance module_index
gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
(dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
- #! ({gen_classes}, modules, heaps)
- = get_generic_info gc_generic modules heaps
- # (Yes class_info)
- = lookupGenericClassInfo gc_kind gen_classes
+ #! (class_info, (modules, heaps)) = get_class_for_kind gc_generic gc_kind (modules, heaps)
#! ({class_members}, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
#! (member_def, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
- #! ins_type =
- { it_vars = case gc_type_cons of
- TypeConsVar tv -> [tv]
- _ -> []
- , it_types = [gc_type]
- , it_attr_vars = []
- , it_context = []
- }
+ # it_vars = case gc_type_cons of
+ TypeConsVar tv -> [tv]
+ _ -> []
+ #! ins_type = {it_vars = it_vars, it_types = [gc_type], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = []}
#! (fun_type, heaps, error)
= determine_type_of_member_instance member_def ins_type heaps error
+ # fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
#! (dcl_functions, heaps)
- = update_dcl_function fun_index gencase fun_type dcl_functions heaps
+ = update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident fun_type dcl_functions heaps
#! (fun_info, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- = update_icl_function_if_needed module_index fun_index gencase fun_type
- fun_info fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ = update_icl_function_if_needed module_index fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type
+ fun_info fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
- #! ins_info = build_exported_class_instance class_info.gci_class gencase module_index ins_type ins_info
+ #! ins_info = build_exported_class_instance class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind fun_ident fun_index module_index ins_type ins_info
= (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ build_shorthand_instances_in_modules :: !Index
+ !*{#CommonDefs} !*{#DclModule} (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!*{#CommonDefs}, *{#DclModule},(FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ build_shorthand_instances_in_modules module_index modules dcl_modules st
+ | module_index == size modules
+ = (modules, dcl_modules, st)
+ | not (inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules)
+ = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ #! (com_gencase_defs,modules) = modules![module_index].com_gencase_defs
+ #! (modules, st)
+ = build_shorthand_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs modules st
+ = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ where
+ build_shorthand_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs modules st
+ = foldArraySt (build_shorthand_instances module_index) com_gencase_defs (modules, st)
+ build_shorthand_instances :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
+ (!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ -> (!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
build_shorthand_instances module_index gencase=:{gc_kind=KindConst} st
= st
- build_shorthand_instances
- module_index
- gencase=:{gc_kind=KindArrow kinds, gc_type, gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_pos}
+ build_shorthand_instances module_index
+ gencase=:{gc_kind=KindArrow kinds,gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index,gc_type,gc_type_cons,gc_generic,gc_ident,gc_pos}
= foldSt build_shorthand_instance [1 .. length kinds] st
- where
+ where
build_shorthand_instance num_args
- (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ (modules, (fun_info, ins_info, heaps, error))
#! (consumed_kinds, rest_kinds) = splitAt num_args kinds
#! this_kind = case rest_kinds of
[] -> KindConst
_ -> KindArrow rest_kinds
- #! (class_info, (modules, heaps))
- = get_class_for_kind gc_generic this_kind (modules, heaps)
+ #! (class_info, (modules, heaps)) = get_class_for_kind gc_generic this_kind (modules, heaps)
#! (arg_class_infos, (modules, heaps))
= mapSt (get_class_for_kind gc_generic) consumed_kinds (modules, heaps)
- #! ({class_members}, modules)
- = modules ! [class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
- #! (member_def, modules)
- = modules ! [class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
+ #! ({class_members}, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
+ #! (member_def, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
#! (ins_type, heaps)
= build_instance_type gc_type arg_class_infos heaps
#! (fun_type, heaps, error)
= determine_type_of_member_instance member_def ins_type heaps error
+ # fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
#! (memfun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
- = build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gencase fun_type arg_class_infos fun_info heaps
+ = build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gencase fun_index fun_ident fun_type arg_class_infos fun_info heaps
#! ins_info
= build_class_instance this_kind class_info.gci_class gencase memfun_ds ins_type ins_info
- = (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ = (modules, (fun_info, ins_info, heaps, error))
build_instance_type type class_infos heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars},hp_var_heap}
#! arity = length class_infos
@@ -1692,7 +1690,7 @@ where
= (type_context, hp_var_heap)
- build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gencase=:{gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_pos} st class_infos fun_info heaps
+ build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind {gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_pos} fun_index fun_ident st class_infos fun_info heaps
# function_has_generic_info_arg = case this_kind of KindArrow [KindConst] -> True ; _ -> False
#! arg_var_names = ["x" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..st.st_arity-(if function_has_generic_info_arg 1 0)]]
#! (arg_var_exprs, arg_vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_var_names heaps
@@ -1704,7 +1702,7 @@ where
# (gen_exprs, heaps) = mapSt (build_generic_app gc_generic gc_ident) class_infos heaps
#! arg_exprs = gen_exprs ++ arg_var_exprs
# (arg_vars,heaps)
= case function_has_generic_info_arg of
@@ -1718,12 +1716,12 @@ where
= case gc_kind of
KindArrow [KindConst]
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] gs_predefs heaps
- -> buildGenericApp gc_generic.gi_module gc_generic.gi_index gc_ident gc_kind [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] heaps
+ -> buildFunApp2 module_index fun_index fun_ident [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] heaps
- -> buildGenericApp gc_generic.gi_module gc_generic.gi_index gc_ident gc_kind arg_exprs heaps
+ -> buildFunApp2 module_index fun_index fun_ident arg_exprs heaps
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
#! (fun_ds, fun_info)
= buildFunAndGroup fun_name arg_vars body_expr (Yes st) gs_main_module gc_pos fun_info
@@ -1749,13 +1747,10 @@ where
= (inc ins_index, [ins:instances])
- get_generic_info {gi_module, gi_index} modules heaps=:{hp_generic_heap}
+ get_class_for_kind :: !GlobalIndex !TypeKind !(!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps) -> (!GenericClassInfo,!(!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps))
+ get_class_for_kind {gi_module, gi_index} kind (modules,heaps=:{hp_generic_heap})
#! ({gen_info_ptr}, modules) = modules![gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gi_index]
- #! (gen_info, hp_generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr hp_generic_heap
- = (gen_info, modules, {heaps & hp_generic_heap = hp_generic_heap})
- get_class_for_kind generic_gi kind (modules, heaps)
- #! ({gen_classes}, modules, heaps) = get_generic_info generic_gi modules heaps
+ #! ({gen_classes}, hp_generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr hp_generic_heap
# (Yes class_info) = lookupGenericClassInfo kind gen_classes
= (class_info, (modules, heaps))
@@ -1770,33 +1765,29 @@ where
#! heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap}
= (symbol_type, heaps, error)
- update_dcl_function :: !Index !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType !*{#FunType} !*Heaps -> (!*{#FunType}, !*Heaps)
- update_dcl_function fun_index {gc_ident, gc_type_cons} symbol_type dcl_functions heaps
+ update_dcl_function :: !Index !Ident !SymbolType !*{#FunType} !*Heaps -> (!*{#FunType}, !*Heaps)
+ update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident symbol_type dcl_functions heaps
| fun_index < size dcl_functions
#! (symbol_type, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type symbol_type heaps
#! (fun, dcl_functions) = dcl_functions![fun_index]
- #! fun = { fun & ft_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ #! fun = {fun & ft_ident = fun_ident
, ft_type = symbol_type
, ft_arity = symbol_type.st_arity}
#! dcl_functions = {dcl_functions & [fun_index] = fun}
= (dcl_functions, heaps)
= (dcl_functions, heaps)
- update_icl_function_if_needed module_index fun_index gencase fun_type funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ update_icl_function_if_needed module_index fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
| module_index == gs_main_module // current module
- #! (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- = update_icl_function fun_index gencase fun_type funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
- = (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ = update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
= (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- update_icl_function ::
- !Index !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType
+ update_icl_function :: !Index !Ident !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType
!FunsAndGroups !*{#FunDef} !*TypeDefInfos !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!FunsAndGroups,!*{#FunDef},!*TypeDefInfos,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
- update_icl_function fun_index gencase=:{gc_ident,gc_type_cons,gc_kind,gc_pos} st funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase=:{gc_ident,gc_type_cons,gc_kind,gc_pos} st funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
#! (fun=:{fun_body, fun_arity}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
- #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
= case fun_body of
TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs} // user defined case
-> case gc_kind of
@@ -1827,8 +1818,7 @@ where
funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1,fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
-> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- build_exported_class_instance class_index {gc_ident,gc_pos,gc_type_cons,gc_kind,gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index} fun_module_index ins_type (ins_index, instances)
- # fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ build_exported_class_instance class_index gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind fun_ident fun_index fun_module_index ins_type (ins_index, instances)
# class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_kind
# class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_ident}
#! ins =
@@ -1856,7 +1846,7 @@ buildGenericCaseBody ::
!FunsAndGroups, !*TypeDefInfos,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index},gc_kind,gc_generic} st predefs
funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
- #! (gen_def, modules) = modules![gc_generic.gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gc_generic.gi_index]
+ #! (gen_def, modules) = modules![gc_generic.gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gc_generic.gi_index]
#! (td_info=:{tdi_gen_rep}, td_infos) = td_infos![type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
# (gen_type_rep=:{gtr_iso, gtr_type}) = case tdi_gen_rep of
Yes x -> x
@@ -1903,13 +1893,13 @@ where
// adaptor that converts a function for the generic representation into a
// function for the type itself
- build_adaptor_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso} original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
+ build_adaptor_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso,gtr_to,gtr_from} original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
#! (var_kinds, heaps) = get_var_kinds gen_info_ptr heaps
#! non_gen_var_kinds = drop (length gen_vars) var_kinds
#! non_gen_vars = gen_type.st_vars -- gen_vars
#! (gen_env, heaps)
- = build_gen_env gtr_iso gen_vars heaps
+ = build_gen_env gtr_iso gtr_to gtr_from gen_vars heaps
#! (non_gen_env, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= build_non_gen_env non_gen_vars non_gen_var_kinds funs_and_groups heaps
#! spec_env = gen_env ++ non_gen_env
@@ -1937,15 +1927,14 @@ where
curry_symbol_type {st_args, st_result}
= foldr (\x y -> makeAType (x --> y) TA_Multi) st_result st_args
- build_gen_env :: !DefinedSymbol ![TypeVar] !*Heaps -> (![(!TypeVar, !Expression)], !*Heaps)
- build_gen_env gtr_iso gen_vars heaps
+ build_gen_env :: !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol ![TypeVar] !*Heaps -> (![(!TypeVar, !TypeVarInfo)], !*Heaps)
+ build_gen_env gtr_iso gtr_to gtr_from gen_vars heaps
= mapSt build_iso_expr gen_vars heaps
build_iso_expr gen_var heaps
- #! (expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index gtr_iso [] heaps
- = ((gen_var, expr), heaps)
+ = ((gen_var, TVI_Iso gtr_iso gtr_to gtr_from), heaps)
- build_non_gen_env :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeKind] FunsAndGroups !*Heaps -> (![(!TypeVar, !Expression)], !FunsAndGroups, !*Heaps)
+ build_non_gen_env :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeKind] FunsAndGroups !*Heaps -> (![(!TypeVar, !TypeVarInfo)], !FunsAndGroups, !*Heaps)
build_non_gen_env non_gen_vars kinds funs_and_groups heaps
= zipWithSt2 build_bimap_expr non_gen_vars kinds funs_and_groups heaps
@@ -1953,23 +1942,23 @@ where
build_bimap_expr non_gen_var KindConst funs_and_groups heaps
# (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = ((non_gen_var, expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
build_bimap_expr non_gen_var kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) funs_and_groups heaps
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = build_generic_info_expr heaps
#! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp bimap_module bimap_index bimap_ident kind [generic_info_expr] heaps
- = ((non_gen_var, expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
build_bimap_expr non_gen_var kind funs_and_groups heaps
#! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp bimap_module bimap_index bimap_ident kind [] heaps
- = ((non_gen_var, expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
build_generic_info_expr heaps
= buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
// generic function specialzied to the generic representation of the type
build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
- #! spec_env = [(atv_variable, expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
+ #! spec_env = [(atv_variable, TVI_Expr expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
# generic_bimap = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
| gc_generic.gi_module==generic_bimap.pds_module && gc_generic.gi_index==generic_bimap.pds_def
@@ -2171,7 +2160,7 @@ where
specializeGeneric ::
!GlobalIndex // generic index
!GenTypeStruct // type to specialize to
- ![(TypeVar, Expression)] // specialization environment
+ ![(TypeVar, TypeVarInfo)] // specialization environment
!Ident // generic/generic case
!Position // of generic case
!Index // main_module index
@@ -2230,8 +2219,14 @@ where
= (EE, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (td_infos, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
- #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = (expr, (td_infos, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}, error))
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ -> (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
+ -> (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
build_generic_app kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
@@ -2250,7 +2245,7 @@ where
specialize_generic_bimap ::
!GlobalIndex // generic index
!GenTypeStruct // type to specialize to
- ![(TypeVar, Expression)] // specialization environment
+ ![(TypeVar, TypeVarInfo)] // specialization environment
!Ident // generic/generic case
!Position // of generic case
!Index // main_module index
@@ -2335,8 +2330,14 @@ where
= (EE, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
- #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}, error))
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
build_generic_app kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
@@ -2356,7 +2357,7 @@ is_bimap_id _ = False
specialize_generic_from_bimap ::
!GlobalIndex // generic index
!GenTypeStruct // type to specialize to
- ![(TypeVar, Expression)] // specialization environment
+ ![(TypeVar, TypeVarInfo)] // specialization environment
!Ident // generic/generic case
!Position // of generic case
@@ -2401,48 +2402,63 @@ where
specialize_from (GTSArrow x GTSAppConsBimapKindConst) st
= specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=xp}) (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=yp})) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
- # (TVI_Expr x_expr, th_vars) = readPtr xp th_vars
- (TVI_Expr y_expr, th_vars) = readPtr yp th_vars
+ # (x_expr, th_vars) = readPtr xp th_vars
+ (y_expr, th_vars) = readPtr yp th_vars
heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
| is_bimap_id_expression x_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
- # y = build_map_from_expr y_expr predefs
+ # (y,heaps) = build_map_from_tvi_expr y_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
| is_bimap_id_expression y_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
- # x = build_map_to_expr x_expr predefs
+ # (x,heaps) = build_map_to_tvi_expr x_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- # x = build_map_to_expr x_expr predefs
- y = build_map_from_expr y_expr predefs
+ # (x,heaps) = build_map_to_tvi_expr x_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
+ (y,heaps) = build_map_from_tvi_expr y_expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr}) y) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
- #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ #! (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
| is_bimap_id_expression expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
# st = (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
= specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
- # x = build_map_to_expr expr predefs
+ # (x,heaps) = build_map_to_tvi_expr expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(y, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize_from y (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_from (GTSArrow x (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr})) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
- #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ #! (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
# heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
| is_bimap_id_expression expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
# st = (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
= specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
- # y = build_map_from_expr expr predefs
+ # (y,heaps) = build_map_from_tvi_expr expr main_module_index predefs heaps
(x, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize_to x (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
(expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_from (GTSArrow x y) st
- = specialize_from_arrow x y st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize_to x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ # from_expr = build_map_from_expr expr predefs
+ -> (from_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index from_ds [] heaps
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_from type=:(GTSAppBimap (KindArrow [KindConst,KindConst]) [arg1,arg2]) st
# (arg1,st) = specialize arg1 st
(arg2,st) = specialize arg2 st
@@ -2456,14 +2472,6 @@ where
# adaptor_expr = build_map_from_expr bimap_expr predefs
= (adaptor_expr, st)
- specialize_from_arrow x y st
- #! (x, st) = specialize_to x st
- #! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
- # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
- (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
- = bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
#! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
# (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
@@ -2478,6 +2486,16 @@ where
= bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_to (GTSVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr}) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ # from_expr = build_map_to_expr expr predefs
+ -> (from_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index to_ds [] heaps
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_to type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
#! (bimap_expr, st)
= specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
@@ -2534,8 +2552,14 @@ where
= (EE, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
- #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}, error))
+ # (expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ = case expr of
+ TVI_Expr expr
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
+ -> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
build_generic_app kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
@@ -2544,13 +2568,15 @@ where
build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
= buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
-is_bimap_id_expression (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function fun_glob},app_args=[]}) main_module_index {fg_bimap_functions={bimap_id_function={fii_index}}}
+is_bimap_id_expression (TVI_Expr (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function fun_glob},app_args=[]})) main_module_index {fg_bimap_functions={bimap_id_function={fii_index}}}
= fii_index>=0 && fun_glob.glob_module==main_module_index && fun_glob.glob_object==fii_index
+is_bimap_id_expression _ main_module_index _
+ = False
set_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
#! th_vars = foldSt write_tv spec_env th_vars
- with write_tv ({tv_info_ptr}, expr) th_vars
- = writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Expr expr) th_vars
+ with write_tv ({tv_info_ptr}, tvi) th_vars
+ = writePtr tv_info_ptr tvi th_vars
= {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
clear_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
@@ -3102,7 +3128,6 @@ where
= No
reportError name pos msg error=:{ea_file}
- //= checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition name pos) msg error
# ea_file = ea_file <<< "Error " <<< (newPosition name pos) <<< ":" <<< msg <<< '\n'
= { error & ea_file = ea_file , ea_ok = False }
@@ -3946,9 +3971,19 @@ buildCaseExpr case_arg case_alts heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
= (expr, heaps)
+build_map_from_tvi_expr (TVI_Expr bimap_expr) main_module_index predefs heaps
+ = (buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_from 1 predefs, heaps)
+build_map_from_tvi_expr (TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds) main_module_index predefs heaps
+ = buildFunApp main_module_index from_ds [] heaps
build_map_from_expr bimap_expr predefs
= buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_from 1 predefs
+build_map_to_tvi_expr (TVI_Expr bimap_expr) main_module_index predefs heaps
+ = (buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_to 0 predefs, heaps)
+build_map_to_tvi_expr (TVI_Iso iso_ds to_ds from_ds) main_module_index predefs heaps
+ = buildFunApp main_module_index to_ds [] heaps
build_map_to_expr bimap_expr predefs
= buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_to 0 predefs
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 4efb005..39af652 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -553,7 +553,9 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
:: GenericTypeRep =
{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct // generic structure type
- , gtr_iso :: DefinedSymbol // the conversion isomorphism
+ , gtr_iso :: !DefinedSymbol // the conversion isomorphism
+ , gtr_to :: !DefinedSymbol
+ , gtr_from :: !DefinedSymbol
:: TypeDefInfos :== {# .{# TypeDefInfo}}
@@ -772,7 +774,6 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
/* Some auxiliary type definitions used during fusion. Actually, these definitions
should have been given in seperate module. Unfortunately, Clean's module system
forbids cyclic dependencies between def modules.
:: FunctionHeap :== Heap FunctionInfo
@@ -1020,6 +1021,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
| TVI_ConsInstance !DefinedSymbol //AA: generic cons instance function
| TVI_Normalized !Int /* MV - position of type variable in its definition */
| TVI_Expr !Expression /* AA: Expression corresponding to the type var during generic specialization */
+ | TVI_Iso !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol
| TVI_GenTypeVarNumber !Int
| TVI_CPSTypeVar !CheatCompiler /* MdM: a pointer to a variable in CleanProverSystem is stored here, using a cast */