path: root/frontend
diff options
authorjohnvg2013-06-03 14:21:14 +0000
committerjohnvg2013-06-03 14:21:14 +0000
commit567ded4f44a777e6ea374546ee466edf50997d04 (patch)
treeab5b55ebcd824a9f1671441d7e61851390668c7d /frontend
parentprevent crash when writing .tcl file with extensible algebraic types (not yet... (diff)
remove unused Bool of PE_Let contructor
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2249 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
5 files changed, 30 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl b/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
index d0af688..3e9cd81 100644
--- a/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
+++ b/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ make_case_guards cons_symbol global_type_index alg_patterns expr_heap cs
= (AlgebraicPatterns global_type_index alg_patterns,expr_heap,cs)
checkFunctionBodies :: !FunctionBody !Ident !.ExpressionInput !*ExpressionState !*ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
- -> (!FunctionBody, ![FreeVar], !*ExpressionState, !*ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState)
+ -> (!FunctionBody, ![FreeVar], !*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState)
checkFunctionBodies (ParsedBody [{pb_args,pb_rhs={rhs_alts,rhs_locals}, pb_position} : bodies]) function_ident_for_errors e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index}
e_state=:{es_var_heap, es_fun_defs} e_info cs
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ checkFunctionBodies (ParsedBody [{pb_args,pb_rhs={rhs_alts,rhs_locals}, pb_posit
= addArraySelections array_patterns rhs_expr free_vars e_input e_state e_info cs
cs_symbol_table = removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable ei_expr_level var_env cs.cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- (cb_args, es_var_heap) = mapSt determine_function_arg aux_patterns es_var_heap
+ (cb_args, es_var_heap) = mapSt determine_function_arg aux_patterns es_var_heap
(rhss, free_vars, e_state=:{es_dynamics,es_expr_heap,es_var_heap}, e_info, cs)
= check_function_bodies free_vars cb_args bodies e_input { e_state & es_dynamics = [], es_var_heap = es_var_heap } e_info cs
(rhs, position, es_var_heap, es_expr_heap, dynamics_in_patterns, cs)
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ where
determine_function_arg _ var_store
# ({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable No var_store
= ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
check_function_bodies free_vars fun_args [{pb_args,pb_rhs={rhs_alts,rhs_locals},pb_position} : bodies]
e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state=:{es_var_heap,es_fun_defs} e_info cs
# cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition function_ident_for_errors pb_position) cs
@@ -345,7 +345,8 @@ removeLocalsFromSymbolTable module_index level loc_vars (CollectedLocalDefs {loc
:: LetBinds :== [([LetBind],[LetBind])]
-checkRhs :: [FreeVar] OptGuardedAlts LocalDefs ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(!Expression,![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
+checkRhs :: [FreeVar] OptGuardedAlts LocalDefs ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState
+ -> *(!Expression,![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
checkRhs free_vars rhs_alts rhs_locals e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index,ei_local_functions_index_offset} e_state e_info cs
# ei_expr_level = inc ei_expr_level
(loc_defs, (var_env, array_patterns), e_state, e_info, cs) = checkLhssOfLocalDefs ei_expr_level ei_mod_index rhs_locals ei_local_functions_index_offset e_state e_info cs
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ where
remove_seq_let_vars level [let_vars : let_vars_list] symbol_table
= remove_seq_let_vars (dec level) let_vars_list (removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable level let_vars symbol_table)
- check_sequential_lets :: [FreeVar] [NodeDefWithLocals] u:[[Ident]] !ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState
+ check_sequential_lets :: [FreeVar] [NodeDefWithLocals] u:[[Ident]] !ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState
-> *(!LetBinds,!u:[[Ident]],!Int,![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
check_sequential_lets free_vars [seq_let:seq_lets] let_vars_list e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state e_info cs
# ei_expr_level = inc ei_expr_level
@@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ checkLocalFunctions mod_index level (CollectedLocalDefs {loc_functions={ir_from,
= (fun_defs,e_info,heaps,cs)
checkExpression :: ![FreeVar] !ParsedExpr !ExpressionInput !*ExpressionState !*ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
- -> *(!Expression, ![FreeVar], !*ExpressionState, !*ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState);
+ -> *(!Expression, ![FreeVar], !*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
checkExpression free_vars (PE_List exprs) e_input e_state e_info cs
# (exprs, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_expressions free_vars exprs e_input e_state e_info cs
(expr, e_state, cs_error) = build_expression exprs e_state cs.cs_error
@@ -619,7 +620,7 @@ where
# (result_expr, e_state, cs_error) = buildApplication symb arity 2 [left,result_expr] e_state cs_error
= build_final_expression left_appls result_expr e_state cs_error
-checkExpression free_vars (PE_Let strict let_locals expr) e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index,ei_local_functions_index_offset} e_state e_info cs
+checkExpression free_vars (PE_Let let_locals expr) e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index,ei_local_functions_index_offset} e_state e_info cs
# ei_expr_level = inc ei_expr_level
(loc_defs, (var_env, array_patterns), e_state, e_info, cs)
= checkLhssOfLocalDefs ei_expr_level ei_mod_index let_locals ei_local_functions_index_offset e_state e_info cs
@@ -2585,15 +2586,14 @@ where
cs = checkPatternVariable pi_def_level entry id new_info_ptr { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= (AP_Variable id new_info_ptr opt_var, ([ id : var_env ], array_patterns), { ps & ps_var_heap = ps_var_heap}, e_info, cs)
check_local_lhs_pattern pattern opt_var p_input accus var_store e_info cs
- = checkPattern pattern opt_var p_input accus var_store e_info cs
+ = checkPattern pattern opt_var p_input accus var_store e_info cs
addArraySelections [] rhs_expr free_vars e_input e_state e_info cs
= (rhs_expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
addArraySelections array_patterns rhs_expr free_vars e_input e_state e_info cs
# (let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
= buildArraySelections e_input array_patterns free_vars e_state e_info cs
- (let_expr_ptr, es_expr_heap)
- = newPtr EI_Empty e_state.es_expr_heap
+ (let_expr_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty e_state.es_expr_heap
= ( Let {let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds,
let_expr = rhs_expr, let_info_ptr = let_expr_ptr, let_expr_position = NoPos }
, free_vars , { e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap} , e_info, cs )
@@ -2641,23 +2641,17 @@ buildSelections e_input {ap_opt_var, ap_array_var, ap_selections}
-> (unq_select_symb, UniqueSingleArraySelector, cs)
_ # (select_symb, cs) = getPredefinedGlobalSymbol PD_ArraySelectFun PD_StdArray STE_Member 2 cs
-> (select_symb, UniqueSelector, cs)
- e_state
- = { e_state & es_var_heap = es_var_heap, es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap }
+ e_state = { e_state & es_var_heap = es_var_heap, es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap }
(index_exprs, (free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs))
= mapSt (check_index_expr e_input) parsed_index_exprs (free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
- selections
- = [ ArraySelection glob_select_symb new_expr_ptr index_expr \\ new_expr_ptr<-new_expr_ptrs & index_expr<-index_exprs ]
+ selections = [ ArraySelection glob_select_symb new_expr_ptr index_expr \\ new_expr_ptr<-new_expr_ptrs & index_expr<-index_exprs ]
= ( new_array_var
, [ {lb_dst = var_for_uselect_result, lb_src = Selection selector_kind (Var bound_array_var) selections, lb_position = NoPos }
, {lb_dst = new_array_var, lb_src = TupleSelect tuple_cons.glob_object 1 (Var bound_var_for_uselect_result), lb_position = NoPos }
, {lb_dst = array_element_var, lb_src = TupleSelect tuple_cons.glob_object 0 (Var bound_var_for_uselect_result), lb_position = NoPos }
: binds
- , free_vars
- , e_state
- , e_info
- , cs
- )
+ , free_vars, e_state, e_info , cs)
check_index_expr e_input parsed_index_expr (free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
# (index_expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = checkExpression free_vars parsed_index_expr e_input e_state e_info cs
@@ -2802,7 +2796,7 @@ retrieveSelectorIndexes mod_index {ste_kind = STE_Selector selector_list, ste_in
adjust_mod_index mod_index selector=:{glob_module}
| glob_module == NoIndex
- = { selector & glob_module = mod_index }
+ = {selector & glob_module = mod_index}
= selector
retrieveSelectorIndexes mod_index off_kind
= []
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index ceb527f..faf98e1 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -3571,7 +3571,7 @@ trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT (LetToken strict) pState // let! is not supported in
# (let_binds, pState) = wantLocals pState
pState = wantToken FunctionContext "let expression" InToken pState
(let_expr, pState) = wantExpression pState
- = (True, PE_Let strict let_binds let_expr, pState)
+ = (True, PE_Let let_binds let_expr, pState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT CaseToken pState
# (case_exp, pState) = wantCaseExp pState
= (True, case_exp, pState)
@@ -4375,7 +4375,7 @@ transform_record_or_array_update type expr updates level pState
build_update record_type No expr assignments
= PE_Record expr record_type assignments
build_update record_type (Yes ident) expr assignments
- = PE_Let False (LocalParsedDefs [buildNodeDef (PE_Ident ident) expr])
+ = PE_Let (LocalParsedDefs [buildNodeDef (PE_Ident ident) expr])
(PE_Record (PE_Ident ident) record_type assignments)
check_field_and_record_types :: OptionalRecordName OptionalRecordName ParseState -> (!OptionalRecordName,!ParseState);
@@ -4429,7 +4429,7 @@ transform_record_or_array_update type expr updates level pState
= transform_record_update NoRecordName
(PE_Ident element_id)
[[{nu_selectors=(reverse record_selectors), nu_update_expr=update_expr}]] (level+1) pState
- = (PE_Let False
+ = (PE_Let
(LocalParsedDefs [index_def, select_def])
(PE_Update (PE_Ident array_id) (reverse [PS_Array (PE_Ident index_id) : initial_selectors]) updated_element), pState)
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index fc63ca7..126d64c 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ where
collectFunctions (PE_Lambda lam_ident args res pos) icl_module ca
# ((args,res), ca) = collectFunctions (args,res) icl_module ca
# (range, ca) = addFunctionsRange [transformLambda lam_ident args res pos] ca
- = (PE_Let cIsStrict (CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = range, loc_nodes = [], loc_in_icl_module=icl_module })
+ = (PE_Let (CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = range, loc_nodes = [], loc_in_icl_module=icl_module })
(PE_Ident lam_ident), ca)
collectFunctions (PE_Record rec_expr type_ident fields) icl_module ca
# ((rec_expr,fields), ca) = collectFunctions (rec_expr,fields) icl_module ca
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ where
(c, ca) = collectFunctions c icl_module ca
(case_alts, ca) = collectFunctions case_alts icl_module ca
= (PE_Case if_ident c case_alts, ca)
- collectFunctions (PE_Let strict locals in_expr) icl_module ca
+ collectFunctions (PE_Let locals in_expr) icl_module ca
# ((node_defs,in_expr), ca) = collectFunctions (locals,in_expr) icl_module ca
- = (PE_Let strict node_defs in_expr, ca)
+ = (PE_Let node_defs in_expr, ca)
collectFunctions (PE_ListCompr predef_cons_index predef_nil_index expr qualifiers) icl_module ca
# (compr, ca) = transformListComprehension predef_cons_index predef_nil_index expr qualifiers ca
= collectFunctions compr icl_module ca
@@ -677,17 +677,17 @@ where
minimum exp1 ident2=:(PE_Ident _) ca
# node_def1 = PD_NodeDef (LinePos qual_filename gen_position.lc_line) ident1 (exprToRhs exp1)
# (min_exp,ca) = minimum_of_idents ident1 ident2 ca
- = (PE_Let cIsNotStrict (LocalParsedDefs [node_def1]) min_exp,ca)
+ = (PE_Let (LocalParsedDefs [node_def1]) min_exp,ca)
minimum ident1=:(PE_Ident _) exp2 ca
# node_def2 = PD_NodeDef (LinePos qual_filename gen_position.lc_line) ident2 (exprToRhs exp2)
# (min_exp,ca) = minimum_of_idents ident1 ident2 ca
- = (PE_Let cIsNotStrict (LocalParsedDefs [node_def2]) min_exp,ca)
+ = (PE_Let (LocalParsedDefs [node_def2]) min_exp,ca)
minimum exp1 exp2 ca
# pos = LinePos qual_filename gen_position.lc_line
# node_def1 = PD_NodeDef pos ident1 (exprToRhs exp1)
# node_def2 = PD_NodeDef pos ident2 (exprToRhs exp2)
# (min_exp,ca) = minimum_of_idents ident1 ident2 ca
- = (PE_Let cIsNotStrict (LocalParsedDefs [node_def1,node_def2]) min_exp,ca)
+ = (PE_Let (LocalParsedDefs [node_def1,node_def2]) min_exp,ca)
minimum_of_idents ident1 ident2 ca
# smaller_fun = get_predef_id PD_SmallerFun
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ add_node_defs_to_exp [] exp
add_node_defs_to_exp [{tg_expr=([],_)}:generators] exp
= add_node_defs_to_exp generators exp
add_node_defs_to_exp [{tg_expr=(node_defs,_)}:generators] exp
- = PE_Let cIsNotStrict (LocalParsedDefs node_defs) (add_node_defs_to_exp generators exp)
+ = PE_Let (LocalParsedDefs node_defs) (add_node_defs_to_exp generators exp)
transformQualifier :: Qualifier *CollectAdmin -> (TransformedQualifier, *CollectAdmin)
transformQualifier {qual_generators,qual_let_defs,qual_filter, qual_position, qual_filename} ca
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ makeComprehensions [{tq_generators,tq_let_defs,tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lh
# failure = PE_List [PE_Ident tq_fun_id : threading ++ rhs_continuation_args_from_generators tq_generators]
rhs = build_rhs tq_generators success tq_let_defs tq_filter failure tq_end tq_fun_pos
parsed_def = MakeNewParsedDef tq_fun_id tq_lhs_args rhs tq_fun_pos
- = (PE_Let cIsStrict (LocalParsedDefs [parsed_def]) tq_call, ca)
+ = (PE_Let (LocalParsedDefs [parsed_def]) tq_call, ca)
build_rhs :: [TransformedGenerator] ParsedExpr LocalDefs (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr ParsedExpr Position -> Rhs
build_rhs [generator : generators] success let_defs optional_filter failure end fun_pos
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index b0a3ff9..d2a47c7 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ instance toString KindInfo
| PE_Update !ParsedExpr [ParsedSelection] ParsedExpr
| PE_Case !Ident !ParsedExpr [CaseAlt]
| PE_If !Ident !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr
- | PE_Let !Bool !LocalDefs !ParsedExpr
+ | PE_Let !LocalDefs !ParsedExpr
| PE_ListCompr /*predef_cons_index:*/ !Int /*predef_nil_index:*/ !Int !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
| PE_ArrayCompr !ArrayKind !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
| PE_Sequ Sequence
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 16ff61b..8d429c3 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ instance toString BasicType where
toString BT_Dynamic = "Dynamic"
toString BT_File = "File"
toString BT_World = "World"
instance <<< BasicType
(<<<) file bt = file <<< toString bt
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ where
= file <<< consid <<< ' ' <<< strictness <<< ' ' <<< types
(<<<) file (arg_type --> res_type)
= file <<< arg_type <<< " -> " <<< res_type
- (<<<) file (type :@: types)
- = file <<< type <<< " @" <<< types
(<<<) file (TB tb)
= file <<< tb
+ (<<<) file (type :@: types)
+ = file <<< type <<< " @" <<< types
(<<<) file TArrow
= file <<< "(->)"
(<<<) file (TArrow1 t)
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ where
(<<<) file (PE_Lambda _ exprs expr _) = file <<< '\\' <<< exprs <<< " -> " <<< expr
(<<<) file (PE_Bound bind) = file <<< bind
(<<<) file (PE_Case _ expr alts) = file <<< "case " <<< expr <<< " of\n" <<< alts
- (<<<) file (PE_Let _ defs expr) = file <<< "let " <<< defs <<< " in\n" <<< expr
+ (<<<) file (PE_Let defs expr) = file <<< "let " <<< defs <<< " in\n" <<< expr
(<<<) file (PE_DynamicPattern expr type) = file <<< expr <<< "::" <<< type
(<<<) file (PE_Dynamic expr maybetype)
= case maybetype of