path: root/sucl/loop.icl
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authorjohnvg2011-05-10 13:45:26 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-05-10 13:45:26 +0000
commit851602809c397be0fa3bde9ed89eca0a9ebdd927 (patch)
treec2dd6a8facb349d1c78de019bc2d19822998f0b7 /sucl/loop.icl
parentdelete portToNewSyntax (diff)
delete sucl, the same files can be found in the branch sucl
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1940 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/loop.icl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/loop.icl b/sucl/loop.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1090a88..0000000
--- a/sucl/loop.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-implementation module loop
-// $Id$
-import strat
-import trace
-import spine
-import history
-import rewr
-import rule
-import graph
-import pfun
-import basic
-from general import Yes,No,--->
-import StdEnv
-mstub = stub "loop"
-block func = mstub func "blocked for debugging"
-loop.lit - Looping to produce a trace
-This module describes the transformation of a tree of spines into a
-trace. This is where the actual transformations on graphs are applied
-like instantiation, reduction or strict annotation.
-The function that produces a trace is given an initial task expression.
-The function first determines a transformation (Reduce,Annotate,Instantiate) to
-apply, using the strategy.
-This may fail when the termination history indicates a required abstraction
-higher up. In that case, return at once with failure, and the current graph
-(with shared parts excluded) as the most specific generaliser.
-After application of the transformation, a trace is produced for the resulting
-However, the production of the subtraces may fail initially because of a
-necessary abstraction higher-up which wasn't there (introduced recursion).
-Therefore, producing a trace can return one of two results: either a successful
-trace, or failure, with an indication of which abstraction was actually
-The needed generalisation is computed by taking the most specific generaliser
-for each pattern in the termination history.
-In the general case, generation of the subtraces fails for both the history
-pattern of the current transformation, and some patterns higher up (which were
-also passed to the trace generation function. There are now two courses of
-[1] Apply abstraction instead of the current transformation. Use the returned
- most specific generaliser and the original graph to determine how to
- abstract. Then, generate subtraces. There should be no more abstractions
- necessary for the current node, because they should be handled in the
- graphs resulting from the abstraction.[*]
-[2] Immediately return the failure, assuming (rule of thumb) that when the
- upper generalisation was necessary, the lower one won't make it go away.
- This is probably an optimisation of the optimisation process, but it can be
- important, as some backtracking code (exponential!) may not have to be
- executed.
-[*] This may not be entirely true in the case of sharing. Because shared parts
- must be pruned, the termination pattern may get smaller in the abstraction
- operation.
-[?] Which would yield better results and/or perform better: [1] or [2] above?
-[?] Must the abstracted areas be associated with termination patterns that
- caused their introduction? Or somehow with the trace node where they were
- introduced? The termination patterns don't have to be the same over
- different branches of the trace! Do they play a role at all in selecting
- the abstracted part? Actually, they don't. We just need their roots so we
- can find the corresponding subgraphs and determine the MSG's.
-It would appear we can traverse the trace when everything is done and collected
-all the introduced functions from it.
-/* Disable the new abstraction node
- Unsafe subtraces are going to be pruned again.
-:: FallibleTrace sym var pvar
- = GoodTrace (Trace sym var pvar)
- | NeedAbstraction [Rgraph sym var]
-:: Strat sym var pvar
- :== (History sym var)
- (Rgraph sym var)
- -> Answer sym var pvar
- :: (Strat sym var pvar) // The strategy
- (History sym var) // Patterns to stop partial evaluation
- (Rgraph sym var) // Subject graph
- -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar // The result
-maketrace strategy history subject
- = ( case answer
- of No // Root normal form, abstract and continue with arguments
- -> handlernf
- Yes spine // Do something, even if it is to fail
- -> ( case subspine
- of Cycle // Cycle in spine. Generate x:_Strict x x with _Strict :: !a b -> b. Probably becomes a #!
- -> handlecycle
- Delta // Primitive function. Abstract its application and continue with remainder.
- -> handledelta
- Force n (spine) // Shouldn't happen
- -> abort "loop: maketrace: spinetip returned Force???"
- MissingCase // Missing case. Generate _MissingCase, possibly parametrised with user function?
- -> handlemissingcase
- Open pattern // Need instantiation. Generate two branches, extend history (for both) and continue.
- -> handleopen pattern
- Partial rule match rulenode spine
- -> abort "loop: maketrace: spinetop returned Partial???"
- Unsafe histpat // Require pattern from history.
- -> handleunsafe histpat // If we have a more general version with a name attached, use that.
- // Otherwise, fail with the corresponding subgraph
- Redex rule match // Found a redex. Unfold, extend history and continue.
- -> handleredex rule match
- Strict // Need to put a strictness annotation on an open node-id.
- -> handlestrict // Abstract _Strict <mumble> <mumble> and continue with rest.
- ) spine
- where (redexroot,subspine) = spinetip spine
- ) strategy history subject
- where answer = strategy history subject
-handlernf :: (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handlernf _ _ _ = undef
-handlecycle :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handlecycle _ _ _ _ = undef
-handledelta :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handledelta _ _ _ _ = undef
-handlemissingcase :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handlemissingcase _ _ _ _ = undef
-handleopen :: (Rgraph sym pvar) (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handleopen _ _ _ _ _ = undef
-handleunsafe :: (HistoryPattern sym var) (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handleunsafe _ _ _ _ _ = undef
-handleredex :: (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handleredex _ _ _ _ _ _ = undef
-handlestrict :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar
-handlestrict _ _ _ _ = undef
-/* The action itself takes various arguments, and returns a transformation
-:: Action sym var pvar
- :== (Actcont sym var pvar) // Continuation to do subsequent symbolic reduction
- (History sym var) // Termination patterns
- (Failinfo sym var pvar) // Failed matches
- Bool // Instantiation attempted
- [Bool] // Strict arguments of function to generate
- var // Root of subject graph
- (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
- [var] // Heap of unused nodes
- -> Transformation sym var pvar
-/* Action continuation
- An action continuation takes the result of a single partial evaluation action,
- and ultimately collects all suchs actions into a trace.
-:: Actcont sym var pvar
- :== (History sym var) // Termination patterns
- (Failinfo sym var pvar) // Failed matches
- Bool // Instantiation attempted
- [Bool] // Strict arguments of function to generate
- var // Root of subject graph
- (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
- [var] // Heap of unused nodes
- -> Trace sym var pvar
-/* Failinfo is a function type
- A function of this type assigns a list of rooted graphs to a varable.
- This list of rooted graphs are precisely those patterns that symfailedsym to
- match at the given variable in the subject graph.
-:: Failinfo sym var pvar
- :== var
- -> [Rgraph sym pvar]
- :: (((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> ub:Bool) -> Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar))
- ([Rgraph sym pvar] (Rgraph sym pvar) -> ub:Bool)
- !(.[var],.Rule sym var)
- -> Trace sym var pvar
- | == sym
- & == var
- & == pvar
- & toString sym // Debugging
- & toString var // Debugging
- & <<< var // Debugging
-// loop _ _ _ = block "loop"
-loop strategy matchable (initheap,rule)
-= result
- where result = maketrace inithistory initfailinfo initinstdone initstricts initsroot initsubject initheap
- maketrace history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
- = (Trace stricts currentrule answer history transf ---> ("loop.loop.maketrace rule "+++ruleToString toString currentrule)) ---> ("loop.loop.maketrace history "+++historyToString history)
- where answer = makernfstrategy history (strategy matchable`) rnfnodes sroot subject
- transf = (transform--->"loop.transform begins from loop.loop") sroot sargs answer maketrace history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
- rnfnodes = removeDup (listselect stricts sargs++fst (graphvars subject sargs))
- matchable` pgraph pnode snode
- = matchable (failinfo snode) (mkrgraph pnode pgraph)
- currentrule = mkrule sargs sroot subject
- inithistory = []
- initfailinfo = const []
- initinstdone = False
- initstricts = map (const False) sargs
- sargs = arguments rule; initsroot = ruleroot rule; initsubject = rulegraph rule
-listselect :: [.Bool] [.elem] -> [.elem]
-listselect [True:bs] [x:xs] = [x:listselect bs xs]
-listselect [False:bs] [x:xs] = listselect bs xs
-listselect _ _ = []
- :: ![var]
- (sym->[pvar])
- sym
- -> ([var],Rule sym var)
-initrule [root:heap] template sym
-= (heap`,mkrule args root (updategraph root (sym,args) emptygraph))
- where (args,heap`) = (claim--->"basic.claim begins from loop.initrule") (template sym) heap
-initrule _ _ _
-= abort "initrule: out of heap space"
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- :: var // Top of spine (starting point for strategy)
- [var] // Arguments of function to generate
- !(Answer sym var pvar) // Result of strategy
- -> Action sym var pvar
- | == sym
- & == var
- & == pvar
-transform anode sargs (Yes spine)
-= (selectfromtip--->"loop.transform.selectfromtip begins from loop.transform") (spinetip spine) <--- "loop.transform ends for some spine"
- where selectfromtip (nid,Open rgraph) = (tryinstantiate--->"loop.tryinstantiate begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") nid rgraph anode sargs <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Open spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Redex rule matching) = (tryunfold--->"loop.tryunfold begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") nid rule matching spine <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Redex spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Strict) = (tryannotate--->"loop.tryannotate begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") nid sargs <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Strict spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Cycle) = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Cycle spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Delta) = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Delta spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Force _ _) = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Force spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,MissingCase) = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for MissingCase spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Partial _ _ _ _) = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Partial spine"
- selectfromtip (nid,Unsafe _) = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for Unsafe spine"
- //selectfromtip spine = (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform.selectfromtip") <--- "loop.transform.selectfromtip ends for other spine"
-transform anode sargs No
-= (dostop--->"loop.dostop begins from loop.transform") <--- "loop.transform ends for no spine"
- :: var // The open node
- (Rgraph sym pvar) // The pattern to instantiate with
- var // The root of the spine
- [var] // Arguments of the function to generate
- -> Action sym var pvar
- | == var
- & == pvar
-tryinstantiate onode rpattern anode sargs
-= act <--- "loop.tryinstantiate ends"
- where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
- | anode==sroot // Check if strategy applied at root
- && goodorder strictargs sargs subject subject` // Check if order of arguments of rule ok
- = Instantiate ipattern success fail
- = Stop
- where success = continue history failinfo True stricts` sroot subject` heap`
- fail = continue history failinfo` True stricts` sroot subject heap
- failinfo` = adjust onode [rpattern:failinfo onode] failinfo
- ipattern = mkrgraph onode subject`
- (heap`,subject`) = rewrinstantiate pgraph proot onode (heap,subject)
- proot = rgraphroot rpattern; pgraph = rgraphgraph rpattern
- stricts` = if instdone stricts (map2 ((||) o (==) onode) sargs stricts)
- // Quickly annotate the open node as strict if this is the first instantiation
- strictargs = [sarg\\(True,sarg)<-zip2 stricts` sargs]
- :: [var]
- [var]
- (Graph sym var)
- (Graph sym var)
- -> Bool
- | == var
-goodorder stricts sargs subject subject`
-= startswith match match`
- where match = fst (graphvars subject sargs)--stricts
- match` = fst (graphvars subject` sargs)--stricts
-// See if second argument list has the first one as its initial part
- :: .[elem] // list S
- .[elem] // list L
- -> .Bool // whether L starts with S
- | == elem
-startswith [] _ = True
-startswith [x:xs] [y:ys]
-| x==y
-= startswith xs ys
-startswith _ _ = False
-tryunfold ::
- var // The root of the redex
- (Rule sym pvar) // The rule to unfold
- (Pfun pvar var) // The matching from rule's pattern to subject
- (Spine sym var pvar) // The spine returned by the strategy
- -> Action sym var pvar
- | == sym
- & == var
- & == pvar
-tryunfold redexroot rule matching spine
-= act <--- "loop.tryunfold ends"
- where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
- = Reduce reductroot trace
- where (heap`,sroot`,subject`,matching`)
- = xunfold redexroot rule (heap,sroot,subject,matching)
- noredir = abort "transtree: no mapping foor root of replacement"
- reductroot = total noredir matching` (ruleroot rule)
- history` = extendhistory subject redirect spine history
- redirect = adjust redexroot reductroot id
- trace = continue history` failinfo instdone stricts sroot` subject` heap`
- :: var // The node to be made strict
- [var] // Arguments of the function to generate
- -> Action sym var pvar
- | == var
-tryannotate strictnode sargs
-= act <--- "loop.tryannotate ends"
- where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
- | not instdone && isMember strictnode sargs
- = Annotate trace
- = Stop
- where stricts` = map2 ((||) o (==) strictnode) sargs stricts
- trace = continue history failinfo instdone stricts` sroot subject heap
- :: Action sym var pvar
-= ds <--- "loop.dostop ends"
- where ds continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap = Stop