path: root/frontend
diff options
authormartinw1999-11-05 15:32:39 +0000
committermartinw1999-11-05 15:32:39 +0000
commit6d949b9ad945e6022518ea35dffc29e923d07737 (patch)
tree1d50ca2986085ec4350be65860d4be4ca3790163 /frontend
parent*** empty log message *** (diff)
fusion works now. The fusion switch in module typesupport is enabled
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@35 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
12 files changed, 1132 insertions, 623 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/analtypes.icl b/frontend/analtypes.icl
index 2793a43..af64bb9 100644
--- a/frontend/analtypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analtypes.icl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ where
kind_list_to_string [] = " ?????? "
kind_list_to_string [k] = "* -> *"
kind_list_to_string [k:ks] = "* -> " +++ kind_list_to_string ks
+ toString ki = "PPPP" //abort ("instance toString KindInfo matcht niet"->>ki)
kindError kind1 kind2 error
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index d046d72..dc88ae7 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
implementation module convertDynamics
import syntax, transform, utilities, convertcases
+// XXX
+import RWSDebug
:: *ConversionInfo =
{ ci_predef_symb :: !*PredefinedSymbols
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index e683a83..6db5233 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index
# structureInfo = case opt_element_idents of
No -> SI_DotDot
Yes element_idents -> (SI_Elements element_idents False)
- newStructure = (struct_id, SI_DotDot, st, (if defined No (Yes dcl_index)))
+ newStructure = (struct_id, structureInfo, st, (if defined No (Yes dcl_index)))
= element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t [newStructure:akku] index modules cs
# (Yes element_idents) = opt_element_idents
oneLess = filter ((<>) element_ident) element_idents
@@ -475,8 +475,6 @@ element_appears_in_stomm_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index index type_n
# com_member_def = dcl_module.dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index]
{glob_object} = com_member_def.me_class
com_class_def = dcl_module.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[glob_object]
- allMembers = com_class_def.class_members
- member_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <-: allMembers]
appears = com_class_def.class_name.id_name==type_name_string
= (appears, modules, cs)
continuation _ _ _ modules cs
@@ -575,7 +573,7 @@ consequences_of count (expl_imp_ident_kind=:(_,expl_imp_kind), (dcl_index, mod_i
consequences_of_macro count dcl_index f_consequences icl_functions expr_heap
# (icl_function, icl_functions) = icl_functions![dcl_index]
- {fun_symb, fun_type, fun_body} = icl_function
+ {fun_body} = icl_function
result = consequences fun_body
= expand_functions_and_dynamics result [] (f_consequences, icl_functions, expr_heap)
@@ -601,8 +599,6 @@ consequences_of_macro count dcl_index f_consequences icl_functions expr_heap
-> ([], expr_heap)
(EI_Dynamic (Yes dynamicType))
-> (consequences dynamicType, expr_heap)
- (EI_Dynamic (Yes dynamicType))
- -> (consequences dynamicType, expr_heap)
(EI_DynamicType dynamicType further_dynamic_ptrs)
# (further_conseqs, expr_heap) = expand_dynamics further_dynamic_ptrs [] expr_heap
-> (further_conseqs++consequences dynamicType, expr_heap)
diff --git a/frontend/main.icl b/frontend/main.icl
index b51341d..3b67c85 100644
--- a/frontend/main.icl
+++ b/frontend/main.icl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module main
import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, utilities, convertDynamics
import StdEnv
+// XXX
+import RWSDebug
Start world
# (std_io, world) = stdio world
@@ -17,6 +19,17 @@ Start world
= fclose ms_out world
CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
+ # answer = "c t5"
+ (command, argument) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace (fromString answer))
+ | command == []
+ = CommandLoop proj { ms & ms_io = ms_io}
+ # (ready, proj, ms) = DoCommand command argument proj { ms & ms_io = ms_io}
+ | ready
+ = ms
+ = ms
+CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
# (answer, ms_io) = freadline (ms_io <<< "> ")
(command, argument) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace (fromString answer))
| command == []
@@ -25,6 +38,7 @@ CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
| ready
= ms
= CommandLoop proj ms
:: MainStateDefs funs funtypes types conses classes instances members selectors =
{ msd_funs :: !funs
@@ -163,19 +177,20 @@ loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_o
= (No, predef_symbols, { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io, ms_out = ms_out })
# (components, fun_defs) = partitionateFunctions (fun_defs ---> "partitionateFunctions") [ { ir_from = 0, ir_to = nr_of_global_funs }, icl_instances, icl_specials]
- (components, fun_defs, ms_io) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_io
-// (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
+// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_error
+ (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
(cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
- = analyseGroups (components ---> "Transform") fun_defs heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_expression_heap
- (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = analyseGroups common_defs (components ---> "Transform") fun_defs imported_funs heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_expression_heap
+ #!(components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps expression_heap
-/// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
+ (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
+// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_error
(dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
(dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule dcl_mods common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
(components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components ---> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
- (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
+// (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
(used_funs, components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components imported_funs common_defs fun_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
(dcl_types, var_heap, type_heaps)
@@ -247,6 +262,8 @@ where
show_component [] show_types fun_defs file
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_component [fun:funs] show_types fun_defs file
+ | fun>=size fun_defs
+ = abort ("YYY "+++toString fun+++" "+++toString (size fun_defs))
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
| show_types
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
@@ -297,9 +314,7 @@ where
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_types [fun:funs] fun_defs file
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
- # properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
- (Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
- = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype) <<< '\n' )
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def.fun_type)
converFileToListOfStrings file_name files error
# (ok, file, files) = fopen file_name FReadText files
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index ffb8ccd..3ebde9b 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -478,7 +478,12 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */
VI_Record ![AuxiliaryPattern] |
VI_Pattern !AuxiliaryPattern |
- VI_Default !Int /* used during conversion of dynamics; the Int indiacted the refenrence count */
+ VI_Default !Int | /* used during conversion of dynamics; the Int indiacted the refenrence count */
+ VI_Body !SymbIdent !TransformedBody ![FreeVar] | /* used during fusion */
+ VI_Dictionary !SymbIdent ![Expression] ![Type] | /* used during fusion */
+ VI_Extended !ExtendedVarInfo !VarInfo
+:: ExtendedVarInfo = EVI_VarType !AType
:: ArgumentPosition :== Int
@@ -638,20 +643,16 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
| EI_Default !Expression !AType !ExprInfoPtr
| EI_DefaultFunction !SymbIdent ![Expression]
- | EI_Extended ![ExtendedExprInfo] !ExprInfo
+ | EI_Extended !ExtendedExprInfo !ExprInfo
:: ExtendedExprInfo
= EEI_ActiveCase !ActiveCaseInfo
:: ActiveCaseInfo =
- { aci_arg_pos :: !Int
- , aci_opt_unfolder:: !(Optional SymbIdent)
- , aci_free_vars :: !Optional [VarId]
- }
-:: VarId =
- { v_name :: !Ident
- , v_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
+ { aci_params :: ![FreeVar]
+ , aci_opt_unfolder :: !(Optional SymbIdent)
+ , aci_free_vars :: !Optional [BoundVar]
+ , aci_linearity_of_patterns :: ![[Bool]]
:: RefCountsInCase =
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 4641e74..e4fb607 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -434,7 +434,12 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */
VI_Record ![AuxiliaryPattern] |
VI_Pattern !AuxiliaryPattern |
- VI_Default !Int /* used during conversion of dynamics; the Int indiacted the refenrence count */
+ VI_Default !Int | /* used during conversion of dynamics; the Int indiacted the refenrence count */
+ VI_Body !SymbIdent !TransformedBody ![FreeVar] | /* used during fusion */
+ VI_Dictionary !SymbIdent ![Expression] ![Type] | /* used during fusion */
+ VI_Extended !ExtendedVarInfo !VarInfo
+:: ExtendedVarInfo = EVI_VarType !AType
:: ArgumentPosition :== Int
@@ -585,20 +590,16 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
| EI_Default !Expression !AType !ExprInfoPtr
| EI_DefaultFunction !SymbIdent ![Expression]
- | EI_Extended ![ExtendedExprInfo] !ExprInfo
+ | EI_Extended !ExtendedExprInfo !ExprInfo
:: ExtendedExprInfo
= EEI_ActiveCase !ActiveCaseInfo
:: ActiveCaseInfo =
- { aci_arg_pos :: !Int
- , aci_opt_unfolder:: !(Optional SymbIdent)
- , aci_free_vars :: !Optional [VarId]
- }
-:: VarId =
- { v_name :: !Ident
- , v_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
+ { aci_params :: ![FreeVar]
+ , aci_opt_unfolder :: !(Optional SymbIdent)
+ , aci_free_vars :: !Optional [BoundVar]
+ , aci_linearity_of_patterns :: ![[Bool]]
:: RefCountsInCase =
@@ -1276,7 +1277,7 @@ where
instance <<< BoundVar
(<<<) file {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
- = file <<< var_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <<< ',' <<< ptrToInt var_expr_ptr <<< '>'
+ = file <<< var_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr /*<<< ',' <<< ptrToInt var_expr_ptr*/ <<< '>'
instance <<< Bind a b | <<< a & <<< b
@@ -1326,8 +1327,10 @@ where
instance <<< Expression
(<<<) file (Var ident) = file <<< ident
- (<<<) file (App {app_symb, app_args})
- = file <<< app_symb <<< ' ' <<< app_args
+ (<<<) file (App {app_symb, app_args, app_info_ptr})
+ = file <<< app_symb <<< (if (app_symb.symb_name.id_name=="==" && isNilPtr app_info_ptr) "\"NIL\"" "") <<< ' ' <<< app_args
+// was (<<<) file (App {app_symb, app_args})
+// = file <<< app_symb <<< ' ' <<< app_args
(<<<) file (f_exp @ a_exp) = file <<< '(' <<< f_exp <<< " @ " <<< a_exp <<< ')'
(<<<) file (Let {let_binds, let_expr}) = write_binds (file <<< "let " <<< '\n') let_binds <<< "in\n" <<< let_expr
diff --git a/frontend/trans.dcl b/frontend/trans.dcl
index 5bf2558..ac0dda9 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.dcl
+++ b/frontend/trans.dcl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ cAccumulating :== -3
:: CleanupInfo
-analyseGroups :: !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
+analyseGroups :: !{# CommonDefs} !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!CleanupInfo, !*{! ConsClasses}, !*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap)
transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !{!.ConsClasses} !{# CommonDefs} !{# {# FunType} } !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 72d5417..87925b4 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -88,29 +88,38 @@ where
:: BitVector :== Int
:: *AnalyseInfo =
- { ai_heap :: !*VarHeap
+ { ai_var_heap :: !*VarHeap
, ai_cons_class :: !*{! ConsClasses}
, ai_cur_ref_counts :: !*{#Int} // for each variable 0,1 or 2
, ai_class_subst :: !* ConsClassSubst
, ai_next_var :: !Int
- , ai_cases_of_vars_for_function :: ![(!ExprInfoPtr,!VarInfoPtr)]
+ , ai_next_var_of_fun :: !Int
+ , ai_cases_of_vars_for_function :: ![Case]
+ }
+:: SharedAI =
+ { sai_common_defs :: !{# CommonDefs }
+ , sai_imported_funs :: !{# {# FunType} }
:: ConsClassSubst :== {# ConsClass}
:: CleanupInfo :== [ExprInfoPtr]
+cNoFunArg :== -1
+cNope :== -1
The argument classification (i.e. 'accumulating', 'active' or 'passive') of consumers
- is represented by an negative integer value.
- Possitive classifications are used to identify variables.
+ is represented by a negative integer value.
+ Positive classifications are used to identify variables.
Unification of classifications is done on-the-fly
-cNoFunArg :== -1
cPassive :== -1
cActive :== -2
cAccumulating :== -3
+cVarOfWeirdCase :== -4
IsAVariable cons_class :== cons_class >= 0
@@ -165,115 +174,134 @@ write_ptr ptr val heap mess
= abort mess
= heap <:= (ptr,val)
-class consumerRequirements a :: !a !AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsClass, !AnalyseInfo)
+readVarInfo :: VarInfoPtr *VarHeap -> (VarInfo, !*VarHeap)
+readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
+ # (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case var_info of
+ VI_Extended _ original_var_info -> (original_var_info, var_heap)
+ _ -> (var_info, var_heap)
+writeVarInfo :: VarInfoPtr VarInfo *VarHeap -> *VarHeap
+writeVarInfo var_info_ptr new_var_info var_heap
+ # (old_var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case old_var_info of
+ VI_Extended extensions _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Extended extensions new_var_info) var_heap
+ _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr new_var_info var_heap
+class consumerRequirements a :: !a !{# CommonDefs} !AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsClass, !UnsafePatternBool, !AnalyseInfo)
+:: UnsafePatternBool :== Bool
+not_an_unsafe_pattern (cc, _, ai) = (cc, False, ai)
instance consumerRequirements BoundVar
- consumerRequirements {var_info_ptr} ai=:{ai_heap}
- #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr ai_heap
- = continuation var_info ai
+ consumerRequirements {var_info_ptr} _ ai=:{ai_var_heap}
+ # (var_info, ai_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ai_var_heap
+ = continuation var_info { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap }
continuation (VI_AccVar temp_var arg_position) ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts}
- | arg_position<0
- = (temp_var, ai)
+// | arg_position<0
+// = (temp_var, ai)
#! ref_count = ai_cur_ref_counts.[arg_position]
ai_cur_ref_counts = { ai_cur_ref_counts & [arg_position]=min (ref_count+1) 2 }
- = (temp_var, { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=ai_cur_ref_counts })
+ = (temp_var, False, { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=ai_cur_ref_counts })
// continuation vi ai
// = (cPassive, ai)
instance consumerRequirements Expression where
- consumerRequirements (Var var) ai
- = consumerRequirements var ai
- consumerRequirements (App app) ai
- = consumerRequirements app ai
- consumerRequirements (fun_expr @ exprs) ai
- # (cc_fun, ai) = consumerRequirements fun_expr ai
+ consumerRequirements (Var var) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements var common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements (App app) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements app common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements (fun_expr @ exprs) common_defs ai
+ # (cc_fun, _, ai) = consumerRequirements fun_expr common_defs ai
ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications cActive cc_fun ai.ai_class_subst
- = consumerRequirements exprs { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
- consumerRequirements (Let {let_binds,let_expr}) ai=:{ai_next_var,ai_heap}
- # (new_next_var, ai_heap) = init_variables let_binds ai_next_var ai_heap
- # ai = acc_requirements_of_let_binds let_binds ai_next_var { ai & ai_next_var = new_next_var, ai_heap = ai_heap }
- = consumerRequirements let_expr ai
+ = consumerRequirements exprs common_defs { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
+ consumerRequirements (Let {let_binds,let_expr}) common_defs ai=:{ai_next_var,ai_next_var_of_fun,ai_var_heap}
+ # (new_next_var, new_ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap) = init_variables let_binds ai_next_var ai_next_var_of_fun ai_var_heap
+ # ai = acc_requirements_of_let_binds let_binds ai_next_var common_defs
+ { ai & ai_next_var = new_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = new_ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap = ai_var_heap }
+ = consumerRequirements let_expr common_defs ai // XXX why not not_an_unsafe_pattern
- init_variables [{bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] ai_next_var ai_heap
- = init_variables binds (inc ai_next_var)
- (write_ptr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar ai_next_var cNoFunArg) ai_heap "init_variables")
- init_variables [] ai_next_var ai_heap
- = (ai_next_var, ai_heap)
+ init_variables [{bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] ai_next_var ai_next_var_of_fun ai_var_heap
+ = init_variables binds (inc ai_next_var) (inc ai_next_var_of_fun)
+ (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar ai_next_var ai_next_var_of_fun) ai_var_heap)
+ init_variables [] ai_next_var ai_next_var_of_fun ai_var_heap
+ = (ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap)
- acc_requirements_of_let_binds [ {bind_src, bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds ] ai_next_var ai
- # (bind_var, ai) = consumerRequirements bind_src ai
+ acc_requirements_of_let_binds [ {bind_src, bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds ] ai_next_var common_defs ai
+ # (bind_var, _, ai) = consumerRequirements bind_src common_defs ai
ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications ai_next_var bind_var ai.ai_class_subst
- = acc_requirements_of_let_binds binds (inc ai_next_var) { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
- acc_requirements_of_let_binds [] ai_next_var ai
+ = acc_requirements_of_let_binds binds (inc ai_next_var) common_defs { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
+ acc_requirements_of_let_binds [] ai_next_var _ ai
= ai
- consumerRequirements (Case case_expr) ai
- = consumerRequirements case_expr ai
- consumerRequirements (BasicExpr _ _) ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements (MatchExpr _ _ expr) ai
- = consumerRequirements expr ai
- consumerRequirements (Selection _ expr selectors) ai
- # (cc, ai) = consumerRequirements expr ai
+ consumerRequirements (Case case_expr) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements case_expr common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements (BasicExpr _ _) _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (MatchExpr _ _ expr) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements expr common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements (Selection _ expr selectors) common_defs ai
+ # (cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements expr common_defs ai
ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications cActive cc ai.ai_class_subst
- ai = requirementsOfSelectors selectors { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements (Update expr1 selectors expr2) ai
- # (cc, ai) = consumerRequirements expr1 ai
- ai = requirementsOfSelectors selectors ai
- (cc, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) ai
- # (cc, ai) = consumerRequirements expression ai
- (cc, ai) = consumerRequirements expressions ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements (TupleSelect tuple_symbol arg_nr expr) ai
- = consumerRequirements expr ai
- consumerRequirements (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements (ABCCodeExpr _ _) ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements (DynamicExpr dynamic_expr) ai
- = consumerRequirements dynamic_expr ai
- consumerRequirements (TypeCodeExpression _) ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements EE ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
- consumerRequirements expr ai
+ ai = requirementsOfSelectors selectors common_defs { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (Update expr1 selectors expr2) common_defs ai
+ # (cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements expr1 common_defs ai
+ ai = requirementsOfSelectors selectors common_defs ai
+ (cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements expr2 common_defs ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) common_defs ai
+ # (cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements expression common_defs ai
+ (cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements expressions common_defs ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (TupleSelect tuple_symbol arg_nr expr) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements expr common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (ABCCodeExpr _ _) _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (DynamicExpr dynamic_expr) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements dynamic_expr common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements (TypeCodeExpression _) _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements EE _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements expr _ ai
= abort ("consumerRequirements " <<- expr)
-requirementsOfSelectors selectors ai
- = foldSt reqs_of_selector selectors ai
+requirementsOfSelectors selectors common_defs ai
+ = foldSt (reqs_of_selector common_defs) selectors ai
- reqs_of_selector (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) ai
- # (_, ai) = consumerRequirements index_expr ai
+ reqs_of_selector common_defs (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) ai
+ # (_, _, ai) = consumerRequirements index_expr common_defs ai
= ai
- reqs_of_selector (DictionarySelection dict_var _ _ index_expr) ai
- # (_, ai) = consumerRequirements index_expr ai
- (cc_var, ai) = consumerRequirements dict_var ai
+ reqs_of_selector common_defs (DictionarySelection dict_var _ _ index_expr) ai
+ # (_, _, ai) = consumerRequirements index_expr common_defs ai
+ (cc_var, _, ai) = consumerRequirements dict_var common_defs ai
= { ai & ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications cActive cc_var ai.ai_class_subst }
- reqs_of_selector _ ai
+ reqs_of_selector _ _ ai
= ai
instance consumerRequirements App where
- consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity, symb_name}, app_args} ai=:{ai_cons_class}
+ consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity, symb_name}, app_args} common_defs ai=:{ai_cons_class}
| glob_module == cIclModIndex
| glob_object < size ai_cons_class
#! fun_class = ai_cons_class.[glob_object]
- = reqs_of_args fun_class.cc_args app_args cPassive ai
- = consumerRequirements app_args ai
- = consumerRequirements app_args ai
+ = reqs_of_args fun_class.cc_args app_args cPassive common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements app_args common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements app_args common_defs ai
- reqs_of_args _ [] cumm_arg_class ai
- = (cumm_arg_class, ai)
- reqs_of_args [] _ cumm_arg_class ai
- = (cumm_arg_class, ai)
- reqs_of_args [form_cc : ccs] [arg : args] cumm_arg_class ai
- # (act_cc, ai) = consumerRequirements arg ai
+ reqs_of_args _ [] cumm_arg_class _ ai
+ = (cumm_arg_class, False, ai)
+ reqs_of_args [] _ cumm_arg_class _ ai
+ = (cumm_arg_class, False, ai)
+ reqs_of_args [form_cc : ccs] [arg : args] cumm_arg_class common_defs ai
+ # (act_cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements arg common_defs ai
ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications form_cc act_cc ai.ai_class_subst
- = reqs_of_args ccs args (combineClasses act_cc cumm_arg_class) { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
+ = reqs_of_args ccs args (combineClasses act_cc cumm_arg_class) common_defs { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_InternalFunction _}, app_args=[arg:_]} ai
@@ -281,31 +309,95 @@ instance consumerRequirements App where
ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications cActive cc ai.ai_class_subst
= (cPassive, { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst })
- consumerRequirements {app_args} ai
- = consumerRequirements app_args ai
+ consumerRequirements {app_args} common_defs ai
+ = not_an_unsafe_pattern (consumerRequirements app_args common_defs ai)
instance consumerRequirements Case where
- consumerRequirements {case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_info_ptr} ai
- # ai = case case_expr of
- (Var {var_info_ptr}) -> { ai & ai_cases_of_vars_for_function=[(case_info_ptr,var_info_ptr):ai.ai_cases_of_vars_for_function] }
- _ -> ai
- (cce, ai) = consumerRequirements case_expr ai
- ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications cActive cce ai.ai_class_subst
- (ccgs, ai) = consumerRequirements case_guards { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
- (ccd, ai) = consumerRequirements case_default ai
- = (combineClasses ccgs ccd, ai)
-/* XXX was
-instance consumerRequirements Case where
- consumerRequirements {case_expr,case_guards,case_default} ai
- # (cce, ai) = consumerRequirements case_expr ai
- ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications cActive cce ai.ai_class_subst
- (ccgs, ai) = consumerRequirements (case_guards,case_default) { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
- = (ccgs, ai)
+ consumerRequirements kees=:{case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_info_ptr} common_defs ai
+ # (cce, _, ai) = consumerRequirements case_expr common_defs ai
+ (ccgs, unsafe_bits, ai) = consumer_requirements_of_guards case_guards common_defs ai
+ has_default = case case_default of { Yes _ -> True; _ -> False }
+ (ccd, default_is_unsafe, ai) = consumerRequirements case_default common_defs ai
+ (every_constructor_appears_in_safe_pattern, ambiguity_exists) = inspect_patterns common_defs has_default case_guards unsafe_bits
+ safe = (has_default && not default_is_unsafe) || every_constructor_appears_in_safe_pattern
+ ai_class_subst = unifyClassifications (if ambiguity_exists cVarOfWeirdCase cActive) cce ai.ai_class_subst
+ ai = { ai & ai_class_subst = ai_class_subst }
+ ai = case case_expr of
+ (Var {var_info_ptr})
+ -> case ambiguity_exists of
+ False -> { ai & ai_cases_of_vars_for_function=[kees:ai.ai_cases_of_vars_for_function] }
+ True -> ai
+ _ -> ai
+ = (combineClasses ccgs ccd, not safe, ai)
+ where
+ inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (AlgebraicPatterns {glob_object, glob_module} algebraic_patterns) unsafe_bits
+ # type_def = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ defined_symbols = case type_def.td_rhs of
+ AlgType defined_symbols -> defined_symbols
+ RecordType {rt_constructor} -> [rt_constructor]
+ all_constructors = [ ds_index \\ {ds_index}<-defined_symbols ]
+ pattern_constructors = [ glob_object.ds_index \\ {ap_symbol={glob_object}}<-algebraic_patterns]
+ sorted_pattern_constructors = sort pattern_constructors unsafe_bits
+ all_sorted_constructors = if (is_sorted all_constructors) all_constructors (quicksort (<) all_constructors)
+ = (appearance_loop all_sorted_constructors sorted_pattern_constructors, ambiguity_loop has_default sorted_pattern_constructors)
+ where
+ is_sorted [x]
+ = True
+ is_sorted [h1:t=:[h2:_]]
+ = h1 < h2 && is_sorted t
+ inspect_patterns common_defs has_default (BasicPatterns BT_Bool basic_patterns) unsafe_bits
+ # bools_indices = [ if bool 1 0 \\ {bp_value=BVB bool}<-basic_patterns ]
+ sorted_pattern_constructors = sort bools_indices unsafe_bits
+ = (appearance_loop [0,1] sorted_pattern_constructors,
+ ambiguity_loop has_default sorted_pattern_constructors)
+ inspect_patterns _ _ _ _
+ = (False, True)
+ sort constr_indices unsafe_bits
+ = quicksort smaller (zip3 constr_indices [0..] unsafe_bits)
+ where
+ smaller (i1,si1,_) (i2,si2,_)
+ | i1<i2 = True
+ | i1>i2 = False
+ = si1<si2
+ zip3 [h1:t1] [h2:t2] [h3:t3]
+ = [(h1,h2,h3):zip3 t1 t2 t3]
+ zip3 _ _ _
+ = []
+ appearance_loop [] _
+ = True
+ appearance_loop _ []
+ = False
+ appearance_loop l1=:[constructor_in_type:constructors_in_type] [(constructor_in_pattern,_,is_unsafe_pattern):constructors_in_pattern]
+ | constructor_in_type < constructor_in_pattern
+ = False
+ // constructor_in_type==constructor_in_pattern
+ | is_unsafe_pattern
+ // maybe there is another pattern that is safe for this constructor
+ = appearance_loop l1 constructors_in_pattern
+ // the constructor will match safely. Skip over patterns with the same constructor and test the following constructor
+ = appearance_loop constructors_in_type (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_,_)->ds_index==constructor_in_pattern) constructors_in_pattern)
+ ambiguity_loop has_default []
+ = False
+ ambiguity_loop has_default [(cip, _, iup):t]
+ = a_loop has_default cip iup t
+ where
+ a_loop has_default cip iup []
+ = iup && has_default
+ a_loop has_default cip iup [(constructor_in_pattern, _, is_unsafe_pattern):constructors_in_pattern]
+ | cip<constructor_in_pattern
+ | iup && has_default
+ = True
+ = a_loop has_default constructor_in_pattern is_unsafe_pattern constructors_in_pattern
+ | iup
+ = True
+ = ambiguity_loop has_default (dropWhile (\(ds_index,_,_)->ds_index==cip) constructors_in_pattern)
instance consumerRequirements DynamicExpr where
- consumerRequirements {dyn_expr} ai
- = consumerRequirements dyn_expr ai
+ consumerRequirements {dyn_expr} common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements dyn_expr common_defs ai
instance consumerRequirements TypeCase where
@@ -316,86 +408,86 @@ instance consumerRequirements TypeCase where
instance consumerRequirements DynamicPattern where
- consumerRequirements {dp_rhs} ai
- = consumerRequirements dp_rhs ai
-instance consumerRequirements CasePatterns where
- consumerRequirements (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) ai
- # pattern_exprs = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
- pattern_vars = flatten [ filter (\{fv_count}->fv_count>0) ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
- (ai_next_var, ai_heap) = bind_pattern_vars pattern_vars ai.ai_next_var ai.ai_heap
- = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs { ai & ai_heap=ai_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var }
- where
- bind_pattern_vars [{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] next_var var_heap
- | fv_count > 0
- = bind_pattern_vars vars (inc next_var) (write_ptr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var cNoFunArg) var_heap "bind_pattern_vars")
- = bind_pattern_vars vars (inc next_var) var_heap
- bind_pattern_vars [] next_var var_heap
- = (next_var, var_heap)
- consumerRequirements (BasicPatterns type patterns) ai
- # pattern_exprs = [ bp_expr \\ {bp_expr}<-patterns]
- = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs ai
- consumerRequirements (DynamicPatterns dyn_patterns) ai
- = abort "trans.icl: consumerRequirements CasePatterns case missing"
-// XXX was before adding reference counting = consumerRequirements dyn_patterns ai
+ consumerRequirements {dp_rhs} common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements dp_rhs common_defs ai
+consumer_requirements_of_guards (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) common_defs ai
+ # pattern_exprs = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
+ pattern_vars = flatten [ ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
+ (ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap) = bind_pattern_vars pattern_vars ai.ai_next_var ai.ai_next_var_of_fun ai.ai_var_heap
+ ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = ai_next_var_of_fun }
+ = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs common_defs ai
+ where
+ bind_pattern_vars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
+ | fv_count > 0
+ = bind_pattern_vars vars (inc next_var) (inc next_var_of_fun) (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var next_var_of_fun) var_heap)
+ = bind_pattern_vars vars (inc next_var) next_var_of_fun (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Count 0 False) var_heap)
+ bind_pattern_vars [] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
+ = (next_var, next_var_of_fun, var_heap)
-instance consumerRequirements AlgebraicPattern where
- consumerRequirements {ap_vars,ap_expr} ai=:{ai_heap}
- # ai_heap = bind_pattern_vars ap_vars ai_heap
- = consumerRequirements ap_expr { ai & ai_heap = ai_heap }
- where
- bind_pattern_vars [{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] var_heap
- | fv_count > 0
- = bind_pattern_vars vars (write_ptr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar cPassive cNoFunArg) var_heap "bind_pattern_vars") -!-> "NOT BINDING"
- = bind_pattern_vars vars var_heap
- bind_pattern_vars [] var_heap
- = var_heap
+consumer_requirements_of_guards (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) common_defs ai
+ # pattern_exprs = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr}<-patterns]
+ pattern_vars = flatten [ filter (\{fv_count}->fv_count>0) ap_vars \\ {ap_vars}<-patterns]
+ (ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun, ai_var_heap) = bind_pattern_vars pattern_vars ai.ai_next_var ai.ai_next_var_of_fun ai.ai_var_heap
+ ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap, ai_next_var=ai_next_var, ai_next_var_of_fun = ai_next_var_of_fun }
+ = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs common_defs ai
+ where
+ bind_pattern_vars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_count} : vars] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
+ | fv_count > 0
+ = bind_pattern_vars vars (inc next_var) (inc next_var_of_fun) (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var next_var_of_fun) var_heap)
+ = bind_pattern_vars vars (inc next_var) (inc next_var_of_fun) var_heap
+ bind_pattern_vars [] next_var next_var_of_fun var_heap
+ = (next_var, next_var_of_fun, var_heap)
+consumer_requirements_of_guards (BasicPatterns type patterns) common_defs ai
+ # pattern_exprs = [ bp_expr \\ {bp_expr}<-patterns]
+ = independentConsumerRequirements pattern_exprs common_defs ai
+consumer_requirements_of_guards (DynamicPatterns dyn_patterns) common_defs ai
+ = abort "compiler bug in trans.icl: consumerRequirements CasePatterns case missing"
+// XXX was before adding reference counting = consumerRequirements dyn_patterns ai
instance consumerRequirements BasicPattern where
- consumerRequirements {bp_expr} ai
- = consumerRequirements bp_expr ai
+ consumerRequirements {bp_expr} common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements bp_expr common_defs ai
instance consumerRequirements (Optional a) | consumerRequirements a where
- consumerRequirements (Yes x) ai
- = consumerRequirements x ai
- consumerRequirements No ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (Yes x) common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements x common_defs ai
+ consumerRequirements No _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
instance consumerRequirements (!a,!b) | consumerRequirements a & consumerRequirements b where
- consumerRequirements (x, y) ai
- # (ccx, ai) = consumerRequirements x ai
- (ccy, ai) = consumerRequirements y ai
- = (combineClasses ccx ccy, ai)
+ consumerRequirements (x, y) common_defs ai
+ # (ccx, _, ai) = consumerRequirements x common_defs ai
+ (ccy, _, ai) = consumerRequirements y common_defs ai
+ = (combineClasses ccx ccy, False, ai)
instance consumerRequirements [a] | consumerRequirements a where
- consumerRequirements [x : xs] ai
- # (ccx, ai) = consumerRequirements x ai
- (ccxs, ai) = consumerRequirements xs ai
- = (combineClasses ccx ccxs, ai)
- consumerRequirements [] ai
- = (cPassive, ai)
+ consumerRequirements [x : xs] common_defs ai
+ # (ccx, _, ai) = consumerRequirements x common_defs ai
+ (ccxs, _, ai) = consumerRequirements xs common_defs ai
+ = (combineClasses ccx ccxs, False, ai)
+ consumerRequirements [] _ ai
+ = (cPassive, False, ai)
instance consumerRequirements (Bind a b) | consumerRequirements a where
- consumerRequirements {bind_src} ai
- = consumerRequirements bind_src ai
+ consumerRequirements {bind_src} common_defs ai
+ = consumerRequirements bind_src common_defs ai
-independentConsumerRequirements exprs ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts}
+independentConsumerRequirements exprs common_defs ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts}
// reference counting happens independently for each pattern expression
#! s = size ai_cur_ref_counts
zero_array = createArray s 0
- (_, cc, ai) = foldSt independent_consumer_requirements exprs (zero_array, cPassive, ai)
- = (cc, ai)
+ (_, cc, r_unsafe_bits ,ai) = foldSt (independent_consumer_requirements common_defs) exprs (zero_array, cPassive, [], ai)
+ = (cc, reverse r_unsafe_bits, ai)
- independent_consumer_requirements :: Expression (*{#Int}, ConsClass, AnalyseInfo) -> (*{#Int}, ConsClass, AnalyseInfo)
- independent_consumer_requirements expr (zero_array, cc, ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts})
+ independent_consumer_requirements common_defs expr (zero_array, cc, unsafe_bits_accu, ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts})
#! s = size ai_cur_ref_counts
ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=zero_array }
- (cce, ai) = consumerRequirements expr ai
+ (cce, is_unsafe_case, ai) = consumerRequirements expr common_defs ai
(unused, unified_ref_counts) = unify_ref_count_arrays s ai_cur_ref_counts ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=unified_ref_counts }
- = ({ unused & [i]=0 \\ i<-[0..s-1]}, combineClasses cce cc, ai)
+ = ({ unused & [i]=0 \\ i<-[0..s-1]}, combineClasses cce cc, [is_unsafe_case:unsafe_bits_accu], ai)
unify_ref_count_arrays 0 src1 src2_dest
= (src1, src2_dest)
unify_ref_count_arrays i src1 src2_dest
@@ -410,13 +502,12 @@ independentConsumerRequirements exprs ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts}
unify_ref_counts 2 _ = 2
-analyseGroups :: !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
+analyseGroups :: !{# CommonDefs} !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!CleanupInfo, !*{! ConsClasses}, !*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap)
-analyseGroups groups fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
+analyseGroups common_defs groups fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
nr_of_groups = size groups
- = iFoldSt analyse_group 0 nr_of_groups
+ = iFoldSt (analyse_group common_defs) 0 nr_of_groups
([], createArray nr_of_funs { cc_size = 0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = []}, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
// = analyse_groups 0 groups (createArray nr_of_funs { cc_size = 0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = []})
// fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
@@ -430,30 +521,48 @@ where
= analyse_groups (inc group_nr) groups class_env fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
- analyse_group group_nr (cleanup_info, class_env, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ analyse_group common_defs group_nr (cleanup_info, class_env, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
#! {group_members} = groups.[group_nr]
# (nr_of_vars, nr_of_local_vars, var_heap, class_env, fun_defs) = initial_cons_class group_members 0 0 var_heap class_env fun_defs
initial_subst = createArray (nr_of_vars + nr_of_local_vars) cPassive
(ai_cases_of_vars_for_group, ai, fun_defs)
- = analyse_functions group_members []
- { ai_heap = var_heap,
+ = analyse_functions common_defs group_members []
+ { ai_var_heap = var_heap,
ai_cons_class = class_env,
ai_cur_ref_counts = {}, ai_class_subst = initial_subst,
ai_next_var = nr_of_vars,
+ ai_next_var_of_fun = 0,
ai_cases_of_vars_for_function = [] } fun_defs
class_env = collect_classifications group_members ai.ai_cons_class ai.ai_class_subst
(cleanup_info, class_env, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
- = foldSt set_case_expr_info (flatten ai_cases_of_vars_for_group) (cleanup_info,class_env, fun_defs, ai.ai_heap, expr_heap)
+ = foldSt set_case_expr_info (flatten ai_cases_of_vars_for_group) (cleanup_info,class_env, fun_defs, ai.ai_var_heap, expr_heap)
= (cleanup_info, class_env, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
- set_case_expr_info ((expr_info_ptr,var_info_ptr),fun_index) (cleanup_acc, class_env, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ set_case_expr_info ({case_expr=(Var {var_info_ptr}), case_guards, case_info_ptr},fun_index) (cleanup_acc, class_env, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
# (VI_AccVar _ arg_position, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- ({cc_args, cc_linear_bits},class_env) = class_env![fun_index]
- | arg_position<>cNoFunArg && cc_args!!arg_position==cActive && cc_linear_bits!!arg_position
- // mark cases whose case_expr is an active linear function argument
- # aci = { aci_arg_pos = arg_position, aci_opt_unfolder = No, aci_free_vars=No }
- = ([expr_info_ptr:cleanup_acc], class_env, fun_defs, var_heap, add_extended_expr_info expr_info_ptr (EEI_ActiveCase aci) expr_heap)
+ ({cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_bits},class_env) = class_env![fun_index]
+ (aci_linearity_of_patterns, var_heap) = get_linearity_info cc_linear_bits case_guards var_heap
+ | /*XXX*/arg_position<cc_size && (arg_position>=cc_size || cc_args!!arg_position==cActive) && cc_linear_bits!!arg_position
+ // mark non weird cases whose case_expr is an active linear function argument
+ # aci = { aci_params = [], aci_opt_unfolder = No, aci_free_vars=No, aci_linearity_of_patterns = aci_linearity_of_patterns }
+ = ([case_info_ptr:cleanup_acc], class_env, fun_defs, var_heap,
+ set_extended_expr_info case_info_ptr (EEI_ActiveCase aci) expr_heap)
= (cleanup_acc, class_env, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ get_linearity_info cc_linear_bits (AlgebraicPatterns _ algebraic_patterns) var_heap
+ = mapSt (get_linearity_info_of_pattern cc_linear_bits) algebraic_patterns var_heap
+ where
+ get_linearity_info_of_pattern cc_linear_bits {ap_vars} var_heap
+ # (var_indices, var_heap) = mapSt get_var_index ap_vars var_heap
+ = ([if (index==cNope) True (cc_linear_bits!!index) \\ index<-var_indices], var_heap)
+ get_var_index {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ # (vi, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ index = case vi of
+ VI_AccVar _ index -> index
+ VI_Count 0 False -> cNope
+ = (index, var_heap)
+ get_linearity_info cc_linear_bits _ var_heap
+ = ([], var_heap)
initial_cons_class [fun : funs] next_var_number nr_of_local_vars var_heap class_env fun_defs
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
# (TransformedBody {tb_args}) = fun_def.fun_body
@@ -465,28 +574,30 @@ where
fresh_variables [{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : vars] arg_position next_var_number var_heap
# (fresh_vars, last_var_number, var_heap) = fresh_variables vars (inc arg_position) (inc next_var_number) var_heap
- var_heap = write_ptr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var_number arg_position) var_heap "fresh_variables"
+ var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_AccVar next_var_number arg_position) var_heap
= ([next_var_number : fresh_vars], last_var_number, var_heap)
fresh_variables [] _ next_var_number var_heap
= ([], next_var_number, var_heap)
- analyse_functions [fun : funs] cfvog_accu ai fun_defs
+ analyse_functions common_defs [fun : funs] cfvog_accu ai fun_defs
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
# (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = fun_def.fun_body
- ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = createArray (length tb_args) 0 }
- (_, ai) = consumerRequirements tb_rhs ai
+ nr_of_args = length tb_args
+ ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts = createArray (nr_of_args + length fun_def.fun_info.fi_local_vars) 0,
+ ai_next_var_of_fun = nr_of_args }
+ (_, _, ai) = consumerRequirements tb_rhs common_defs ai
ai_cur_ref_counts = ai.ai_cur_ref_counts
ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts={} }
ai_cons_class = update_array_element ai.ai_cons_class fun
(\cc->{ cc & cc_linear_bits=[ ref_count<2 \\ ref_count<-:ai_cur_ref_counts] })
cases_of_vars_for_function = [(a,fun) \\ a<-ai.ai_cases_of_vars_for_function ]
ai = { ai & ai_cons_class=ai_cons_class, ai_cases_of_vars_for_function=[] }
- = analyse_functions funs [cases_of_vars_for_function:cfvog_accu] ai fun_defs
+ = analyse_functions common_defs funs [cases_of_vars_for_function:cfvog_accu] ai fun_defs
update_array_element array index transition
# (before, array) = array![index]
= { array & [index]=transition before }
- analyse_functions [] cfvog_accu ai fun_defs
+ analyse_functions common_defs [] cfvog_accu ai fun_defs
= (cfvog_accu, ai, fun_defs)
collect_classifications [] class_env class_subst
@@ -494,7 +605,7 @@ where
collect_classifications [fun : funs] class_env class_subst
#! fun_class = class_env.[fun]
# fun_class = determine_classification fun_class class_subst
- = collect_classifications funs { class_env & [fun] = fun_class/* ---> (fun, fun_class)*/} class_subst
+ = collect_classifications funs { class_env & [fun] = fun_class /*---> (fun, fun_class)*/} class_subst
determine_classification cc class_subst
# (cc_size, cc_args) = mapAndLength (skip_indirections class_subst) cc.cc_args
@@ -513,26 +624,30 @@ mapAndLength f []
= (0, [])
:: *TransformInfo =
- { ti_fun_defs :: !*{# FunDef}
- , ti_instances :: !*{! InstanceInfo }
- , ti_cons_args :: !{! ConsClasses}
- , ti_new_functions :: ![FunctionInfoPtr]
- , ti_fun_heap :: !*FunctionHeap
- , ti_var_heap :: !*VarHeap
- , ti_symbol_heap :: !*ExpressionHeap
- , ti_type_heaps :: !*TypeHeaps
- , ti_next_fun_nr :: !Index
- , ti_cleanup_info :: !CleanupInfo
- , ti_recursion_introduced :: !Bool
+ { ti_fun_defs :: !*{# FunDef}
+ , ti_instances :: !*{! InstanceInfo }
+ , ti_cons_args :: !{! ConsClasses}
+ , ti_new_functions :: ![FunctionInfoPtr]
+ , ti_fun_heap :: !*FunctionHeap
+ , ti_var_heap :: !*VarHeap
+ , ti_symbol_heap :: !*ExpressionHeap
+ , ti_type_heaps :: !*TypeHeaps
+ , ti_next_fun_nr :: !Index
+ , ti_cleanup_info :: !CleanupInfo
+ , ti_recursion_introduced :: !Optional Index
+ , ti_trace :: !Bool // XXX just for tracing
:: ReadOnlyTI =
{ ro_imported_funs :: !{# {# FunType} }
- , ro_is_root_case :: !Bool
+ , ro_common_defs :: !{# CommonDefs }
+ , ro_root_case_mode :: !RootCaseMode
, ro_fun :: !SymbIdent
, ro_fun_args :: ![FreeVar]
+:: RootCaseMode = NotRootCase | RootCase | RootCaseOfZombie
class transform a :: !a !ReadOnlyTI !TransformInfo -> (!a, !TransformInfo)
instance transform Expression
@@ -549,11 +664,36 @@ where
-> (expr @ exprs, ti)
transform (Let lad=:{let_binds, let_expr}) ro ti
- # (let_binds, ti) = transform let_binds ro ti
+ # ti = store_type_info_of_bindings_in_heap lad ti
+ (let_binds, ti) = transform let_binds ro ti
(let_expr, ti) = transform let_expr ro ti
= (Let { lad & let_binds = let_binds, let_expr = let_expr}, ti)
- transform (Case case_expr) ro ti
- = transformCase case_expr ro ti
+ where
+ store_type_info_of_bindings_in_heap {let_binds,let_info_ptr} ti
+ # (EI_LetType var_types, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo let_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ ti_var_heap = foldSt (\(var_type, {bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}}) var_heap
+ ->setExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr (EVI_VarType var_type) var_heap)
+ (zip2 var_types let_binds) ti.ti_var_heap
+ = { ti & ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }
+ transform (Case kees) ro ti
+ # ti = store_type_info_of_patterns_in_heap kees ti
+ = transformCase kees ro ti
+ where
+ store_type_info_of_patterns_in_heap {case_guards,case_info_ptr} ti
+ = case case_guards of
+ AlgebraicPatterns _ patterns
+ # (EI_CaseType {ct_cons_types},ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ ti_var_heap = foldSt store_type_info_of_alg_pattern (zip2 ct_cons_types patterns) ti.ti_var_heap
+ -> { ti & ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }
+ BasicPatterns _ _
+ -> ti // no variables occur
+ DynamicPatterns dynamic_patterns
+ -> abort "case for DynamicPatterns not yet implemented in module trans (XXX)"
+ NoPattern
+ -> ti
+ store_type_info_of_alg_pattern (var_types,{ap_vars}) var_heap
+ = foldSt (\(var_type, {fv_info_ptr}) var_heap
+ ->setExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr (EVI_VarType var_type) var_heap) (zip2 var_types ap_vars) var_heap
transform (Selection opt_type expr selectors) ro ti
# (expr, ti) = transform expr ro ti
= transformSelection opt_type selectors expr ti
@@ -563,6 +703,11 @@ where
transform expr ro ti
= (expr, ti)
+setExtendedVarInfo var_info_ptr extension var_heap
+ # (old_var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case old_var_info of
+ VI_Extended _ original_var_info -> writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Extended extension original_var_info) var_heap
+ _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Extended extension old_var_info) var_heap
neverMatchingCase = { case_expr = EE, case_guards = NoPattern, case_default = No, case_ident = No, case_info_ptr = nilPtr }
instance transform DynamicExpr where
@@ -575,262 +720,368 @@ instance transform DynamicPattern where
# (dp_rhs, ti) = transform dp_rhs ro ti
= ({ dp & dp_rhs = dp_rhs }, ti)
-ti_to_unfold_state ti
- :== { us_var_heap = ti.ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info }
unfold_state_to_ti us ti
:== { ti & ti_var_heap = us.us_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = us.us_symbol_heap, ti_cleanup_info=us.us_cleanup_info }
transformCase this_case=:{case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_ident,case_info_ptr} ro ti
- | not do_fusion
+ | SwitchFusion False True
= skip_over this_case ro ti
- = case case_expr of
- Case case_in_case
- -> lift_case case_in_case this_case ro ti
- App app=:{app_symb,app_args}
- # (opt_aci, ti_symbol_heap) = get_opt_active_case_info case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_symbol_heap=ti_symbol_heap }
- -> case app_symb.symb_kind of
- SK_Constructor cons_index
- # algebraicPatterns = getAlgebraicPatterns case_guards
- (may_be_match_expr, ti) = match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args algebraicPatterns case_default
- ro ti
- -> case may_be_match_expr of
- Yes match_expr
- -> (match_expr, ti)
- No
- -> (Case neverMatchingCase, ti)
- // otherwise it's a function application
- _ -> case opt_aci of
- Yes aci=:{ aci_arg_pos, aci_opt_unfolder, aci_free_vars }
- -> case aci_opt_unfolder of
- No | not ro.ro_is_root_case
-// ReadOnlyTI
- -> possibly_generate_case_function this_case app aci ro ti
- # (may_be_unfolded_expr, ti) = tryToUnfoldExpression app_symb app_args ti
- -> case may_be_unfolded_expr of
- (Yes unfolded_expr)
- # ti_symbol_heap = app_EEI_ActiveCase (\aci-> {aci & aci_opt_unfolder=Yes app_symb}) case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_symbol_heap=ti_symbol_heap }
- -> transformCase {this_case & case_expr = unfolded_expr } ro ti
- No -> skip_over this_case ro ti
- Yes unfolder
- | not (equal app_symb.symb_kind unfolder.symb_kind)
- -> abort ("unrecognized case !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"->>(app_symb.symb_kind, unfolder.symb_kind))
- # variables = [ Var {var_name=fv_name, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr}
- \\ {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} <- ro.ro_fun_args ]
- ti = { ti & ti_recursion_introduced = True }
- -> (App {app_symb=ro.ro_fun, app_args=replace_at aci_arg_pos app_args variables, app_info_ptr=nilPtr}, ti)
- No -> skip_over this_case ro ti
- BasicExpr basic_value _
- # basicPatterns = getBasicPatterns case_guards
- # may_be_match_pattern = dropWhile (\{bp_value} -> bp_value<>basic_value) basicPatterns
- | isEmpty may_be_match_pattern
- -> case case_default of
- Yes default_expr-> (default_expr, ti)
- No -> (Case neverMatchingCase, ti)
- -> ((hd may_be_match_pattern).bp_expr, ti)
- _ -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ # (case_info, ti_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ ti = { ti & ti_symbol_heap=ti_symbol_heap }
+ (result_expr, ti) = case case_info of
+ EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci) _
+ | is_variable case_expr
+ -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ -> case ro.ro_root_case_mode of
+ NotRootCase -> possibly_generate_case_function this_case aci ro ti
+ _ -> transCase True (Yes aci) this_case ro ti
+ _ -> transCase False No this_case ro ti
+ ti = { ti & ti_symbol_heap = remove_aci_free_vars_info case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap }
+ = (result_expr, ti)
+ where
skip_over this_case=:{case_expr,case_guards,case_default} ro ti
- # ro_lost_root = { ro & ro_is_root_case = False }
+ # ro_lost_root = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase }
(new_case_expr, ti) = transform case_expr ro_lost_root ti
(new_case_guards, ti) = transform case_guards ro_lost_root ti
(new_case_default, ti) = transform case_default ro_lost_root ti
= (Case { this_case & case_expr=new_case_expr, case_guards=new_case_guards, case_default=new_case_default }, ti)
- equal (SK_Function glob_index1) (SK_Function glob_index2)
- = glob_index1==glob_index2
- equal (SK_GeneratedFunction _ index1) (SK_GeneratedFunction _ index2)
- = index1==index2
- equal _ _
- = False
- get_opt_active_case_info case_info_ptr symbol_heap
- # (expr_info, symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr symbol_heap
- = case expr_info of
- EI_Extended extensions _
- -> (lookup extensions, symbol_heap)
- _ -> (No, symbol_heap)
- where
- lookup [] = No
- lookup [EEI_ActiveCase aci:t] = Yes aci
- lookup [h:t] = lookup t
+ is_variable (Var _) = True
+ is_variable _ = False
+ remove_aci_free_vars_info case_info_ptr ti_symbol_heap
+ = app_EEI_ActiveCase (\aci->{aci & aci_free_vars = No }) case_info_ptr ti_symbol_heap
+ transCase is_active opt_aci this_case=:{case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_ident,case_info_ptr} ro ti
+ | ti.ti_trace && (False--->("transCase",Case this_case))
+ = undef
+ = case case_expr of
+ Case case_in_case
+ | is_active
+ -> lift_case case_in_case this_case ro ti
+ -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ App app=:{app_symb,app_args}
+ -> case app_symb.symb_kind of
+ SK_Constructor cons_index
+ | not is_active
+ -> skip_over this_case ro ti // XXX currently only active cases are matched at runtime (ambiguity problem)
+ # algebraicPatterns = getAlgebraicPatterns case_guards
+ aci = case opt_aci of { Yes aci -> aci }
+ (may_be_match_expr, ti) = match_and_instantiate aci.aci_linearity_of_patterns cons_index app_args algebraicPatterns case_default ro ti
+ -> case may_be_match_expr of
+ Yes match_expr
+ -> (match_expr, ti)
+ No
+ -> (Case neverMatchingCase, ti)
+ // otherwise it's a function application
+ _ -> case opt_aci of
+ Yes aci=:{ aci_params, aci_opt_unfolder }
+ -> case aci_opt_unfolder of
+ No -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ Yes unfolder
+ | not (equal app_symb.symb_kind unfolder.symb_kind)
+ // in this case a third function could be fused in
+ -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ # variables = [ Var {var_name=fv_name, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr}
+ \\ {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} <- ro.ro_fun_args ]
+ (ti_next_fun_nr, ti) = ti!ti_next_fun_nr
+ (new_next_fun_nr, app_symb)
+ = case ro.ro_root_case_mode of
+ RootCaseOfZombie
+ # (ro_fun=:{symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _}) = ro.ro_fun
+ -> (inc ti_next_fun_nr,
+ { ro_fun & symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr ti_next_fun_nr })
+ RootCase
+ -> (ti_next_fun_nr, ro.ro_fun)
+ ti = { ti & ti_next_fun_nr = new_next_fun_nr, ti_recursion_introduced = Yes ti_next_fun_nr }
+ app_args1 = replace_arg [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-aci_params ] app_args variables
+ (app_args2, ti) = transform app_args1 { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase } ti
+ -> (App {app_symb=app_symb, app_args=app_args2, app_info_ptr=nilPtr}, ti)
+ No -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ BasicExpr basic_value _
+ | not is_active
+ -> skip_over this_case ro ti // XXX currently only active cases are matched at runtime (ambiguity problem)
+ # basicPatterns = getBasicPatterns case_guards
+ may_be_match_pattern = dropWhile (\{bp_value} -> bp_value<>basic_value) basicPatterns
+ | isEmpty may_be_match_pattern
+ -> case case_default of
+ Yes default_expr-> transform default_expr { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase } ti
+ No -> (Case neverMatchingCase, ti)
+ -> transform (hd may_be_match_pattern).bp_expr { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase } ti
+ _ -> skip_over this_case ro ti
+ where
+ equal (SK_Function glob_index1) (SK_Function glob_index2)
+ = glob_index1==glob_index2
+ equal (SK_GeneratedFunction _ index1) (SK_GeneratedFunction _ index2)
+ = index1==index2
+ equal _ _
+ = False
- get_instance_info (SK_Function {glob_object}) instances fun_heap
- # (instance_info, instances) = instances![glob_object]
- = (instance_info, instances, fun_heap)
- get_instance_info (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _) instances fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_instance_info, gf_fun_def}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_info_ptr fun_heap
- = (gf_instance_info, instances, fun_heap)
- replace_at :: !Int [x] [x] -> [x]
- replace_at _ _ []
- = abort "compiler bug nr 67 in module trans"
- replace_at 0 x l
- = x++(drop (length x) l)
- replace_at i x [h:t]
- = [h : replace_at (dec i ) x t]
- // XXX this function has free variables .. and isnt used at all (hehe)
- case_of_app_but_no_fold app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_Constructor cons_index} app_args ti
- # algebraicPatterns = getAlgebraicPatterns case_guards
- # (may_be_match_expr, ti) = match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args algebraicPatterns case_default ro ti
- = case may_be_match_expr of
- Yes match_expr
- -> (match_expr, ti)
- No
- -> (Case neverMatchingCase, ti)
- case_of_app_but_no_fold app_symb app_args ti
- # (may_be_unfolded_expr, ti) = tryToUnfoldExpression app_symb app_args ti
- = case may_be_unfolded_expr of
- (Yes unfolded_expr)
- -> transformCase {this_case & case_expr = unfolded_expr } ro ti
- No
- # (this_case, ti) = transform this_case ro ti
- -> (Case this_case, ti)
- getAlgebraicPatterns (AlgebraicPatterns _ algebraicPatterns)
- = algebraicPatterns
- getBasicPatterns (BasicPatterns _ basicPatterns)
- = basicPatterns
+ get_instance_info (SK_Function {glob_object}) instances fun_heap
+ # (instance_info, instances) = instances![glob_object]
+ = (instance_info, instances, fun_heap)
+ get_instance_info (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _) instances fun_heap
+ # (FI_Function {gf_instance_info, gf_fun_def}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_info_ptr fun_heap
+ = (gf_instance_info, instances, fun_heap)
- lift_case nested_case=:{case_guards,case_default} outer_case ro ti
- # default_exists = case case_default of
- Yes _ -> True
- No -> False
- (case_guards, ti) = lift_patterns default_exists case_guards outer_case ro ti
- (case_default, ti) = lift_default case_default outer_case ro ti
- (EI_CaseType outer_case_type, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo outer_case.case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
- // the result type of the nested case becomes the result type of the outer case
- ti_symbol_heap = overwrite_result_type nested_case.case_info_ptr outer_case_type.ct_result_type ti_symbol_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap }
- = (Case {nested_case & case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default}, ti)
- where
- overwrite_result_type case_info_ptr new_result_type ti_symbol_heap
- #! (EI_CaseType case_type, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti_symbol_heap
- = writeExprInfo case_info_ptr (EI_CaseType { case_type & ct_result_type = new_result_type}) ti_symbol_heap
- lift_patterns default_exists (AlgebraicPatterns type case_guards) outer_case ro ti
- # guard_exprs = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr} <- case_guards ]
- # (guard_exprs_with_case, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
- = (AlgebraicPatterns type [ { case_guard & ap_expr=guard_expr } \\ case_guard<-case_guards & guard_expr<-guard_exprs_with_case], ti)
- lift_patterns default_exists (BasicPatterns basic_type case_guards) outer_case ro ti
- # guard_exprs = [ bp_expr \\ {bp_expr} <- case_guards ]
- # (guard_exprs_with_case, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
- = (BasicPatterns basic_type [ { case_guard & bp_expr=guard_expr } \\ case_guard<-case_guards & guard_expr<-guard_exprs_with_case], ti)
- lift_patterns_2 False [guard_expr] outer_case ro ti
- // if no default pattern exists, then the outer case expression does not have to be copied for the last pattern
- # (guard_expr, ti) = transformCase {outer_case & case_expr = guard_expr} ro ti
- = ([guard_expr], ti)
- lift_patterns_2 default_exists [guard_expr : guard_exprs] outer_case ro ti
- # (outer_guards, unfold_state) = unfold outer_case.case_guards (ti_to_unfold_state ti)
- ti = unfold_state_to_ti unfold_state ti
- # (guard_expr, ti) = transformCase { outer_case & case_expr = guard_expr, case_guards=outer_guards } ro ti
- (guard_exprs, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
- = ([guard_expr : guard_exprs], ti)
- lift_patterns_2 _ [] _ _ ti
- = ([], ti)
+ replace_arg producer_vars=:[fv_info_ptr:_] act_pars form_pars=:[h_form_pars=:(Var {var_info_ptr}):t_form_pars]
+ | fv_info_ptr<>var_info_ptr
+ = [h_form_pars:replace_arg producer_vars act_pars t_form_pars]
+ = replacement producer_vars act_pars form_pars
+ where
+ replacement producer_vars [] form_pars
+ = form_pars
+ replacement producer_vars _ []
+ = []
+ replacement producer_vars [h_act_pars:t_act_pars] [form_par=:(Var {var_info_ptr}):form_pars]
+ | isMember var_info_ptr producer_vars
+ = [h_act_pars:replacement producer_vars t_act_pars form_pars]
+ = replacement producer_vars t_act_pars form_pars
+ getAlgebraicPatterns (AlgebraicPatterns _ algebraicPatterns)
+ = algebraicPatterns
+ getBasicPatterns (BasicPatterns _ basicPatterns)
+ = basicPatterns
- lift_default (Yes default_expr) outer_case ro ti
- # (default_expr, ti) = transformCase { outer_case & case_expr = default_expr } ro ti
- = (Yes default_expr, ti)
- lift_default No _ _ ti
- = (No, ti)
- match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args [{ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr} : guards]
- case_default ro ti
- | cons_index.glob_module == glob_module && cons_index.glob_object == ds_index
- # ti_var_heap = fold2St (\{fv_info_ptr} arg -> writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression arg)) ap_vars app_args ti.ti_var_heap
-// XXX was # (unfolded_ap_expr, unfold_state) = unfold ap_expr (bindVariables ap_vars app_args (ti_to_unfold_state ti))
- unfold_state = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info }
- (unfolded_ap_expr, unfold_state) = unfold ap_expr unfold_state
- (ap_expr, ti) = transform unfolded_ap_expr ro (unfold_state_to_ti unfold_state ti)
- = (Yes ap_expr, ti)
- = match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args guards case_default ro ti
- match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args [guard : guards] case_default ro ti
- = match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args guards case_default ro ti
- match_and_instantiate cons_index app_args [] default_expr ro ti
- = transform default_expr ro ti
- possibly_generate_case_function kees app aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti
- # old_ti_recursion_introduced = ti.ti_recursion_introduced
- (free_vars, ti)
- = case aci_free_vars of
- Yes free_vars
- -> (free_vars, ti)
- No # fvi = { fvi_var_heap = ti.ti_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, fvi_variables = [],
- fvi_expr_ptrs = ti.ti_cleanup_info }
- {fvi_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap, fvi_variables, fvi_expr_ptrs} = freeVariables (Case kees) fvi
- ti = { ti & ti_var_heap = fvi_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = fvi_expr_heap, ti_cleanup_info = fvi_expr_ptrs }
- -> (fvi_variables, ti)
- (outer_fun_def, outer_cons_args, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap) = get_fun_def_and_cons_args ro.ro_fun.symb_kind ti.ti_cons_args ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_fun_heap
- // ti.ti_cons_args shared
- outer_arguments = case outer_fun_def.fun_body of
+ lift_case nested_case=:{case_guards,case_default} outer_case ro ti
+ # default_exists = case case_default of
+ Yes _ -> True
+ No -> False
+ (case_guards, ti) = lift_patterns default_exists case_guards outer_case ro ti
+ (case_default, ti) = lift_default case_default outer_case ro ti
+ (EI_CaseType outer_case_type, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo outer_case.case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ // the result type of the nested case becomes the result type of the outer case
+ ti_symbol_heap = overwrite_result_type nested_case.case_info_ptr outer_case_type.ct_result_type ti_symbol_heap
+ // after this transformation the aci_free_vars information doesn't hold anymore
+ ti_symbol_heap = remove_aci_free_vars_info nested_case.case_info_ptr ti_symbol_heap
+ ti = { ti & ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap }
+ = (Case {nested_case & case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default}, ti)
+ where
+ overwrite_result_type case_info_ptr new_result_type ti_symbol_heap
+ #! (EI_CaseType case_type, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti_symbol_heap
+ = writeExprInfo case_info_ptr (EI_CaseType { case_type & ct_result_type = new_result_type}) ti_symbol_heap
+ lift_patterns default_exists (AlgebraicPatterns type case_guards) outer_case ro ti
+ # guard_exprs = [ ap_expr \\ {ap_expr} <- case_guards ]
+ # (guard_exprs_with_case, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
+ = (AlgebraicPatterns type [ { case_guard & ap_expr=guard_expr } \\ case_guard<-case_guards & guard_expr<-guard_exprs_with_case], ti)
+ lift_patterns default_exists (BasicPatterns basic_type case_guards) outer_case ro ti
+ # guard_exprs = [ bp_expr \\ {bp_expr} <- case_guards ]
+ # (guard_exprs_with_case, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
+ = (BasicPatterns basic_type [ { case_guard & bp_expr=guard_expr } \\ case_guard<-case_guards & guard_expr<-guard_exprs_with_case], ti)
+ lift_patterns_2 False [guard_expr] outer_case ro ti
+ // if no default pattern exists, then the outer case expression does not have to be copied for the last pattern
+ # (guard_expr, ti) = transformCase {outer_case & case_expr = guard_expr} ro ti
+ = ([guard_expr], ti)
+ lift_patterns_2 default_exists [guard_expr : guard_exprs] outer_case ro ti
+ # us = { us_var_heap = ti.ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No,
+ us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info, us_subst_vars = False, us_handle_aci_free_vars = LeaveThem }
+ (outer_guards, us) = unfold outer_case.case_guards us
+ ti = { ti & ti_var_heap = us.us_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = us.us_symbol_heap, ti_cleanup_info=us.us_cleanup_info }
+ (guard_expr, ti) = transformCase { outer_case & case_expr = guard_expr, case_guards=outer_guards } ro ti
+ (guard_exprs, ti) = lift_patterns_2 default_exists guard_exprs outer_case ro ti
+ = ([guard_expr : guard_exprs], ti)
+ lift_patterns_2 _ [] _ _ ti
+ = ([], ti)
+ lift_default (Yes default_expr) outer_case ro ti
+ # (default_expr, ti) = transformCase { outer_case & case_expr = default_expr } ro ti
+ = (Yes default_expr, ti)
+ lift_default No _ _ ti
+ = (No, ti)
+ match_and_instantiate [linearity:linearities] cons_index app_args
+ [{ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr} : guards] case_default ro ti
+ | cons_index.glob_module == glob_module && cons_index.glob_object == ds_index
+ # zipped = zip2 ap_vars app_args
+ linear_args = filterWith linearity zipped
+ not_linearity = map not linearity
+ non_linear_args = filterWith not_linearity zipped
+ ti_var_heap = foldSt (\({fv_info_ptr}, arg) -> writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression arg)) linear_args ti.ti_var_heap
+ (new_expr, ti_symbol_heap) = possibly_add_let non_linear_args ap_expr not_linearity glob_module ds_index ro ti.ti_symbol_heap
+// True -> (ap_expr, ti.ti_symbol_heap)
+// (let_expr non_linear_args ap_expr ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_index])
+ unfold_state = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No,
+ us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info, us_subst_vars = True, us_handle_aci_free_vars = LeaveThem }
+ (unfolded_expr, unfold_state) = unfold new_expr unfold_state
+ (final_expr, ti) = transform unfolded_expr { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase } (unfold_state_to_ti unfold_state ti)
+ = (Yes final_expr, ti)
+ = match_and_instantiate linearities cons_index app_args guards case_default ro ti
+ where
+ filterWith [True:t2] [h1:t1]
+ = [h1:filterWith t2 t1]
+ filterWith [False:t2] [h1:t1]
+ = filterWith t2 t1
+ filterWith _ _
+ = []
+ possibly_add_let [] ap_expr _ _ _ _ ti_symbol_heap
+ = (ap_expr, ti_symbol_heap)
+ possibly_add_let non_linear_args ap_expr not_linearity glob_module glob_index ro ti_symbol_heap
+ # {cons_type} = ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_index]
+ let_type = filterWith not_linearity cons_type.st_args
+ (new_info_ptr, ti_symbol_heap) = newPtr (EI_LetType let_type) ti_symbol_heap
+ = ( Let { let_strict = False
+ , let_binds = [ {bind_src=bind_src, bind_dst=bind_dst} \\ (bind_dst,bind_src)<-non_linear_args]
+ , let_expr = ap_expr
+ , let_info_ptr = new_info_ptr
+ }
+ , ti_symbol_heap
+ )
+/* ExprInfo
+ | EI_LetType ![AType]
+:: CommonDefs =
+ { com_type_defs :: !.{# CheckedTypeDef}
+ , com_cons_defs :: !.{# ConsDef}
+ , com_selector_defs :: !.{# SelectorDef}
+ , com_class_defs :: !.{# ClassDef}
+ , com_member_defs :: !.{# MemberDef}
+ , com_instance_defs :: !.{# ClassInstance}
+// , com_instance_types :: !.{ SymbolType}
+ }
+:: ConsDef =
+ { cons_symb :: !Ident
+ , cons_type :: !SymbolType
+ , cons_arg_vars :: ![[ATypeVar]]
+ , cons_priority :: !Priority
+ , cons_index :: !Index
+ , cons_type_index :: !Index
+ , cons_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
+// , cons_exi_attrs :: ![AttributeVar]
+ , cons_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
+ , cons_pos :: !Position
+ }
+:: SymbolType =
+ { st_vars :: ![TypeVar]
+ , st_args :: ![AType]
+ , st_arity :: !Int
+ , st_result :: !AType
+ , st_context :: ![TypeContext]
+ , st_attr_vars :: ![AttributeVar]
+ , st_attr_env :: ![AttrInequality]
+ }
+ match_and_instantiate [linearity:linearities] cons_index app_args [guard : guards] case_default ro ti
+ = match_and_instantiate linearities cons_index app_args guards case_default ro ti
+ match_and_instantiate _ cons_index app_args [] default_expr ro ti
+ = transform default_expr { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase } ti
+possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti=:{ti_recursion_introduced=old_ti_recursion_introduced}
+// | False->>("possibly_generate_case_function")
+// = undef
+ # (free_vars, ti)
+ = case aci_free_vars of
+ Yes free_vars
+ -> (free_vars, ti)
+ No # fvi = { fvi_var_heap = ti.ti_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, fvi_variables = [],
+ fvi_expr_ptrs = ti.ti_cleanup_info }
+ {fvi_var_heap, fvi_expr_heap, fvi_variables, fvi_expr_ptrs} = freeVariables (Case kees) fvi
+ ti = { ti & ti_var_heap = fvi_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = fvi_expr_heap, ti_cleanup_info = fvi_expr_ptrs }
+ -> (fvi_variables, ti)
+ (outer_fun_def, outer_cons_args, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap) = get_fun_def_and_cons_args ro.ro_fun.symb_kind ti.ti_cons_args ti.ti_fun_defs ti.ti_fun_heap
+ // ti.ti_cons_args shared
+ outer_arguments = case outer_fun_def.fun_body of
TransformedBody {tb_args} -> tb_args
Expanding args -> args
- outer_info_ptrs = [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-outer_arguments]
- free_var_info_ptrs = map (\{v_info_ptr}->v_info_ptr) free_vars
- arguments_from_outer_fun = filter (\{fv_info_ptr}->isMember fv_info_ptr free_var_info_ptrs) outer_arguments
- lifted_arguments = [ { fv_def_level = undeff, fv_name = v_name, fv_info_ptr = v_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff}
- \\ {v_name, v_info_ptr} <- free_vars | not (isMember v_info_ptr outer_info_ptrs)]
- all_args = lifted_arguments++arguments_from_outer_fun
- (fun_info_ptr, ti_fun_heap) = newPtr FI_Empty ti_fun_heap
- fun_ident = { id_name = ro.ro_fun.symb_name.id_name+++"_case", id_info = nilPtr }
- fun_symb = { symb_name = fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr ti.ti_next_fun_nr, symb_arity = length all_args }
- new_ro = {ro_imported_funs = ro.ro_imported_funs, ro_is_root_case = True, ro_fun = fun_symb, ro_fun_args = all_args }
- ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_next_fun_nr = inc ti.ti_next_fun_nr, ti_recursion_introduced = False }
- (new_expr, ti) = transformCase kees new_ro ti
- | ti.ti_recursion_introduced
- = generate_case_function new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons_args new_ro ti
- = (new_expr, ti)
+ outer_info_ptrs = [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-outer_arguments]
+ free_var_info_ptrs = [ var_info_ptr \\ {var_info_ptr}<-free_vars ]
+ used_mask = [isMember fv_info_ptr free_var_info_ptrs \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-outer_arguments]
+ arguments_from_outer_fun = [ outer_argument \\ outer_argument<-outer_arguments & used<-used_mask | used ]
+ lifted_arguments = [ { fv_def_level = undeff, fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff}
+ \\ {var_name, var_info_ptr} <- free_vars | not (isMember var_info_ptr outer_info_ptrs)]
+ all_args = lifted_arguments++arguments_from_outer_fun
+ (fun_info_ptr, ti_fun_heap) = newPtr FI_Empty ti_fun_heap
+ fun_ident = { id_name = ro.ro_fun.symb_name.id_name+++"_case", id_info = nilPtr }
+ fun_symb = { symb_name = fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr undeff, symb_arity = length all_args }
+ new_ro = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie , ro_fun = fun_symb, ro_fun_args = all_args }
+ ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_recursion_introduced = No }
+ (new_expr, ti) = transformCase kees new_ro ti
+ (ti_recursion_introduced, ti) = ti!ti_recursion_introduced
+ = case ti_recursion_introduced of
+ Yes fun_index
+ -> generate_case_function old_ti_recursion_introduced fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr
+ outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask new_ro ti
+ No -> (new_expr, { ti & ti_recursion_introduced = old_ti_recursion_introduced })
+ where
+ get_fun_def_and_cons_args (SK_Function {glob_object}) cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![glob_object]
+ = (fun_def, cons_args.[glob_object], fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_fun_def_and_cons_args (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _) cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def, gf_cons_args}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_info_ptr fun_heap
+ = (gf_fun_def, gf_cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ generate_case_function old_ti_recursion_introduced fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask
+ {ro_fun=ro_fun=:{symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _}, ro_fun_args} ti
+// | False->>"generate_case_function"
+// = undef
+ # fun_arity = length ro_fun_args
+ (Yes {st_vars,st_args,st_attr_vars}) = outer_fun_def.fun_type
+ types_from_outer_fun = [ st_arg \\ st_arg <- st_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ nr_of_lifted_vars = fun_arity-(length types_from_outer_fun)
+ (lifted_types, ti_var_heap) = mapSt get_type_of_local_var (take nr_of_lifted_vars ro_fun_args) ti.ti_var_heap
+ (EI_CaseType {ct_result_type}, ti_symbol_heap) = readExprInfo case_info_ptr ti.ti_symbol_heap
+ (form_vars, ti_var_heap) = mapSt bind_to_fresh_var ro_fun_args ti_var_heap
+ arg_types = lifted_types++types_from_outer_fun
+ type_variables = getTypeVars [ct_result_type:arg_types]
+ {th_vars,th_attrs} = ti.ti_type_heaps
+ (fresh_type_vars, th_vars) = mapSt bind_to_fresh_type_var type_variables th_vars
+ (fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute arg_types { th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ (fresh_result_type, ti_type_heaps) = substitute ct_result_type ti_type_heaps
+ us = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti_type_heaps,
+ us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info, us_subst_vars = True, us_handle_aci_free_vars = SubstituteThem }
+ (copied_expr, {us_var_heap=ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap=ti_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info,
+ us_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti_type_heaps}) = unfold new_expr us
+ fun_type = { st_vars = fresh_type_vars, st_args = fresh_arg_types, st_arity = fun_arity, st_result = fresh_result_type,
+ st_context = [], st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
+ fun_def = { fun_symb = ro_fun.symb_name
+ , fun_arity = fun_arity
+ , fun_priority = NoPrio
+ , fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = form_vars, tb_rhs = copied_expr}
+ , fun_type = Yes fun_type
+ , fun_pos = NoPos
+ , fun_index = fun_index
+ , fun_kind = FK_Function
+ , fun_lifted = undeff
+ , fun_info = { fi_calls = []
+ , fi_group_index = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index
+ , fi_def_level = NotALevel
+ , fi_free_vars = []
+ , fi_local_vars = []
+ , fi_dynamics = []
+ , fi_is_macro_fun = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_is_macro_fun
+ }
+ }
+ cc_args_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun = [ cons_arg \\ cons_arg <- outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits & used <- used_mask | used ]
+ new_cons_args = { cc_size = fun_arity, cc_args = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars cPassive++cc_args_from_outer_fun,
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False++cc_linear_bits_from_outer_fun }
+ gf = { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty, gf_cons_args = new_cons_args, gf_fun_index = fun_index}
+ ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_info_ptr (FI_Function gf) ti.ti_fun_heap
+ ti = { ti & ti_new_functions = [fun_info_ptr:ti.ti_new_functions], ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap,
+ ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_cleanup_info = ti_cleanup_info,
+ ti_recursion_introduced = old_ti_recursion_introduced }
+ = ( App { app_symb = { ro_fun & symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr fun_index},
+ app_args = map free_var_to_bound_var ro_fun_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }
+ , ti
+ )
- get_fun_def_and_cons_args (SK_Function {glob_object}) cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
- # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![glob_object]
- = (fun_def, cons_args.[glob_object], fun_defs, fun_heap)
- get_fun_def_and_cons_args (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _) cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def, gf_cons_args}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_info_ptr fun_heap
- = (gf_fun_def, gf_cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
- generate_case_function new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons_args {ro_fun=ro_fun=:{symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr fun_index}, ro_fun_args} ti
- # (r_act_vars, ti_var_heap) = foldSt bind_to_fresh_var ro_fun_args ([], ti.ti_var_heap)
- act_vars = reverse r_act_vars
- us = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti.ti_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info }
- (copied_expr, {us_var_heap, us_symbol_heap}) = unfold new_expr us
- fun_arity = length ro_fun_args
- fun_def = { fun_symb = ro_fun.symb_name
- , fun_arity = fun_arity
- , fun_priority = NoPrio
- , fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = ro_fun_args, tb_rhs = copied_expr}
- , fun_type = No
- , fun_pos = NoPos
- , fun_index = fun_index
- , fun_kind = FK_Function
- , fun_lifted = undeff
- , fun_info = { fi_calls = []
- , fi_group_index = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index
- , fi_def_level = undeff
- , fi_free_vars = []
- , fi_local_vars = []
- , fi_dynamics = []
- , fi_is_macro_fun = outer_fun_def.fun_info.fi_is_macro_fun
- }
- }
- nr_of_lifted_vars = fun_arity - outer_fun_def.fun_arity
- new_cons_args = { cc_size = fun_arity, cc_args = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars cPassive++outer_cons_args.cc_args,
- cc_linear_bits = repeatn nr_of_lifted_vars False++outer_cons_args.cc_linear_bits }
- gf = { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty, gf_cons_args = new_cons_args, gf_fun_index = fun_index}
- ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_info_ptr (FI_Function gf) ti.ti_fun_heap
- ti = { ti & ti_new_functions = [fun_info_ptr:ti.ti_new_functions], ti_var_heap = us_var_heap, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap }
- = (App { app_symb = ro_fun, app_args = map Var act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, ti)
- where
- bind_to_fresh_var {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} (accu, var_heap)
- # (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- form_var = { fv_name = new_name, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = undeff, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
- act_var = { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
- = ([act_var:accu], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var act_var)) var_heap)
-// GGG SymbolType VarId Let BoundVar
-undeff :== -1
+ bind_to_fresh_var {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ # (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
+ form_var = { fv_name = fv_name, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
+ act_var = { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ = (form_var, writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var act_var)) var_heap)
+ bind_to_fresh_type_var tv type_var_heap
+ # (new_info_ptr, type_var_heap) = newPtr TVI_Empty type_var_heap
+ new_type_var = { tv_name = tv.tv_name, tv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
+ = (new_type_var, writePtr tv.tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type (TV new_type_var)) type_var_heap)
+ get_type_of_local_var {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ # (VI_Extended (EVI_VarType a_type) _, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ = (a_type, var_heap)
+ free_var_to_bound_var {fv_name, fv_info_ptr}
+ = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
readExprInfo expr_info_ptr symbol_heap
# (expr_info, symbol_heap) = readPtr expr_info_ptr symbol_heap
@@ -844,34 +1095,6 @@ writeExprInfo expr_info_ptr new_expr_info symbol_heap
EI_Extended extensions _ -> writePtr expr_info_ptr (EI_Extended extensions new_expr_info) symbol_heap
_ -> writePtr expr_info_ptr new_expr_info symbol_heap
-tryToUnfoldExpression :: !SymbIdent ![Expression] !*TransformInfo -> *(!Optional Expression, ! *TransformInfo)
-tryToUnfoldExpression {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object},symb_arity} app_args
- ti=:{ti_fun_defs, ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap, ti_cleanup_info}
- | glob_module == cIclModIndex
- #! fd = ti_fun_defs.[glob_object]
- | fd.fun_arity == symb_arity
- # (expr, ti_cleanup_info, ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap) = unfoldFunction fd.fun_body app_args ti_cleanup_info ti_var_heap ti_symbol_heap
- = (Yes expr, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, ti_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info})
- = (No, ti)
- = (No, ti)
-tryToUnfoldExpression {symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index,symb_arity} app_args
- ti=:{ti_fun_heap, ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap, ti_cleanup_info}
- #! fun_info = sreadPtr fun_ptr ti_fun_heap
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}) = fun_info
- | gf_fun_def.fun_arity == symb_arity
- # (expr, ti_cleanup_info, ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap) = unfoldFunction gf_fun_def.fun_body app_args ti_cleanup_info ti_var_heap ti_symbol_heap
- = (Yes expr, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap, ti_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, ti_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info })
- = (No, ti)
-tryToUnfoldExpression expr app_args ti
- = (No, ti)
-unfoldFunction :: !FunctionBody ![Expression] ![ExprInfoPtr] !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap -> (!Expression, ![ExprInfoPtr], !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap)
-unfoldFunction (TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}) act_args cleanup_info var_heap symbol_heap
- # var_heap = foldr2 (\{fv_info_ptr} arg -> writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression arg)) var_heap tb_args act_args
- us = { us_var_heap = var_heap, us_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=cleanup_info }
- (unfolded_rhs, {us_var_heap,us_symbol_heap,us_cleanup_info}) = unfold tb_rhs us
- = (unfolded_rhs, us_cleanup_info, us_var_heap, us_symbol_heap)
instance transform Bind a b | transform a
transform bind=:{bind_src} ro ti
@@ -984,44 +1207,52 @@ searchInstance prods1 (II_Node prods2 fun_info_ptr left right)
- wie wird die neu generierte Funktion klassifiziert ? Antwort: Die Klassifikationen werden weitervererbt (auch die linear_bits)
- type attributes
-generateFunction :: !FunDef !ConsClasses !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !{# {# FunType} } !*TransformInfo -> (!Index, !Int, !*TransformInfo)
+generateFunction :: !FunDef !ConsClasses !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> (!Index, !Int, !*TransformInfo)
generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi_group_index}}
- {cc_args,cc_linear_bits} prods fun_def_ptr imported_funs
+ {cc_args,cc_linear_bits} prods fun_def_ptr ro
+ | False->>("generating new function",fd.fun_symb.id_name,fd.fun_index,"->",ti_next_fun_nr)
+ = undef
+ | False--->("producers:",II_Node prods nilPtr II_Empty II_Empty,("cc_args",cc_args,("cc_linear_bits",cc_linear_bits)))
+ = undef
#!fi_group_index = max_group_index 0 prods fi_group_index ti_fun_defs ti_fun_heap ti_cons_args
# (Yes fun_type=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_args,st_result}) = fd.fun_type
th_vars = foldSt (\tv type_var_heap -> type_var_heap <:= (tv.tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV tv))) st_vars ti_type_heaps.th_vars
- th_attrs = foldSt (\av attr_var_heap -> attr_var_heap <:= (av.av_info_ptr, if do_fusion AVI_Empty (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)))) st_attr_vars ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
+ th_attrs = foldSt (\av attr_var_heap -> attr_var_heap <:= (av.av_info_ptr, SwitchFusion AVI_Empty (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)))) st_attr_vars ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
(new_fun_args, new_arg_types, new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, th_vars, ti_symbol_heap, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap, ti_var_heap)
= determine_args cc_linear_bits cc_args 0 prods tb_args st_args (st_vars, ti_cons_args, tb_rhs) th_vars
ti_symbol_heap ti_fun_defs ti_fun_heap ti_var_heap
(fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute new_arg_types { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
(fresh_result_type, ti_type_heaps) = substitute st_result ti_type_heaps
- new_fun_type = Yes { fun_type & st_args = fresh_arg_types, st_result = fresh_result_type }
fun_arity = length new_fun_args
+ new_fun_type = Yes { st_vars = getTypeVars [fresh_result_type:fresh_arg_types], st_args = fresh_arg_types, st_arity = fun_arity,
+ st_result = fresh_result_type, st_context = [], st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
new_fd_expanding = { fd & fun_body = Expanding new_fun_args, fun_arity = fun_arity,fun_type=new_fun_type, fun_index = ti_next_fun_nr,
fun_info.fi_group_index = fi_group_index}
new_gen_fd = { gf_fun_def = new_fd_expanding, gf_instance_info = II_Empty, gf_fun_index = ti_next_fun_nr,
gf_cons_args = {cc_args = new_cons_args, cc_size = length new_cons_args, cc_linear_bits=new_linear_bits} }
ti_fun_heap = writePtr fun_def_ptr (FI_Function new_gen_fd) ti_fun_heap
- us = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info }
- (tb_rhs, {us_var_heap,us_symbol_heap,us_cleanup_info}) = unfold tb_rhs us
- ro = { ro_imported_funs = imported_funs
- , ro_is_root_case = case tb_rhs of {Case _ -> True; _ -> False}
- , ro_fun= { symb_name = fd.fun_symb, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr ti_next_fun_nr, symb_arity = fun_arity}
- , ro_fun_args = new_fun_args
+ us = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti_type_heaps,
+ us_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info, us_subst_vars = True, us_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem }
+ (tb_rhs, {us_var_heap,us_symbol_heap,us_opt_type_heaps=Yes type_heaps, us_cleanup_info}) = unfold tb_rhs us
+ ro = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = case tb_rhs of {Case _ -> RootCase; _ -> NotRootCase},
+ ro_fun= { symb_name = fd.fun_symb, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr ti_next_fun_nr, symb_arity = fun_arity},
+ ro_fun_args = new_fun_args
- (new_fun_rhs, ti) = transform tb_rhs ro { ti & ti_var_heap = us_var_heap, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap,
+ ti_trace=False
+ | ti_trace && (False--->("transforming new function:",tb_rhs))
+ = undef
+ # (new_fun_rhs, ti) = transform tb_rhs ro { ti & ti_var_heap = us_var_heap, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap,
ti_next_fun_nr = inc ti_next_fun_nr, ti_new_functions = [fun_def_ptr : ti_new_functions],
- ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_cleanup_info = us_cleanup_info }
+ ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = type_heaps, ti_cleanup_info = us_cleanup_info, ti_trace=ti_trace }
new_fd = { new_fd_expanding & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = new_fun_args, tb_rhs = new_fun_rhs} }
= (ti_next_fun_nr, fun_arity, { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { new_gen_fd & gf_fun_def = new_fd })})
- determine_args [] [] prod_index producers forms types _ type_var_heap symbol_heap fun_defs fun_heap var_heap
+ determine_args _ [] prod_index producers forms types _ type_var_heap symbol_heap fun_defs fun_heap var_heap
# (vars, var_heap) = new_variables forms var_heap
= (vars, types, [], [], type_var_heap, symbol_heap, fun_defs, fun_heap, var_heap)
determine_args [linear_bit : linear_bits] [cons_arg : cons_args ] prod_index producers [form : forms] [type : types]
@@ -1031,10 +1262,10 @@ where
symbol_heap fun_defs fun_heap var_heap
= determine_arg producers.[prod_index] form type ((linear_bit,cons_arg),outer_type_vars) new_args
# (vars, types, new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, type_var_heap, symbol_heap, fun_defs, fun_heap, var_heap)
- = determine_args linear_bits cons_args prod_index prods forms types outer_type_vars type_var_heap symbol_heap fun_defs fun_heap var_heap
+ = determine_args linear_bits cons_args (inc prod_index) prods forms types outer_type_vars type_var_heap symbol_heap fun_defs fun_heap var_heap
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
= ([{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], [type : types], [linear_bit : new_linear_bits], [cons_arg : new_cons_args], type_var_heap, symbol_heap, fun_defs,
- fun_heap, var_heap <:= (form.fv_info_ptr, VI_Variable form.fv_name new_info_ptr))
+ fun_heap, writeVarInfo form.fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable form.fv_name new_info_ptr) var_heap)
build_var_args [] form_vars act_vars var_heap
= (form_vars, act_vars, var_heap)
@@ -1049,7 +1280,7 @@ where
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
= ( [{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], [ type : types ],
[linear_bit : new_linear_bits], [cons_arg /* was cActive*/ : new_cons_args], type_var_heap, symbol_heap, fun_defs, fun_heap,
- var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr))
+ writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) var_heap)
determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars class_types) {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} type _
(vars, types, new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, type_var_heap, symbol_heap, fun_defs, fun_heap, var_heap)
@@ -1063,7 +1294,7 @@ where
, symbol_heap
, fun_defs
, fun_heap
- , var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Expression (App class_app))
+ , writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Dictionary class_app.app_symb class_app.app_args class_types) var_heap
determine_arg producer {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} type (_,(outer_type_vars, ti_cons_args, consumer_body_rhs))
@@ -1074,7 +1305,11 @@ where
(form_vars, act_vars, var_heap) = build_var_args (reverse (take nr_of_applied_args tb.tb_args)) vars [] var_heap
(Yes symbol_type) = fun_def.fun_type
application_type = build_application_type symbol_type nr_of_applied_args
- # type_var_heap = createBindingsForUnifiedTypes application_type type (symbol_type.st_vars++outer_type_vars) type_var_heap
+ type_var_heap = createBindingsForUnifiedTypes application_type type (symbol_type.st_vars++outer_type_vars) type_var_heap
+ (expr_to_unfold, var_heap)
+ = case (nr_of_applied_args==length tb.tb_args) of
+ True -> (VI_Body symbol tb (take nr_of_applied_args form_vars), var_heap)
+ False -> (VI_Expression (App { app_symb = symbol, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }), var_heap)
= ( form_vars
, (take nr_of_applied_args symbol_type.st_args)++types
, (take nr_of_applied_args cc_linear_bits)++new_linear_bits
@@ -1083,14 +1318,13 @@ where
, symbol_heap
, fun_defs
, fun_heap
- , writePtr fv_info_ptr
- (VI_Expression (App { app_symb = symbol, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr })) var_heap
+ , writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr expr_to_unfold var_heap
from_function_or_generated_function (PR_Function symbol index nr_of_applied_args) fun_defs fun_heap
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![index]
= ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, fun_def, ti_cons_args.[index]), fun_defs, fun_heap)
- from_function_or_generated_function (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index} _ nr_of_applied_args)
+ from_function_or_generated_function (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _} _ nr_of_applied_args)
fun_defs fun_heap
# (FI_Function generated_function, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
= ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, generated_function.gf_fun_def, generated_function.gf_cons_args), fun_defs, fun_heap)
@@ -1130,7 +1364,7 @@ where
new_variables [form=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr}:forms] var_heap
# (vars, var_heap) = new_variables forms var_heap
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- = ([{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) var_heap)
+ = ([{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) var_heap)
max_group_index prod_index producers current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
| prod_index == size producers
@@ -1145,7 +1379,7 @@ where
max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Function _ fun_index _) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
= max fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index current_max
- max_group_index_of_producer (PR_GeneratedFunction { symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index} _ _)
+ max_group_index_of_producer (PR_GeneratedFunction { symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _} _ _)
current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
# (FI_Function generated_function) = sreadPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
fun_def = generated_function.gf_fun_def
@@ -1160,7 +1394,7 @@ where
= max fi_group_index current_max
= current_max
= current_max
- max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max (App {app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index }})
+ max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max (App {app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _ }})
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def={fun_info = {fi_group_index}}}) = sreadPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
= max fi_group_index current_max
max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max (App {app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_Constructor _}, app_args})
@@ -1202,7 +1436,7 @@ createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars type_var_heap
-> type_var_heap
-> bind_roots_together root_tv_1 root_2 type_var_heap
(No, No)
- -> type_var_heap
+ -> bind_and_unify_types root_1 root_2 type_var_heap
bind_and_unify_types (TV tv_1) type type_var_heap
| not (is_non_variable_type type)
= abort "compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (1)"
@@ -1323,11 +1557,15 @@ transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_
| cc_size > 0
# (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers fun_def.fun_info.fi_is_macro_fun cc_linear_bits cc_args app_args
0 (createArray cc_size PR_Empty) ti
+ | ti.ti_trace && False--->("determineProducers",(cc_linear_bits,cc_args,app_args),("results in",II_Node producers nilPtr II_Empty II_Empty))
+ = undef
| containsProducer cc_size producers
# (is_new, fun_def_ptr, instances, ti_fun_heap) = tryToFindInstance producers instances ti.ti_fun_heap
| is_new
- # (fun_index, fun_arity, ti) = generateFunction fun_def cc producers fun_def_ptr ro.ro_imported_funs
- (update_instance_info app_symb.symb_kind instances { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap })
+// | app_symb.symb_name.id_name=="_compr0" && (False--->(("TFA:",App app)--->instances))
+// = undef
+ # (fun_index, fun_arity, ti) = generateFunction fun_def cc producers fun_def_ptr ro
+ (update_instance_info app_symb.symb_kind instances { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_trace = False })
app_symb = { app_symb & symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun_index, symb_arity = length new_args}
(app_symb, app_args, extra_args) = complete_application app_symb fun_arity new_args extra_args
= (build_application { app & app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args } extra_args, ti)
@@ -1379,7 +1617,7 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,
drop ar_diff extra_args, ti)
// XXX linear_bits field has to be added for generated functions
-transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun_index}} extra_args ro ti=:{ti_fun_heap}
+transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr _}} extra_args ro ti=:{ti_fun_heap}
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def,gf_instance_info,gf_cons_args}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
= transformFunctionApplication gf_fun_def gf_instance_info gf_cons_args app extra_args ro { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
transformApplication app [] ro ti
@@ -1405,11 +1643,10 @@ determineProducers :: !Bool ![Bool] ![Int] ![Expression] !Index !*{! Producer} !
determineProducers _ _ _ [] _ producers ti
= (producers, [], ti)
determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun [linear_bit : linear_bits] [ cons_arg : cons_args ] [ arg : args ] prod_index producers ti
+ # (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bits cons_args args (inc prod_index) producers ti
| cons_arg == cActive
- # (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bits cons_args args (inc prod_index) producers ti
= determine_producer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit arg new_args prod_index producers ti
- # (producers, new_args, ti) = determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bits cons_args args prod_index producers ti
- = (producers, [arg : new_args], ti)
+ = (producers, [arg : new_args], ti)
determine_producer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit arg=:(App app=:{app_info_ptr}) new_args prod_index producers ti
| isNilPtr app_info_ptr
@@ -1428,9 +1665,9 @@ determineProducer _ _ app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor _}, app
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Class { app & app_args = app_args } new_vars types}, new_args, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap })
retrieve_old_var {var_info_ptr} var_heap
- #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- # (VI_Forward var) = var_info
- = (Var var, writePtr var_info_ptr VI_Empty (writePtr var.var_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap))
+ # (var_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
+ (VI_Forward var) = var_info
+ = (Var var, writeVarInfo var_info_ptr VI_Empty (writeVarInfo var.var_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap))
// XXX /*
determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module, glob_object }}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ti
@@ -1438,8 +1675,8 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{sym
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
# (fun_def, ti_fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![glob_object]
ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs=ti_fun_defs }
- # is_curried = fun_def.fun_arity<>length app_args
- is_good_producer = (implies is_curried is_applied_to_macro_fun) && (implies (not is_curried) (linear_bit && do_fusion))
+ is_curried = fun_def.fun_arity<>length app_args
+ is_good_producer = (implies is_curried is_applied_to_macro_fun) && (implies (not is_curried) (SwitchFusion linear_bit False))
| is_good_producer
// curried applications may be fused with non linear consumers in functions local to a macro
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Function symb glob_object (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
@@ -1449,7 +1686,7 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{ sy
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap }
# is_curried = gf_fun_def.fun_arity<>length app_args
- is_good_producer = (implies is_curried is_applied_to_macro_fun) && (implies (not is_curried) (linear_bit && do_fusion))
+ is_good_producer = (implies is_curried is_applied_to_macro_fun) && (implies (not is_curried) (SwitchFusion linear_bit False))
| is_good_producer
// curried applications may be fused with non linear consumers in functions local to a macro
= case gf_fun_def.fun_body of
@@ -1524,14 +1761,13 @@ class renewVariables a :: !a !(![BoundVar], !*VarHeap) -> (!a, !(![BoundVar], !*
instance renewVariables Expression
renewVariables (Var var=:{var_info_ptr}) (new_vars, var_heap)
- #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ # (var_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_info of
VI_Forward new_var
-> (Var { var & var_info_ptr = new_var.var_info_ptr }, (new_vars, var_heap))
- _
- # (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr (VI_Forward var) var_heap
+ _ # (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr (VI_Forward var) var_heap
new_var = { var & var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
- var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Forward new_var) var_heap
+ var_heap = writeVarInfo var_info_ptr (VI_Forward new_var) var_heap
-> (Var new_var, ([new_var : new_vars], var_heap))
renewVariables (App app=:{app_args}) state
# (app_args, state) = renewVariables app_args state
@@ -1550,17 +1786,17 @@ transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !{!.ConsClasses} !{# Com
transformGroups cleanup_info groups fun_defs cons_args common_defs imported_funs var_heap type_heaps symbol_heap
#! (nr_of_funs, fun_defs) = usize fun_defs
# imported_types = {com_type_defs \\ {com_type_defs} <-: common_defs }
- (groups, imported_types, collected_imports, ti)
+ # (groups, imported_types, collected_imports, ti)
= transform_groups 0 groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types []
{ti_fun_defs = fun_defs, ti_instances = createArray nr_of_funs II_Empty,
ti_cons_args = cons_args, ti_new_functions = [], ti_fun_heap = newHeap, ti_var_heap = var_heap,
ti_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ti_type_heaps = type_heaps, ti_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs, ti_cleanup_info = cleanup_info,
- ti_recursion_introduced = False }
+ ti_recursion_introduced = No, ti_trace = False }
{ti_fun_defs,ti_new_functions,ti_var_heap,ti_symbol_heap,ti_fun_heap,ti_next_fun_nr,ti_type_heaps,ti_cleanup_info} = ti
(groups, new_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap)
= foldSt (add_new_function_to_group common_defs ti_fun_heap) ti_new_functions
(groups, [], imported_types, collected_imports, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap)
- # ti_symbol_heap = foldSt cleanup ti_cleanup_info ti_symbol_heap
+ ti_symbol_heap = foldSt cleanup ti_cleanup_info ti_symbol_heap
= ( groups, { fundef \\ fundef <- [ fundef \\ fundef <-: ti_fun_defs ] ++ new_fun_defs }, imported_types, collected_imports,
ti_var_heap, ti_type_heaps, ti_symbol_heap)
@@ -1568,18 +1804,19 @@ where
| group_nr < size groups
#! group = groups.[group_nr]
# {group_members} = group
- # (ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap) = foldSt (convert_function_type common_defs) group_members
- (ti.ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti.ti_type_heaps, ti.ti_var_heap)
+ # (ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap)
+ = foldSt (convert_function_type common_defs) group_members
+ (ti.ti_fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, ti.ti_type_heaps, ti.ti_var_heap)
= transform_groups (inc group_nr) groups common_defs imported_funs imported_types collected_imports
- (foldSt (transform_function imported_funs) group_members
+ (foldSt (transform_function common_defs imported_funs) group_members
{ ti & ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap })
= (groups, imported_types, collected_imports, ti)
- transform_function imported_funs fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
+ transform_function common_defs imported_funs fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
#! fun_def = ti_fun_defs.[fun]
# {fun_body = TransformedBody tb} = fun_def
ro = { ro_imported_funs = imported_funs
- , ro_is_root_case = case tb of {{tb_rhs=Case _} -> True; _ -> False}
+ , ro_common_defs = common_defs
+ , ro_root_case_mode = case tb of {{tb_rhs=Case _} -> RootCase; _ -> NotRootCase}
, ro_fun = fun_def_to_symb_ident fun fun_def
, ro_fun_args = tb.tb_args
@@ -1589,6 +1826,7 @@ where
fun_def_to_symb_ident fun_index {fun_symb,fun_arity}
= { symb_name=fun_symb, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun_index, glob_module=cIclModIndex } , symb_arity=fun_arity }
add_new_function_to_group :: !{# CommonDefs} !FunctionHeap !FunctionInfoPtr !(!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
-> (!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
add_new_function_to_group common_defs ti_fun_heap fun_ptr (groups, fun_defs, imported_types, collected_imports, type_heaps, var_heap)
@@ -1614,12 +1852,12 @@ where
EI_Extended _ expr_info -> writePtr expr_info_ptr expr_info symbol_heap
_ -> symbol_heap
-add_extended_expr_info expr_info_ptr extension expr_info_heap
+set_extended_expr_info expr_info_ptr extension expr_info_heap
# (expr_info, expr_info_heap) = readPtr expr_info_ptr expr_info_heap
= case expr_info of
- EI_Extended extensions ei
- -> expr_info_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_Extended [extension:extensions] ei)
- ei -> expr_info_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_Extended [extension] ei)
+ EI_Extended _ ei
+ -> expr_info_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_Extended extension ei)
+ ei -> expr_info_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_Extended extension ei)
convertSymbolType :: !{# CommonDefs} !SymbolType !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
-> (!SymbolType, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
@@ -1689,10 +1927,10 @@ where
collect_imported_constructor mod_index cons_defs {ds_index} (collected_conses, var_heap)
# {cons_type_ptr} = cons_defs.[ds_index]
- (type_info, var_heap) = readPtr cons_type_ptr var_heap
- | has_been_collected (sreadPtr cons_type_ptr var_heap)
+ (type_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo cons_type_ptr var_heap
+ | has_been_collected type_info
= (collected_conses, var_heap)
- = ([{ glob_module = mod_index, glob_object = ds_index } : collected_conses ], var_heap <:= (cons_type_ptr, VI_Used))
+ = ([{ glob_module = mod_index, glob_object = ds_index } : collected_conses ], writeVarInfo cons_type_ptr VI_Used var_heap)
has_been_collected VI_Used = True
has_been_collected (VI_ExpandedType _) = True
@@ -1729,7 +1967,7 @@ where
:: FreeVarInfo =
{ fvi_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
, fvi_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
- , fvi_variables :: ![VarId]
+ , fvi_variables :: ![BoundVar]
, fvi_expr_ptrs :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
@@ -1757,10 +1995,10 @@ removeLocalVariables local_variables all_variables global_variables var_heap
= foldSt filter_local_var all_variables (global_variables, var_heap)
mark_local_var {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
- = var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_LocalVar)
+ = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr VI_LocalVar var_heap
- filter_local_var v=:{v_info_ptr} (global_vars, var_heap)
- # (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr v_info_ptr var_heap
+ filter_local_var v=:{var_info_ptr} (global_vars, var_heap)
+ # (var_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_info of
-> (global_vars, var_heap)
@@ -1769,15 +2007,15 @@ where
instance freeVariables BoundVar
- freeVariables {var_name, var_info_ptr} fvi=:{fvi_var_heap, fvi_variables}
- # (var_info, fvi_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr fvi_var_heap
- (fvi_variables, fvi_var_heap) = adjust_var_info var_name var_info_ptr var_info fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
+ freeVariables bound_var=:{var_info_ptr} fvi=:{fvi_var_heap, fvi_variables}
+ # (var_info, fvi_var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr fvi_var_heap
+ (fvi_variables, fvi_var_heap) = adjust_var_info bound_var var_info fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
= {fvi & fvi_variables = fvi_variables, fvi_var_heap = fvi_var_heap }
- adjust_var_info _ _ (VI_UsedVar _) fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
+ adjust_var_info _ (VI_UsedVar _) fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
= (fvi_variables, fvi_var_heap)
- adjust_var_info var_name var_info_ptr _ fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
- = ([{v_name = var_name, v_info_ptr = var_info_ptr} : fvi_variables ], writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_UsedVar var_name) fvi_var_heap)
+ adjust_var_info bound_var=:{var_name} _ fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
+ = ([bound_var : fvi_variables], writeVarInfo var_info_ptr (VI_UsedVar var_name) fvi_var_heap)
instance freeVariables Expression
@@ -1835,28 +2073,28 @@ where
removeVariables global_variables var_heap
= foldSt remove_variable global_variables ([], var_heap)
- remove_variable v=:{v_info_ptr} (removed_variables, var_heap)
- # (VI_UsedVar used_var, var_heap) = readPtr v_info_ptr var_heap
- = ([(v, used_var) : removed_variables], var_heap <:= (v_info_ptr, VI_Empty))
+ remove_variable v=:{var_info_ptr} (removed_variables, var_heap)
+ # (VI_UsedVar used_var, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = ([(v, used_var) : removed_variables], writeVarInfo var_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap)
restoreVariables removed_variables global_variables var_heap
= foldSt restore_variable removed_variables (global_variables, var_heap)
- restore_variable (v=:{v_info_ptr}, var_id) (restored_variables, var_heap)
- # (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr v_info_ptr var_heap
+ restore_variable (v=:{var_info_ptr}, var_id) (restored_variables, var_heap)
+ # (var_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_info of
VI_UsedVar _
-> (restored_variables, var_heap)
- -> ([ v : restored_variables ], var_heap <:= (v_info_ptr, VI_UsedVar var_id))
+ -> ([ v : restored_variables ], writeVarInfo var_info_ptr (VI_UsedVar var_id) var_heap)
// XXX doet deze funktie iets ?
determineGlobalVariables global_variables var_heap
= foldSt determine_global_variable global_variables ([], var_heap)
- determine_global_variable {v_info_ptr} (global_variables, var_heap)
- # (VI_UsedVar v_name, var_heap) = readPtr v_info_ptr var_heap
- = ([{v_name = v_name, v_info_ptr = v_info_ptr} : global_variables], var_heap)
+ determine_global_variable {var_info_ptr} (global_variables, var_heap)
+ # (VI_UsedVar v_name, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = ([{var_name = v_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : global_variables], var_heap)
freeVariablesOfCase {case_expr,case_guards,case_default, case_info_ptr} fvi=:{fvi_variables, fvi_var_heap}
# (removed_variables, fvi_var_heap) = removeVariables fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
@@ -1894,16 +2132,95 @@ where
app_EEI_ActiveCase transformer expr_info_ptr expr_heap
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_info_ptr expr_heap
= case expr_info of
- (EI_Extended extensions original_expr_info)
- -> lookup_and_perform transformer [] extensions original_expr_info expr_info_ptr expr_heap
+ (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci) original_expr_info)
+ -> writePtr expr_info_ptr (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase (transformer aci)) original_expr_info) expr_heap
_ -> expr_heap
+getTypeVars types
+ # (type_variables,_) = get_type_vars types ([],[])
+ = removeDuplicates smaller_type_vars type_variables
+removeDuplicates smaller l
+ # sorted = quicksort smaller l
+ partitions = partitionate sorted
+ = flatten [removeDup uneq partition \\ partition<-partitions]
+ where
+ partitionate []
+ = []
+ partitionate [h:t]
+ = partitions_with t [h]
+ partitions_with [] accu
+ = [accu]
+ partitions_with [h2:t] accu=:[h:_]
+ | h.tv_name.id_name==h2.tv_name.id_name
+ = partitions_with t [h2:accu]
+ = [accu:partitions_with t [h2]]
+ removeDup uneq [x:xs] = [x:removeDup uneq (filter (uneq x) xs)]
+ removeDup uneq _ = []
+ uneq {tv_info_ptr=p1} {tv_info_ptr=p2}
+ = p1<>p2
+quicksort _ []
+ = []
+quicksort smaller [h:t]
+ # left = [ el \\ el<-t | smaller el h ]
+ right = [ el \\ el<-t | not (smaller el h) ]
+ = (quicksort smaller left)++[h]++(quicksort smaller right)
+smaller_type_vars {tv_name={id_name=n1}} {tv_name={id_name=n2}}
+ = n1<n2
+undeff :== -1
+class get_type_vars a :: a !(![TypeVar], ![AttributeVar]) -> (![TypeVar], ![AttributeVar])
+instance get_type_vars Type
+ where
+ get_type_vars (TA _ args) accu
+ = get_type_vars args accu
+ get_type_vars (at1 --> at2) accu
+ = get_type_vars at2 (get_type_vars at1 accu)
+ get_type_vars (cv :@: at) accu
+ = get_type_vars cv (get_type_vars at accu)
+ get_type_vars (GTV t_var) (t_vars,a_vars)
+ = ([t_var:t_vars], a_vars)
+ get_type_vars (TV t_var) (t_vars,a_vars)
+ = ([t_var:t_vars], a_vars)
+ get_type_vars (TQV t_var) (t_vars,a_vars)
+ = ([t_var:t_vars], a_vars)
+ get_type_vars _ accu
+ = accu
+instance get_type_vars AType
+ where
+ get_type_vars {at_attribute, at_type} accu
+ = get_type_vars at_attribute (get_type_vars at_type accu)
+instance get_type_vars ConsVariable
- lookup_and_perform _ _ [] _ _ expr_heap
- = expr_heap
- lookup_and_perform transformer accu [EEI_ActiveCase aci:extensions] original_expr_info expr_info_ptr expr_heap
- = writePtr expr_info_ptr (EI_Extended (reverse accu++[EEI_ActiveCase (transformer aci)]++extensions) original_expr_info) expr_heap
- lookup_and_perform transformer accu [extension:extensions] original_expr_info expr_info_ptr expr_heap
- = lookup_and_perform transformer [extension:accu] extensions original_expr_info expr_info_ptr expr_heap
+ get_type_vars (CV t_var) (t_vars,a_vars)
+ = ([t_var:t_vars], a_vars)
+ get_type_vars _ accu
+ = accu
+instance get_type_vars TypeAttribute
+ where
+ get_type_vars (TA_Var a_var) (t_vars,a_vars)
+ = (t_vars, [a_var:a_vars])
+ get_type_vars (TA_RootVar a_var) (t_vars,a_vars)
+ = (t_vars, [a_var:a_vars])
+ get_type_vars (TA_List _ ta) accu
+ = get_type_vars ta accu
+ get_type_vars _ accu
+ = accu
+instance get_type_vars [a] | get_type_vars a
+ where
+ get_type_vars [] accu
+ = accu
+ get_type_vars [h:t] accu
+ = get_type_vars t (get_type_vars h accu)
instance <<< InstanceInfo
@@ -1912,7 +2229,7 @@ where
(<<<) file II_Empty = file
+// XXX
instance <<< Producer
(<<<) file (PR_Function symbol index _)
@@ -1920,6 +2237,7 @@ where
(<<<) file (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol index _)
= file <<< "G" <<< symbol.symb_name <<< index
(<<<) file PR_Empty = file <<< 'E'
+ (<<<) file (PR_Class _ _ _) = file <<< 'C'
(<<<) file _ = file
instance <<< FunCall
@@ -1930,3 +2248,22 @@ instance <<< ConsClasses
(<<<) file {cc_args,cc_linear_bits} = file <<< cc_args <<< cc_linear_bits
+instance <<< InstanceInfo
+ where
+ (<<<) file ii = (write_ii ii (file <<< "[")) <<< "]"
+ where
+ write_ii II_Empty file
+ = file
+ write_ii (II_Node producers _ l r) file
+ # file = write_ii l file <<< "("
+ file = foldSt (\pr file -> file<<<pr<<<",") [el \\ el<-:producers] file
+ = write_ii r (file<<<")")
+instance <<< FreeVar
+ (<<<) file { fv_name,fv_info_ptr } = file <<< fv_name <<< "<" <<< fv_info_ptr <<< ">"
+instance <<< Ptr a
+ (<<<) file p = file <<< ptrToInt p
diff --git a/frontend/transform.dcl b/frontend/transform.dcl
index f285c3b..8e0f782 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.dcl
+++ b/frontend/transform.dcl
@@ -13,11 +13,16 @@ partitionateMacros :: !IndexRange !Index !*{# FunDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap
-> (!*{# FunDef}, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin )
:: UnfoldState =
- { us_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
- , us_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
- , us_cleanup_info :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
+ { us_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
+ , us_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
+ , us_opt_type_heaps :: !.Optional .TypeHeaps
+ , us_cleanup_info :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
+ , us_subst_vars :: !Bool
+ , us_handle_aci_free_vars :: !AciFreeVarHandleMode
+:: AciFreeVarHandleMode = LeaveThem | RemoveThem | SubstituteThem
class unfold a :: !a !*UnfoldState -> (!a, !*UnfoldState)
instance unfold Expression, CasePatterns
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index 976cab8..ef0156f 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -159,11 +159,16 @@ where
= ({ pattern & dp_rhs = dp_rhs }, ls)
:: UnfoldState =
- { us_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
- , us_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
- , us_cleanup_info :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
+ { us_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
+ , us_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
+ , us_opt_type_heaps :: !.Optional .TypeHeaps
+ , us_cleanup_info :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
+ , us_subst_vars :: !Bool // XXX currently not used
+ , us_handle_aci_free_vars :: !AciFreeVarHandleMode
+:: AciFreeVarHandleMode = LeaveThem | RemoveThem | SubstituteThem
class unfold a :: !a !*UnfoldState -> (!a, !*UnfoldState)
instance unfold [a] | unfold a
@@ -183,17 +188,48 @@ where
= (no, us)
unfoldVariable :: !BoundVar !*UnfoldState -> (!Expression, !*UnfoldState)
-unfoldVariable var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} us=:{us_var_heap}
- #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us_var_heap
+unfoldVariable var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} us
+// XXX | not us.us_subst_vars
+// = (Var var, us)
+ #! (var_info, us) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr us
= case var_info of
VI_Expression expr
-> (expr, us)
VI_Variable var_name var_info_ptr
- # (var_expr_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap
+ # (var_expr_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap
-> (Var {var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap})
+ VI_Body fun_symb _ vars
+ -> (App { app_symb = fun_symb,
+ app_args = [ Var { var_name=fv_name, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr }
+ \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}<-vars],
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, us)
+ VI_Dictionary app_symb app_args class_types
+ # (new_class_types, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_class_types class_types us.us_opt_type_heaps
+ (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr (EI_ClassTypes new_class_types) us.us_symbol_heap
+ -> (App { app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
+ { us & us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps, us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
-> (Var var, us)
+ where
+ substitute_class_types class_types no=:No
+ = (class_types, no)
+ substitute_class_types class_types (Yes type_heaps)
+ # (new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps
+ = (new_class_types, Yes type_heaps)
+readVarInfo var_info_ptr us
+ #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap
+ = case var_info of
+ VI_Extended _ original -> (original, us)
+ _ -> (var_info, us)
+writeVarInfo :: VarInfoPtr VarInfo *VarHeap -> *VarHeap
+writeVarInfo var_info_ptr new_var_info var_heap
+ # (old_var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case old_var_info of
+ VI_Extended extensions _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Extended extensions new_var_info) var_heap
+ _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr new_var_info var_heap
instance unfold Expression
unfold (Var var) us
@@ -258,12 +294,34 @@ where
instance unfold App
- unfold app=:{app_symb, app_args} us
- # (app_args, us) = unfold app_args us
- | is_function_or_macro app_symb.symb_kind
- # (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap
- = ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
- = ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, us)
+ unfold app=:{app_symb, app_args, app_info_ptr} us
+ # (new_info_ptr, us)
+ = case is_function_or_macro app_symb.symb_kind of
+ True # (new_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap
+ -> (new_ptr, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
+ _ -> case (app_symb.symb_kind, isNilPtr app_info_ptr) of
+ (SK_Constructor _, False)
+ # (app_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr app_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
+ (new_app_info, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_EI_ClassTypes app_info us.us_opt_type_heaps
+ (new_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr new_app_info us_symbol_heap
+ -> (new_ptr, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps })
+ _ -> (nilPtr, us)
+ (app_args, us) = unfold app_args us
+ = ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us)
+ unfold app=:{app_symb, app_args, app_info_ptr} us=:{us_symbol_heap}
+ # (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap)
+ = case is_function_or_macro app_symb.symb_kind of
+ True -> newPtr EI_Empty us_symbol_heap
+ _ -> case (app_symb.symb_kind, isNilPtr app_info_ptr) of
+ (SK_Constructor _, False)
+ # (app_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr app_info_ptr us_symbol_heap
+ -> newPtr app_info us_symbol_heap
+ _ -> (nilPtr, us_symbol_heap)
+ us = { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap }
+ (app_args, us) = unfold app_args us
+ = ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us)
is_function_or_macro (SK_Function _)
= True
@@ -271,8 +329,13 @@ where
= True
is_function_or_macro (SK_OverloadedFunction _)
= True
- is_function_or_macro symb_kind
+ is_function_or_macro _
= False
+ substitute_EI_ClassTypes (EI_ClassTypes class_types) (Yes type_heaps)
+ # (new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps
+ = (EI_ClassTypes new_class_types, Yes type_heaps)
+ substitute_EI_ClassTypes x opt_type_heaps
+ = (x, opt_type_heaps)
instance unfold (Bind a b) | unfold a
@@ -283,14 +346,72 @@ where
instance unfold Case
unfold kees=:{ case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_info_ptr} us=:{us_cleanup_info}
- # ((case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)), us) = unfold (case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)) us
- (old_case_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
- (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr old_case_info us_symbol_heap
+ # (old_case_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
+ (new_case_info, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type old_case_info us.us_opt_type_heaps
+ (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr new_case_info us_symbol_heap
us_cleanup_info = case old_case_info of
EI_Extended _ _ -> [new_info_ptr:us_cleanup_info]
_ -> us_cleanup_info
- = ({ kees & case_expr = case_expr,case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default, case_info_ptr = new_info_ptr},
- { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=us_cleanup_info })
+ us = { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps, us_cleanup_info=us_cleanup_info }
+ ((case_guards,case_default), us) = unfold (case_guards,case_default) us
+ (case_expr, us) = update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr new_info_ptr us
+ = ({ kees & case_expr = case_expr,case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default, case_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us)
+ where
+ update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) case_info_ptr us=:{us_handle_aci_free_vars}
+ #! case_info = sreadPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
+ = case case_info of
+ EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci=:{aci_free_vars}) ei
+ #!(new_aci_free_vars, us) = case us_handle_aci_free_vars of
+ LeaveThem -> (aci_free_vars, us)
+ RemoveThem -> (No, us)
+ SubstituteThem -> case aci_free_vars of
+ No -> (No, us)
+ Yes fvs # (fvs_subst, us) = mapSt unfoldBoundVar fvs us
+ -> (Yes fvs_subst, us)
+ var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap
+ -> case var_info of
+ VI_Body fun_symb {tb_args, tb_rhs} new_aci_params
+ # tb_args_ptrs = [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-tb_args ]
+ (original_bindings, us_var_heap) = mapSt readPtr tb_args_ptrs us.us_var_heap
+ us_var_heap = fold2St bind tb_args_ptrs new_aci_params us_var_heap
+ (tb_rhs, us) = unfold tb_rhs { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap }
+ us_var_heap = fold2St writePtr tb_args_ptrs original_bindings us.us_var_heap
+ new_aci = { aci & aci_params = new_aci_params, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_symb, aci_free_vars = new_aci_free_vars }
+ new_eei = (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase new_aci) ei)
+ us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr new_eei us.us_symbol_heap
+ -> (tb_rhs, { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
+ _ # new_eei = EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase { aci & aci_free_vars = new_aci_free_vars }) ei
+ us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr new_eei us.us_symbol_heap
+ -> unfold case_expr { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap }
+ _ -> unfold case_expr us
+ where
+ // XXX consider to store BoundVars in VI_Body
+ bind fv_info_ptr {fv_name=name, fv_info_ptr=info_ptr} var_heap
+ = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var {var_name=name, var_info_ptr=info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr})) var_heap
+ bind ({fv_info_ptr}, var_bound_var) var_heap
+ = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression var_bound_var) var_heap
+/* update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) case_info_ptr us
+ #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap
+ = case var_info of
+ VI_Body fun_symb fun_body new_aci_var_info_ptr
+ # (fun_body, us) = unfold fun_body us
+ (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci) ei, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
+ new_aci = { aci & aci_var_info_ptr = new_aci_var_info_ptr, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_symb }
+ us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase new_aci) ei) us_symbol_heap
+ -> (fun_body, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
+ _ -> unfold case_expr us
+ update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr _ us
+ = unfold case_expr us
+ unfoldBoundVar {var_info_ptr} us
+ #!var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap
+ # (VI_Expression (Var act_var)) = var_info
+ = (act_var, us)
instance unfold Let
@@ -298,8 +419,10 @@ where
# (let_binds, us) = copy_bound_vars let_binds us
# ((let_binds,let_expr), us) = unfold (let_binds,let_expr) us
(old_let_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr let_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
- (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr old_let_info us_symbol_heap
- = ({lad & let_binds = let_binds, let_expr = let_expr, let_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
+ (new_let_info, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type old_let_info us.us_opt_type_heaps
+ (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr new_let_info us_symbol_heap
+ = ({lad & let_binds = let_binds, let_expr = let_expr, let_info_ptr = new_info_ptr},
+ { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps })
copy_bound_vars [bind=:{bind_dst} : binds] us
# (bind_dst, us) = unfold bind_dst us
@@ -308,6 +431,19 @@ where
copy_bound_vars [] us
= ([], us)
+substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info No
+ = (expr_info, No)
+substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_Extended extensions expr_info) yes_type_heaps
+ # (new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info yes_type_heaps
+ = (EI_Extended extensions new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps)
+substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_CaseType case_type) (Yes type_heaps)
+ # (new_case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
+ = (EI_CaseType new_case_type, Yes type_heaps)
+// = (EI_CaseType case_type, Yes type_heaps)
+substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_LetType let_type) (Yes type_heaps)
+ # (new_let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
+ = (EI_LetType new_let_type, Yes type_heaps)
instance unfold CasePatterns
unfold (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) us
@@ -364,7 +500,9 @@ examineFunctionCall {id_info} fc=:{fc_index} (calls, symbol_table)
//unfoldMacro :: !FunDef ![Expression] !*ExpandInfo -> (!Expression, !*ExpandInfo)
unfoldMacro {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}, fun_info = {fi_calls}} args fun_defs (calls, es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap, es_symbol_table})
# (let_binds, var_heap) = bind_expressions tb_args args [] es_var_heap
- (result_expr, {us_symbol_heap,us_var_heap}) = unfold tb_rhs { us_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, us_var_heap = var_heap, us_cleanup_info=[] }
+ us = { us_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, us_var_heap = var_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No, us_cleanup_info = [],
+ us_subst_vars = True, us_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem }
+ (result_expr, {us_symbol_heap,us_var_heap}) = unfold tb_rhs us
(calls, fun_defs, es_symbol_table) = updateFunctionCalls fi_calls calls fun_defs es_symbol_table
| isEmpty let_binds
= (result_expr, fun_defs, (calls, { es & es_var_heap = us_var_heap, es_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table }))
@@ -725,7 +863,9 @@ where
replace_variables [] expr ap_vars var_heap symbol_heap
= (expr, var_heap, symbol_heap)
replace_variables vars expr ap_vars var_heap symbol_heap
- # (expr, us) = unfold expr { us_var_heap = build_aliases vars ap_vars var_heap, us_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=[] }
+ # us = { us_var_heap = build_aliases vars ap_vars var_heap, us_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No,
+ us_cleanup_info=[], us_subst_vars = True, us_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem }
+ (expr, us) = unfold expr us
= (expr, us.us_var_heap, us.us_symbol_heap)
build_aliases [var1 : vars1] [ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : vars2 ] var_heap
@@ -1231,9 +1371,10 @@ where
-> abort "collectVariables [BoundVar] (transform, 1227)" <<- (var_info ---> var_name)
+// XXX
instance <<< FreeVar
- (<<<) file { fv_name } = file <<< fv_name
+ (<<<) file { fv_name,fv_info_ptr } = file <<< fv_name <<< "<" <<< fv_info_ptr <<< ">"
instance <<< Ptr a
@@ -1243,3 +1384,7 @@ instance <<< FunCall
(<<<) file {fc_index} = file <<< fc_index
+instance <<< VarInfo
+ where
+ (<<<) file (VI_Expression expr) = file <<< expr
+ (<<<) file vi = file <<< "VI??"
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index 3a098c0..a8b1c2e 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import checksupport, StdCompare
from unitype import Coercions, CoercionTree, AttributePartition
+// MW: this switch is used to en(dis)able the fusion algorithm
+SwitchFusion fuse dont_fuse :== fuse
errorHeading :: !String !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin
@@ -54,4 +56,5 @@ updateExpressionTypes :: !SymbolType !SymbolType ![ExprInfoPtr] !*TypeHeaps !*Ex
class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps)
instance substitute AType, Type, TypeContext, AttrInequality, CaseType, [a] | substitute a
instance <<< TempSymbolType
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 68ec22b..5f8d6f0 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ implementation module typesupport
import StdEnv, StdCompare
import syntax, parse, check, unitype, utilities, RWSDebug
-SwitchFusion x y = y
+// MW: this switch is used to en(dis)able the fusion algorithm
+SwitchFusion fuse dont_fuse :== fuse
:: Store :== Int
@@ -380,6 +380,8 @@ instance bindInstances Type
= type_var_heap
bindInstances (CV l1 :@: r1) (CV l2 :@: r2) type_var_heap
= bindInstances r1 r2 (bindInstances (TV l1) (TV l2) type_var_heap)
+ bindInstances a b tvh
+ = abort ("abort"--->(a,b))
instance bindInstances [a] | bindInstances a
@@ -453,7 +455,6 @@ substituteTypeVariable tv=:{tv_name,tv_info_ptr} heaps=:{th_vars}
-> (type, heaps)
-> (TV tv, heaps)
-// -> abort ("Error in substitute (Type)" ---> (tv_info, tv_name))
instance substitute Type