path: root/main
diff options
authorjohnvg2001-06-25 08:54:42 +0000
committerjohnvg2001-06-25 08:54:42 +0000
commita4fd4e7930bdb8923c00f2dcba4b071806605bcf (patch)
tree2615354d183f67d9faa72d46a9fe5f5a689f9775 /main
parentnew version number (2.0.d.8) (diff)
add code for dcl module caching using the IDE
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@501 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'main')
-rw-r--r--main/Windows/Clean System Files/thread_message.objbin0 -> 3665 bytes
4 files changed, 170 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/main/Windows/Clean System Files/thread_message.obj b/main/Windows/Clean System Files/thread_message.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e99da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/Clean System Files/thread_message.obj
Binary files differ
diff --git a/main/Windows/thread_message.dcl b/main/Windows/thread_message.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04bc56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/thread_message.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+definition module thread_message;
+from StdString import String;
+get_message_number :: Int;
+// int get_message_number ();
+get_current_thread_id :: Int;
+// int get_current_thread_id ();
+start_compiler_process :: !String !String !String -> (!Int,!Int,!Int,!Int);
+// int start_compiler_process (CleanString compiler_path,CleanString compiler_directory,CleanString command,int* compiler_thread_id_p,int* compiler_thread_handle_p,int* process_handle_p);
+send_string_to_thread :: !Int !Int !Int !String -> Int;
+// int send_string_to_thread (int thread_id,int thread_handle,int wm_number,CleanString s);
+send_integers_to_thread :: !Int !Int !Int !Int -> Int;
+// int send_integers_to_thread (int thread_id,int wm_number,int i1,int i2);
+get_integers_from_message :: !Int -> (!Int,!Int,!Int);
+// int get_integers_from_message (int wm_number,int* i1_p,int* i2_p);
+get_integers_from_thread_message :: !Int !Int -> (!Int,!Int,!Int);
+// int get_integers_from_thread_message (int wm_number,int thread_handle,int* i1_p,int* i2_p);
+get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map :: !Int !String -> Int;
+// int get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map (int file_map,CleanString s);
diff --git a/main/Windows/thread_message.icl b/main/Windows/thread_message.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200f172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/Windows/thread_message.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+implementation module thread_message;
+from StdString import String;
+get_message_number :: Int;
+get_message_number = code {
+ ccall get_message_number ":I"
+// int get_message_number ();
+get_current_thread_id :: Int;
+get_current_thread_id = code {
+ ccall get_current_thread_id ":I"
+// int get_current_thread_id ();
+start_compiler_process :: !String !String !String -> (!Int,!Int,!Int,!Int);
+start_compiler_process a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall start_compiler_process "SSS:IIII"
+// int start_compiler_process (CleanString compiler_path,CleanString compiler_directory,CleanString command,int* compiler_thread_id_p,int* compiler_thread_handle_p,int* process_handle_p);
+send_string_to_thread :: !Int !Int !Int !String -> Int;
+send_string_to_thread a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall send_string_to_thread "IIIS:I"
+// int send_string_to_thread (int thread_id,int thread_handle,int wm_number,CleanString s);
+send_integers_to_thread :: !Int !Int !Int !Int -> Int;
+send_integers_to_thread a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall send_integers_to_thread "IIII:I"
+// int send_integers_to_thread (int thread_id,int wm_number,int i1,int i2);
+get_integers_from_message :: !Int -> (!Int,!Int,!Int);
+get_integers_from_message a0 = code {
+ ccall get_integers_from_message "I:III"
+// int get_integers_from_message (int wm_number,int* i1_p,int* i2_p);
+get_integers_from_thread_message :: !Int !Int -> (!Int,!Int,!Int);
+get_integers_from_thread_message a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall get_integers_from_thread_message "II:III"
+// int get_integers_from_thread_message (int wm_number,int thread_handle,int* i1_p,int* i2_p);
+get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map :: !Int !String -> Int;
+get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map "IS:I"
+// int get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map (int file_map,CleanString s);
diff --git a/main/coclmain.icl b/main/coclmain.icl
index 18cee66..79dddbd 100644
--- a/main/coclmain.icl
+++ b/main/coclmain.icl
@@ -54,10 +54,106 @@ coclMainWithVersionCheck currentVersion latestDefVersion latestImpVersion testA
| not (fst (checkVersion (versionCompare expectedVersion observedVersion) stderr))
= set_return_code (-1) world
# (success, world)
- = accFiles (\files0 -> let (r,cache,files)=compile commandArgs empty_cache files0 in (r,files)) world
+ = accFiles (compiler commandArgs) world
= set_return_code (if success 0(-1)) world
= if (length realArgs == 0) testArgs realArgs
= tl [arg \\ arg <-: getCommandLine]
+import thread_message;
+import code from "thread_message.obj";
+compiler :: ![{#Char}] *Files -> *(!Bool,!*Files);
+compiler commandArgs files
+ | length commandArgs==2 && commandArgs!!0=="-ide"
+ # wm_number=get_message_number;
+ # thread_id=hex_to_int (commandArgs!!1);
+ = (True,compile_files empty_cache thread_id wm_number files)
+ # (r,cache,files)=compile commandArgs empty_cache files
+ = (r,files)
+hex_to_int :: {#Char} -> Int
+hex_to_int s
+ = hex_to_int 0 0;
+ where
+ l=size s;
+ hex_to_int i n
+ | i==l
+ = n;
+ # c=s.[i];
+ # i=i+1;
+ # n=n<<4;
+ | c<='9'
+ = hex_to_int i (n bitor (toInt c-toInt '0'));
+ = hex_to_int i (n bitor (toInt c-(toInt 'A'-10)));
+string_to_args string
+ = string_to_args 0;
+ where
+ l=size string;
+ string_to_args i
+ # end_spaces_i=skip_spaces i;
+ | end_spaces_i==l
+ = []
+ | string.[end_spaces_i]=='"'
+ # next_double_quote_i=skip_to_double_quote (end_spaces_i+1)
+ | next_double_quote_i>=l
+ = [string % (end_spaces_i,l-1)]
+ # arg=string % (end_spaces_i+1,next_double_quote_i-1);
+ = [arg : string_to_args (next_double_quote_i+1)];
+ # space_i=skip_to_space (end_spaces_i+1)
+ | space_i>=l
+ = [string % (end_spaces_i,l-1)]
+ # arg=string % (end_spaces_i,space_i-1);
+ = [arg : string_to_args (space_i+1)];
+ skip_spaces i
+ | i>=l
+ = l;
+ # c=string.[i];
+ | c==' ' || c=='\t'
+ = skip_spaces (i+1);
+ = i;
+ skip_to_space i
+ | i>=l
+ = l;
+ # c=string.[i];
+ | c==' ' || c=='\t'
+ = i;
+ = skip_to_space (i+1);
+ skip_to_double_quote i
+ | i>=l
+ = l;
+ # c=string.[i];
+ | c=='"'
+ = i;
+ = skip_to_double_quote (i+1);
+compile_files cache thread_id wm_number files
+ # (r,a,s) =get_integers_from_message wm_number;
+ | r==0
+ = abort "compile_files 1";
+ # string=createArray a '\0';
+ # r=get_string_from_file_map_and_delete_map s string;
+ | r==0
+ = abort ("compile_files 2 ");
+ # args=string_to_args (string % (0,size string-2))
+ = case args of
+ ["cocl":cocl_args]
+ # (ok,cache,files)=compile cocl_args cache files
+ # result=if ok 0(-1);
+ # r=send_integers_to_thread thread_id wm_number 0 result;
+ | r==0
+ -> abort "compile_files 3";
+ -> compile_files cache thread_id wm_number files
+ ["exit"]
+ -> files;
+ _
+ -> abort "compile_files 4"