path: root/frontend
diff options
authorsjakie2001-10-08 11:49:17 +0000
committersjakie2001-10-08 11:49:17 +0000
commit6699a7ce6ee7c0c68deb75d68adc3dddd1e790b2 (patch)
tree4d8c043f0072195b3b2cc28d555fd01ac7ddf896 /frontend
parentgenerate and export all labels for records and constructors when ExportLocalL... (diff)
universally quantified attribute variables in typedefs added
bug fix: combination of caching and omitted clasdefs git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@833 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
9 files changed, 146 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 46a9f25..6c608a1 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -76,20 +76,28 @@ where
# (gv, st_vars, error) = find gv st_vars error
= (gv, [st_var:st_vars], error)
-checkTypeClasses :: !Index !Index !*{#ClassDef} !*{#MemberDef} !*{#CheckedTypeDef} !*{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
+checkTypeClasses :: !Index !(Optional (CopiedDefinitions, Int)) !*{#ClassDef} !*{#MemberDef} !*{#CheckedTypeDef} !*{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (!*{#ClassDef}, !*{#MemberDef}, !*{#CheckedTypeDef}, !*{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-checkTypeClasses class_index module_index class_defs member_defs type_defs modules type_heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
- | class_index == size class_defs
- = (class_defs, member_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
- # (class_def=:{class_name,class_pos,class_args,class_context,class_members,class_dictionary}, class_defs) = class_defs![class_index]
- cs = {cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name class_pos) cs_error }
- (class_args, class_context, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
- = checkSuperClasses class_args class_context module_index type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
- class_dictionary = { class_dictionary & ds_ident.id_info = nilPtr }
- class_defs = { class_defs & [class_index] = { class_def & class_context = class_context, class_args = class_args, class_dictionary = class_dictionary }}
- member_defs = set_classes_in_member_defs 0 class_members {glob_object = class_index, glob_module = module_index} member_defs
- = checkTypeClasses (inc class_index) module_index class_defs member_defs type_defs modules type_heaps cs
+checkTypeClasses module_index opt_icl_info class_defs member_defs type_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ #! n_classes = size class_defs
+ = iFoldSt (check_type_class module_index opt_icl_info) 0 n_classes (class_defs, member_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
+ check_type_class module_index opt_icl_info class_index (class_defs, member_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
+ | has_to_be_checked module_index opt_icl_info class_index
+ # (class_def=:{class_name,class_pos,class_args,class_context,class_members}, class_defs) = class_defs![class_index]
+ cs = {cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name class_pos) cs_error }
+ (class_args, class_context, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
+ = checkSuperClasses class_args class_context module_index type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ class_defs = { class_defs & [class_index] = { class_def & class_context = class_context, class_args = class_args }}
+ member_defs = set_classes_in_member_defs 0 class_members {glob_object = class_index, glob_module = module_index} member_defs
+ = (class_defs, member_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (class_defs, member_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
+ has_to_be_checked module_index No class_index
+ = True
+ has_to_be_checked module_index (Yes ({copied_class_defs}, n_cached_dcl_mods)) class_index
+ = not (module_index < n_cached_dcl_mods && class_index < size copied_class_defs && copied_class_defs.[class_index])
set_classes_in_member_defs mem_offset class_members glob_class_index member_defs
| mem_offset == size class_members
= member_defs
@@ -183,22 +191,29 @@ where
checkSpecialsOfInstances mod_index first_mem_index [] next_inst_index all_class_instances all_specials inst_spec_defs all_spec_types heaps predef_symbols error
= (next_inst_index, all_class_instances, all_specials, all_spec_types, heaps, predef_symbols,error)
-checkMemberTypes :: !Index !*{#MemberDef} !*{#CheckedTypeDef} !*{#ClassDef} !*{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*CheckState
+checkMemberTypes :: !Index !(Optional (CopiedDefinitions, Int)) !*{#MemberDef} !*{#CheckedTypeDef} !*{#ClassDef} !*{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*CheckState
-> (!*{#MemberDef}, !*{#CheckedTypeDef}, !*{#ClassDef}, !*{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*CheckState)
-checkMemberTypes module_index member_defs type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs
+checkMemberTypes module_index opt_icl_info member_defs type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs
#! nr_of_members = size member_defs
- = iFoldSt (check_class_member module_index) 0 nr_of_members (member_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
+ = iFoldSt (check_class_member module_index opt_icl_info) 0 nr_of_members (member_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
- check_class_member module_index member_index (member_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
- # (member_def=:{me_symb,me_type,me_pos}, member_defs) = member_defs![member_index]
- position = newPosition me_symb me_pos
- cs = { cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin position cs.cs_error }
- (me_type, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
- = checkMemberType module_index me_type type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
- me_class_vars = [ type_var \\ (TV type_var) <- (hd me_type.st_context).tc_types ]
- (me_type_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- = ({ member_defs & [member_index] = { member_def & me_type = me_type, me_class_vars = me_class_vars, me_type_ptr = me_type_ptr }},
- type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
+ check_class_member module_index opt_icl_info member_index (member_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
+ # (member_def=:{me_symb,me_type,me_pos,me_class}, member_defs) = member_defs![member_index]
+ | has_to_be_checked opt_icl_info me_class
+ # position = newPosition me_symb me_pos
+ cs = { cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin position cs.cs_error }
+ (me_type, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
+ = checkMemberType module_index me_type type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ me_class_vars = [ type_var \\ (TV type_var) <- (hd me_type.st_context).tc_types ]
+ (me_type_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
+ = ({ member_defs & [member_index] = { member_def & me_type = me_type, me_class_vars = me_class_vars, me_type_ptr = me_type_ptr }},
+ type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
+ = (member_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
+ has_to_be_checked No glob_class_index
+ = True
+ has_to_be_checked (Yes ({copied_class_defs}, n_cached_dcl_mods)) {glob_module,glob_object}
+ = not (glob_module < n_cached_dcl_mods && glob_object < size copied_class_defs && copied_class_defs.[glob_object])
:: InstanceSymbols =
{ is_type_defs :: !.{# CheckedTypeDef}
@@ -900,17 +915,17 @@ createCommonDefinitions {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def
array_plus_list a [] = a
array_plus_list a l = arrayPlusList a l
-checkCommonDefinitions :: !Bool !Index !*CommonDefs !*{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*CheckState
+checkCommonDefinitions :: !(Optional (CopiedDefinitions, Int)) !Index !*CommonDefs !*{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*CheckState
-> (!*CommonDefs, !*{# DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*CheckState)
-checkCommonDefinitions is_dcl module_index common modules type_heaps var_heap cs
- #! is_main_dcl_mod = is_dcl && module_index == cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+checkCommonDefinitions opt_icl_info module_index common modules type_heaps var_heap cs
+ #! is_main_dcl_mod = hasOption opt_icl_info && module_index == cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
# (com_type_defs, com_cons_defs, com_selector_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
- = checkTypeDefs is_main_dcl_mod common.com_type_defs module_index
- common.com_cons_defs common.com_selector_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ = checkTypeDefs module_index opt_icl_info
+ common.com_type_defs common.com_cons_defs common.com_selector_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
(com_class_defs, com_member_defs, com_type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
- = checkTypeClasses 0 module_index common.com_class_defs common.com_member_defs com_type_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ = checkTypeClasses module_index opt_icl_info common.com_class_defs common.com_member_defs com_type_defs modules type_heaps cs
(com_member_defs, com_type_defs, com_class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
- = checkMemberTypes module_index com_member_defs com_type_defs com_class_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs
+ = checkMemberTypes module_index opt_icl_info com_member_defs com_type_defs com_class_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs
// AA..
(com_generic_defs, com_class_defs, com_type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
= checkGenerics 0 module_index common.com_generic_defs com_class_defs com_type_defs modules type_heaps cs
@@ -1092,7 +1107,7 @@ renumber_icl_definitions_as_dcl_definitions _ icl_decl_symbols modules cdefs icl
combineDclAndIclModule :: ModuleKind *{#DclModule} [Declaration] (CollectedDefinitions a b) *{#Int} *CheckState
-> (!CopiedDefinitions, !*{#DclModule}, ![Declaration], !CollectedDefinitions a b, !*{#Int}, !*CheckState);
combineDclAndIclModule MK_Main modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
- = ({ copied_type_defs = [], copied_class_defs = [] }, modules, icl_decl_symbols, icl_definitions, icl_sizes, cs)
+ = ({ copied_type_defs = {}, copied_class_defs = {} }, modules, icl_decl_symbols, icl_definitions, icl_sizes, cs)
combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
#! main_dcl_module_n=cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
# (dcl_mod=:{dcl_declared={dcls_local},dcl_macros, dcl_sizes, dcl_common}, modules) = modules![main_dcl_module_n]
@@ -1102,12 +1117,15 @@ combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
(moved_dcl_defs, conversion_table, icl_sizes, icl_decl_symbols, cs)
= foldSt (add_to_conversion_table dcl_macros.ir_from dcl_common) dcls_local ([], { createArray size NoIndex \\ size <-: dcl_sizes }, icl_sizes, icl_decl_symbols, cs)
- (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs, cs)
- = foldSt (add_dcl_definition dcl_common) moved_dcl_defs ([], [], [], [], [], [], { copied_type_defs = [], copied_class_defs = [] }, cs)
+ (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, (cop_td_indexes, cop_cd_indexes), cs)
+ = foldSt (add_dcl_definition dcl_common) moved_dcl_defs ([], [], [], [], [], [], ([], []), cs)
= removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable icl_decl_symbols cGlobalScope cs.cs_symbol_table
- = ( copied_defs
+ # n_dcl_classes = dcl_sizes.[cClassDefs]
+ # n_dcl_types = dcl_sizes.[cTypeDefs]
+ # copied_type_defs = mark_copied_definitions n_dcl_types cop_td_indexes
+ # copied_class_defs = mark_copied_definitions n_dcl_classes cop_cd_indexes
+ = ( { copied_type_defs = copied_type_defs, copied_class_defs = copied_class_defs }
, { modules & [main_dcl_module_n] = { dcl_mod & dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table }}
, icl_decl_symbols
, { icl_definitions
@@ -1122,6 +1140,14 @@ combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ mark_copied_definitions :: !Int ![Index] -> *{# Bool}
+ mark_copied_definitions nr_of_defs not_to_be_checked
+ # marks = createArray nr_of_defs False
+ = foldSt mark_def not_to_be_checked marks
+ where
+ mark_def index marks = { marks & [index] = True }
add_to_conversion_table first_macro_index dcl_common decl=:(Declaration {decl_ident=decl_ident=:{id_info},decl_kind,decl_index,decl_pos})
(moved_dcl_defs, conversion_table, icl_sizes, icl_defs, cs)
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_index,ste_def_level}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
@@ -1170,11 +1196,11 @@ where
add_dcl_definition {com_type_defs} dcl=:(Declaration {decl_kind = STE_Type, decl_index})
- (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs=:{copied_type_defs}, cs)
+ (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, (cop_td_indexes, cop_cd_indexes), cs)
# type_def = com_type_defs.[decl_index]
(new_type_defs, cs) = add_type_def type_def new_type_defs cs
- copied_defs = { copied_defs & copied_type_defs = [decl_index : copied_type_defs] }
- = (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs, cs)
+ cop_td_indexes = [decl_index : cop_td_indexes]
+ = (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, (cop_td_indexes, cop_cd_indexes), cs)
add_type_def td=:{td_pos, td_rhs = AlgType conses} new_type_defs cs
# (conses, cs) = mapSt (redirect_defined_symbol STE_Constructor td_pos) conses cs
@@ -1213,11 +1239,11 @@ where
(new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs, cs)
= (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, [ com_selector_defs.[decl_index] : new_selector_defs ], new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs, cs)
add_dcl_definition {com_class_defs} dcl=:(Declaration {decl_kind = STE_Class, decl_index, decl_pos})
- (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs=:{copied_class_defs}, cs)
+ (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, (cop_td_indexes, cop_cd_indexes), cs)
# class_def = com_class_defs.[decl_index]
- copied_defs = { copied_defs & copied_class_defs = [decl_index : copied_class_defs] }
+ cop_cd_indexes = [decl_index : cop_cd_indexes]
(new_class_defs, cs) = add_class_def decl_pos class_def new_class_defs cs
- = (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, copied_defs, cs)
+ = (new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, new_generic_defs, (cop_td_indexes, cop_cd_indexes), cs)
add_class_def decl_pos cd=:{class_members} new_class_defs cs
# (new_class_members, cs) = mapSt (redirect_defined_symbol STE_Member decl_pos) [ cm \\ cm<-:class_members ] cs
@@ -1589,10 +1615,9 @@ checkModule :: !ScannedModule !IndexRange ![FunDef] !Int !Int !(Optional Scanned
-> (!Bool, *IclModule, *{# DclModule}, *{! Group}, !(Optional {# Index}), !.{#FunDef},!Int, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable, *File, [String])
checkModule m icl_global_function_range fun_defs n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules dcl_module_n_in_cache
optional_dcl_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols symbol_table err_file heaps
-// | False--->("checkModule", m.mod_name)
-// = undef
+ # nr_of_cached_modules = size dcl_modules
# (optional_pre_def_mod,predef_symbols)
- = case size dcl_modules of
+ = case nr_of_cached_modules of
0 # (predef_mod,predef_symbols) = buildPredefinedModule predef_symbols
-> (Yes predef_mod,predef_symbols)
_ -> (No,predef_symbols)
@@ -1600,8 +1625,7 @@ checkModule m icl_global_function_range fun_defs n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_m
= check_module1 m icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
# icl_instance_range = {ir_from = first_inst_index, ir_to = nr_of_functions}
- // llslsls CheckState
- = check_module2 mod_name m.mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range nr_of_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
+ = check_module2 mod_name m.mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range nr_of_cached_modules nr_of_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs} icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
# error = {ea_file = err_file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
@@ -1620,17 +1644,19 @@ check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cde
(icl_functions, sizes_and_local_defs) = collectGlobalFunctions cFunctionDefs icl_global_function_range.ir_from icl_global_function_range.ir_to icl_functions sizes_and_local_defs
(icl_functions, (sizes, local_defs)) = collectMacros cdefs.def_macros icl_functions sizes_and_local_defs
- main_dcl_module_n = if (dcl_module_n_in_cache<>NoIndex) dcl_module_n_in_cache (size dcl_modules)
+ # nr_of_cached_modules = size dcl_modules
+ main_dcl_module_n = if (dcl_module_n_in_cache<>NoIndex) dcl_module_n_in_cache nr_of_cached_modules
cs = { cs_symbol_table = symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, cs_error = error, cs_x= {x_needed_modules=0,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
- (scanned_modules, icl_functions, cs) = add_dcl_module_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules (size dcl_modules) icl_functions cs
+ (scanned_modules, icl_functions, cs) = add_dcl_module_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules nr_of_cached_modules icl_functions cs
- init_new_dcl_modules = gimme_a_strict_array_type { initialDclModule scanned_module module_n \\ scanned_module <- scanned_modules & module_n<-[size dcl_modules..]}
+ init_new_dcl_modules = gimme_a_strict_array_type { initialDclModule scanned_module module_n \\ scanned_module <- scanned_modules & module_n<-[nr_of_cached_modules..]}
- init_dcl_modules = { if (i<size dcl_modules)
+ init_dcl_modules = { if (i<nr_of_cached_modules)
- init_new_dcl_modules.[i-size dcl_modules]
- \\ i<-[0..size dcl_modules+size init_new_dcl_modules-1]}
+ init_new_dcl_modules.[i-nr_of_cached_modules]
+ \\ i<-[0..nr_of_cached_modules+size init_new_dcl_modules-1]}
= (mod_name,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,local_defs,icl_functions,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
@@ -1769,12 +1795,12 @@ add_function_conversion_table dcl_to_icl_function_conversions main_dcl_module_n
# dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [main_dcl_module_n].dcl_conversions=Yes conversion_table}
-> dcl_modules
-check_module2 :: Ident {#Char} [.ImportedObject] .[Import ImportDeclaration] .ModuleKind !.IndexRange !.IndexRange !Int !Int
+check_module2 :: Ident {#Char} [.ImportedObject] .[Import ImportDeclaration] .ModuleKind !.IndexRange !.IndexRange !Int !Int !Int
(Optional (Module a)) [Declaration] *{#FunDef} *{#DclModule} (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange)
*{#.Int} *Heaps *CheckState
-> (!Bool,.IclModule,!.{#DclModule},.{!Group},!Optional {#Int},!.{#FunDef},!Int,!.Heaps,!.{#PredefinedSymbol},
!.Heap SymbolTableEntry,!.File,[String]);
-check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range nr_of_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
+check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range nr_of_cached_modules nr_of_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
# (main_dcl_module_n,cs)=cs!cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
(icl_sizes_without_added_dcl_defs, sizes) = memcpy sizes
(copied_dcl_defs, dcl_modules, local_defs, cdefs, icl_sizes, cs)
@@ -1858,7 +1884,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
(local_defs,dcl_modules,cs ) = replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros mod_type cdefs.def_macros local_defs dcl_modules cs
(icl_common, dcl_modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
- = checkCommonDefinitions cIsNotADclModule main_dcl_module_n icl_common dcl_modules heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_var_heap cs
+ = checkCommonDefinitions (Yes (copied_dcl_defs, nr_of_cached_modules)) main_dcl_module_n icl_common dcl_modules heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_var_heap cs
(unexpanded_icl_type_defs, icl_common)
= copy_com_type_defs icl_common
@@ -2634,7 +2660,7 @@ checkDclModule dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components imports_ikh componen
#! main_dcl_module_n = cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
# (dcl_common, modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
- = checkCommonDefinitions cIsADclModule mod_index dcl_common modules hp_type_heaps hp_var_heap cs
+ = checkCommonDefinitions No mod_index dcl_common modules hp_type_heaps hp_var_heap cs
= { heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap=hp_expression_heap}
| not cs.cs_error.ea_ok
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.dcl b/frontend/checksupport.dcl
index 6e6688f..5057176 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.dcl
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ cModuleScope :== 0
cGlobalScope :== 1
cRankTwoScope :== 2
-cIsNotADclModule :== False
-cIsADclModule :== True
cNeedStdArray :== 1
cNeedStdEnum :== 2
cNeedStdDynamic :== 4
@@ -84,8 +81,8 @@ cConversionTableSize :== 9 // AA
:: CopiedDefinitions =
- { copied_type_defs :: [Index]
- , copied_class_defs :: [Index]
+ { copied_type_defs :: {#Bool}
+ , copied_class_defs :: {#Bool}
:: IclModule =
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index 0fb2843..49f2d07 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ cModuleScope :== 0
cGlobalScope :== 1
cRankTwoScope :== 2
-cIsNotADclModule :== False
-cIsADclModule :== True
cNeedStdArray :== 1
cNeedStdEnum :== 2
cNeedStdDynamic :== 4
@@ -97,8 +94,8 @@ where
:: CopiedDefinitions =
- { copied_type_defs :: [Index]
- , copied_class_defs :: [Index]
+ { copied_type_defs :: {#Bool}
+ , copied_class_defs :: {#Bool}
:: IclModule =
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.dcl b/frontend/checktypes.dcl
index a6e63e7..a228699 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.dcl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.dcl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ definition module checktypes
import checksupport, typesupport
-checkTypeDefs :: !Bool !*{# CheckedTypeDef} !Index !*{# ConsDef} !*{# SelectorDef} !*{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
+checkTypeDefs :: !Index !(Optional (CopiedDefinitions, Int)) !*{# CheckedTypeDef} !*{# ConsDef} !*{# SelectorDef} !*{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (!*{# CheckedTypeDef}, !*{# ConsDef}, !*{# SelectorDef}, !*{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
checkFunctionType :: !Index !SymbolType !Specials !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !v:{# ClassDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 62ba41c..f3802de 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -311,20 +311,26 @@ where
CS_Checked :== 1
CS_Checking :== 0
-checkTypeDefs :: !Bool !*{# CheckedTypeDef} !Index !*{# ConsDef} !*{# SelectorDef} !*{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
+checkTypeDefs :: !Index !(Optional (CopiedDefinitions, Int)) !*{# CheckedTypeDef} !*{# ConsDef} !*{# SelectorDef} !*{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (!*{# CheckedTypeDef}, !*{# ConsDef}, !*{# SelectorDef}, !*{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-checkTypeDefs is_main_dcl type_defs module_index cons_defs selector_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+checkTypeDefs module_index opt_icl_info type_defs cons_defs selector_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
#! nr_of_types = size type_defs
# ts = { ts_type_defs = type_defs, ts_cons_defs = cons_defs, ts_selector_defs = selector_defs, ts_modules = modules }
- ti = { ti_type_heaps = type_heaps, ti_var_heap = var_heap, ti_used_types = [] }
- = check_type_defs is_main_dcl 0 nr_of_types module_index ts ti cs
+ ti = { ti_type_heaps = type_heaps, ti_var_heap = var_heap, ti_used_types = [] }
+ ({ts_type_defs,ts_cons_defs, ts_selector_defs, ts_modules}, {ti_var_heap,ti_type_heaps}, cs)
+ = iFoldSt (check_type_def module_index opt_icl_info) 0 nr_of_types (ts, ti, cs)
+ = (ts_type_defs, ts_cons_defs, ts_selector_defs, ts_modules, ti_var_heap, ti_type_heaps, cs)
- check_type_defs is_main_dcl type_index nr_of_types module_index ts ti=:{ti_type_heaps,ti_var_heap} cs
- | type_index == nr_of_types
- = (ts.ts_type_defs, ts.ts_cons_defs, ts.ts_selector_defs, ts.ts_modules, ti_var_heap, ti_type_heaps, cs)
- # (ts, ti, cs) = checkTypeDef type_index module_index ts ti cs
- = check_type_defs is_main_dcl (inc type_index) nr_of_types module_index ts ti cs
+ check_type_def module_index opt_icl_info type_index (ts, ti, cs)
+ | has_to_be_checked module_index opt_icl_info type_index
+ = checkTypeDef type_index module_index ts ti cs
+ = (ts, ti, cs)
+ has_to_be_checked module_index No type_index
+ = True
+ has_to_be_checked module_index (Yes ({copied_type_defs}, n_cached_dcl_mods)) type_index
+ = not (module_index < n_cached_dcl_mods && type_index < size copied_type_defs && copied_type_defs.[type_index])
:: OpenTypeInfo =
{ oti_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
@@ -1218,7 +1224,7 @@ where
-> (!*{#ClassDef}, !w:{#DclModule}, !v:[SymbolPtr], !u:Indexes, !*TypeVarHeap, !*VarHeap, !*SymbolTable)
create_class_dictionary mod_index class_index class_defs =:{[class_index] = class_def } modules rev_dictionary_list
indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
- # {class_name,class_args,class_arity,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary=ds=:{ds_ident={id_name,id_info}}} = class_def
+ # {class_name,class_args,class_arity,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary=ds=:{ds_ident={id_name}}} = class_def
# (type_id_info, symbol_table) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry symbol_table
nr_of_members = size class_members
nr_of_fields = nr_of_members + length class_context
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index a4baf5d..466f07c 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -15,24 +15,16 @@ instance_def_error = "instance definition in the impl module conflicts with the
compareError message pos error_admin
= popErrorAdmin (checkError "" message (pushErrorAdmin pos error_admin))
-markCheckedDefinitions :: !Int ![Index] -> *{# Bool}
-markCheckedDefinitions nr_of_defs not_to_be_checked
- # marks = createArray nr_of_defs True
- = foldSt mark_def not_to_be_checked marks
- mark_def index marks = { marks & [index] = False }
-compareTypeDefs :: !{# Int} ![Index] !{# CheckedTypeDef} !{# ConsDef} !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !v:{# ConsDef} !*CompareState
+compareTypeDefs :: !{# Int} !{#Bool} !{# CheckedTypeDef} !{# ConsDef} !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !v:{# ConsDef} !*CompareState
-> (!u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ConsDef}, !*CompareState)
compareTypeDefs dcl_sizes copied_from_dcl dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs icl_type_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
# nr_of_dcl_types = dcl_sizes.[cTypeDefs]
- to_be_checked = markCheckedDefinitions nr_of_dcl_types copied_from_dcl
- = iFoldSt (compare_type_defs to_be_checked dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_types (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
+ = iFoldSt (compare_type_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_types (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
compare_type_defs :: !{# Bool} !{# CheckedTypeDef} !{# ConsDef} !Index (!u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ConsDef}, !*CompareState)
-> (!u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ConsDef}, !*CompareState)
- compare_type_defs to_be_checked dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs type_index (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap,comp_attr_var_heap})
- | to_be_checked.[type_index]
+ compare_type_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs type_index (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap,comp_attr_var_heap})
+ | not copied_from_dcl.[type_index]
# dcl_type_def = dcl_type_defs.[type_index]
(icl_type_def, icl_type_defs) = icl_type_defs![type_index]
comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dcl_type_def.td_args comp_type_var_heap
@@ -102,17 +94,16 @@ where
= (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
-compareClassDefs :: !{# Int} ![Index] !{# ClassDef} !{# MemberDef} !u:{# ClassDef} !v:{# MemberDef} !*CompareState
+compareClassDefs :: !{#Int} {#Bool} !{# ClassDef} !{# MemberDef} !u:{# ClassDef} !v:{# MemberDef} !*CompareState
-> (!u:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState)
compareClassDefs dcl_sizes copied_from_dcl dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs icl_class_defs icl_member_defs comp_st
# nr_of_dcl_classes = dcl_sizes.[cClassDefs]
- to_be_checked = markCheckedDefinitions nr_of_dcl_classes copied_from_dcl
- = iFoldSt (compare_class_defs to_be_checked dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_classes (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
+ = iFoldSt (compare_class_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_classes (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
compare_class_defs :: !{# Bool} {# ClassDef} {# MemberDef} !Index (!u:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState)
-> (!u:{# ClassDef}, v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState)
- compare_class_defs to_be_checked dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs class_index (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
- | to_be_checked.[class_index]
+ compare_class_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs class_index (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
+ | not copied_from_dcl.[class_index]
# dcl_class_def = dcl_class_defs.[class_index]
(icl_class_def, icl_class_defs) = icl_class_defs![class_index]
# (ok, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = compare_classes dcl_class_def dcl_member_defs icl_class_def icl_member_defs comp_st
diff --git a/frontend/general.dcl b/frontend/general.dcl
index 6ee3b29..9739a5b 100644
--- a/frontend/general.dcl
+++ b/frontend/general.dcl
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ instance <<< [a] | <<< a
:: Optional x = Yes !x | No
+hasOption :: (Optional x) -> Bool
:: Choice a b = Either a | Or b
(--->) infix :: .a !b -> .a | <<< b
diff --git a/frontend/general.icl b/frontend/general.icl
index b542268..4ac4931 100644
--- a/frontend/general.icl
+++ b/frontend/general.icl
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ cMAXINT :== 2147483647
:: BITVECT :== Int
+hasOption :: (Optional x) -> Bool
+hasOption (Yes _) = True
+hasOption No = False
instance ~ Bool
where ~ b = not b
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 8159d1b..342b733 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ freshCopyOfAttributeVar {av_name,av_info_ptr} attr_var_heap
AVI_Attr attr
-> (attr, attr_var_heap)
- -> abort ("freshCopyOfAttributeVar (type,icl)" ---> av_name)
+ -> abort ("freshCopyOfAttributeVar (type,icl)" ---> (av_name,av_info_ptr))
freshCopyOfTypeAttribute (TA_Var avar) attr_var_heap
@@ -586,8 +586,9 @@ where
# (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, th_attrs) = fresh_existential_attribute atv_attribute (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, th_attrs)
= (exi_attr_vars, var_store, attr_store, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs })
- fresh_existential_attribute (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, attr_heap)
+ fresh_existential_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, attr_heap)
= ([ attr_store : exi_attr_vars ], inc attr_store, attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar attr_store)))
+// ---> ("fresh_existential_attribute", av_info_ptr,av_name)
fresh_existential_attribute attr state
= state
@@ -645,8 +646,9 @@ freshAlgebraicType {glob_module, glob_object} patterns common_defs ts=:{ts_var_s
// ---> ("freshAlgebraicType", alg_type, cons_types)
fresh_symbol_types [{ap_symbol={glob_object},ap_expr}] cons_defs var_store attr_store type_heaps all_exis_variables
- # {cons_type = {st_args,st_attr_env,st_result}, cons_index, cons_exi_vars} = cons_defs.[glob_object.ds_index]
+ # {cons_type = ct=:{st_args,st_attr_env,st_result}, cons_index, cons_exi_vars} = cons_defs.[glob_object.ds_index]
(exis_variables, var_store, attr_store, type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars var_store attr_store type_heaps
+// -?-> (not (isEmpty cons_exi_vars), ("fresh_symbol_types", cons_exi_vars, ct))
(attr_env, th_attrs) = fresh_environment st_attr_env [] type_heaps.th_attrs
(result_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_result { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }
(fresh_args, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_args type_heaps
@@ -655,8 +657,9 @@ where
fresh_symbol_types [{ap_symbol={glob_object},ap_expr} : patterns] cons_defs var_store attr_store type_heaps all_exis_variables
# (cons_types, result_type, attr_env, var_store, attr_store, type_heaps, all_exis_variables)
= fresh_symbol_types patterns cons_defs var_store attr_store type_heaps all_exis_variables
- {cons_type = {st_args,st_attr_env}, cons_index, cons_exi_vars} = cons_defs.[glob_object.ds_index]
+ {cons_type = ct=:{st_args,st_attr_env}, cons_index, cons_exi_vars} = cons_defs.[glob_object.ds_index]
(exis_variables, var_store, attr_store, type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars var_store attr_store type_heaps
+// -?-> (not (isEmpty cons_exi_vars), ("fresh_symbol_types", cons_exi_vars, ct))
(attr_env, th_attrs) = fresh_environment st_attr_env attr_env type_heaps.th_attrs
(fresh_args, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_args { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }
all_exis_variables = add_exis_variables ap_expr exis_variables all_exis_variables
@@ -1037,8 +1040,9 @@ determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos ident act_arity st=:{st_args,st_result,st_attr
-> currySymbolType copy_symb_type act_arity ts
standardFieldSelectorType pos {glob_object={ds_ident,ds_index},glob_module} {ti_common_defs} ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_exis_variables}
- # {sd_type,sd_exi_vars} = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_selector_defs.[ds_index]
+ # (st=:{sd_type,sd_exi_vars}) = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_selector_defs.[ds_index]
(new_exis_variables, ts_var_store, ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables sd_exi_vars ts_var_store ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps
+// -?-> (not (isEmpty sd_exi_vars), ("standardFieldSelectorType", sd_exi_vars, st))
ts_exis_variables = addToExistentialVariables pos new_exis_variables ts_exis_variables
ts = { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_exis_variables = ts_exis_variables }
= freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars sd_type ti_common_defs ts
@@ -1049,15 +1053,26 @@ standardTupleSelectorType pos {ds_index} arg_nr {ti_common_defs} ts
= freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars { cons_type & st_args = [cons_type.st_result], st_result = cons_type.st_args !! arg_nr } ti_common_defs ts
standardRhsConstructorType pos index mod arity {ti_common_defs} ts
- #! {cons_symb, cons_type, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
- # cons_type = { cons_type & st_vars = mapAppend (\{atv_variable} -> atv_variable) cons_exi_vars cons_type.st_vars }
+ # {cons_symb, cons_type=ct=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars}, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
+ (st_vars, st_attr_vars) = foldSt add_vars_and_attr cons_exi_vars (st_vars, st_attr_vars)
+ cons_type = { ct & st_vars = st_vars, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars }
(fresh_type, ts) = freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars cons_type ti_common_defs ts
= currySymbolType fresh_type arity ts
+ add_vars_and_attr {atv_variable, atv_attribute} (type_variables, attr_variables)
+ = ([ atv_variable : type_variables ], add_attr_var atv_attribute attr_variables)
+ add_attr_var (TA_Var avar) attr_variables
+ = [ avar : attr_variables ]
+ add_attr_var attr attr_variables
+ = attr_variables
// ---> ("standardRhsConstructorType", cons_symb, fresh_type)
standardLhsConstructorType pos index mod arity {ti_common_defs} ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_exis_variables}
# {cons_symb, cons_type, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
(new_exis_variables, ts_var_store, ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars ts_var_store ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps
+// -?-> (not (isEmpty cons_exi_vars), ("standardLhsConstructorType", cons_exi_vars, cons_type))
ts_exis_variables = addToExistentialVariables pos new_exis_variables ts_exis_variables
ts = { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_exis_variables = ts_exis_variables }
= freshSymbolType No cWithFreshContextVars cons_type ti_common_defs ts
@@ -2522,6 +2537,10 @@ getPositionOfExpr expr var_heap
empty_id =: { id_name = "", id_info = nilPtr }
+instance <<< (Ptr a)
+ (<<<) file ptr = file <<< ptrToInt ptr
instance <<< AttrCoercion
(<<<) file {ac_demanded,ac_offered} = file <<< "AttrCoercion: " <<< ac_demanded <<< '~' <<< ac_offered