path: root/main/filesystem.icl
diff options
authorronny2001-10-01 16:20:16 +0000
committerronny2001-10-01 16:20:16 +0000
commite275a4a0a504b5c766892a9882cdd78b8e5d0b43 (patch)
tree702527abeb9a8f78512ee16ea61f31eef43dad7d /main/filesystem.icl
parentAdd producer class for fusion (diff)
moved system independent code to new module "filesystem"
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@807 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'main/filesystem.icl')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/filesystem.icl b/main/filesystem.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26040b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/filesystem.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ module owner: Ronny Wichers Schreur
+ This module contains some file functions that are not in StdEnv
+ It uses the object file from Directory 1.1, but with a different
+ (stripped down) interface.
+implementation module filesystem
+import StdEnv
+// the import code is in CoclSystemDependent, because it is system dependent
+// BEGIN copied from Directory.icl
+createDirectoryC :: !String !*env -> (!Int, !*env)
+createDirectoryC _ _
+ = code
+ {
+ ccall createDirectoryC "S:I:A"
+ }
+findSingleFileC :: !String !*env -> (!ErrCode, !*env)
+findSingleFileC _ _
+ = code
+ {
+ ccall findSingleFileC "S:I:A"
+ }
+:: ErrCode :== Int // <>0 <=> error
+:: DateTimeTuple :== (!DateTuple, !TimeTuple)
+:: DateTuple :== (!Int, !Int, !Int, !Int)
+:: TimeTuple :== (!Int, !Int, !Int)
+getCommonFileInfoC :: !Bool !*env
+ -> (!(!String, !(!Int, !Int), !DateTimeTuple, !Bool, !Bool), !*env)
+getCommonFileInfoC _ _
+ = code
+ {
+ ccall getCommonFileInfoC "I:VSIIIIIIIIIII:A"
+ }
+// createDirectoryC returns the following error codes:
+M_NoDirError :== 0
+M_OtherDirError :== -1
+M_DoesntExist :== -2
+M_BadName :== -3
+M_NotEnoughSpace :== -4
+M_AlreadyExists :== -5
+M_NoPermission :== -6
+// END copied from Directory.icl
+// return last modified time (local time) as "yyyymmddhhmmss" or "" on error
+fmodificationtime :: {#Char} !*env -> (!{#Char}, !*env) | FileSystem env
+fmodificationtime path env
+ # (result, env)
+ = findSingleFileC (path+++"\0") env
+ | result <> 0
+ = ("", env)
+ # ((_, _, lastModifiedTuple, _, _), env)
+ = getCommonFileInfoC False env
+ = (dateTimeTupleToString lastModifiedTuple, env)
+dateTimeTupleToString :: DateTimeTuple -> {#Char}
+dateTimeTupleToString ((year, month, day, _), (hours, minutes, seconds))
+ = string 4 year +++ string 2 month +++ string 2 day
+ +++ string 2 hours +++ string 2 minutes +++ string 2 seconds
+ where
+ string :: !Int !Int -> {#Char}
+ string minSize n
+ = pad (minSize - size s) +++ s
+ where
+ s
+ = toString n
+ pad :: Int -> {#Char}
+ pad n
+ | n > 0
+ = createArray n '0'
+ // otherwise
+ = ""
+ensureDirectoryExists :: !{#Char} !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) | FileSystem env
+// returned bool: now there is such a subfolder
+ensureDirectoryExists path env
+ # path_c_string = path +++ "\0"
+ (err_code, env) = createDirectoryC path_c_string env
+ = (err_code==M_NoDirError || err_code==M_AlreadyExists, env)