path: root/frontend
diff options
authordiederik2002-12-02 16:24:34 +0000
committerdiederik2002-12-02 16:24:34 +0000
commit96f0aa3223b5e061a649bfdcfb4a0ce89ef7408b (patch)
treeaa88c3eeb54046abd8d9bc21281f4facdfadc96e /frontend
parentimprove speed when not fusing (diff)
add strictness annotations
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1297 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
3 files changed, 86 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/classify.icl b/frontend/classify.icl
index 110187e..5f25e53 100644
--- a/frontend/classify.icl
+++ b/frontend/classify.icl
@@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
_ -> False
// use_context_default = not (case_explicit || has_default)
+ combine_counts :: !Int !*{#Int} !{#Int} -> *{#Int}
combine_counts 0 accu env
= accu
combine_counts i accu env
@@ -446,10 +447,12 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
accu = { accu & [i1] = unify_counts rca rce }
= combine_counts i1 accu env
+ unify_counts :: !Int !Int -> Int
unify_counts 0 x = x
unify_counts 1 x = if (x==2) 2 (inc x)
unify_counts 2 x = 2
+ inspect_patterns :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.Bool !.CasePatterns ![.Bool] -> (!.Bool,!Bool)
inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (AlgebraicPatterns {glob_object, glob_module} algebraic_patterns) unsafe_bits
# type_def = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
defined_symbols = case type_def.td_rhs of
@@ -535,6 +538,7 @@ instance consumerRequirements Case where
= True
= multimatch_loop has_default (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_,_)->ds_index==cip) constructors_in_pattern)
+combine_pattern_counts :: !.Bool !.CasePatterns ![.Bool] ![{#.Int}] !{#Int} -> *{#Int}
combine_pattern_counts has_default patterns unsafe_bits guard_counts default_counts
| not ok_pattern_type
= createArray (size default_counts) 2
@@ -575,6 +579,7 @@ where
count_size = size default_counts
zero_array = createArray count_size 0
+ sort3 :: !.[Int] !.[a] !.[b] -> .[(!Int,!Int,!a,!b)]
sort3 constr_indices unsafe_bits counts
= sortBy smaller (zip4 constr_indices [0..] unsafe_bits counts)
@@ -587,7 +592,7 @@ where
zip4 _ _ _ _
= []
- count_loop :: RefCounts RefCounts [(Int,Int,Bool,RefCounts)] -> *RefCounts
+ count_loop :: !RefCounts !RefCounts ![(!Int,!Int,!Bool,!RefCounts)] -> *RefCounts
count_loop default_counts unified_counts []
= {e \\ e <-: unified_counts}
count_loop default_counts unified_counts [(c_index,p_index,unsafe,counts):patterns]
@@ -597,7 +602,7 @@ where
_ -> counts
= count_loop default_counts (unify_counts ccount unified_counts) next
- splitWhile :: (a -> .Bool) !u:[a] -> (.[a],v:[a]), [u <= v];
+ splitWhile :: !(a -> .Bool) !u:[a] -> (!.[a],!v:[a]), [u <= v];
splitWhile f []
= ([],[])
splitWhile f cons=:[a:x]
@@ -606,7 +611,7 @@ where
= ([a:t],d)
= ([],cons)
- count_constructor :: RefCounts RefCounts [(Int,Int,Bool,RefCounts)] -> RefCounts
+ count_constructor :: !RefCounts !RefCounts ![(!Int,!Int,!Bool,!RefCounts)] -> RefCounts
count_constructor default_counts combined_counts []
= combine_counts combined_counts default_counts
count_constructor default_counts combined_counts [(_,_,unsafe,counts):patterns]
@@ -614,7 +619,7 @@ where
= count_constructor default_counts (combine_counts combined_counts counts) patterns
= combine_counts combined_counts counts
- combine_counts :: RefCounts RefCounts -> RefCounts
+ combine_counts :: !RefCounts !RefCounts -> RefCounts
combine_counts c1 c2
= {unify_counts e1 e2 \\ e1 <-: c1 & e2 <-: c2}
@@ -627,10 +632,12 @@ where
accu = { accu & [i1] = unify_counts rca rce }
= combine i1 accu env
+ unify_counts :: !Int !Int -> Int
unify_counts 0 x = x
unify_counts 1 x = if (x==2) 2 (inc x)
unify_counts 2 x = 2
+ unify_counts :: !RefCounts !RefCounts -> *RefCounts
unify_counts c1 c2
= {unify_counts e1 e2 \\ e1 <-: c1 & e2 <-: c2}
@@ -644,11 +651,13 @@ where
accu = { accu & [i1] = unify_counts rce rca }
= unify i1 accu env
+ unify_counts :: !Int !Int -> Int
unify_counts 0 x = x
unify_counts 1 x = if (x==0) 1 x
unify_counts 2 x = 2
//consumer_requirements_of_guards :: !CasePatterns ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> (!Int,.[Bool],!*AnalyseInfo)
+consumer_requirements_of_guards :: !.CasePatterns !.ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> *(!Int,!.[Bool],![{#Int}],!*AnalyseInfo)
consumer_requirements_of_guards (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) common_defs ai
# pattern_exprs
= [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
@@ -686,7 +695,7 @@ bindPatternVars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] next_var next_var_of_fun var
bindPatternVars [] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
= (next_var, next_var_of_fun, var_heap)
-independentConsumerRequirements :: !.[Expression] ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsClass,.[Bool],[RefCounts],!*AnalyseInfo)
+independentConsumerRequirements :: !.[Expression] !ConsumerAnalysisRO !*AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsClass,!.[Bool],![RefCounts],!*AnalyseInfo)
independentConsumerRequirements exprs info ai
# ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
# (count_size,ref_counts) = usize ref_counts
@@ -695,6 +704,7 @@ independentConsumerRequirements exprs info ai
# (counts,unsafe) = unzip counts_unsafe
= (cc,unsafe,counts,{ ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = ref_counts})
+ cons_reqs :: !Expression !*(!.Int,!*AnalyseInfo) -> *(!.(!{#Int},!Bool),!*(!Int,!*AnalyseInfo))
cons_reqs expr (cc,ai)
# (cce, unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements expr info ai
# cc = combineClasses cce cc
@@ -1214,17 +1224,19 @@ reanalyseFunction fun fun_info_ptr common_defs imported_funs main_dcl_module_n s
= (fun_cons_class,fun_defs,ai.ai_var_heap,ai.ai_fun_heap,ai_cons_class)
+fresh_variables :: ![.FreeVar] !Int !Int !*(Heap VarInfo) -> *(!.[Int],!Int,!*(Heap VarInfo))
fresh_variables [{fv_info_ptr} : vars] arg_position next_var_number var_heap
+ # var_heap
+ = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var_number arg_position) var_heap
# (fresh_vars, last_var_number, var_heap)
= fresh_variables vars (inc arg_position) (inc next_var_number) var_heap
- var_heap
- = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var_number arg_position) var_heap
= ([next_var_number : fresh_vars], last_var_number, var_heap)
fresh_variables [] _ next_var_number var_heap
= ([], next_var_number, var_heap)
// count_locals determines number of local variables...
+count_locals :: !Expression !Int -> Int
count_locals (Var _) n
= n
count_locals (App {app_args}) n
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 4f7add3..c40df06 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1489,16 +1489,19 @@ where
# strict1=Strict 1
= { {ats_types=[el],ats_strictness=if (arg_is_strict i args_strictness) strict1 NotStrict} \\ i<-[0..] & el <- st_args }
+ is_dictionary :: !.AType !{#{#.TypeDefInfo}} -> Bool
is_dictionary {at_type=TA {type_index} _} es_td_infos
#! td_infos_of_module=es_td_infos.[type_index.glob_module]
= type_index.glob_object>=size td_infos_of_module || td_infos_of_module.[type_index.glob_object].tdi_group_nr==(-1)
is_dictionary _ es_td_infos
= False
+ set_cons_var_bit :: !.TypeVar !*(!*{#.Int},!u:(Heap TypeVarInfo)) -> (!.{#Int},!v:(Heap TypeVarInfo)), [u <= v]
set_cons_var_bit {tv_info_ptr} (cons_vars, th_vars)
# (TVI_Type (TempV i), th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= (set_bit i cons_vars, th_vars)
+ copy_opt_symbol_type :: !(Optional .SymbolType) !*TypeHeaps -> (!(Optional .SymbolType),!.TypeHeaps)
copy_opt_symbol_type No ti_type_heaps
= (No, ti_type_heaps)
copy_opt_symbol_type (Yes symbol_type=:{st_vars, st_attr_vars, st_args, st_result, st_attr_env})
@@ -1514,12 +1517,14 @@ where
= (Yes { symbol_type & st_vars = fresh_st_vars, st_attr_vars = fresh_st_attr_vars, st_args = fresh_st_args,
st_result = fresh_st_result, st_attr_env = fresh_st_attr_env}, ti_type_heaps)
+ add_propagation_attributes :: !{#.CommonDefs} !(Optional .SymbolType) !*(!*TypeHeaps,!*{#*{#.TypeDefInfo}}) -> (!(Optional .SymbolType),!(!.TypeHeaps,!{#.{#TypeDefInfo}}))
add_propagation_attributes common_defs No state
= (No, state)
add_propagation_attributes common_defs (Yes st) state
# (st, state) = add_propagation_attributes` common_defs st state
= (Yes st, state)
+ add_propagation_attributes` :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.SymbolType !*(!*TypeHeaps,!*{#*{#.TypeDefInfo}}) -> (!.SymbolType,!(!.TypeHeaps,!{#.{#TypeDefInfo}}))
add_propagation_attributes` common_defs st=:{st_args, st_result, st_attr_env, st_attr_vars}
(type_heaps, type_def_infos)
# ps =
@@ -1541,6 +1546,7 @@ where
state = (ps.prop_type_heaps, ps.prop_td_infos)
= (sound_symbol_type, state)
+ add_propagation_attributes_to_atype :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.AType !*PropState -> (!AType,!.PropState)
add_propagation_attributes_to_atype modules type ps
| is_dictionary type ps.prop_td_infos
= (type, ps)
@@ -1551,6 +1557,7 @@ where
// add_propagation_attributes_to_atypes modules types ps
// = mapSt (add_propagation_attributes_to_atype modules) types ps
+ accum_class_type :: !{!.Producer} !.ReadOnlyTI !.Int !(!u:[v:AType],!.b,!.c) -> (!w:[x:AType],!.b,!.c), [u <= w,v <= x]
accum_class_type prods ro i (type_accu, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap)
= case prods.[i] of
PR_Class _ _ class_type
@@ -1558,6 +1565,7 @@ where
-> (type_accu, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap)
+ accum_function_producer_type :: !{!.Producer} !.ReadOnlyTI !.Int !*(!u:[v:(Optional .SymbolType)],!*{#.FunDef},!*(Heap FunctionInfo)) -> (!w:[x:(Optional SymbolType)],!.{#FunDef},!.(Heap FunctionInfo)), [u <= w,v <= x]
accum_function_producer_type prods ro i (type_accu, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap)
= case prods.[size prods-i-1] of
@@ -1572,11 +1580,13 @@ where
= get_producer_type symbol ro ti_fun_defs ti_fun_heap
-> ([Yes symbol_type:type_accu], ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap)
+ collectPropagatingConsVars :: ![AType] !*(Heap TypeVarInfo) -> (!.[TypeVar],!.(Heap TypeVarInfo))
collectPropagatingConsVars type th_vars
# th_vars
= performOnTypeVars initializeToTVI_Empty type th_vars
= performOnTypeVars collect_unencountered_cons_var type ([], th_vars)
+ collect_unencountered_cons_var :: !.TypeAttribute !u:TypeVar !*(!v:[w:TypeVar],!*(Heap TypeVarInfo)) -> (!x:[y:TypeVar],!.(Heap TypeVarInfo)), [v <= x,w u <= y]
collect_unencountered_cons_var TA_MultiOfPropagatingConsVar tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (cons_var_accu, th_vars)
# (tvi, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= case tvi of
@@ -1587,6 +1597,7 @@ where
collect_unencountered_cons_var _ _ state
= state
+ replace_integers_in_substitution :: (!{!.TypeVar},!{!.TypeAttribute},!{#.Int}) !.Int !*(!*{!Type},!*{#.Bool}) -> (!.{!Type},!.{#Bool})
replace_integers_in_substitution replace_input i (subst, used)
# (subst_i, subst)
= subst![i]
@@ -1604,6 +1615,7 @@ where
-> (subst, coercions, ti_type_def_infos, ti_type_heaps)
+ expand_type :: !{#.CommonDefs} !{#.Int} !.AType !*(!*Coercions,!u:{!.Type},!*TypeHeaps,!*{#*{#.TypeDefInfo}}) -> (!AType,!(!.Coercions,!v:{!Type},!.TypeHeaps,!{#.{#TypeDefInfo}})), [u <= v]
expand_type ro_common_defs cons_vars atype (coercions, subst, ti_type_heaps, ti_type_def_infos)
| is_dictionary atype ti_type_def_infos
# (_, atype, subst) = arraySubst atype subst
@@ -2188,7 +2200,7 @@ bind_to_temp_type_var {tv_info_ptr} (next_type_var_nr, th_vars)
bind_to_temp_attr_var {av_info_ptr} (next_attr_var_nr, th_attrs)
= (next_attr_var_nr+1, writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar next_attr_var_nr)) th_attrs)
-transformFunctionApplication :: FunDef InstanceInfo !ConsClasses !App [Expression] ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(Expression,!*TransformInfo)
+transformFunctionApplication :: !FunDef !InstanceInfo !ConsClasses !App ![Expression] !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_bits} app=:{app_symb,app_args} extra_args ro ti
# (app_args, extra_args) = complete_application fun_def.fun_arity app_args extra_args
// | False -!-> ("transformFunctionApplication",app_symb,app_args,extra_args,fun_def.fun_arity,cc_size) = undef
@@ -2214,9 +2226,9 @@ transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_
non_var (Var _) = False
non_var _ = True
# ok_non_rec_consumer = non_rec_consumer && safe_args
- # (producers, new_args, ti)
+ #! (producers, new_args, ti)
= determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_def.fun_type cc_linear_bits cc_args app_args 0 (createArray cc_size PR_Empty) ro ti
- # (arity_changed,new_args,extra_args,producers,cc_args,cc_linear_bits,fun_def,ti)
+ #! (arity_changed,new_args,extra_args,producers,cc_args,cc_linear_bits,fun_def,ti)
= determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs new_args extra_args is_applied_to_macro_fun producers cc_args cc_linear_bits fun_def ro ti
| containsProducer cc_size producers || arity_changed
# (is_new, fun_def_ptr, instances, ti_fun_heap) = tryToFindInstance producers instances ti.ti_fun_heap
@@ -2247,6 +2259,7 @@ where
is_not_caf FK_Caf = False
is_not_caf _ = True
+ transform_trivial_function :: !.App ![.Expression] ![.Expression] !.ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
transform_trivial_function app=:{app_symb} app_args extra_args ro ti
# (fun_def,ti_fun_defs,ti_fun_heap) = get_fun_def app_symb.symb_kind ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_fun_heap
# {fun_body=fun_body=:TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_type} = fun_def
@@ -2261,6 +2274,7 @@ where
-> (tb_rhs, ti)
-> (tb_rhs @ extra_args, ti)
+ update_instance_info :: !.SymbKind !.InstanceInfo !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
update_instance_info (SK_Function {glob_object}) instances ti=:{ti_instances}
= { ti & ti_instances = { ti_instances & [glob_object] = instances } }
update_instance_info (SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object) instances ti=:{ti_instances}
@@ -2271,11 +2285,13 @@ where
# (FI_Function fun_info, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
= { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { fun_info & gf_instance_info = instances })}
+ complete_application :: !.Int !.[Expression] !.[Expression] -> (!.[Expression],![Expression])
complete_application form_arity args extra_args
= (take form_arity all_args,drop form_arity all_args)
all_args = args ++ extra_args
+ build_application :: !.App ![.Expression] -> Expression
build_application app []
= App app
build_application app extra_args
@@ -2285,6 +2301,7 @@ is_cons_or_decons_of_UList_or_UTSList glob_object glob_module imported_funs
:== let type = imported_funs.[glob_module].[glob_object].ft_type;
in type.st_arity>0 && not (isEmpty type.st_context);
+determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs :: ![Expression] ![Expression] !Bool !{!.Producer} ![Int] ![Bool] !FunDef !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!Bool,![Expression],![Expression],!{!Producer},![Int],![Bool],!FunDef,!*TransformInfo)
determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs new_args [] is_applied_to_macro_fun producers cc_args cc_linear_bits fun_def ro ti
= (False,new_args,[],producers,cc_args,cc_linear_bits,fun_def,ti)
determineCurriedProducersInExtraArgs new_args extra_args is_applied_to_macro_fun producers cc_args cc_linear_bits fun_def ro ti
@@ -2620,6 +2637,7 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} extra_args
| not (isEmpty specials)
# (ei,ti_symbol_heap) = mapSt readAppInfo app_args ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ readAppInfo :: !Expression !*ExpressionHeap -> (!ExprInfo,!*ExpressionHeap)
readAppInfo (App {app_info_ptr}) heap
| isNilPtr app_info_ptr
= (EI_Empty,heap)
@@ -2635,6 +2653,7 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} extra_args
= build_application app app_args extra_args gi ti
= build_application app app_args extra_args gi ti
+ build_application :: !.App ![.Expression] ![.Expression] !(Global .Int) !*TransformInfo -> (!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
build_application app app_args extra_args {glob_module,glob_object} ti
| isEmpty extra_args
= (App {app & app_args = app_args}, ti)
@@ -2645,7 +2664,7 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} extra_args
| nr_of_extra_args <= ar_diff
= (App {app & app_args = app_args ++ extra_args }, ti)
= (App {app & app_args = app_args ++ take ar_diff extra_args } @ drop ar_diff extra_args, ti)
build_special_application app app_args extra_args {glob_module,glob_object} ro ti
| isEmpty extra_args
= (App {app & app_args = app_args}, ti)
@@ -2656,13 +2675,15 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} extra_args
| nr_of_extra_args <= ar_diff
= (App {app & app_args = app_args ++ extra_args }, ti)
= (App {app & app_args = app_args ++ take ar_diff extra_args } @ drop ar_diff extra_args, ti)
+ find_member_n :: !Int !String !{#.DefinedSymbol} -> Int
find_member_n i member_string a
| i<size a
| a.[i].ds_ident.id_name % (0,size member_string-1)==member_string
= i
= find_member_n (i+1) member_string a
+ select_member :: !.Expression !(Global .DefinedSymbol) !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *(!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
select_member exp=:(App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Constructor _},app_args,app_info_ptr}) select_symb me_offset ti=:{ti_symbol_heap}
| not (isNilPtr app_info_ptr)
# (ei,ti_symbol_heap) = readPtr app_info_ptr ti_symbol_heap
@@ -2693,12 +2714,14 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_name,symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_i
# (app_args,extra_args) = complete_application cons_type.st_arity app_args extra_args
= (build_application { app & app_args = app_args } extra_args, ti)
+ complete_application :: !.Int ![Expression] ![Expression] -> (![Expression],![Expression])
complete_application form_arity args []
= (args, [])
complete_application form_arity args extra_args
# arity_diff = min (form_arity - length args) (length extra_args)
= (args ++ take arity_diff extra_args, drop arity_diff extra_args)
+ build_application :: !.App ![.Expression] -> Expression
build_application app []
= App app
build_application app extra_args
@@ -2771,7 +2794,7 @@ transformSelection selector_kind selectors expr ro ti
// XXX store linear_bits and cc_args together ?
-determineProducers :: Bool Bool Bool (Optional SymbolType) [Bool] [Int] [Expression] Int *{!Producer} ReadOnlyTI *TransformInfo -> *(!*{!Producer},![Expression],!*TransformInfo);
+determineProducers :: !Bool !Bool !Bool !(Optional SymbolType) ![Bool] ![Int] ![Expression] !Int *{!Producer} !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!*{!Producer},![Expression],!*TransformInfo);
determineProducers _ _ _ _ _ _ [] _ producers _ ti
= (producers, [], ti)
determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type [linear_bit : linear_bits] [ cons_arg : cons_args ] [ arg : args ] prod_index producers ro ti
@@ -2779,12 +2802,12 @@ determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consum
# (producers, new_arg, ti) = determine_producer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer linear_bit arg [] prod_index producers ro ti
| isProducer producers.[prod_index]
= (producers, new_arg++args, ti)
- # (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type linear_bits cons_args args (inc prod_index) producers ro ti
+ #! (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type linear_bits cons_args args (inc prod_index) producers ro ti
= (producers, new_arg++new_args, ti)
| SwitchUnusedFusion (ro.ro_transform_fusion && cons_arg == CUnused && isLazyArg fun_type prod_index) False
# producers = { producers & [prod_index] = PR_Unused }
= (producers, args, ti)
- # (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type linear_bits cons_args args (inc prod_index) producers ro ti
+ #! (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer fun_type linear_bits cons_args args (inc prod_index) producers ro ti
= (producers, [arg : new_args], ti)
isProducer PR_Empty = False
@@ -3165,6 +3188,7 @@ transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n stdStrictLists_module_n def_min d
cons_args = { consarg \\ consarg <- [ consarg \\ consarg <-: ti.ti_cons_args ] ++ new_cons_classes }
= (groups, fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, var_heap, type_heaps, symbol_heap, cons_args, ti.ti_error_file, ti.ti_predef_symbols)
+ transform_groups :: !Int ![.Group] !u:[Group] !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !*{#{#(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}} ![(Global Int)] !v:[Int] !*TransformInfo -> *(!w:[Group],!.{#{#(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}},![(Global Int)],!x:[Int],!*TransformInfo), [u <= w,v <= x]
transform_groups group_nr [] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
= (acc_groups, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, ti)
transform_groups group_nr [group:groups] acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
@@ -3176,12 +3200,14 @@ where
# (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr group_members acc_groups ti
= transform_groups group_nr groups acc_groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types ti
+ transform_groups` :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !Int ![Group] !u:[Group] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Int,!u:[Group],!*TransformInfo)
transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr [] acc_groups ti
= (group_nr, acc_groups, ti)
transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr [{group_members}:groups] acc_groups ti
# (group_nr,acc_groups,ti) = transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr group_members acc_groups ti
= transform_groups` common_defs imported_funs group_nr groups acc_groups ti
+ transform_group :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#{#FunType}} !Int ![Int] !u:[Group] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Int,!u:[Group],!*TransformInfo)
transform_group common_defs imported_funs group_nr group_members acc_groups ti
// assign group_nr to group_members
# ti = ti <-!- ("transform_group",group_nr)
@@ -3222,12 +3248,14 @@ where
changed_group_classification [fun:funs] ti
= (False,ti)
+ assign_group :: !.Int !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
assign_group group_number fun ti
# (fd,ti) = get_fun_def fun ti
# fd = { fd & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }
# ti = set_fun_def fun fd ti
= ti
+ get_fun_def :: !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *(!FunDef,!*TransformInfo)
get_fun_def fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
| fun < size ti_fun_defs
# (fun_def, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[fun]
@@ -3246,6 +3274,7 @@ where
ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
= (gf_fun_def,ti)
+ set_fun_def :: !.Int !.FunDef !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
set_fun_def fun fun_def ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
| fun < size ti_fun_defs
= {ti & ti_fun_defs.[fun] = fun_def}
@@ -3264,6 +3293,7 @@ where
ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
= ti
+ partition_group :: !.Int ![.Int] !*TransformInfo -> *(![Group],!*TransformInfo)
partition_group group_nr group_members ti
# fun_defs = ti.ti_fun_defs
# fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap
@@ -3288,6 +3318,7 @@ where
= (groups,ti)
+ transform_function :: !{#.CommonDefs} !{#{#.FunType}} !.Int !*TransformInfo -> *TransformInfo
transform_function common_defs imported_funs fun ti
# (fun_def, ro_fun, ti) = get_fun_def_and_symb_ident fun ti
# ti = ti <-!- ("transform_function",fun,ro_fun,fun_def)
@@ -3409,7 +3440,7 @@ where
, ets_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
, ets_contains_unexpanded_abs_syn_type = False
- (_,(st_result,st_args), {ets_type_defs, ets_collected_conses, ets_type_heaps, ets_var_heap})
+ #! (_,(st_result,st_args), {ets_type_defs, ets_collected_conses, ets_type_heaps, ets_var_heap})
= expandSynTypes (if (fi_properties bitand FI_HasTypeSpec == 0) (RemoveAnnotationsMask bitor ExpandAbstractSynTypesMask) ExpandAbstractSynTypesMask) common_defs (st_result,st_args) ets
# ft = { ft & st_result = st_result, st_args = st_args }
| fi_group_index >= size groups
@@ -3436,6 +3467,7 @@ where
= (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, [fun_index : fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types], type_heaps, var_heap)
= (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, fun_indices_with_abs_syn_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ expand_abstract_syn_types_in_function_type :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.Int !*(!*{#u:FunDef},!*{#{#.(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}},![(Global .Int)],!*TypeHeaps,!*(Heap VarInfo)) -> (!{#v:FunDef},!.{#{#(TypeDef .TypeRhs)}},![(Global Int)],!.TypeHeaps,!.(Heap VarInfo)), [u <= v]
expand_abstract_syn_types_in_function_type common_defs fun_index (fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, type_heaps, var_heap)
# (fun_def=:{fun_type = Yes fun_type, fun_info = {fi_properties}}, fun_defs)
= fun_defs![fun_index]
@@ -3471,8 +3503,8 @@ convertSymbolType_ rem_annots common_defs st main_dcl_module_n imported_types c
# {st_args,st_result,st_context,st_args_strictness}
= st
- # (_,(st_args,st_result), ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs (st_args,st_result) ets
- new_st_args = addTypesOfDictionaries common_defs st_context st_args
+ #! (_,(st_args,st_result), ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs (st_args,st_result) ets
+ # new_st_args = addTypesOfDictionaries common_defs st_context st_args
new_st_arity = length new_st_args
st =
{ st
@@ -3569,8 +3601,8 @@ where
expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs [] ets
= (False,[],ets)
expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs t=:[type:types] ets
- # (changed_type,type,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type ets
- # (changed_types,types,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
+ #! (changed_type,type,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type ets
+ (changed_types,types,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
| changed_type || changed_types
= (True,[type:types],ets)
= (False,t,ets)
@@ -3578,8 +3610,8 @@ where
instance expandSynTypes (a,b) | expandSynTypes a & expandSynTypes b
expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs (type1,type2) ets
- # (changed_type1,type1,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type1 ets
- # (changed_type2,type2,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type2 ets
+ #! (changed_type1,type1,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type1 ets
+ (changed_type2,type2,ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type2 ets
= (changed_type1 || changed_type2,(type1,type2),ets)
instance expandSynTypes AType
@@ -3587,6 +3619,7 @@ where
expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs atype ets
= expand_syn_types_in_a_type rem_annots common_defs atype ets
+ expand_syn_types_in_a_type :: !.Int !{#.CommonDefs} !.AType !*ExpandTypeState -> (!.Bool,!AType,!.ExpandTypeState)
expand_syn_types_in_a_type rem_annots common_defs atype=:{at_type = at_type=: TA type_symb types,at_attribute} ets
# (changed,at_type, ets) = expand_syn_types_in_TA rem_annots common_defs at_type at_attribute ets
| changed
@@ -3603,6 +3636,7 @@ where
= (True,{ atype & at_type = at_type }, ets)
= (False,atype,ets)
+expand_syn_types_in_TA :: !.Int !{#.CommonDefs} !.Type !.TypeAttribute !*ExpandTypeState -> (!Bool,!Type,!.ExpandTypeState)
expand_syn_types_in_TA rem_annots common_defs ta_type attribute ets=:{ets_type_defs}
# (glob_object,glob_module,types) = case ta_type of
(TA type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} types) -> (glob_object,glob_module,types)
@@ -3621,7 +3655,7 @@ expand_syn_types_in_TA rem_annots common_defs ta_type attribute ets=:{ets_type_d
-> (True,type,ets)
# ets = {ets & ets_contains_unexpanded_abs_syn_type=True }
- # (changed,types, ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
+ #! (changed,types, ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
# ta_type = if changed
( case ta_type of
TA type_symb _ -> TA type_symb types
@@ -3631,7 +3665,7 @@ expand_syn_types_in_TA rem_annots common_defs ta_type attribute ets=:{ets_type_d
-> (changed,ta_type, ets)
-> (changed,ta_type, collect_imported_constructors common_defs glob_module td_rhs ets)
- # (changed,types, ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
+ #! (changed,types, ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
# ta_type = if changed
( case ta_type of
TA type_symb _ -> TA type_symb types
@@ -3663,6 +3697,7 @@ where
= substitute rhs_type type_heaps
= substitute rhs_type type_heaps
+ collect_imported_constructors :: !{#.CommonDefs} !.Int !.TypeRhs !*ExpandTypeState -> .ExpandTypeState
collect_imported_constructors common_defs mod_index (RecordType {rt_constructor}) ets=:{ets_collected_conses,ets_var_heap}
# (ets_collected_conses, ets_var_heap)
= collect_imported_constructor mod_index common_defs.[mod_index].com_cons_defs rt_constructor (ets_collected_conses, ets_var_heap)
@@ -3674,6 +3709,7 @@ where
collect_imported_constructors common_defs mod_index _ ets
= ets
+ collect_imported_constructor :: !.Int !{#.ConsDef} !.DefinedSymbol !*(!u:[v:(Global .Int)],!*(Heap VarInfo)) -> (!w:[x:(Global Int)],!.(Heap VarInfo)), [u <= w,v <= x]
collect_imported_constructor mod_index cons_defs {ds_index} (collected_conses, var_heap)
# {cons_type_ptr} = cons_defs.[ds_index]
(type_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo cons_type_ptr var_heap
@@ -4357,7 +4393,7 @@ instance <<< TypeContext
(<<<) file co = file <<< co.tc_class <<< " " <<< co.tc_types <<< " <" <<< co.tc_var <<< '>'
-resolveContext :: [TypeContext] [ExprInfo] -> [[Type]]
+resolveContext :: ![TypeContext] ![ExprInfo] -> [[Type]]
resolveContext [tc:tcs] [EI_DictionaryType t:eis]
= minimiseContext tc t ++ resolveContext tcs eis
resolveContext _ _ = []
@@ -4369,6 +4405,7 @@ minimiseContext {tc_class = TCClass gds} (TA ti ts)
= []
minimiseContext _ _ = []
+findInstInSpecials :: ![[.Type]] ![.Special] -> .(!Int,!(Global Int))
findInstInSpecials insts []
= (0,{glob_object= -1,glob_module = -1})
findInstInSpecials insts [{spec_types,spec_index}:specials]
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index 1c07f77..460d907 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -923,8 +923,11 @@ unfoldMacro {fun_body =fun_body=: TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}, fun_info = {
new_fun_defs :: *{!FunDef}
new_fun_defs => {fun_def \\ (_,fun_def)<-new_functions}
- -> ({if (i<size_fun_defs) es_fun_defs.[i] new_fun_defs.[i-size_fun_defs] \\ i<-[0..last_function_index]} // inefficient
- ,[size_fun_defs:es_new_fun_def_numbers])
+// -> ({if (i<size_fun_defs) es_fun_defs.[i] new_fun_defs.[i-size_fun_defs] \\ i<-[0..last_function_index]} // inefficient
+// ,[size_fun_defs:es_new_fun_def_numbers])
+// #! new_fun_defs = arrayConcat es_fun_defs new_fun_defs // leads to backend crash!
+ # new_fun_defs = arrayConcat es_fun_defs new_fun_defs
+ -> (new_fun_defs, [size_fun_defs:es_new_fun_def_numbers])
# (calls, fun_defs, es_symbol_table) = updateFunctionCalls fi_calls calls es_fun_defs es_symbol_table
| isEmpty let_binds
= (result_expr, (calls, { es & es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table, es_fun_defs=fun_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers=es_new_fun_def_numbers }))
@@ -1787,7 +1790,7 @@ where
Dynamic administration is rebuilt.
-class collectVariables a :: !a ![FreeVar] ![DynamicPtr] !*CollectState -> (!a, ![FreeVar],[DynamicPtr],!*CollectState)
+class collectVariables a :: !a ![FreeVar] ![DynamicPtr] !*CollectState -> (!a, ![FreeVar],![DynamicPtr],!*CollectState)
cContainsACycle :== True
cContainsNoCycle :== False
@@ -1807,7 +1810,7 @@ where
# (kase,cos) = if_expression e1 (BasicExpr (BVB True)) e2 cos
= (kase, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
- if_expression :: Expression Expression Expression *CollectState -> (!Expression,!.CollectState);
+ if_expression :: !Expression !Expression !Expression !*CollectState -> (!Expression,!.CollectState);
if_expression e1 e2 e3 cos
// # (new_info_ptr,symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty cos.cos_symbol_heap
# case_type =
@@ -1903,6 +1906,7 @@ where
/* Remove all aliases from the list of lazy 'let'-binds. Add a _dummyForStrictAlias
function call for the strict aliases. Be careful with cycles! */
+ detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds :: !.Bool !u:[v:(.a,w:LetBind)] !*CollectState -> (!.Bool,!x:[y:(.a,z:LetBind)],!.CollectState), [u <= x,v <= y,w <= z]
detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [] cos
= (cContainsNoCycle, [], cos)
// detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [bind=:{bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] cos
@@ -1925,6 +1929,7 @@ where
# (is_cyclic, binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos
-> (is_cyclic, [(type,bind) : binds], cos)
+ is_cyclic :: !.(Ptr VarInfo) !(Ptr VarInfo) !(Heap VarInfo) -> .Bool
is_cyclic orig_info_ptr info_ptr var_heap
| orig_info_ptr == info_ptr
= True
@@ -1935,6 +1940,7 @@ where
-> False
+ add_dummy_id_for_strict_alias :: !.Expression !*CollectState -> (!.Expression,!.CollectState)
add_dummy_id_for_strict_alias bind_src cos=:{cos_symbol_heap, cos_predef_symbols_for_transform}
# (new_app_info_ptr, cos_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty cos_symbol_heap
{pds_module, pds_def} = cos_predef_symbols_for_transform.predef_alias_dummy
@@ -1948,12 +1954,14 @@ where
by examining the reference count.
+ collect_variables_in_binds :: ![(.a,.b,.LetBind)] !u:[v:(.a,.b,w:LetBind)] ![FreeVar] ![(Ptr ExprInfo)] !*CollectState -> (!x:[y:(.a,.b,z:LetBind)],![FreeVar],![(Ptr ExprInfo)],!.CollectState), [u <= x,v <= y,w <= z]
collect_variables_in_binds binds collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
# (continue, binds, collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = examine_reachable_binds False binds collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
| continue
= collect_variables_in_binds binds collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
= (collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
+ examine_reachable_binds :: !u:Bool ![v:(.a,.b,w:LetBind)] !x:[y:(.a,.b,z:LetBind)] ![.FreeVar] ![.(Ptr ExprInfo)] !*CollectState -> *(!u0:Bool,![v0:(.a,.b,w0:LetBind)],!x0:[y0:(.a,.b,z0:LetBind)],![FreeVar],![(Ptr ExprInfo)],!*CollectState), [u <= u0,v <= v0,w <= w0,x <= x0,y <= y0,z <= z0]
examine_reachable_binds bind_found [bind=:(is_strict, type, letb=:{lb_dst=fv=:{fv_info_ptr},lb_src}) : binds] collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
# (bind_found, binds, collected_binds, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = examine_reachable_binds bind_found binds collected_binds free_vars dynamics cos
# (VI_Count count is_global, cos_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr cos.cos_var_heap